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Productive infection and replication of herpesviruses usually occurs in growth-arrested cells, but there has been no direct evidence in the case of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), since an efficient lytic replication system without external stimuli does not exist for the virus. Expression of the EBV lytic-switch transactivator BZLF1 protein in EBV-negative epithelial tumor cell lines, however, is known to arrest the cell cycle in G(0)/G(1) by induction of the tumor suppressor protein p53 and the cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors p21(WAF-1/CIP-1) and p27(KIP-1), followed by the accumulation of a hypophosphorylated form of the Rb protein. In order to determine the effect of the onset of lytic viral replication on cellular events in latently EBV-infected B LCLs, a tightly controlled induction system of the EBV lytic-replication program by inducible BZLF1 protein expression was established in B95-8 cells. The induction of lytic replication completely arrested cell cycle progression and cellular DNA replication. Surprisingly, the levels of p53, p21(WAF-1/CIP-1), and p27(KIP-1) were constant before and after induction of the lytic program, indicating that the cell cycle arrest induced by the lytic program is not mediated through p53 and the CDK inhibitors. Furthermore, although cellular DNA replication was blocked, elevation of cyclin E/A expression and accumulation of hyperphosphorylated forms of Rb protein were observed, a post-G(1)/S phase characteristic of cells. Thus, while the EBV lytic program promoted specific cell cycle-associated activities involved in the progression from G(1) to S phase, it inhibited cellular DNA synthesis. Such cellular conditions appear to especially favor viral lytic replication.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a human DNA virus that is responsible for the syndrome infectious mononucleosis, and is associated with several forms of cancer. During both lytic and latent viral infection, viral proteins manipulate the host's cellular components to aid in viral replication and maintenance. Here, it is demonstrated that induction of EBV lytic replication results in a dramatic reorganization of mitochondria accompanied by a significant alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential and a rapid and transient increase in the microtubular cytoskeleton. Moreover, we show that expression of the EBV immediate-early genes BZLF1 and BRLF1 contributes to the mitochondrial alteration but not the increase in the microtubule cytoskeleton, suggesting that the mechanism for the observed cytoplasmic restructuring involves a number of coordinated viral and host proteins.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) productive DNA replication occurs at discrete sites, called replication compartments, in nuclei. In this study we performed comprehensive analyses of the architecture of the replication compartments. The BZLF1 oriLyt binding proteins showed a fine, diffuse pattern of distribution throughout the nuclei at immediate-early stages of induction and then became associated with the replicating EBV genome in the replication compartments during lytic infection. The BMRF1 polymerase (Pol) processivity factor showed a homogenous, not dot-like, distribution in the replication compartments, which completely coincided with the newly synthesized viral DNA. Inhibition of viral DNA replication with phosphonoacetic acid, a viral DNA Pol inhibitor, eliminated the DNA-bound form of the BMRF1 protein, although the protein was sufficiently expressed in the cells. These observations together with the findings that almost all abundantly expressed BMRF1 proteins existed in the DNA-bound form suggest that the BMRF1 proteins not only act at viral replication forks as Pol processive factors but also widely distribute on newly replicated EBV genomic DNA. In contrast, the BALF5 Pol catalytic protein, the BALF2 single-stranded-DNA binding protein, and the BBLF2/3 protein, a component of the helicase-primase complex, were colocalized as distinct dots distributed within replication compartments, representing viral replication factories. Whereas cellular replication factories are constructed based on nonchromatin nuclear structures and nuclear matrix, viral replication factories were easily solubilized by DNase I treatment. Thus, compared with cellular DNA replication, EBV lytic DNA replication factories would be simpler so that construction of the replication domain would be more relaxed.  相似文献   

The major immediate-early (MIE) gene locus of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the master switch that determines the outcomes of both lytic and latent infections. Here, we provide evidence that alteration in the splicing of HCMV (Towne strain) MIE genes affects infectious-virus replication, movement through the cell cycle, and cyclin-dependent kinase activity. Mutation of a conserved 24-nucleotide region in MIE exon 4 increased the abundance of IE1-p38 mRNA and decreased the abundance of IE1-p72 and IE2-p86 mRNAs. An increase in IE1-p38 protein was accompanied by a slight decrease in IE1-p72 protein and a significant decrease in IE2-p86 protein. The mutant virus had growth defects, which could not be complemented by wild-type IE1-p72 protein in trans. The phenotype of the mutant virus could not be explained by an increase in IE1-p38 protein, but prevention of the alternate splice returned the recombinant virus to the wild-type phenotype. The lower levels of IE1-p72 and IE2-p86 proteins correlated with a delay in early and late viral gene expression and movement into the S phase of the cell cycle. Mutant virus-infected cells had significantly higher levels of cdk-1 expression and enzymatic activity than cells infected with wild-type virus. The mutant virus induced a round-cell phenotype that accumulated in the G(2)/M compartment of the cell cycle with condensation and fragmentation of the chromatin. An inhibitor of viral DNA synthesis increased the round-cell phenotype. The round cells were characteristic of an abortive viral infection.  相似文献   

