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Abstract The warty birch caterpillar Drepana bilineata produces two distinct types of vibrational signals (mandible drumming and anal scraping) during interactions with conspecifics. Vibrational signalling is characterized using standard and high‐speed videography synchronized with laser‐doppler vibrometry, and behavioural experiments test the hypothesis that signalling functions to advertise occupancy of birch (Betula) leaves. Drumming involves raising the head and striking the leaf with the sharp edges of the open mandibles. Anal scraping involves dragging a pair of specialized oar‐shaped setae against the leaf surface. Staged encounters between leaf residents and conspecific intruders result in the resident signalling, with rates increasing as the intruder moves closer. Intruders signal significantly less often than residents. Conflicts are typically resolved within a few minutes, with the resident winning in 61% of the trials, and the intruder winning in 6%. Contests that last more than 30 min are deemed ‘ties’ and comprise the remaining 33% of trials. The results support the hypothesis that vibrational signals function to advertise leaf occupancy. Vibrational communication is believed to be widespread in Drepanoidea caterpillars, but has only been described in two species to date: D. bilineata (present study) and Drepana arcuata. It is proposed that differences in territorial behaviour and signalling between these species are related to their relative investments in silk leaf mats and shelters. The proximate and ultimate bases for the evolution of vibrational communication in caterpillars are discussed.  相似文献   

李雪峰  张岩  牛丽君  韩士杰 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1782-1790
采用交互分解实验,研究长白山白桦叶片和白桦、山杨与水曲柳混合叶片在白桦纯林和白桦山杨混交林内的分解过程。两年的分解实验结果表明,两种类型叶片均存在一个快速分解阶段和一个慢速分解阶段,森林类型和凋落物类型对凋落物分解率的影响在快速分解阶段不显著而在慢速分解阶段显著;混交林内的环境促进了凋落物分解和养分元素释放;在同一林型内,底物质量高的混合叶片其分解率和养分元素释放率均大于底物质量低的白桦叶片;凋落物的底物质量在一定程度上可以抵消森林类型对凋落物分解的影响;白桦山杨混交林混合叶片分解速率和养分元素释放率要显著大于白桦纯林内的白桦叶片,说明白桦山杨混交林的物质循环速度和养分元素供应能力要显著大于白桦纯林。  相似文献   

Summary The morphology and life-cycle of Trichobilharzia arcuata n. sp. from the nasal blood vessels of Dendrocygna arcuata from northern Australia are described. T. arcuata is distinguished from all species of Trichobilharzia except T. australis and African nasal schistosomes by its location in the nasal blood vessels and by the cercariae having 16 flame cells with a formula 2[(3)+(4+1)] against 14 with a formula 2[(3)+(3+1)], or 12 with a formula 2[(3)+(2+1)] in the case of T. corvi. T. arcuata differs from the five African nasal schistosomes in the nature of the tegument, the position of the male genital papilla and the shape of the eggs and from T. australis in the position of the caecal reunion, the number of testes, the absence of spines on the ventral tegument between the ovary and the seminal receptacle, the shape of the eggs and the presence of two germinal masses in the miracidium. Lymnaea lessoni exposed to miracidia of T. arcuata developed patent infection in 22 to 41 days. Intramolluscan development of T. arcuata is similar to T. stagnicolae and T. physellae. Domestic Muscovy ducks and pigeons developed patent infections in 22 and 12 days respectively. Chickens, a black duck and a grey teal did not become infected. ac]19840616  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to describe the diet and estimate the trophic level and food selection of Jenyns's sprat Ramnogaster arcuata, one of the common fishes in the Bahía Blanca estuary in Argentina. The copepods Acartia tonsa [53·7% index of relative importance (I(RI))] and Eurytemora americana (13·4% I(RI)), the mysid Arthromysis magellanica (13·9%I(RI)) and the small shrimp Peisos petrunkevitchi (8·2% I(RI)) were the most important food items for this species, and its diet exhibited monthly variability with respect to the principal prey categories. The zooplankton species in the study area consisted of 32 taxa. Acartia tonsa was the most abundant species [54% individuals (N) m(-3)], followed by Balanus glandula (13·8% N m(-3)) and E. americana (10·1% N m(-3)). The rest of the zooplankton groups represented <3% N m(-3). The most preferred items throughout the year were A. magellanica and Idotea sp. The trophic level value estimated was 3·1.  相似文献   

