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activin βA and βB from diploid and allotriploid crucian carp were cloned.The differential expression of activin βA and βB genes in female allotriploid and diploid red crucian carp Carassius auratus red var. were studied and found to be expressed in all the tested tissues; particularly, the expression of activin βA and βB was elevated in the ovaries of allotriploids and differential expression in pituitaries during the non-breeding season and the breeding season period. The immunohistochemistry indicated that the abnormal triploid ovaries were dominated by small oogonium-like cells with dense signals and that the elevated expression of activin βA and βB in the ovaries of allotriploids may be related to allotriploid sterility.  相似文献   

Gong  Dingbin  Tao  Min  Xu  Lihui  Hu  Fangzhou  Wei  Zehong  Wang  Shi  Wang  Yude  Liu  Qingfeng  Wu  Chang  Luo  Kaikun  Tang  Chenchen  Zhou  Rong  Zhang  Chun  Wang  Yuequn  Liu  Shaojun 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(6):1213-1221
Science China Life Sciences - Distant hybridization is an important technique in fish genetic breeding. In this study, based on the establishment of an allodiploid fish lineage (BT, 2n=48,...  相似文献   

Allotopic expression is potentially a gene therapy for mtDNA-related diseases. Some OXPHOS proteins like ATP6 (subunit a of complex V) and COX3 (subunit III of complex IV) that are typically mtDNA-encoded, are naturally nucleus-encoded in the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The mitochondrial proteins whose genes have been relocated to the nucleus exhibit long mitochondrial targeting sequences ranging from 100 to 140 residues and a diminished overall mean hydrophobicity when compared with their mtDNA-encoded counterparts. We explored the allotopic expression of the human gene products COX3 and ATP6 that were re-designed for mitochondrial import by emulating the structural properties of the corresponding algal proteins. In vivo and in vitro data in homoplasmic human mutant cells carrying either a T8993G mutation in the mitochondrial atp6 gene or a 15 bp deletion in the mtDNA-encoded cox3 gene suggest that these human mitochondrial proteins re-designed for nuclear expression are targeted to the mitochondria, but fail to functionally integrate into their corresponding OXPHOS complexes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects of photoperiod and pinealectomy on plasma corticoid levels in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) were examined.
  • 2.2. Plasma corticoid levels differed in goldfish maintained under different photoperiod regimes, but this response varied seasonally.
  • 3.3. Pinealectomy altered the effects of photoperiod on plasma corticoid levels but this effect varied with season.
  • 4.4. Plasma corticoid levels were correlated with ovarian activity. The effects of photoperiod on plasma corticoid levels appear to be related to the influence of light on reproduction.
  • 5.5. The alteration of plasma corticoid levels in pinealectomized fish may be due to the role this organ plays in mediating photoperiod effects on gonadal activity.

This study investigated the gynogenetic cytobiological behavior of the third gynogenetic generation (G3), which was generated from the diploid eggs produced by the second gynogenetic generation (G2) of red crucian carp × common carp, and determined the chromosomal numbers of G3, G2×scatter scale carp and G2×allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp. The results showed that the diploid eggs of G2 with 100 chromosomes, activated by UV-irradiated sperm from scatter scale carp and without the treatment for doubling the chromosomes, could develop into G3 with 100 chromosomes. Similar to the first and second gynogenetic generations (G1 and G2), G3 was also diploid (2n=100) and presented the hybrid traits. The triploids (3n=150) and tetraploids (4n=200) were produced by crossing G2 with scatter scale carp and crossing G2 with allotetraploids, respectively. The extrusion of the second polar body in the eggs of G2 ruled out the possibility that the retention of the second polar body led to the formation of the diploid eggs. In addition, we discussed the mechanism of the formation of the diploid eggs generated by G2. The establishment of the diploid gynogenesis clonal line (G1, G2 and G3) provided the evidence that the diploid eggs were able to develop into a new diploid hybrid clonal line by gynogenesis. By producing the diploid eggs as a unique reproductive way, the diploid gyno- genetic progeny of allotetraploid hybrids of red crucian carp × common carp had important signifi- cances in both biological evolution and production application.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of acid release and intracellular pH (pHi) homeostasis were analysed in goldfish (Carassius auratus) gill cells in primary culture. The rate of acid secretion was measured using a cytosensor microphysiometer, and pHi was determined using the fluorescent probe 2,7-bis-(3-carboxypropyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCPCF). Amiloride, a Na+ channel and Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) inhibitor, had no effect on pHi, but acid secretion of the gill cells was significantly impaired. In the presence of amiloride, the intracellular acidification (achieved using the NH4Cl pulse technique) was more severe than in the absence of amiloride, and recovery from the acidosis was slowed down. Accordingly, acid secretion of gill cells was severely reduced in the absence of extracellular Na+. Under steady-state conditions, 4,4-diisothiocyanatodihydro-stilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid (DIDS), a HCO3-transport inhibitor, caused a slow acidification of pHi, and acid secretion was significantly reduced. No recovery from intracellular acidification was observed in the presence of DIDS. Bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of V-ATPase, had no effect on steady-state pHi and recovery from an intracellular acidification, whereas the rate of acid secretion under steady-state conditions was slightly reduced. Immunohistochemistry clearly revealed the presence of the V-ATPase B-subunit in goldfish gill lamellae. Taken together, these results suggest that a Na+-dependent HCO3 transport is the dominant mechanism besides an NHE and V-ATPase to control pHi in goldfish gill cells.Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

