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Light saturation curves of natural assemblages of phytoplankton at 4 stations in Cabo Frio coastal waters were examined and related to changes in environmental conditions, based on 263 experiments carried out weekly during two years. No differences in specific productivity at saturating light (Pm B ) between stations were detected. Global mean value of Pm B was 4.7 mgC mgChla –1 h–1 with a range from 0.50 to 15.29. Significant seasonal variations were not observed. Correlation and regression analysis attributed most of Pm B variation to temperature, salinity, nutrients and the phaeopigment: chlorophyll-a ratio.  相似文献   

Based on a comparative study of the different phases of upwellingand downwelling, a comprehensive model of average biologicalfeatures at Cabo Frio region was established. For identicalupwelling conditions, biological responses of equal range occur,allowing the establishment of some regional patterns. Thesepatterns are represented by chlorophyll values that range from0.5 to 6.0 mg m–3, and primary production ranging from2 to 14 mg C m–3 h–1. During winter, in the absenceof upwelling, organic detritus constitutes the main energy sourcemaintaining the higher levels of the food web.  相似文献   



Upwelling systems are characterised by an intense primary biomass production in the surface (warmest) water after the outcrop of the bottom (coldest) water, which is rich in nutrients. Although it is known that the microbial assemblage plays an important role in the food chain of marine systems and that the upwelling systems that occur in southwest Brazil drive the complex dynamics of the food chain, little is known about the microbial composition present in this region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We carried out a molecular survey based on SSU rRNA gene from the three domains of the phylogenetic tree of life present in a tropical upwelling region (Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The aim was to analyse the horizontal and vertical variations of the microbial composition in two geographically close areas influenced by anthropogenic activity (sewage disposal/port activity) and upwelling phenomena, respectively. A lower estimated diversity of microorganisms of the three domains of the phylogenetic tree of life was found in the water of the area influenced by anthropogenic activity compared to the area influenced by upwelling phenomena. We observed a heterogenic distribution of the relative abundance of taxonomic groups, especially in the Archaea and Eukarya domains. The bacterial community was dominated by Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla, whereas the microeukaryotic community was dominated by Metazoa, Fungi, Alveolata and Stramenopile. The estimated archaeal diversity was the lowest of the three domains and was dominated by uncharacterised marine Crenarchaeota that were most closely related to Marine Group I.


The variety of conditions and the presence of different microbial assemblages indicated that the area of Arraial do Cabo can be used as a model for detailed studies that contemplate the correlation between pollution-indicating parameters and the depletion of microbial diversity in areas close to anthropogenic activity; functional roles and geochemical processes; phylogeny of the uncharacterised diversity; and seasonal variations of the microbial assemblages.  相似文献   

Natural phytoplankton of Cabo Frio area was grown in 42 m-deep artificially upwelled seawater enriched with increasing concentrations of nitrogen or phosphorus. Respective values allowing maximum biomass, maximum uptake of initial reserve and maximum yield coefficient are rather conflicting. Notwithstanding, respective values of 75 μg at 1−1 nitrogen and 5 μg at 1−1 phosphorus, and therefore N:P = 15, appeared to be the best compromise for initial nutrient levels.  相似文献   

The patterns of distribution and abundance of a fish community were influenced by the magnitude of the canopy of Sargassum furcatum . It is suggested that the fish community in the sublittoral of Farol Beach is structured mainly by factors related to the availability of space and habitats. Quantitative data were collected by visual census techniques, along a belt of 30X2 m in each habitat. Fish diversity was greater in S. furcatum bed and in the rocks, than in the sand where there is less structural complexity. The fish density was related to the macroalgal biomass. Correspondence analysis and cluster analysis were used to describe and compare fish assemblages in three different habitats. The association observed between the juveniles of the sparid Diplodus argenteus , the grunt Haemulon aurolineatum and the surgeonfish Acanthurus bahianus and the different habitats in the summer, and juveniles of the other species in the autumn, indicates a pattern of recruitment of the species in these periods.  相似文献   

