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We have previously reported that ATP-inhibitable K+channels, in vesicles derived from the basolateral membrane ofNecturus maculosus small intestinal cells, exhibit volumeregulatory responses that resemble those found in the intact tissueafter exposure to anisotonic solutions. We now report that increases inK+ channel activity can also be elicited by exposure ofthese vesicles to isotonic solutions containing glucose or alanine thatequilibrate across these membranes. We also demonstrate that swellingafter exposure to a hypotonic solution or an isotonic solutioncontaining alanine or glucose reduces inhibition of channel activity byATP and that this finding cannot be simply attributed to dilution ofintravesicular ATP. We conclude that ATP-sensitive, stretch-activated K+ channels may be responsible for the well-establishedincrease in basolateral membrane K+ conductance ofNecturus small intestinal cells after the addition of sugarsor amino acids to the solution perfusing the mucosal surface, and wepropose that increases in cell volume, resulting in membrane stretch,decreases the sensitivity of these channels to ATP.


Using the patch-clamp technique, we demonstrate here the opening of K+ channels evoked by the actively transported amino acid L-alanine in isolated Necturus enterocytes. These channels had a conductance of about 30 pS and their activation was dependent on transmembrane electrical potential and cytosolic Ca2+.  相似文献   

By a slight modification of the procedure described by Gratecos et al. (Gratecos, D., Knibiehler, M., Benoit, V. and Sémériva, M. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 512, 508–524), the basolateral and brush border membranes of rabbit enterocytes have been purified concomitantly from the same aliquot of mucosa. The two types of membrane have been obtained with the same yield (15%) and enrichment of specific markers (18-fold).The presence in the basolateral membrane of hydrolases known to be specific of the brush border membrane has been confirmed by using immunological techniques.  相似文献   

Basolateral membranes purified from rat jejunal enterocytes and enriched 14 times in (Na, K)-ATPase, are present as unsealed and right side out (RSO) or inside out (IO) vesicles in the ratio 2:2:1, as determined by detergent activation of ATPase activity. Entrance of 1 mM Na into basolateral membrane vesicles was measured in the presence and in the absence of 5 mM ATP by a rapid filtration technique, under different experimental conditions. Carrier-mediated Na transport across the basolateral membrane can be trans-stimulated and cis-inhibited by K and further stimulated by ATP (activation of the Na pump). The ATP effect can be suppressed by vanadate and strophanthidin and enhanced by bleomycin (19% increase), which positively also acts on (Na, K)-ATPase activity (16% increase). In addition to the Na pump this study demonstrates the existence of a carrier-mediated Na transport trans-stimulated by K. There appears to be no cotransport of Na-K.  相似文献   

A study of the mechanisms of the effects of amphotericin B and ouabain on cell membrane and transepithelial potentials and intracellular K activity (alpha Ki) of Necturus gallbladder epithelium was undertaken with conventional and K-selective intracellular microelectrode techniques. Amphotericin B produced a mucosa-negative change of transepithelial potential (Vms) and depolarization of both apical and basolateral membranes. Rapid fall of alpha Ki was also observed, with the consequent reduction of the K equilibrium potential (EK) across both the apical and the basolateral membrane. It was also shown that, unless the mucosal bathing medium is rapidly exchanged, K accumulates in the unstirred fluid layers near the luminal membrane generating a paracellular K diffusion potential, which contributes to the Vms change. Exposure to ouabain resulted in a slow decrease of alpha Ki and slow depolarization of both cell membranes. Cell membrane potentials and alpha Ki could be partially restored by a brief (3-4 min) mucosal substitution of K for Na. Under all experimental conditions (control, amphotericin B, and ouabain), EK at the basolateral membrane was larger than the basolateral membrane equivalent emf (Eb). Therefore, the K chemical potential difference appears to account for Eb and the magnitude of the cell membrane potentials, without the need to postulate an electrogenic Na pump. Comparison of the rate of Na transport across the tissue with the electrodiffusional K flux across the basolateral membrane indicates that maintenance of a steady-state alpha Ki cannot be explained by a simple Na,K pump-K leak model. It is suggested that either a NaCl pump operates in parallel with the Na,K pump, or that a KCl downhill neutral extrusion mechanism exists in addition to the electrodiffusional K pathway.  相似文献   

