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Liriomyza bryoniae, L. huidobrensis, L. sativae and L. trifolii are leafminers of great economic importance; morphologically they are difficult to separate, many being inseparable at the pre-adult stages. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of larvae, pupae and adults was carried out in order to search for diagnostic allozymic characters. Analysis of the variation patterns at 15 genetic loci reveals that each species can be identified at all three stages of the life cycle. A biochemical key is presented.  相似文献   

蚯蚓肠道是微生物多样性的一个潜在存储库。砷对蚯蚓肠道微生物群落的影响已被证实,但砷在不同蚯蚓肠道菌群中生物转化的差异仍不清楚。为了进一步阐述土壤中广泛存在的低浓度砷(浓度为5,15,25 mg/kg)对不同种类蚯蚓肠道微生物影响的差异,将4种典型蚯蚓暴露于砷污染土壤后,测定其肠道微生物组成变化,并分析砷对不同蚯蚓肠道内砷富集、形态和砷生物转化基因的影响。结果显示,所有蚯蚓组织内均存在明显的砷富集,其富集系数由高到低依次为:安德爱胜蚓(1.93)>加州腔蚓(0.80)>通俗腔蚓(0.78)>湖北远盲蚓(0.52),蚯蚓组织和肠道内砷形态主要以无机砷为主,其中As(III)含量比例> 80%,部分蚯蚓组织内还发现少量有机砷。4种蚯蚓肠道微生物群落在门水平上主要以变形菌、厚壁菌和放线菌为主,并与周围土壤细菌群落组成存在显著差异。同时,在土壤和肠道内共检测到17个砷转化基因,其中蚯蚓肠道内As(V)还原和砷转运相关基因相对丰度较高,而砷(去)甲基化基因丰度较低。此外,低浓度砷污染对蚯蚓生长无显著影响,却能引起蚯蚓肠道微生物群落的紊乱。蚯蚓种类和砷污染是引起蚯蚓肠道微生物...  相似文献   


The species Piper hispidinervum, Piper aduncum, and Piper affinis hispidinervum have essential oils with high levels of safrole, dillapiole, and sarisan, respectively. Safrole is important for pharmaceutical and chemical industries, while dillapiole and sarisan are promising compounds to control insects and fungi. These species are very similar morphologically and their taxonomy is controversial. Divergent hypotheses consider P. aduncum and P. hispidinervum either as a single species or as distinct taxa, while P. affinis hispidinervum is inferred to be a natural hybrid or a chemotype of P. hispidinervum. Delimiting the taxonomic boundaries would be helpful for germplasm conservation and breeding programs. This study aimed to undertake a detailed analysis of P. aduncum, P. hispidinervum, and P. affinis hispidinervum karyotype and rDNA sites. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to establish genomic homology among species and to test the natural hybridization hypothesis for origin of P. affinis hispidinervum. Karyotype traits were similar for all three species: 2n = 26 small chromosomes, predominantly metacentric. All three species exhibited CMA+ bands on the secondary constriction of chromosome pair 4. A size-heteromorphic 35S rDNA site was co-localized with the CMA+ band. A 5S rDNA site was located in the proximal region of chromosome pair 7. The patterns of genomic hybridization revealed that the repetitive DNA fraction of the species is highly similar in terms of proportion of genome, sequence type, and distribution. Our findings did not allow us to differentiate the three species and point to the importance of deeper genomic studies to elucidate the taxonomic controversy.


  • 1.1. Lysozyme activity was detected for the first time in populations of Acarus siro L., Glycyphagus destructor (Schrank), G. domesticus (De Geer), Rhizoglyphus callae Oudemans, R. robini Claparede and Tyrophagus longior (Gervais) (Arthropoda: Acari).
  • 2.2. No significant differences between the activity in different populations was observed.