Sato B  Sommer M  Ito H  Arvin AM 《Journal of virology》2003,77(22):12369-12372
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is an alphaherpesvirus that causes two diseases, chickenpox and zoster. VZV open reading frame 4 (ORF4) encodes the immediate-early 4 (IE4) protein, which is conserved among alphaherpesvirus and has transactivation activity in transient transfections. To determine whether the ORF4 gene product is essential for viral replication, we used VZV cosmids to remove ORF4 from the VZV genome. Deleting ORF4 was incompatible with recovery of infectious virus, whereas transfections done by using repaired cosmids with ORF4 inserted at a nonnative site yielded virus. To analyze the functional domain of IE4, we introduced a mutation altering the C-terminal amino acids, KYFKC (K443S), which was designed to disrupt the dimerization of IE4 protein. Transfections with these mutant cosmids yielded no virus, indicating that this KYFKC motif was essential for IE4 function.  相似文献   

The ZEBRA protein of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) drives the viral lytic cycle cascade. The capacity of ZEBRA to recognize specific DNA sequences resides in amino acids 178 to 194, a region in which 9 of 17 residues are either lysine or arginine. To define the basic domain residues essential for activity, a series of 46 single-amino-acid-substitution mutants were examined for their ability to bind ZIIIB DNA, a high-affinity ZEBRA binding site, and for their capacity to activate early and late EBV lytic cycle gene expression. DNA binding was obligatory for the protein to activate the lytic cascade. Nineteen mutants that failed to bind DNA were unable to disrupt latency. A single acidic replacement of a basic amino acid destroyed DNA binding and the biologic activity of the protein. Four mutants that bound weakly to DNA were defective at stimulating the expression of Rta, the essential first target of ZEBRA in lytic cycle activation. Four amino acids, R183, A185, C189, and R190, are likely to contact ZIIIB DNA specifically, since alanine or valine substitutions at these positions drastically weakened or eliminated DNA binding. Twenty-three mutants were proficient in binding to ZIIIB DNA. Some DNA binding-proficient mutants were refractory to supershift by BZ-1 monoclonal antibody (epitope amino acids 214 to 230), likely as the result of the increased solubility of the mutants. Mutants competent to bind DNA could be separated into four functional groups: the wild-type group (eight mutants), a group defective at activating Rta (five mutants, all with mutations at the S186 site), a group defective at activating EA-D (three mutants with the R179A, S186T, and K192A mutations), and a group specifically defective at activating late gene expression (seven mutants). Three late mutants, with a Y180A, Y180E, or K188A mutation, were defective at stimulating EBV DNA replication. This catalogue of point mutants reveals that basic domain amino acids play distinct functions in binding to DNA, in activating Rta, in stimulating early lytic gene expression, and in promoting viral DNA replication and viral late gene expression. These results are discussed in relationship to the recently solved crystal structure of ZEBRA bound to an AP-1 site.  相似文献   

The contribution of C/EBP proteins to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) lytic gene expression and replication in epithelial cells was examined. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines constitutively expressed C/EBPbeta and had limited C/EBPalpha expression, while the AGS gastric cancer cell line expressed significant levels of both C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta. Induction of the lytic cycle in EBV-positive AGS/BX1 cells with phorbol ester and sodium butyrate treatment led to a transient stimulation of C/EBPbeta expression and a prolonged increase in C/EBPalpha expression. In AGS/BX1 cells, endogenous C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta proteins were detected associated with the ZTA and oriLyt promoters but not the RTA promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays confirmed binding of C/EBP proteins to multiple sites in the ZTA and oriLyt promoters. The response of these promoters in reporter assays to transfected C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta proteins was consistent with the promoter binding assays and emphasized the relative importance of C/EBPs for activation of the ZTA promoter. Mutation of the oriLyt promoter proximal C/EBP site had little effect on ZTA activation of the promoter in a reporter assay. However, this mutation impaired oriLyt DNA replication, suggesting a separate replication-specific contribution for C/EBP proteins. Finally, the overall importance of C/EBP proteins for lytic gene expression was demonstrated using CHOP10 to antagonize C/EBP DNA binding activity. Introduction of CHOP10 significantly impaired induction of the ZTA, RTA, and BMRF1 proteins in chemically treated AGS/BX1 cells. Thus, C/EBPbeta and C/EBPalpha expression are associated with lytic induction in AGS cells, and expression of C/EBP proteins in epithelial cells may contribute to the tendency of these cells to exhibit constitutive low-level ZTA promoter activity.  相似文献   

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