Summary A strong positive immunoreaction with an -endorphin antiserum occurs in two distinct sites of the goldfish and carp neurohypophysis. Fluorescent nerve terminals are found in the laminar nerve processes located in the rostral pars distalis, but the immunocytological reaction is mainly localised on the nerve processes of the posterior neurohypophysis lying between the intermediate lobe cells. Almost all the digitations of the neurohypophysis are strongly fluorescent. The immunoreactive fibres probably originate from the hypothalamus, where perikarya displaying the same immunoreaction have been found in the pars lateralis of the nucleus lateralis tuberis and in some minor centres. The possibility that the immunoreactive substances revealed on the neurohypophyseal processes may originate in the intermediate lobe cells is also discussed. It has now to be established if this hypothalamo-hypophyseal system contains a substance with endorphic properties or only some immunologically related substance devoid of the corresponding physiological activities.  相似文献   

Many of the unique properties of wheat flour are derived from seed storage proteins such as the α-gliadins. In this study these α-gliadin genes from diploid Triticeae species were systemically characterized, and divided into 3 classes according to the distinct organization of their protein domains. Our analyses indicated that these α-gliadins varied in the number of cysteine residues they contained. Most of the α-gliadin genes were grouped according to their genomic origins within the phylogenetic tree. As expected, sequence alignments suggested that the repetitive domain and the two polyglutamine regions were responsible for length variations of α-gliadins as were the insertion/deletion of structural domains within the three different classes (I, II, and III) of α-gliadins. A screening of celiac disease toxic epitopes indicated that the α-gliadins of the class II, derived from the Ns genome, contain no epitope, and that some other genomes contain much fewer epitopes than the A, S(B) and D genomes of wheat. Our results suggest that the observed genetic differences in α-gliadins of Triticeae might indicate their use as a fertile ground for the breeding of less CD-toxic wheat varieties.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan parasites contain so-called apicoplasts, which are similar to chloroplasts of red algae. Multiple alignments of the 5′-leader regions of plastid-encoded genes revealed several conserved noncoding regions in parasites as well as in red algae. The regions were assumed to be sites for RNA interactions with regulatory proteins. Conserved sites were found upstream of ycf24, which is required for [Fe-S] cluster development, and several other genes. In particular, a simultaneous regulation was predicted for ycf24, rps4, and rpo B in Toxoplasma gondii. The prediction agreed with the known data that apicoplasts are only required for a short time, but confer pathogenicity on T. gondii. Another site was predicted upstream of rpo B, which encodes the β subunit of RNA polymerase, in red algae Porphyra spp. and parasites Eimeria tenella and Theileria parva.  相似文献   

Expansins were first identified as cell wall-loosening proteins; they are involved in regulating cell expansion, fruits softening and many other physiological processes. However, our knowledge about the expansin family members and their evolutionary relationships in fruit trees, such as apple, is limited. In this study, we identified 41 members of the expansin gene family in the genome of apple (Malus × Domestica L. Borkh). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that expansin genes in apple could be divided into four subfamilies according to their gene structures and protein motifs. By phylogenetic analysis of the expansins in five plants (Arabidopsis, rice, poplar, grape and apple), the expansins were divided into 17 subgroups. Our gene duplication analysis revealed that whole-genome and chromosomal-segment duplications contributed to the expansion of Mdexpansins. The microarray and expressed sequence tag (EST) data showed that 34 Mdexpansin genes could be divided into five groups by the EST analysis; they may also play different roles during fruit development. An expression model for MdEXPA16 and MdEXPA20 showed their potential role in developing fruit. Overall, our study provides useful data and novel insights into the functions and regulatory mechanisms of the expansin genes in apple, as well as their evolution and divergence. As the first step towards genome-wide analysis of the expansin genes in apple, our results have established a solid foundation for future studies on the function of the expansin genes in fruit development.  相似文献   