基于2011—2013年五大连池的调查,对浮游动物群落结构时空分布特征进行分析,探讨重点放养鱼类之一鳙Aristichthys nobilis的合理放养量。结果表明,五大连池浮游动物4类82种(含未定种);主要优势种集中于原生动物和轮虫,有恩氏筒壳虫Tintinnidium entzii、纵长异尾轮虫Trichocerca elongate等,大型浮游动物中仅剑水蚤Cyclops sp.、无节幼体Nauplii形成优势;密度、生物量总计为3794.98ind/L和2.4558mg/L;多样性指数H'、J、d均值分别为2.15、0.7和0.98;浮游动物群落时空差异显著,五池密度、生物量、多样性、均匀度较高,二池(P2)、三池(P3)相似且次于五池;另外,二池(P2)、三池(P3)浮游动物的密度、生物量、多样性均呈现夏季高于春秋季;根据结果获得五大连池鳙的合理放养量为5.71×105尾。研究可为五大连池生境保护和渔业资源的可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The Lotka-Volterra competition model was used to represent the interaction between Laurencia obtusa and Hypnea spinella. A new model that considers effects of competition on algal carrying capacity is suggested. To test the models, data from field experiments conducted in an intertidal region at Cabo Frio Island, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were used. Both models showed that Hypnea was a stronger competitor than Laurencia. The model of interaction through the carrying capacity showed a stable coexistence between the algal populations and better represented the experimental data.  相似文献   

In lakes, fish and invertebrate predation are recognized asstrong structuring forces on zooplankton communities. The objectof this investigation was to study whether predation has a similarpotential in a coastal area of the brackish Baltic Sea and ifit could explain observed differences in zooplankton communitystructure between a reference area and an eutrophied area. Speciescomposition and daily vertical migration of zooplankton andzooplanktivores, and the diets of the latter, were studied inJuly and August at two 30 m deep stations differing in primaryproductivity. The biomass of zooplankton >35 µm wasdominated by copepods, but cladocerans and rotifers also occurredin significant numbers. The dominating zooplanktivores wereherring (Clupea harengus) and the mysid shrimp Mysis mixta.They fed almost exclusively on zooplankton, mainly copepods,and their estimated food consumption equalled or exceeded thesummer copepodite production. The structure of the zooplanktoncommunity cannot be explained by effects of predation or byfeeding conditions alone. Increases in rotifer and cladoceranabundances with increased primary production suggests effectsof food supply. However, a generally rapid decline in the annualsummer peak of cladocerans may be caused by predation. The totalabundance of copepods did not increase with improved feedingconditions, but there was a shift in species dominance. Thecopepod Ewytemora affinis hirundoides, which was intensivelypreyed upon, increased with increased phytoplankton production,while Acartia bifilosa and/or A.longiremis, which was less eaten,decreased. Predation may explain a pronounced daily verticalmigration of the most predated copepods. They occurred in deeperwater during the day, when the visually feeding herring wereactive, and moved closer to the surface at night when M.mixtaleft the bottom, to forage in the water column.  相似文献   

Most studies present in the literature about the rumen microbiome have focused on cattle and sheep. This is the first report of the characterization of the bacterial and archaeal communities present in the liquid and solid-associated fractions of the rumen from free ranging Moxotó breed goats using 16S rRNA gene libraries. PCR was used to amplify the 16S rRNA gene with bacterial and archaeal universal primers and sequences from each library constructed were obtained. Sequences of Bacteria from the phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were predominant. The overall dominant classes in the rumen were Clostridia and Bacteroidia, which are known to play a role in plant fiber degradation in other ruminants. Unclassified Bacteria accounted for 4.7% of the liquid fraction sequences and 16.4% of the solid fraction sequences. From the archaeal libraries only sequences from the phylum Euryarcheota were identified and were assigned to the class Methanobacteria of the genera Methanobrevibacter and Methanosphaera. A group of Archaea not previously known to be associated with the rumen was identified: uncultured methanogens belonging to the "uncultured marine bacteria" groups II and III. The local water contained high salt concentrations and this may explain the presence of these groups in the Moxotó goat rumen.  相似文献   

El-Shabrawy  Gamal M.  Dumont  Henri J. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,491(1-3):119-132
A prominent feature of Lake Nasser is the presence of khors (dendritic side extensions). We studied the zooplankton of the larger khors and coastal zone of the main lake in 1996 and 1997, and found an assemblage of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods that was partly tropical, partly temperate, at relatively high biomasses. Spatial differences were weak, but the upstream khors (Toushka and Korosko) were consistently richer than the downstream khors (El-Ramla and Kalabsha), with a rather sudden transition around km 150 at El Madiq. Summer standing crops were higher than those in winter by a factor 2–3. The zooplankton of the littoral of the main channel showed the same spatial pattern as that in the khors, being more abundant in spring (average 82300 ind m–3) than in autumn (average 72700 ind m–3). Zooplankton dry weight increased from 4 g m–2 at khor El-Ramla to 7 g m–2 at khor Toushka. These rather high values had low variation. The number of species, diversity and evenness all showed a high degree of similarity among the khors and in the littoral of the main lake. The lake fish fauna is poor, lacking a pelagic planktivore. The predominance of medium-sized Copepoda (one calanoid, two cyclopoids) in the zooplankton suggests that fish predation is moderate. This is confirmed by the persistence of two Daphnia species at low abundance, although rather strong variations in time suggest that Cladocera suffer from summer predation by invertebrates (copepods) as well as vertebrates (mostly larval fish). Because the zooplankton is underutilised by higher trophic levels, we suggest to assess the benefits of introducing a pelagic zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