Necturus urinary bladders stripped of serosal muscle and connective tissue were impaled through their basolateral membranes with microelectrodes in experiments that permitted rapid changes in the ion composition of the serosal solution. The transepithelial electrical properties exhibited a marked seasonal variation that could be attributed to variations in the conductance of the shunt pathway, apical membrane selectivity, and basolateral Na+ transport. In contrast, the passive electrical properties of the basolateral membrane remained constant throughout the year. The apparent transference numbers (Ti) of the basolateral membrane for K+ and Cl- were determined from the effect on the basolateral membrane equivalent electromotive force of a sudden increase in the serosal K+ concentration from 2.5 to 50 mM/liter or a decrease in the Cl- concentration from 101 to 10 mM/liter. TK and TCl were 0.71 +/- 0.05 and 0.04 +/- 0.01, respectively. The basolateral K+ conductance could be blocked by Ba2+ (0.5 mM), Cs+ (10 mM), or Rb+ (10 mM), but was unaffected by 3,4-diaminopyridine (100 microM), decamethonium (100 microM), or tetraethylammonium (10 mM). We conclude that a highly selective K+ conductance dominates the electrical properties of the basolateral membrane and that this conductance is different from those found in nerve and muscle membranes.  相似文献   

L-carnitine transport has been measured in enterocytes and basolateral membrane vesicles (BLMV) isolated from chicken intestinal epithelia. In the nominally Na+-free conditions chicken enterocytes take up L-carnitine until the cell to medium L-carnitine ratio is 1. This uptake was inhibited by L-carnitine, D-carnitine, gamma-butyrobetaine, acetylcarnitine, tetraethylammonium (TEA), and betaine. L-3H-carnitine uptake into BLMV showed no overshoot, and it was (i) Na+-independent, (ii) trans-stimulated by intravesicular L-carnitine, and (iii) cis-inhibited by TEA and cold L-carnitine. L-3H-carnitine efflux from L-3H-carnitine preloaded enterocytes was also Na+-independent, and trans-stimulated by L-carnitine, D-carnitine, gamma-butyrobetaine, acetylcarnitine, TEA, and betaine. Both, uptake and efflux of L-carnitine were inhibited by verapamil and unaffected by either extracellular pH or palmitoyl-L-carnitine. RT-PCR with specific primers for the mouse OCTN3 transporter revealed the existence of OCTN3 mRNA in mouse intestine, which was confirmed by in situ hybridization studies. Immunohystochemical analysis showed that OCTN3 protein was mainly associated with the basolateral membrane of rat and chicken enterocytes, whereas OCTN2 was detected at the apical membrane. In conclusion, the results demonstrate for the first time that (i) mammalian small intestine expresses OCTN3 mRNA along the villus and (ii) that OCTN3 protein is located in the basolateral membrane. They also suggest that OCTN3 could mediate the passive, Na+ and pH-independent L-carnitine transport activity measured in the three experimental conditions.  相似文献   

The basolateral membrane of mouse duodenal enterocytes can be selectively labelled in vitro with 59Fe by incubating intact enterocytes with 59Fe(III)-nitrilotriacetate at 0-4 degrees C. It has been proposed that this labelling represents binding to a site important in the transfer of intracellular Fe to the portal plasma (Snape, S., Simpson, R.J. and Peters, T.J. (1990) Cell Biochem. Funct. 8, 107-115). Studies presented here show binding to intact enterocytes in vitro was complete within 1 h and was proportional to enterocyte protein concentration. Binding to enterocytes isolated from both normal and chronically hypoxic mice showed a hyperbolic dependence on medium Fe(III) concentration, consistent with a single class of binding sites. Neither apparent binding constant nor maximal binding were increased by hypoxic exposure of mice, suggesting that the increased in vivo labelling of this site in hypoxia is not due to an increase in affinity or capacity of this site for iron. Release of iron from intact enterocytes, labelled at 0-4 degrees C, was measured at 37 degrees C and 0-4 degrees C. Release of 59Fe was extensive and more rapid at 37 degrees C with highest release to mouse serum. Iron released to serum was found to be bound to transferrin. Prior dialysis of serum against buffer led to complete failure of enterocytes to release iron. Reconstituting serum by adding back the dialysate restores release to levels seen in fresh serum, suggesting that low molecular weight serum components, notably bicarbonate, mediate iron transfer from the basolateral membrane to serum transferrin. The properties of the basolateral membrane iron binding site described here are consistent with a role in the iron transfer process.  相似文献   

