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Sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.) were subjected to soil drying with their shoots either kept fully turgid using a Passioura-type pressure chamber or allowed to decrease in water potential. Whether the shoots were kept turgid or not, leaf conductance decreased below a certain soil water content. During the soil drying, xylem sap samples were taken from individual intact and transpiring plants. Xylem sap concentrations of nitrate and phosphate decreased with soil water content, whereas the concentrations of the other anions (SO42 and Cl?) remained unaltered. Calcium concentrations also decreased. Potassium, magnesium, manganese and sodium concentrations stayed constant during soil drying. In contrast, the pH, the buffering capacity at a pH below 5 and the cation/anion ratio increased after soil water content was lowered below a certain threshold. Amino acid concentration of the xylem sap increased with decreasing soil water content. The effect of changes in ion concentrations in the xylem sap on leaf conductance is discussed.  相似文献   

Sunflower plants ( Helianihus animus cv. Tall Single Yellow} were grown in the greenhouse in drain pipes (100 mm inside diameter and 1 m long) rilled with John Innes No. 2 compost. When the fifth leaf had emerged, half of the plants were left unwatered for 6 days, rewatered for 2 days and then not watered for another 12 days. Measurements of water relations and abaxial stomatal conductance were made at each leaf position at regular intervals during the experimental period. Estimates were also made of soil water potentials along the soil profile and of ABA concentrations in xylem sap and leaves.
Soil drying led to some reduction in stomatal conductance alter only 3 days but leaf turgors were not reduced until day 13 (6 days after rewatering). When the water relations of leaves did change, older leases became substantially dehydrated while high turgors were recorded in younger leaves. Leaf ABA content measured on the third youngest leaf hardly changed over the first 13 days of the experiment, despite substantial soil drying, while xylem ABA concentrations changed very significantly and dynamically as soil water status varied, even when there was no effect of soil drying on leaf water relations. We argue that the highest ABA concentrations in the xylem, found as a result of substantial soil drying, arise from synthesis in both the roots and the older leaves, and act to delay the development of water deficit in younger leases.
In other experiments ABA solutions were watered on to the root systems of sunflower plants to increase ABA concentrations in xylem sap. The stomatal response to applied ABA was quantitatively very similar to that to ABA generated as a result of soil drying. There was a log-linear relationship between the reduction of leaf conductance and the increase of ABA concentration m xylem sap.  相似文献   

Two tropical trees, Acacia confusa and Litsea glutinosa, were grown under controlled conditions with their roots subjected to soil drying and soil compaction treatments. In both species, a decline in stomatal conductance resulting from soil drying took place much earlier than the decline of leaf water potential. Soil compaction treatment also resulted in a substantial decrease in stomatal conductance but had little effect on leaf water potential. A rapid and substantial increase in xylem abscisic acid (ABA) concenation ([ABA]), rather than hulk leaf ABA, was closely related to soil drying and soil compaction. A significant relationship between stomatal conductance (gs) and xylem [ABA] was observed in both species. Artificially feeding ABA solutions to excised leaves of both species showed that the relationship bet ween gs and [ABA] was very similar to that obtained from the whole plant, i.e. the relationship between gs and xylem [ABA]. These results suggest that xylem ABA may act as a stress signal in the control of stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