Surface seawater was collected in four different seasons in the coastal East China Sea adjacent to the Yangtze River Estuary and phytoplankton community diversity was analysed using rbcL genetic markers. Phytoplankton diversity (Shannon Index) was found to be highest in autumn and lowest in summer, which was mainly controlled by seawater temperature, river runoff, the Taiwan Warm Current and possibly other environmental factors. For taxa characterized by Form IAB rbcL, the abundance of Chlorophyta was much greater than those of Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria throughout the year with the most dominant taxa being Bathycoccus prasinos (Chlorophyta) in spring and Micromonas sp. (Chlorophyta) in other seasons. For taxa identified by Form ID rbcL, Coscinodiscophyceae (diatoms) constituted the largest group (most clones) in the phylogenetic tree. Dinophysis fortii (a dinoflagellate) was found to be the most abundant species in winter and spring and Skeletonema spp. (a diatom) dominated the phytoplankton community in summer and autumn. The seasonal dominance of Dinophysis fortii agreed well with the recently increasing proportion of dinoflagellates in the phytoplankton community in the coastal East China Sea. The abundance of Dinophysis fortii was negatively correlated with seawater temperature, suggesting that harmful algal blooms caused by this species may primarily occur in spring.  相似文献   

依据2010年4月、7月和11月对浙江中部近海上升流海域进行的海洋调查资料,运用定量、定性方法,探讨了上升流对该海域浮游动物生态类群分布的影响.结果表明:3个季节共鉴定浮游动物64种,桡足类占主要优势,包括5个生态类群,分别是暖温带近海种、暖温带外海种、亚热带近海种、亚热带外海种和热带大洋种.在种类数组成上,春季以暖温带近海种为主,夏季则是亚热带近海种和亚热带外海种居多,秋季也是亚热带种居多,其中夏季暖温带种种类数要高于春季和秋季,这一现象与同时期东黄海沿海有所不同,主要是由于上升流将一些在海洋底部度夏的暖温种带至海洋表面造成的.此外,3个季节生态类群都是以近海种为主,表明沿岸流是影响这一海域的最主要的水团.在丰度组成上,4月暖温带近海种占总丰度的98.79%,7月暖温带近海种也是组成丰度的重要部分,10月则是亚热带近海种丰度最高.丰度组成所反映的规律与种类数组成规律一致.上升流的存在导致夏季近海暖温带种大量出现,是影响这一海域浮游动物生态类群组成的重要因素;受长江径流和椒江径流的影响,近海种成为主要生态类群,是这一海域浮游动物的一个重要的生态特征.  相似文献   

The structure of the zooplankton biotic community and of copepodpopulation in the coastal area of Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea,Antarctica) was investigated during the 10th Italian AntarcticExpedition (1994/1995). Zooplankton biotic community consistedmainly of pteropods (Limacina helicina and Clione antarctica),Cyclopoid (Oithona similis), Poecilostomatoid (Oncaea curvata)and Calanoid (Ctenocalanus vanus, Paraeuchaeta antarctica, Metridiagerlachei and Stephos longipes) copepods, ostracods, larvalpolychaetes and larval euphausiids. Zooplankton abundance rangedfrom 48.1 ind m–3 to 5968.9 ind m–3, and copepodabundance ranged from 45.2 ind m–3 to 3965.3 ind m–3.The highest peak of zooplankton abundance was observed between25 m and the surface and was mainly due to the contributionof O. similis, O. curvata and C. vanus. Zooplankton biomassranged from 5.28 mg m–3 to 13.04 mg m–3 dry weight;the maximum value was observed between 25 m and the surface.Total lipid content varied from 216.44 to 460.73 mg g–1dry weight.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of predation by larvae of theatherinid Odontesthes bonariensis upon the zooplankton communityduring a 3-month experiment Three-day-old larvae were stockedin 45 m2 concrete tanks at rates of 100 and 200 fish m–2Gut content analyses showed that the larvae consumed relativelysmall prey all along the experiment Morphological (mouth width)and physiological (gastric inefficiency) constraints seems tohave precluded the capture of the largest prey. The prey community,however, showed all the symptoms generally ascribed to size-selectivepredation upon the largest individuals: decrease in maximumzooplankton size and mean cladoceran size, decrease in cladoceranand copepod biomass, extinction of the largest zooplankton species(Daphnia stmilis), increase in rotifer biomass, etc It is concludedthat size-selective predation is not a necessary condition forthe commonly observed decrease in zooplankton size after theincrease in density of a vertebrate predator. The ecologicalimplications of this result are discussed. Present address: Department of Biology, Lehigh University, WilliamsHall 31, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3189, USA  相似文献   