The possibility of enhancing heterologous gene expression in mammalian cells by the introduction of an intron in 3′ untranslated region (UTR) was investigated. To this end, a fragment of human betaglobin gene with intron 2 and flanked exon regions was introduced into the vector-encoding green fluorescent protein TagGFP2 after the TagGFP2 stop-codon (Int+). The distance between the stop-codon and the exon junction was 35 nucleotides. It ensured that Int+ mRNA was resistant to degradation by nonsense mediated decay (NMD) machinery. A control vector Intcontained corresponding intronless sequence of the beta-globin mRNA. On the same plasmid, the second gene encoded far-red fluorescent protein Katushka was used to normalize fluorescence for transfection efficiency and expression level in individual cells. Transiently transfected HEK293T cells were analysed by flow cytometry. It was shown that cells transfected with plasmid carrying the Int+ gene possess 1.8 ± 0.2 fold higher green fluorescence compared to Intcells. The observed effect was used to enhance expression of destabilized variants of yellow fluorescent protein TurboYFP-dest with high degradation rate in mammalian cells. We believe that introduction of beta-globin intron in the 3′-UTR of the chimeric gene can be used to enhance its expression and may be advantageous in some cases when usage of 5′ UTR intron is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids of the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (♀) and Lytechinus pictus (♂) were used to estimate the contributions of the maternal and paternal genomes to histone mRNA synthesis during early development. Radiolabeled histone mRNAs from the two sea urchin species were identified by hybridization to cloned histone genes from both S. purpuratus and L. pictus and shown to be electrophoretically distinguishable. The synthesis of maternal and paternal histone mRNA in these hybrid embryos is evident as early as the two-cell stage. By at least the 16-cell stage, both maternal and paternal histone mRNAs are associated with polysomes. The relative amounts of the maternal and paternal histone mRNAs synthesized by the zygote appear to be similar.  相似文献   

A single action potential in one of a pair of reticulospinal neurons, the Mauthner cells, precedes a short-latency electromyographic response of the trunk and tail musculature on the opposite side of the body and a fast startle response in goldfish. It has been postulated that not only the Mauthner cell, but also an array of neurons can trigger or participate in fast startle responses (Eaton et al. 1991). We have selectively ablated the Mauthner cells in goldfish to study how neurons of the brainstem fast startle response network interact. The probability of eliciting a fast startle response was significantly less in fish with double Mauthner cell ablations, as compared to the responsiveness of control fish. The finding that there is a significant decrease in the occurrence of fast startle responses in animals with no Mauthner cells, implies that the Mauthner cell may play a role in triggering the involvement of the other network elements in fast startle responses. We hypothesize that Mauthner cell activation may be important in bringing those reticulospinal neurons that are “primed” by the behavioral context to threshold and provides the basis for studies focused on the interactive nature of the brainstem startle response network. Accepted: 4 November 1998  相似文献   

There is large potential in the establishment of Acacia auriculiformis × Acacia mangium hybrid plantations through selection of high quality parents especially with characteristics favourable for some end products like pulp and fibre. Trees altered in their lignin profile with reduced amounts of lignin or increased extractable syringyl are desirable in the pulp and paper industry. Cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR) and caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (COMT) are two enzymes likely to regulate lignin content and composition in the syringyl (S)- and guaiacyl (G)-related monolignols at specific branches of the lignin biosynthetic pathway. A goal of this study was to discover the genetic variation in CCR and COMT genes in Acacia species using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this study, two lignin genes, CCR (3,317 bp) and COMT (2,764 bp), were isolated from the Acacia hybrid, sequenced and analysed in silico. Southern blot analysis suggested that there are one to two copies of genes encoding CCR and COMT in the Acacia hybrid. Upon genotyping 480 individuals from natural populations of A. auriculiformis and A. mangium, six CCR SNPs were found in A. auriculiformis and five CCR SNPs in A. mangium. Three COMT SNPs were found in A. auriculiformis and one COMT SNP in A. mangium. A pair of CCR SNPs showed high linkage disequlibrium (LD) with r 2 value of 0.870 in an A. mangium population from Papua New Guinea. The SNPs will be further exploited through the candidate gene-based LD mapping to identify QTLs for the Acacia marker-assisted breeding. This is the first documentation of the isolation, cloning and re-sequencing of CCR and COMT genes in the Acacia hybrid and the natural populations of A. auriculiformis and A. mangium.  相似文献   

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