Thirty stationary and submerged cultures of species of the genusOudemansiella Speg.,viz. two narrow-region species (O. brunneomarginata, O. canarii) and two primarily wideregion species (O.mucida, O. radicata) were compared. Stationary cultures have identical macroscopic and microscopic features (they produce crust, teleomorph, large thick-walled basidiospores with an apiculum and an uneven surface, dikaryotic hyphae have clamp connections). “Coils” were detected in the mycelium of two species by SEM. Submerged cultures produce antibacterial and particularly antifungal antibiotics, although with various intensity.O. brunneomarginata was first studied in pure culture and its microstructures were first studied by SEM. It could be demonstrated that this species is related with other representatives of the genusOudemansiella. In the present taxonomy of basidiomycetes it is advisable to extend and deepen data concerning a single genusOudemansiella with a series of interspecies taxons, without impairing “borders” of the genus.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the composition and function of gut microbiota. Here, we compared the bacterial compositions and fermentation metabolites of human and chicken gut microbiotas. Results generated by quantitative PCR (qPCR) and 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene V3 region showed the compositions of human and chicken microbiotas to be markedly different, with chicken cecal microbiotas displaying more diversity than human fecal microbiotas. The nutrient requirements of each microbiota growing under batch and chemostat conditions were analyzed. The results showed that chicken cecal microbiotas required simple sugars and peptides to maintain balanced growth in vitro but that human fecal microbiotas preferred polysaccharides and proteins. Chicken microbiotas also produced higher concentrations of volatile fatty acids than did human microbiotas. Our data suggest that the availability of different fermentable substrates in the chicken cecum, which exist due to the unique anatomical structure of the cecum, may provide an environment favorable to the nourishment of microbiotas suited to the production of the higher-energy metabolites required by the bird. Therefore, gut structure, nutrition, immunity, and life-style all contribute to the selection of an exclusive bacterial community that produces types of metabolites beneficial to the host.  相似文献   

Subsequent to the widespread adoption of Bt transgenic cotton in China and an associated reduction in pesticide use, Adelphocoris spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) are the key pests of this crop. Three species (Adelphocoris suturalis, Adelphocoris fasciaticollis and Adelphocoris lineolatus) are found in Chinese Bt cotton fields, each with a distinct geographic distribution and phenology. In the present study, the development and fecundity of the three species are compared in the laboratory at various temperatures in the range 10–35 °C. Although nymphal development and adult moulting occurs under all temperature regimes, egg eclosion is not observed at 10 °C. In general, egg and nymphal development periods decrease with increasing temperature up to 30 °C. The lower and upper development thresholds are, respectively, 5.6 and 40.1 °C for A. suturalis eggs; 5.0 and 38.4 °C for nymphs; 6.3 and 39.0 °C for A. fasciaticollis eggs, 3.0 and 41.9 °C for nymphs; 5.6 and 41.3 °C for A. lineolatus eggs; and 6.2 and 38.8 °C for nymphs. Thermal constants are 189.9 degree days (DD) (egg) and 308.8 DD (nymph) for A. suturalis, 188.8 DD (egg) and 366.7 DD (nymph) for A. fasciaticollis, and 231.7 DD (egg) and 291.6 DD (nymph) for A. lineolatus. Temperatures above 30 °C affect egg development of A. fasciaticollis and A. lineolatus adversely, but not that of A. suturalis. At the same time, nymphal survival of A. suturalis is reduced at 10 °C. Longevity of all species declines with increasing temperature, whereas extremes of temperature (i.e. 10 and 35 °C) interfere with oviposition. The estimated optimum range for oviposition is 23–25 °C, irrespective of species. In general, development and fecundity of the three Adelphocoris spp. is consistent with their respective distribution and seasonal dynamics. The present study provides insight into the distribution and phenology of Adelphocoris spp., and contributes to the modelling of their population dynamics.  相似文献   

A common stress on plants is NaCl‐derived soil salinity. Genus Lotus comprises model and economically important species, which have been studied regarding physiological responses to salinity. Leaf area ratio (LAR), root length ratio (RLR) and their components, specific leaf area (SLA) and leaf mass fraction (LMF) and specific root length (SRL) and root mass fraction (RMF) might be affected by high soil salinity. We characterised L. tenuis, L. corniculatus, L. filicaulis, L. creticus, L. burtii and L. japonicus grown under different salt concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mm NaCl) on the basis of SLA, LMF, SRL and RMF using PCA. We also assessed effects of different salt concentrations on LAR and RLR in each species, and explored whether changes in these traits provide fitness benefit. Salinity (150 mm NaCl) increased LAR in L. burtii and L. corniculatus, but not in the remaining species. The highest salt concentration caused a decrease of RLR in L. japonicus Gifu, but not in the remaining species. Changes in LAR and RLR would not be adaptive, according to adaptiveness analysis, with the exception of SLA changes in L. corniculatus. PCA revealed that under favourable conditions plants optimise surfaces for light and nutrient acquisition (SLA and SRL), whereas at higher salt concentrations they favour carbon allocation to leaves and roots (LMF and RMF) in detriment to their surfaces. PCA also showed that L. creticus subjected to saline treatment was distinguished from the remaining Lotus species. We suggest that augmented carbon partitioning to leaves and roots could constitute a salt‐alleviating mechanism through toxic ion dilution.  相似文献   