A model of maize stomatal behaviour has been developed, in which stomatal conductance is linked to the concentration of abscisic acid ([ABA]) in the xylem sap, with a sensitivity dependent upon the leaf water potential (Ψ1). It was tested against two alternative hypotheses, namely that stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA] would be linked to the leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (VPD), or to the flux of ABA into the leaf. Stomatal conductance (gs) was studied: (1) in field-grown plants whose xylem [ABA] and Ψ1 depended on soil water status and evaporative demand; (2) in field-grown plants fed with ABA solutions such that xylem [ABA] was artificially raised, thereby decreasing gs and increasing Ψ1 and leaf-to-air VPD; and (3) in ABA-fed detached leaves exposed to varying evaporative demands, but with a constant and high Ψ1. The same relationships between gs, xylem [ABA] and Ψ1, showing lower stomatal sensitivity to [ABA] at high Ψ1, applied whether variations in xylem [ABA] were due to natural increase or to feeding, and whether variations in Ψ1, were due to changes in evaporative demand or to the increased Ψ1 observed in ABA-fed plants. Conversely, neither the leaf-to-air VPD nor the ABA flux into the leaf accounted for the observed changes in stomatal sensitivity to xylem [ABA]. The model, using parameters calculated from previous field data and the detached-leaf data, was tested against the observations of both ABA-fed and droughted plants in the field. It accounted with reasonable accuracy for changes in gs (r2 ranging from 0.77 to 0.81). These results support the view that modelling of stomatal behaviour requires consideration of both chemical and hydraulic aspects of root-to-shoot communication.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of a slow stress and recovery cycle on the pattern of leaf expansion in four diverse sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was studied in a glasshouse. Stress had no significant effect on the time of flower bud emergence and anthesis, or on final leaf number, but delayed the appearance of leaves at high insertions in all cultivars except Hysun 31.
Leaf expansion was markedly reduced as the predawn leaf water potential decreased from −0.35 to −0.60 MPa, and the predawn turgor pressure decreased from 0.3 to 0.2 MPa, and expansion ceased at a predawn leaf water potential of about −1.0 MPa, i.e. when the predawn turgor pressure reached zero.
The leaves most reduced in final size when water was withheld were those at the insertions which grew the most rapidly in unstressed plants. The maximum reduction in final leaf size of 25–35% was similar in all cultivars and was due to retardation of the rate of leaf expansion: the duration of leaf expansion was actually increased by stress. However, leaves that were initiated during stress, but emerged after rewatering, had final leaf areas at least equal to those in the unstressed plants: in the cultivar Seneca, the final size of leaves of high insertion was significantly greater in stressed than unstressed plants, whereas in the three other cultivars the final leaf sizes were similar in both treatments. All four cultivars examined adjusted osmotically to the same degree, but leaf water potentials in one, Seneca, increased more rapidly after rewatering than in the other three, and this may have contributed to the greater relative leaf size in the leaves of high insertion in this cultivar.  相似文献   

Abstract. Leaf expansion of four sunflower cultivars ( Helianthus annuus L. cvs. Hysun 31, Havasupai, Hopi and Seneca) was monitored continuously in a growth cabinet through the final stages of a drying cycle and then throughout the first 2 days after rewatering in order to study the responses of leaf expansion to water deficits. Comparable plants were also measured throughout a diurnal cycle in a glasshouse.
In the cabinet, leaf extension was faster in the dark than in the light, but an extended dark period suppressed leaf extension. At similar leaf water potentials, the rate of leaf extension was greater in the light than in the dark, but as the osmotic potential was lower in the light than in the dark, the relationship between turgor pressure and leaf extension rate was similar in both environments. Throughout the drying and recovery cycles turgor and leaf extension rate was positively correlated: no significant differences among cultivars were observed.
In the plants grown and measured in the glasshouse, leaf expansion occurred at lower leaf water potentials in stressed than in unstressed plants, but the relationship between leaf expansion and turgor was similar in both stressed and unstressed plants as a result of a lowering of the osmotic potential in the former. Diurnal turgor maintenance resulting from osmotic adjustment was almost half that occurring during a complete drying cycle. During the day, the leaf expansion rate increased linearly with turgor pressure in all cultivars: the expansion rate per unit turgor pressure was greater in the glasshouse than in the growth cabinet. Nocturnal leaf expansion in the stressed and unstressed plants was not, however, correlated with turgor pressure.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of drought on leaf conductance (g) and on the concentration of abscisic acid (ABA) in the apoplastic sap of Lupinus albus L. leaves. Withholding watering for 5d resulted in complete stomatal closure and in severe leaf water deficit. Leaf water potential fully recovered immediately after rewatering, but the aftereffect of drought on stomata persisted for 2d. ABA and sucrose were quantified in pressurized leaf xylem extrudates. We assumed that the xylem sucrose concentration is negligible and hence that the presence of sucrose in leaf extrudates indicated that they were contaminated by phloem. To eliminate this interference, the concentration of ABA in leaf apoplast was estimated by extrapolation to zero sucrose concentration, using the regression between ABA and sucrose concentrations. The estimated apoplastic ABA concentration increased by 100-fold with soil drying and did not return to pre-stress values immediately following rewatering. g was closely related to the concentration of ABA in leaf apoplast. Furthermore, the feeding of exogenous ABA to leaves detached from well-watered plants brought about the same degree of depression in g as resulted from the drought-induced increase in ABA concentration. We therefore conclude that the observed changes in the concentration of ABA in leaf apoplast were quantitatively adequate to explain drought-induced stomatal closure and the delay in stomatal reopening following rewatering.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of different parts of the root system to total sap flow and leaf xylem abscisic acid (ABA) concentration ([X-ABA]leaf), individual sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) shoots were grafted onto the root systems of two plants grown in separate pots and sap flow through each hypocotyl measured below the graft union. During deficit irrigation (DI), both pots received the same irrigation volumes, while during partial root zone drying (PRD) one pot ('wet') was watered and another ('dry') was not. During PRD, once soil water content ( θ ) decreased below a threshold, the fraction of sap flow from drying roots declined. As θ declined, root xylem ABA concentration increased in both irrigation treatments, and [X-ABA]leaf increased in DI plants, but [X-ABA]leaf of PRD plants actually decreased within a certain θ range. A simple model that weighted ABA contributions of wet and dry root systems to [X-ABA]leaf according to the sap flow from each, better predicted [X-ABA]leaf of PRD plants than either [X-ABA]dry, [X-ABA]wet or their mean. Model simulations revealed that [X-ABA]leaf during PRD exceeded that of DI with moderate soil drying, but continued soil drying (such that sap flow from roots in drying soil ceased) resulted in the opposite effect.  相似文献   