Huang  Y.  Eglinton  G.  Ineson  P.  Bol  R.  Harkness  D. D. 《Plant and Soil》1999,216(1-2):35-45
The effects of nitrogen (N) fertilisation and elevated [CO2] on lipid biosynthesis and carbon isotope discrimination in birch (Betula pendula Roth.) transplants were evaluated using seedlings grown with and without N fertiliser, and under two concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (ambient and ambient+250 μmol mol-1) in solar dome systems. N fertilisation decreased n-fatty acid chain length (18:0/16:0) and the ratios of α-linolenate (18:2)/linoleate (18:1), whereas elevated [CO2] showed little effect on n-fatty acid chain length, but decreased the unsaturation (18:2+18:1)/18:0. Both N fertilisation and elevated [CO2] increased the quantity of leaf wax n-alkanes, whilst reducing that of n-alkanols by 20–50%, but had no simple response in fatty acid concentrations. 13C enrichment by 1–2.5‰ under N fertilisation was observed, and can be attributed to both reduced leaf conductance and increased photosynthetic consumption of CO2. Individual n-alkyl lipids of different chain length show consistent pattern of δ13C values within each homologue, but are in general 5–8‰ more depleted in 13C than the bulk tissues. Niether nitrogen fertilisation and elevated CO2 influenced the relationship between carbon isotope discrimination of the bulk tissue and the individual lipids. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring odors used by animals for mate recognition, food identification and other purposes must be detected at concentrations that vary across several orders of magnitude. Olfactory systems must therefore have the capacity to represent odors over a large range of concentrations regardless of dramatic changes in the salience, or perceived intensity, of a stimulus. The stability of the representation of an odor relative to other odors across concentration has not been extensively evaluated. We tested the ability of honey bees to discriminate pure odorants across a range of concentrations at and above their detection threshold. Our study showed that pure odorant compounds became progressively easier for honey bees to discriminate with increasing concentration. Discrimination is, therefore, a function of odorant concentration. We hypothesize that the recruitment of sensory cell populations across a range of concentrations may be important for odor coding, perhaps by changing its perceptual qualities or by increasing its salience against background stimuli, and that this mechanism is a general property of olfactory systems.  相似文献   

Abstract: The submerged leaves of Ludwigia arcuata are much narrower than the terrestrial leaves. Such heterophyllous changes in leaf shape have been observed in other aquatic angiosperms, such as Callitriche heterophylla, Hippuris vulgaris and Ranunculus flabellaris, but the cause of the formation of heterophyllous leaves in L. arcuata seems to be quite different. In contrast to other species, in which the shapes of epidermal cells have been changed, the change of leaf shape in L. arcuata was found to be due to changes in the numbers of epidermal cells aligned in transverse sections. The susceptibility of leaves to changes in shape above and below the water is dependent on the developmental stages: leaves younger than the fourth leaf responded to a change in environment, while leaves older than the fifth leaf did not. Treatment with ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid), a precursor to ethylene, induced the formation of submerged-type leaves on terrestrial shoots, implying that ethylene might be the endogenous factor responsible for the change in leaf shape. The results are discussed with reference to the significance of the acclimation of plants to environmental changes.  相似文献   

 Cuttings of a single birch clone (Betula pendula) were grown in field fumigation chambers throughout the growing season in either filtered air (control) or 90/40 nl O3 l–1 (day/night). Both regimes were split into plants under high and low nutrient supply (macro- and micronutrients). The stomatal density of leaves was increased by ozone but was lowered at high nutrition, while the inner air space was hardly affected by the treatments. Ozone induced macroscopic leaf injury regardless of nutrition, but leaf shedding was delayed in the low-fertilized plants, despite O3 uptake being similar to that in high-fertilized plants. The leaf turn-over was enhanced in the O3-exposed high-fertilized plants, but length growth and leaf formation of stems were not affected by ozone in either nutrient regime. Leaves of high-fertilized plants showed O3-caused decline in photosynthetic capacity, water-use efficiency, apparent carbon uptake efficiency and quantum yield earlier as compared with low-fertilized plants, whereas chlorophyll fluorescence (FV/FM) and leaf nitrogen concentration were rather stable. CO2 uptake rate and rubisco activity of young leaves compensated for the O3 injury in the ageing leaves of the low-fertilized plants. In 8-week-old leaves, however, the O3-induced decline in CO2 uptake did not differ between the nutrient regimes and was associated with increased dark respiration rather than changed photorespiration. The balance between CO2 supply and demand was lost, as was stomatal limitation on CO2 uptake. High nutrition did not help leaves to maintain a high photosynthetic capacity and life span under O3 stress. Received: 6 July 1996 / Accepted: 4 June 1997  相似文献   