Li C  Sun DX  Jiang L  Liu JF  Zhang Q  Zhang Y  Zhang SL 《遗传》2012,34(5):545-550
产奶性状是奶牛最重要的生产性状,随着平衡育种理念的提出和发展,繁殖性状、体型性状、健康性状和长寿性等功能性状也逐渐被重视并纳入育种规划中。鉴定产奶性状和功能性状主效基因或遗传标记并将之应用于奶牛标记辅助选择可望加快遗传进展。随着高密度SNP标记的高通量检测技术的发展,全基因组关联分析已成为鉴定畜禽重要经济性状基因的重要途径。文章对奶牛产奶性状和功能性状全基因组关联分析研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

A morphological and anatomical study of the root systems of the palm species Brahea armata S. Watson, Chamaerops humilis L., Phoenix canariensis Chabaud and Phoenix dactylifera L. has been carried out to determine possible mycorrhizal colonization sites. Furthermore, the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) anatomical types formed by the four palm species in association with Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe have been examined. The presence of a continuous sclerenchymatic ring in the outer cortex and aerenchyma in the inner cortex that are anatomical indicators of mycorrhizal nonsusceptibility in all four palm species is observed. The root systems of B. armata and C. humilis present only one group of third-order roots, while the third-order roots of P. canariensis and P. dactylifera may be divided into five different groups: short thick roots, mycorrhizal thickened roots, fine short roots, fine long roots, and pneumatorhizas. Third-order and some second-order roots of B. armata and C. humilis are susceptible to colonization by AM fungi, while only the mycorrhizal thickened roots form mycorrhizas with arbuscules in the Phoenix species. The root system of the Phoenix species also presents AM colonization in fine roots with only intraradical hyphae and spores, but without arbuscules, and pseudomantles of spores anchored in the pneumatorings of the second-order roots, which are described for the first time. The mycorrhizas formed by the four palm species are of an intermediate type, between the Arum and the Paris types, and are characterized by intercalary arbusculate coils and not only by intracellular but also by intercellular fungal growth. Our study suggests that a different degree of adaptation may exist among palm mycorrhizas toward the slow growth of palms and low spore numbers in the soil where they grow.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the ecology of four ant species in the Solomon Islands are described. The ants are the native speciesOecophylla smaragdina, andIridomyrmex cordatus, andAnoplolepis longipes andPheidole megacephala which are introduced. Brief accounts are given of each species' colony structure, nest sites, habitats and enemies. All species have a wide food range but the main sources are honeydew obtained from Homoptera and prey. Honeydew is most important as a component of the diet of the native ant species which show close relationships with endemic and native Homoptera. The two introduced ants depend to a greater extent on predation and this situation is contrasted with that in their source region, Africa. The topics covered in an investigation of the four species' water and temperature relations were resistance to desiccation, the relation between temperature and speed of movement of foraging workers and temperature and humidity preferences.Oecophylla smaragdina is tolerant of variation in both factors,P. megacephala is best suited to a relatively low temperature range andA. longipes to a high one, although susceptible to desiccation. These differences are realised in the species daily foraging times;O. smaragdina is diurnal,P. megacephala andI. cordatus are nocturnal andA. longipes is crepuscular with activity usually limited in the day by low humidity and at night by low temperature. It is concluded that the native species are best adapted to Solomon Islands conditions in terms of food supply and the physical, climatic environment.
Résumé On décrit des observations sur l'écologie de quatre espéces de fourmis aux îles Salomon. Il s'agit des fourmis des espèces indigènes d'Oecophylla smaragdina etIridomyrmex cordatus, et des espèces introduites d'Anoplolepis longipes etPheidole megacephala. L'auteur donne de brefs exposés sur la structure de colonie, sur le terrain de nid, sur l'habitat et sur les ennemis de chaque espèce. Toutes les espèces disposent d'une vaste étendue de nourriture, mais les sources principales en sont les miellats, retirés des Homoptera, et la proie. Le miellat est très important comme partie constituante de la nourriture des espèces de fourmis indigènes, qui montrent des rapports très proches avec les Homoptera endémiques et indigènes. Les deux espèces de fourmis introduites dépendent plutôt de la prédation, tandis qu'en Afrique, leur région d'origine, c'est le contraire. Dans un examen des quatre espèces, on a traité des sujets suivants: la résistance au dessèchement, la relation entre la température et la vitesse de mouvement des butineuses, et les préférences de température et d'humidité.Oecophylla smaragdina supporte bien la variation des deux facteurs,P. megacephala est adaptée le mieux aux températures relativement basses, tandis queA. longipes s'adapte le mieux à une température élevée, bien qu'elle soit prédisposée au dessèchement. C'est en observant les heures de la journée où les espèces butinent qu'on se rend compte de ces différence:O. smaragdina est diurne,P. megacephala etI. cordatus sont nocturnes.A. longipes est crépusculaire, et habituellement limite son activité diurne pendant les périodes de basse humidité, et son activité nocturne pendant les périodes de basse température. L'auteur a conclu que les espèces indigènes s'adaptent mieux aux conditions des îles Salomon en ce qui concerne la distribution de nourriture et l'entourage physique et climatique.