High biomass producing plant species, such as Helianthus annuus, have potential for removing large amounts of trace metals by harvesting the aboveground biomass if sufficient metal concentrations in their biomass can be achieved However, the low bioavailability of heavy metals in soils and the limited translocation of heavy metals to the shoots by most high biomass producing plant species limit the efficiency of the phytoextraction process. Amendment of a contaminated soil with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) or citric acid increases soluble heavy metal concentrations, potentially rendering them more available for plant uptake. This article discusses the effects of EDTA and citric acid on the uptake of heavy metals and translocation to aboveground harvestable plant parts in Helianthus annuus. EDTA was included in the research for comparison purposes in our quest for less persistent alternatives, suitable for enhanced phytoextraction. Plants were grown in a calcareous soil moderately contaminated with Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd and treated with increasing concentrations of EDTA (0.1, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 mmol kg(-1) soil) or citric acid (0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 0.442, and 0.5 mol kg(-1) soil). Heavy metal concentrations in harvested shoots increased with EDTA concentration but the actual amount of phytoextracted heavy metals decreased at high EDTA concentrations, due to severe growth depression. Helianthus annuus suffered heavy metal stress due to the significantly increased bioavailable metal fraction in the soil. The rapid mineralization of citric acid and the high buffering capacity of the soil made citric acid inefficient in increasing the phytoextracted amounts of heavy metals. Treatments that did not exceed the buffering capacity of the soil (< 0.442 mol kg(-1) soil) did not result in any significant increase in shoot heavy metal concentrations. Treatments with high concentrations resulted in a dissolution of the carbonates and compaction of the soil. These physicochemical changes caused growth depression of Helianthus annuus. EDTA and citric acid added before sowing of Helianthus annuus did not appear to be efficient amendments when phytoextraction of heavy metals from calcareous soils is considered.  相似文献   

Abstract. The diurnal cycling of leaf water potential (Ψleaf) in field-grown sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) was used to investigate the cause of water deficitinduced limitation of net photosynthesis. Daily midafternoon decreases in Ψleaf of up to 1.5 MPa and in net photosynthesis of up to 50% were typical for irrigated sunflower during seed filling. These midafternoon values were lowered an additional 0.6 to 0.8 MPa by prolonged drought treatment. There was a nearly linear relationship between the decline in net photosynthesis and reductions in leaf conductance over the course of the day. Thus, it was unexpected to find that the low, midafternoon rates of photosynthesis were associated with the highest intercellular CO2 concentrations. These and other observations suggest that the daily decline in photosynthesis represents a 'down regulation' of the biochemical demand for CO2 that is coordinated with the diurnally developing need to conserve water, thus establishing a balanced limitation of photosynthesis involving both stomatal and non-stomatal factors. There were no indications that either short term (i.e. diurnal declines in Ψleaf) or long term (i.e. drought treatment) water deficits caused any damage or malfunctioning of photosynthesis. Rather, both the daily declines in photosynthesis and the nearly 25% decrease in leaf area induced by prolonged drought appeared to be well-controlled adaptive responses by field-grown sunflower plants to limited water availability.  相似文献   