  • 1 The direct and indirect effects of predation by larval fish (Rhamdia sapo) on zooplankton in rearing tanks are analysed. Rhamdia sapo larvae showed an unusual species-selectivity for Acanthocyclops robustus, the main invertebrate predator present.
  • 2 Acanthocyclops robustus populations were markedly reduced, presumably as a direct consequence of species-selective removal. Other zooplanktonic prey were not significantly affected by R. sapo predation.
  • 3 Rotifers increased in tanks with fish, but this was not related to herbivorous crustacean variables (biomass, mean weight, abundance and species composition). On the contrary, rotifer biomass was negatively correlated with some A. robustus variables (biomass and mean weight of adults + copepodites and nauplii biomass). Thus, the rotifer increase appears to be an indirect effect of predation on A. robustus by R. sapo larvae.

The influence of a passive shrimp fishing gear on benthic communities was studied at Laguna Estuarine System (South Brazil), a shallow choked coastal lagoon. The gear is composed by a group of fyke nets (25 mm mesh size) set in contact to the bottom, fixed with stakes forming a cage-like structure (around 30 m2). Samplings were conducted in the two main fishery areas of the estuarine system, Mirim (sand bottoms) and Imaruí (muddy bottoms) lagoon, in May 2005. In each area, 10 fyke net enclosures and 10 nearby sites without nets (control) were sampled. Microphytobenthos biomass (chlorophyll a and phaeopigments), number of taxa/species, density, Hill’s number N 1 and N 2, and estimated number of species (ES100) were used as community attributes. For the nematodes, values of the maturity index and abundance of Wieser’s feeding type were used as well. The effects of the small-scale passive shrimp fishing gear on the coastal lagoon bottoms were dependent on the benthic component analyzed and the type of sediment. Whereas macrofauna was not affected by the net enclosures, meiofauna and nematodes, particularly from the mud sites were. At the sand site, the fyke net enclosures caused a decrease in the microphytobenthos biomass and changed the relative abundances of non-selective deposit feeding and epigrowth-feeding nematodes. The results indicated that small-scale static nets, such as the studied fyke enclosures, produced low intensity levels of disturbance. However, the enclosed area by nets at Laguna had already reached around 25,000 m2. Given the large proportion of the coastal population involved and the area closed by nets, management policies should consider site-specific differences within the same estuarine system.  相似文献   

2011年10月—2012年7月对渔山列岛浮游动物的种类组成、优势种、群落结构、丰度和生物量进行了调查,分析了浮游动物丰度、多样性指数及其与环境因子的相关性。调查共鉴定浮游动物8类45种,其中原生动物类14种,占31.1%;桡足类次之13种,占28.9%。主要优势种有中华哲水蚤(Calanussinicus)、根状拟铃虫(Tintin—nopsisradix)和桡足类幼虫(Copepoditenauplinua)。多样性指数(H')7月(3.324)最高,10月(2.988)最低。结合多样性指数及丰富度指数可见,调查期间渔山列岛浮游动物的生物多样性7月最高,物种较丰富。相关性分析表明,浮游动物群落分布与营养盐、水温、盐度等环境因子存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

Capelin larvae (Mallotus villosus) and mesozooplankton werecollected in May 2001 in the southern part of the Barents Sea.During the period of hatching and first feeding, capelin larvaeexperience high mortality rates. In order to understand theunderlying mechanisms influencing larval survival, we monitoreda selected site for 10 days using a variety of different samplingapproaches. Hydrological parameters conductivity–temperature–depth–fluorescence(CTDF) were recorded and zooplankton samples obtained simultaneouslyusing MOCNESS at three time periods. The mesozooplankton consistedessentially of copepods (85), dominated by Calanus finmarchicus.The zooplankton community consisted of different assemblagesderived from different areas (i.e. different water masses; Atlanticand coastal). Capelin larvae were found in surficial coastalwaters. Copepod nauplii and C. finmarchicus were less abundantin coastal waters where small copepodites (such as Acartia spp.and Temora longicornis) were found together with early stagesof coastal invertebrates that are possible prey for capelinlarvae. We suggest that capelin larvae base their foraging onsmall prey organisms frequently found among the coastal zooplanktonand that these larvae are less dependent on the propagationof the recruiting generation of C. finmarchicus present fromApril to June.  相似文献   

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