Plants respond to feeding injury by chewing insects by inducing both a general response to mechanical wounding and a specific response to herbivore-associated elicitors. In both cases, plant response involves complex biochemical and physiological changes. We compared chemical and physical responses of paper birch (B. papyrifera) and European white birch (B. pendula) stems to mechanical injury to determine if aspects of their wound response correspond with the much higher resistance of paper birch to bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius). We also characterized stem responses to mechanical wounding plus bronze birch borer larval homogenate to determine if larval cues elicited a more specific response than mechanical wounding alone. In both species, wounding decreased concentrations of individual phenolics, total phenolics, and condensed tannins, perhaps because they were diverted to lignin biosynthesis, the concentration of which increased. Nitrogen concentration increased in both species while free amino acid concentrations declined, perhaps because they were utilized to synthesize proteins. Application of larval homogenate did not elicit a response different from that induced by mechanical injury. When comparing wound responses of the two birch species, phenolic profiles differed most conspicuously. However, multivariate analyses revealed no differences between constitutive and wound-induced phenolic profiles within each species, and the rate of wound periderm growth was equivalent between species. These results suggest that components of the wound response we measured may not contribute to interspecific variation in bronze birch borer resistance of paper birch and European white birch.  相似文献   

The coronate larva of the ascophoran bryozoan Watersipora arcuata has a ring of 32 large, multiciliated coronal cells that are used for swimming. Fourteen pairs of small cells are intercalated between the lateral margins of adjacent coronal cells. These intercoronal cells are arranged in a precise pattern and are polymorphic: seven pairs have multiple cilia and seven pairs are mono- or oligociliated. Three pairs of multiciliated intercoronal cells have their cilia arranged as a whorl that is recessed in a pocket formed between the adjacent coronal cells, and they are thought to be photoreceptors that sense general light intensity. Two other pairs of multiciliated cells with cohesive tufts of cilia may be chemo- or mechanoreceptors. Roles of the other intercoronal cells in this species are not evident, but it is proposed that the majority, if not all, of them are sensory. The close proximity of all the intercoronal cells to the equatorial nerve ring is compatible with this interpretation. Analyses of the literature on cleavage patterns, pigment cup ocelli, and flagellar tufts that serve as balancers in coronate larvae lead us to propose that (1) an intercoronal cell is the sensory element of most, if not all, pigment cup ocelli of bryozoan larvae; and (2) intercoronal cells are not modified coronal cells but probably are specialized supra- and/or infracoronal ones that have migrated to an intercoronal position.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Uca arcuata in Tanshui mangrove swamp of northern Taiwan was examined. Using as genetic markers, isozymes identified through starch gel electrophoresis indicate that there was moderate genetic differentiation among subpopulations within the population (FST = .085). Gene flow appeared high when estimated indirectly (Nm = 2.69). The results suggest that the patterns of genetic structure of Uca arcuata were influenced by the interaction of local selection due to microhabitat differences and gene flow among fiddler crab colonies in the mangrove swamp.  相似文献   

The distribution of Peltoperla arcuata in a first-order stream and its two ephemeral tributaries was studied between March and April, 1977. Overall, the distribution was highly contagious (clumped) with most nymphs concentrated in the lower reaches of the tributaries. The most reasonable explanations for aggregation in tributaries were: 1) higher food quantity and quality in early fall, 2) minimization of downstream transport by erosion of leaf packets and 3) diversion to the tributaries of upstream movement in the mainstream by obstacles (e. g., logs and boulders) in the channel.  相似文献   