The relative importance of changes in leaf expansion rate (LER) and leaf conductance (g1) in the control of crop transpiration depends primarily on their sensitivity to soil water deficits. The aim of this paper was to quantify the responses of LER and g1 to soil water deficits in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under conditions of moderate (spring) and high (summer) evaporative demand. Soil water content, g1, and LER were measured in dryland (DRY) and daily-irrigated (WET) crops established on a deep sandy-loam (Typic Xerofluvent) in a Mediterranean environment. There was no difference between g1 of DRY and WET plants (p>0.20) in contrast with a highly significant difference in LER (p<0.001). Even under the harsh conditions of the summer experiment, g1 did not respond to water deficit in a ten-day period in which LER of DRY plants was reduced to approx. 30% of that measured in WET controls. This field study indicates that g1 plays at most a minor role in the control of sunflower transpiration in the pre-anthesis period and confirms the importance of leaf expansion in the regulation of gas exchange of expanding canopies subjected to soil water deficits.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of N translocation in the xylem sap of Betula pendula were studied, to determine whether specific amino acids were recovered in spring as a consequence of N remobilization. Seedlings were grown in sand culture and provided with 15NH415NO3 (at 2·2 atom percent excess) for one growing season. The following winter dormant trees were transplanted into fresh sand and given N at natural abundance thereafter. Destructive harvests were taken during bud burst and leaf growth to determine the pattern of 15N remobilization and N uptake, along with isolation of xylem sap for analysis of their amino acid profiles and 15N enrichment by GC-MS. 15N remobilization occurred immediately following bud burst, while N derived from root uptake did not appear in the leaves until 12 d after bud burst. During N remobilization there was a 10-fold increase in the concentration of N in the xylem sap, due predominantly to increases in citrulline and glutamine. The 15N enrichment of these two amino acids demonstrated the increase in their concentration in the xylem sap following bud burst was due to N remobilization. These results are discussed in relation to measuring N remobilization and storage capacity of trees in the field.  相似文献   

Novel techniques were devised to explore the mechanisms mediating the adverse effects of compacted soil on plants. These included growing plants in: (i) profiles containing horizons differing in their degree of compaction and; (ii) split-pots in which the roots were divided between compartments containing moderately (1·4 g cm ? 3) and severely compacted (1·7 g cm ? 3) soil. Wild-type and ABA-deficient genotypes of barley were used to examine the role of abscisic acid (ABA) as a root-to-shoot signal. Shoot dry weight and leaf area were reduced and root : shoot ratio was increased relative to 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants whenever plants of both genotypes encountered severely compacted horizons. In bartey cultivar Steptoe, stomatal conductance decreased within 4 d of the first roots encountering 1·7 g cm ? 3 soil and increased over a similar period when roots penetrated from 1·7 g cm ? 3 into 1·4 g cm ? 3 soil. Conductance was again reduced by a second 1·7 g cm ? 3 horizon. These responses were inversely correlated with xylem sap ABA concentration. No equivalent stomatal responses occurred in Az34 (ABA deficient genotype), in which the changes in xylem sap ABA were much smaller. When plants were grown in 1·7 : 1·4 g cm ? 3 split-pots, shoot growth was unaffected relative to 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants in Steptoe, but was significantly reduced in Az34. Excision of the roots in compacted soil restored growth to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level in Az34. Stomatal conductance was reduced in the split-pot treatment of Steptoe, but returned to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level when the roots in compacted soil were excised. Xylem sap ABA concentration was initially higher than in 1·4 g cm ? 3 control plants but subsequently returned to the control level; no recovery occurred if the roots in compacted soil were left intact. Xylem sap ABA concentration in the split-pot treatment of Az34 was initially similar to plants grown in uniform 1·7 g cm ? 3 soil, but returned to the 1·4 g cm ? 3 control level when the roots in the compacted compartment were excised. These results clearly demonstrate the involvement of a root-sourced signal in mediating responses to compacted soil; the role of ABA in providing this signal and future applications of the compaction procedures reported here are discussed.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Soil drying leads to the generation of chemical signals in plants that regulate water use via control of the stomatal aperture. The aim of our work was to identify the presence and identity of potential chemical signals, their dynamics, and their relationship with transpiration rate during soil drying in hop (Humulus lupulus (L.)) plants.


