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In several perennial cropping systems, generalist or omnivorous species represent important biocontrol agents. They can persist on plants by feeding on alternative foods when prey is scarce and potentially limit pest outbreaks. Among beneficials characterised by a wide food range, those belonging to the acarine family Phytoseiidae represent important biocontrol agents. Generalist predatory mites can develop and reproduce using various food sources as alternatives to their tetranychid prey. The presence of alternative food sources can also induce switching feeding behaviour of generalist predators from prey to alternative foods. We evaluated in the laboratory the role of the grape powdery mildew (GPM) for the survival, development and reproduction of Amblyseius andersoni and Typhlodromus pyri , two important beneficial phytoseiid mites, in European and North-American vineyards. We also compared life-history parameters obtained when feeding on GPM with those obtained feeding on tetranychids mite prey or cattail pollen. Results indicated that GPM is an adequate food source for generalist mite survival and development. Results suggest that GPM can sustain mite populations in the absence of higher quality food sources. Based on optimal foraging theory, comparison of life-history parameters on GPM and mite prey suggests that the disruption of phytophagous mite control by these predatory mites in the presence of GPM appears unlikely. Implications for biological control in vineyards are discussed.  相似文献   

The phytophagous mite Panonychus ulmi Koch has become a significant problem in Ontario vineyards. We attempted to introduce and establish populations of the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten for P. ulmi biological control. Grape leaves were transferred from a vineyard containing T. pyri in early summer 1998, by picking leaves from a donor vineyard and attaching them onto leaves in the release vineyard where T. pyri were extremely rare. Two release treatments were used with rates of 8.5 (1×) and 25.5 (3×) mobiles per vine. In the first season, T. pyri established in similar densities in both release treatments, which were significantly higher than controls. However, there were no differences among treatments in P. ulmi densities in 1998 as a result of predator release. During summer 1999, significantly fewer P. ulmi mite-days were observed in release plots compared to the control. Amblyseius fallacis (Garman) was common throughout the release vineyard in 1998 and in 1999, but appeared on the vines too late in the season to maintain low P. ulmi densities. T. pyri appeared to out-compete A. fallacis in 1999 because A. fallacis densities were significantly lower in plots where T. pyri had been released than in control plots. We conclude that T. pyri can be effective for P. ulmi biological control in Ontario vineyards and may be introduced by transferring leaves. In Europe, transferring prunings has been the standard method of inoculating T. pyri into new vineyards. Here we show that transferring leaves is another practical method.  相似文献   

Fruit bodies of hypogeous fungi are an important food source for many small mammals and are consumed by larger mammals as well. A controversial hypothesis that prescribed burning increases fruiting of certain hypogeous fungi based on observations in Tasmania was tested in the Australian Capital Territory to determine if it applied in a quite different habitat. Ten pairs of plots, burnt and nonburnt, were established at each of two sites prescribe-burnt in May 1999. When sampled in early July, after autumn rains had initiated the fungal fruiting season, species richness and numbers of fruit bodies on the burnt plots were extremely low: most plots produced none at all. Both species richness and fruit body numbers were simultaneously high on nonburnt plots. One of the sites was resampled a year after the initial sampling. At that time species richness and fruit body abundance were still significantly less on burnt plots than on nonburnt, but a strong trend towards fungal recovery on the burnt plots was evident. This was particularly so when numbers of fruit bodies of one species, the hypogeous agaric Dermocybe globuliformis, were removed from the analysis. This species strongly dominated the nonburnt plots but was absent from burnt plots in both years. The trend towards recovery of fruit body abundance in the burnt plots one year after the burn was much more pronounced with exclusion of the Dermocybe data. The Tasmanian-based hypothesis was based mostly on the fruiting of two fire-adapted species in the Mesophelliaceae. Neither species occurred on our plots. Accordingly, the results and conclusions of the Tasmanian study cannot be extrapolated to other habitats without extensive additional study. Implications for management of habitat for fungi and the animals that rely on the fungi as a food source are discussed.  相似文献   

With a view to converting human urine into bio-wealth in the form of zooplankton, the nutrient potentials of liquid wastes (0.11 mL L−1)—(i) human urine (♂), (ii) cow urine, (iii) human–cow mixed urine or some solid wastes (0.11 g L−1): (iv) vermi-compost, (v) cow dung, (vi) poultry droppings and (vii) mixed wastes (vermi-cow-poultry)—were evaluated for the mass culture of zooplankton Moina micrura in 24 outdoor tanks (4500 L) in triplicate treatments using life table as indicator during the period of October–December, 2005. Neonates of Moina micrura held in the treatment with human urine started reproduction at least 4 days earlier than other solid wastes tested. Total number of Moina micrura enumerated in the culture tank, related with offspring production per life span, was maximum in case of human urine treatment, followed by human–cow mixed urine, cow urine, vermin-compost, poultry droppings, mixed wastes (vermin–cow–poultry), cow dung and control treatments. The relationship between the total offspring production per female per life span and the nitrogen content of water in different treatments implied that human urine was an excellent liquid waste that can be used for the mass production of zooplankton Moina micrura required for larval and post larval rearing of commercial fishes.  相似文献   

AHomo erectus individual (KNM-ER 1808) from Koobi Fora, Kenya dating from 1·6 ± 0·1 million years exhibits pathological apposition of bone on long bone shafts. This was originally attributed to hypervitaminosis A from the consumption of carnivore livers. Bee brood has a sufficiently high concentration of vitamin A that protracted ingestion could theoretically produce hypervitaminosis A. The ecology of the East African bee,Apis mellifera scutelatta, is investigated to show that the density of nests with their brood contents within a reasonable foraging area of earlyHomo erectus would yield an ample and reliable energy source with deleteriously high vitamin A content. A potential role of honey gathering and insect larvae consumption in hominine behavioural and physical evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Kosteletzkya virginica, a perennial halophyte, is native to the American salt marsh. It was introduced into China as a potential species to improve tideland and develop ecologically sound saline agriculture. The experimental results in the fields over 10 years indicated that K. virginica adapts excellently to the tidal flat habitats in China's east coast, with multiple ecobenefits such as landscape beautification, revegetation and providing food source for targeted wildlife or migratory birds. Seed yields of unselected mixed and bred lines were 621 kg/ha and 957 kg/ha, respectively. Oil contents in the seeds of the unselected mixed and bred lines were 17.536% and 20.64%, respectively. The unsaturated fatty acids (70.134%) in the seed oil predominated over the saturated ones (29.866%). Seed oil of K. virginica could produce a high quality biodiesel, of which the unsaturated C18 content of the main part was about 68.62% and sulfur content was 0.0003%. Cetane No. and flash point were both higher than those of diesel fuel, and rust class of steel was lower than that of diesel fuel. These indicate that K. virginica could be used as an agroecoengineering species for alternative agricultural production and for revegetation of salt-affected tidal flats in China's east coast.  相似文献   

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