Understanding mechanisms by which glibenclamide stimulates insulin release is important, particularly given recent promising treatment by glibenclamide of permanent neonatal diabetic subjects. Antidiabetic sulfonylureas are thought to stimulate insulin secretion solely by inhibiting their high-affinity ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channel receptors at the plasma membrane of beta-cells. This normally occurs during glucose stimulation, where ATP inhibition of plasmalemmal K(ATP) channels leads to voltage activation of L-type calcium channels for rapidly switching on and off calcium influx, governing the duration of insulin secretion. However, growing evidence indicates that sulfonylureas, including glibenclamide, have additional K(ATP) channel receptors within beta-cells at insulin granules. We tested nonpermeabilized beta-cells in mouse islets for glibenclamide-stimulated insulin secretion mediated by granule-localized K(ATP) channels by using conditions that bypass glibenclamide action on plasmalemmal K(ATP) channels. High-potassium stimulation evoked a sustained rise in beta-cell calcium level but a transient rise in insulin secretion. With continued high-potassium depolarization, addition of glibenclamide dramatically enhanced insulin secretion without affecting calcium. These findings support the hypothesis that glibenclamide, or an increased ATP/ADP ratio, stimulates insulin secretion in part by binding at granule-localized K(ATP) channels that functionally contribute to sustained second-phase insulin secretion.  相似文献   

An iron exporter ferroportin-1 (FPN-1) and a multi-copper oxidase hephaestin (Heph) are predicted to be expressed on the basolateral membrane of the enterocyte and involved in the processes of iron export across the basolateral membrane of the enterocyte. However, it is not clear where these proteins are exactly located in the intestinal absorptive cell. We examined cellular localization of FPN-1 and Heph in the intestinal absorptive cells using the fully differentiated Caco-2 cells. Confocal microscope study showed that FPN-1 and Heph are located on the basolateral membrane and they are associated with the transferrin receptor (TfR) in fully differentiated Caco-2 cells grown on microporous membrane inserts. However, Heph protein was not detected in the crypt cell-like proliferating Caco-2 cell. In stably transfected human intestinal absorptive cells expressing human FPN-1 modified by the addition of GFP at the C-terminus, we show that FPN-1-GFP is located on the basolateral membrane and it is associated with Heph suggesting the possibility that FPN-1 might associate and interact with Heph in the process of iron exit across the basolateral membrane of intestinal absorptive cell.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,206(1):87-92
The patch-clamp technique was employed to record single channel currents in patches of basolateral membrane from enterocytes isolated from rat small intestine. We demonstrate the presence of a large conductance (250 pS), voltage- and calcium-activated, the maxi. K+ channel in this membrane. Currents in this K+ channel were blocked by the application of barium (5 mM) to the extracellular membrane face.  相似文献   

Summary Patch-clamp methods were used to study single-channel events in isolated oxyntic cells and gastric glands fromNecturus maculosa. Cell-attached, excised inside-out and outside-out patches from the basolateral membrane frequently contained channels which had conductances of 67±21 pS in 24% of the patches and channels of smaller conductance, 33±6 pS in 56% of the patches. Channels in both classes were highly selective for K+ over Na+ and Cl, and shared linear current-voltage relations. The 67-pS channel was activated by membrane depolarization, whereas the activity of the 33-pS channel was relatively voltage independent. The larger conductance channels were activated by intracellular Ca2+ in the range between 5 and 500nm, but unaffected by cAMP. The smaller conductance channels were activated by cAMP, but not Ca2+. The presence of K+ channels in the basolateral membrane which are regulated by these known second messengers can account for the increase in conductance and the hyperpolarization of the membrane observed upon secretagogue stimulation.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of newly absorbed iron in isolated mouse duodenal enterocytes was investigated by analytical subcellular fractionation using sucrose density gradient centifugation. Two major peaks of mucosal 59Fe activity were observed: one soluble and one particulate (density 1.18-1.20 g ml-1). The latter was increased following prior exposure of animals to chronic hypoxia. The particulate 59Fe was localized to the basolateral membranes using the marker enzyme Na+, K+ activated, Mg2+ dependent, ATPase and by washing intact enterocytes with the selective plasma membrane perturbant digitonin. The basolateral membrane can be selectively labelled by in vitro incubation of intact enterocytes at 0 degrees C with 59Fe(III)-nitrilotriacetate complex, confirming the presence of a 59Fe binding site on this membrane. No significant difference in in vitro iron binding to this site was observed between normal and chronically hypoxic animals. Iron binding to the basolateral membrane was significantly higher in disrupted, compared to intact enterocytes, indicating that this site is present on both sides of the basolateral membrane. It is therefore suggested that the increased labelling of this site in hypoxia, in vivo, is a consequence of an increase in a mucosal Fe pool which is available for binding to a membrane receptor.  相似文献   