李雪峰  张岩  牛丽君  韩士杰 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1782-1790
采用交互分解实验,研究长白山白桦叶片和白桦、山杨与水曲柳混合叶片在白桦纯林和白桦山杨混交林内的分解过程。两年的分解实验结果表明,两种类型叶片均存在一个快速分解阶段和一个慢速分解阶段,森林类型和凋落物类型对凋落物分解率的影响在快速分解阶段不显著而在慢速分解阶段显著;混交林内的环境促进了凋落物分解和养分元素释放;在同一林型内,底物质量高的混合叶片其分解率和养分元素释放率均大于底物质量低的白桦叶片;凋落物的底物质量在一定程度上可以抵消森林类型对凋落物分解的影响;白桦山杨混交林混合叶片分解速率和养分元素释放率要显著大于白桦纯林内的白桦叶片,说明白桦山杨混交林的物质循环速度和养分元素供应能力要显著大于白桦纯林。  相似文献   

Sequence-specific DNA detection is important in various biomedical applications such as gene expression profiling, disease diagnosis and treatment, drug discovery and forensic analysis. Here we report a gold nanoparticle-based method that allows DNA detection and quantification and is capable of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discrimination. The precise quantification of single-stranded DNA is due to the formation of defined nanoparticle-DNA conjugate groupings in the presence of target/linker DNA. Conjugate groupings were characterized and quantified by gel electrophoresis. A linear correlation between the amount of target DNA and conjugate groupings was found. For SNP detection, single base mismatch discrimination was achieved for both the end- and center-base mismatch. The method described here may be useful for the development of a simple and quantitative DNA detection assay.  相似文献   

We explored Hamilton and Brown's autumn signalling hypothesis in mountain birch (Betula pubescens). As predicted by the hypothesis, early autumn colour change (i.e. high degree of autumn colouration in September) was negatively correlated with insect damage the following season. Furthermore, as expected, indices of physiological stress (i.e. leaf fluctuating asymmetry) and reproductive investment (i.e. catkin production) were positively correlated with insect damage the following season. Indirectly, we also found support for the idea that the proposed handicap signal (i.e. early autumn senescence) might be associated with an honesty ensuring cost in terms of lost primary production. Further work is, however, required to determine whether the link between autumn colours and insect damage observed in this study is causal.  相似文献   

转基因白桦外源基因的多重PCR快速检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
詹亚光  苏涛  韩梅  孙冬 《植物研究》2006,26(4):480-485
根据转化的载体序列上T-DNA中的目的基因bt,选择性筛选标记基因nptⅡ和报告基因gus设计三对特异性引物,PCR产物片断大小分别为247、449、668 bp,应用多重PCR (mutiplex-PCR)的方法同步检测18株转基因白桦中三个基因的整合状况;用阳性对照为模板,对单重PCR(simplex-PCR)和多重PCR的各项指标进行比较。结果表明多重PCR检测多个外源基因在敏感性方面与单重PCR相比并没有减弱,而且略有提高;对18株样品的多重PCR同步检测无假阳性出现,结果准确,同时在操作中具有减少污染,缩短时间和节约成本等优点。因此,在对转基因白桦的外源基因的定期检测中,多重PCR是一种非常有效而便捷的方法,可以为转基因的拷贝数,T-DNA旁侧序列特征等转基因整合特性方面的研究提供数据。  相似文献   

When humans detect and discriminate visual motion, some neural mechanism extracts the motion information that is embedded in the noisy spatio-temporal stimulus. We show that an ideal mechanism in a motion discrimination experiment cross-correlates the received waveform with the signals to be discriminated. If the human visual system uses such a cross-correlator mechanism, discrimination performance should depend on the cross-correlation between the two signals. Manipulations of the signals' cross-correlation using differences in the speed and phase of moving gratings produced the predicted changes in the performance of human observers. The cross-correlator's motion performance improves linearly as contrast increases and human performance is similar. The ideal cross-correlator can be implemented by passing the stimulus through linear spatio-temporal filters matched to the signals. We propose that directionally selective simple cells in the striate cortex serve as matched filters during motion detection and discrimination.  相似文献   

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