A simple, rapid and sensitive PCR-based method was developed for the detection of all five subspecies of Erwinia carotovora , including subsp. carotovora and subsp. atroseptica , and all pathovars/biovars of Erwinia chrysanthemi , on plant tissue culture material. Primers SR3F and SR1cR, based on a conserved region of the 16S rRNA gene, amplified a DNA fragment of 119 bp from all 65 such strains tested. Detection limits of the method in vitro were 2·0 × 102–3·4 × 103 cfu ml−1 (equivalent to 1–17 cfu per PCR) and, following extraction of genomic DNA from plant extract, detection limits were 2·3 × 102–1·9 × 104 cfu per microplant sample (equivalent to 5 cfu – 3·8 × 102 cfu per PCR). To improve the sensitivity of the method in planta , to obviate the need for complex and laborious DNA extractions, and to remove inhibitory substances present in the plant extract, an enrichment step was included prior to PCR. Following enrichment, the sensitivity of detection was <10 cfu per microplant sample. This method provides the first sensitive means of detecting latent infection caused by several economically important soft rot erwinias simultaneously on potato tissue culture material.  相似文献   

Genomic selection has proven effective for advancing genetic gain for key profit traits in dairy cattle production systems. However, its impact to-date on genetic improvement programs for beef cattle has been less effective. Despite this, the technology is thought to be particularly useful for low heritability traits such as those associated with reproductive efficiency. The objective of this study was to identify genetic variants associated with key determinants of reproductive and overall productive efficiency in beef cows. The analysis employed a large dataset derived from the national genetic evaluation program in Ireland for two of the most predominant beef breeds, viz. Charolais (n = 5 244 cows) and Limousin (n = 7 304 cows). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified as being statistically significantly associated (adj. P < 0.05) with both reproductive and productive traits for both breed types. However, there was little across breed commonality, with only two SNPs (rs110240246 and rs110344317; adj. P < 0.05) located within the genomic regions of the LCORL and MSTN genes respectively, identified in both Charolais and Limousin populations, associated with traits including carcass weight, cull-cow weight and live-weight. Significant SNPs within the MSTN gene were also associated with both reproduction and production related traits within each breed. Finally, traits including calving difficulty, calf mortality and calving interval were associated with SNPs within genomic regions comprising genes involved in cellular growth and lipid metabolism. Genetic variants identified as associated with both important reproductive efficiency and production related traits from this study warrant further analyses for their potential incorporation into breeding programmes to support the sustainability of beef cattle production.  相似文献   

The mandibular glands of the two species of ant, Myrmica ruginodis and Myrmica sabuleti contain a similar mixture of compounds, but the proportions are different. M. sabuleti produces ethanol, propanone, methylpropanal, 3-hexanone, 3-hexanol, 3-heptanone, 3-heptanol, 3-octanone, 3-octanol, 6-methyl-3-octanone, 6-methyl-3-octanol and 3-decanone. With the exception of 3-decanone these compounds were also found in M. ruginodis. These compounds were also found in M. rubra and M. scabrinodis.In both species now studied, the mandibular gland contents attract the workers and cause a large increase in their linear speed. In M. sabuleti these behavioural activities are due to 3-octanone and 3-octanol: the attraction of these two compounds in a synthetic mixture is exactly like that of an isolated mandibular gland; the compounds act in synergy to cause an increase in the ants' linear speed. Workers of M. ruginodis specifically respond to a mixture of ethanol, 3-octanone and 3-octanol: the alcohol only moderates the ethological action of the ketone, which is a true attractant and causes a very large increase in the ants' velocity; ethanol also attracts workers, acting in this respect in synergy with 3-octanone.These chemical and behavioural results are combined with those previously reported (Cammaerts-Tricot, 1973; Morganet al., 1978) to explain the responses of M. rubra, M. ruginodis, M. sabuleti and M. scabrinodis workers to isolated mandibular glands from each of these four species.  相似文献   

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