In Necturus gallbladder epithelium, lowering serosal [Na+] ([Na+]s) reversibly hyperpolarized the basolateral cell membrane voltage (Vcs) and reduced the fractional resistance of the apical membrane (fRa). Previous results have suggested that there is no sizable basolateral Na+ conductance and that there are apical Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels. Here, we studied the mechanisms of the electrophysiological effects of lowering [Na+]s, in particular the possibility that an elevation in intracellular free [Ca2+] hyperpolarizes Vcs by increasing gK+. When [Na+]s was reduced from 100.5 to 10.5 mM (tetramethylammonium substitution), Vcs hyperpolarized from -68 +/- 2 to a peak value of -82 +/- 2 mV (P less than 0.001), and fRa decreased from 0.84 +/- 0.02 to 0.62 +/- 0.02 (P less than 0.001). Addition of 5 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA+) to the mucosal solution reduced both the hyperpolarization of Vcs and the change in fRa, whereas serosal addition of TEA+ had no effect. Ouabain (10(-4) M, serosal side) produced a small depolarization of Vcs and reduced the hyperpolarization upon lowering [Na+]s, without affecting the decrease in fRa. The effects of mucosal TEA+ and serosal ouabain were additive. Neither amiloride (10(-5) or 10(-3) M) nor tetrodotoxin (10(-6) M) had any effects on Vcs or fRa or on their responses to lowering [Na+]s, suggesting that basolateral Na+ channels do not contribute to the control membrane voltage or to the hyperpolarization upon lowering [Na+]s. The basolateral membrane depolarization upon elevating [K+]s was increased transiently during the hyperpolarization of Vcs upon lowering [Na+]s. Since cable analysis experiments show that basolateral membrane resistance increased, a decrease in basolateral Cl- conductance (gCl-) is the main cause of the increased K+ selectivity. Lowering [Na+]s increases intracellular free [Ca2+], which may be responsible for the increase in the apical membrane TEA(+)-sensitive gK+. We conclude that the decrease in fRa by lowering [Na+]s is mainly caused by an increase in intracellular free [Ca2+], which activates TEA(+)-sensitive maxi K+ channels at the apical membrane and decreases apical membrane resistance. The hyperpolarization of Vcs is due to increase in: (a) apical membrane gK+, (b) the contribution of the Na+ pump to Vcs, (c) basolateral membrane K+ selectivity (decreased gCl-), and (d) intraepithelial current flow brought about by a paracellular diffusion potential.  相似文献   

Elevation of intracellular cAMP levels in Necturus gallbladder epithelium (NGB) induces an apical membrane Cl- conductance (GaCl). Its characteristics (i.e., magnitude, anion selectivity, and block) were studied with intracellular microelectrode techniques. Under control conditions, the apical membrane conductance (Ga) was 0.17 mS.cm-2, primarily ascribable to GaK. With elevation of cell cAMP to maximum levels, Ga increased to 6.7 mS.cm-2 and became anion selective, with the permeability sequence SCN- > NO3- > I- > Br- > Cl- >> SO4(2-) approximately gluconate approximately cyclamate. GaCl was not affected by the putative Cl- channel blockers Cu2+, DIDS, DNDS, DPC, furosemide, IAA-94, MK-196, NPPB, SITS, verapamil, and glibenclamide. To characterize the cAMP-activated Cl- channels, patch-clamp studies were conducted on the apical membrane of enzyme-treated gallbladders or on dissociated cells from tissues exposed to both theophylline and forskolin. Two kinds of Cl- channels were found. With approximately 100 mM Cl- in both bath and pipette, the most frequent channel had a linear current-voltage relationship with a slope conductance of approximately 10 pS. The less frequent channel was outward rectifying with slope conductances of approximately 10 and 20 pS at -40 and 40 mV, respectively. The Cl- channels colocalized with apical maxi-K+ channels in 70% of the patches. The open probability (Po) of both kinds of Cl- channels was variable from patch to patch (0.3 on average) and insensitive to [Ca2+], membrane voltage, and pH. The channel density (approximately 0.3/patch) was one to two orders of magnitude less than that required to account for GaCl. However, addition of 250 U/ml protein kinase A plus 1 mM ATP to the cytosolic side of excised patches increased the density of the linear 10-pS Cl- channels more than 10- fold to four per patch and the mean Po to 0.5, close to expectations from GaCl. The permeability sequence and blocker insensitivity of the PKA-activated channels were identical to those of the apical membrane. These data strongly suggest that 10-pS Cl- channels are responsible for the cAMP-induced increase in apical membrane conductance of NGB epithelium.  相似文献   

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