We used pressure chamber technique for measurement of shoot water potential and collection of shoot xylem sap. We analyzed concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA), nitrate, phosphate, sulphate and malate in sap and also the rate of whole plant transpiration.


Transpiration rate decreased prior to changes in shoot water potential. The concentration of ABA in xylem sap continuously increased from early to later stages of water stress, whereas in leaves it increased only at later stages. Shoot sap pH increased simultaneously with the decrease of transpiration rate. Xylem sap alkalization was in some cases accompanied by a decrease in nitrate concentration and an increase in malate concentration. Concentration of sulphate increased in xylem sap during drying and sulphate in combination with a higher ABA concentration enhanced stomatal closure.


Several early chemical signals appear in sap of hop plants during soil drying and their impact on transpiration may vary according to the stage of soil drying.  相似文献   

Soil flooding damages shoot systems by inhibiting root functioning. An example is the inhibition of water uptake brought about by decreased root hydraulic conductance. The extent of any resulting foliar dehydration this causes is limited by partial stomatal closure that begins within 4 h and is maintained for several days. Root to shoot signals that promote closure in flooded tomato plants have remained elusive but may include changes in solute delivery to the shoot by transpiration. Accordingly, we examined total osmolites and selected mineral ions in samples of xylem sap flowing at rates approximating whole plant transpiration. After 2.5 h flooding,delivery of total osmolites and of PO4 3-SO4 2-Ca2+K+NO3 and H+strongly decreased while Na+ remained excluded. Several hours later, deliveries of osmolites, PO4 3-, SO4 2-, Ca2+, and Na+ rose above control values, suggesting that, after approximately 10 h, root integrity became degraded and solute uptake de-regulated. Deliveries of NO3 remained below control values. Reducing or eliminating the supply of K+ to detached leaves to test the potential of decreased K+ delivery to close stomata proved negative. Decrease in H+ delivery was associated with sap alkalisation. However, raising the pH of buffer from 6.0 or 6.5 to 7.0 did not close stomata when tested in the presence of abscisic acid (ABA) at a concentration (10 mol m–3) typical of the transpiration stream of flooded plants. It is concluded that despite their rapidity and scale, negative messages in the form of increased pH and decreased solute delivery from roots to shoots are, themselves, unlikely initiators of stomatal closure in flooded tomato plants.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of leaves is related to the exponent of the self-thinning relationship in plant populations. In this study, we evaluated the fractal dimension of rosette leaves of wild-type (WT)Arabidopsis thaliana and of an abscisic acid (ABA) -insensitive mutant (abi2-1) to test a model of the spatial distribution of leaf form in anArabidopsis population based on subdivision of a cube surrounding the leaf into uniform boxes and to investigate ABA’s affect on this model of the leaf. The values of the self-thinning exponent were -1.31 and -1.45 for WT andabi2-1. The mean dimensions of the box used to model the spatial distribution of leaf form, estimated using our model, were 2.08 and 2.03, respectively. By assuming that the box dimension equals the fractal dimension within the populations, the predicted self-thinning exponent equaled -1.40 for WT and -1.49 forabi2-1. When exogenous ABA was applied to both genotypes, the self-thinning exponent became -1.26 and -1.43 for WT andabi2-1, and the exponents predicted using the dimensions of the box were -1.37 and -1.46, respectively. The empirically predicted exponent equaled that predicted using the dimensions of the box (95% confidence interval). Empirical prediction of the spatial pattern using the two genotypes with and without ABA showed that ABA influenced the spatial form of the rosette leaves. Therefore, sensitivity to ABA can affect self-thinning through genetically determined changes in leaf form and its spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is one of the most common stress signals that appear in plant organs in response to soil drying. Equilibrium between ABA biosynthesis and catabolism regulates ABA accumulation in plants under water stress. The aim of our work was to explore the dynamics of changes in ABA metabolites as well as other stress-induced phytohormones such as jasmonic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, and their respective metabolites in hop [Humulus lupulus (L.)] plants during drying and to identify among them potential signals involved in drought signalling. We showed that the concentrations of all ABA metabolites (except the concentration of ABA glucosyl ester in leaves) increased in the same manner in leaves and xylem sap approximately at the same level of soil water content when the relative water content of leaves decreased. The predominant metabolites in leaves and xylem sap were phaseic acid and dihydroxyphaseic acid. ABA glucosyl ester was not a source of the increased concentration of ABA in leaves and xylem sap because of its considerably lower concentration compared to ABA. The concentration of jasmonates decreased in leaves of hop plants. Changes in auxin concentration suggest that this hormone is involved in the response of hop plants to soil drying.  相似文献   

There is now strong evidence that the plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays an important role in the regulation of stomatal behaviour and gas exchange of droughted plants. This regulation involves both long-distance transport and modulation of ABA concentration at the guard cells, as well as differential responses of the guard cells to a given dose of the hormone. We will describe how a plant can use the ABA signalling mechanism and other chemical signals to adjust the amount of water that it loses through its stomata in response to changes in both the rhizospheric and the aerial environment. The following components of the signalling process can play an important part in regulation: (a) ABA sequestration in the root; (b) ABA synthesis versus catabolism in the root; (c) the efficiency of ABA transfer across the root and into the xylem; (d) the exchange of ABA between the xylem lumen and the xylem parenchyma in the shoot; (e) the amount of ABA in the leaf symplastic reservoir and the efficiency of ABA sequestration and release from this compartment as regulated by factors such as root and leaf-sourced changes in pH; (f) cleavage of ABA from ABA conjugates in the leaf apoplast; (g) transfer of ABA from the leaf into the phloem; (h) the sensitivity of the guard cells to the [ABA] that finally reaches them; and lastly (i) the possible interaction between nitrate stress and the ABA signal.  相似文献   

To characterise the stomata of six temperate deciduous tree species, sets of stomatal sensitivities to all the most important environmental factors were measured. To compare the importance of abscisic acid (ABA) in the different stomatal responses, the effect of exogenous ABA on all the stomatal sensitivities was determined.Almost all the stomatal sensitivities: the sensitivity to a decrease in leaf water potential, air humidity, CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and light intensity, and to an increase in [CO2] and light intensity were the highest in the slow-growing species, and the lowest in the fast-growing species. Drought increased the sensitivity to the environmental changes that induce a decrease in the stomatal conductance, and decreased the sensitivity to the changes that induce an increase in this conductance. The sensitivities of the slow-growers were most strongly affected by drought and ABA. Therefore the success of the slow-growers in their ecological niches can be based on the highly sensitive and strictly regulated responses of their stomata. The fast-growers had the highest sensitivity to an increase in leaf water potential and this sensitivity was sharply reduced by drought and ABA. Thus, the dominance of the trees in riparian areas can be based on the ability of their stomata to quickly reach high conductance in well-watered conditions and to efficiently decrease this rate during drought.Stomatal sensitivities to the hydraulic environmental factors (water potentials in plant and air) had higher values in well-watered trees and a more pronounced response to drought than the sensitivities to the photosynthetic environmental factors ([CO2] and light intensity). Thus, the hydraulic factors most likely prevail over the photosynthetic factors in determining stomatal conductance in these species.In response to exogenous ABA, the rates of stomatal closure, following a decrease in air humidity and light intensity, and an increase in [CO2], were accelerated. Stomatal opening following an increase in air humidity and light intensity and a decrease in [CO2] was replaced by slow closing. The rate of stomatal opening following an increase in leaf water potential was reduced. As the sensitivities to changes in light were modified less by the ABA than the other stomatal sensitivities, the prediction of stomatal responses on the basis of the sensitivity to light alone should be excluded in stomatal models.  相似文献   

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