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Tomohiko Kuwabara  Norio Murata 《BBA》1982,680(2):210-215
The 33-kDa protein was purified in a high yield from thylakoid membranes of spinach chloroplasts. The extinction coefficient and A1%1cm value at 276 nm of the protein were 22000 M?1·cm?1 and 6.8, respectively. The 33-kDa protein and a polypeptide appearing at 32 kDa in the SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of thylakoid membranes were compared by peptide mapping after limited proteolysis. This indicates that the 32-kDa band is entirely due to the 33-kDa protein. The molar ratio of chlorophyll to the 33-kDa protein in the chloroplasts was estimated to be 300. This suggests that one photosynthetic unit possesses one or two molecules of the 33-kDa protein.  相似文献   

The psbO gene of cyanobacteria, green algae and higher plants encodes the precursor of the 33 kDa manganese-stabilizing protein (MSP), a water-soluble subunit of photosystem II (PSII). Using a pET-T7 cloning/expression system, we have expressed in Escherichia coli a full-length cDNA clone of psbO from Arabidopsis thaliana. Upon induction, high levels of the precursor protein accumulated in cells grown with vigorous aeration. In cells grown under weak aeration, the mature protein accumulated upon induction. In cells grown with moderate aeration, the ratio of precursor to mature MSP decreased as the optical density at induction increased. Both forms of the protein accumulated as inclusion bodies from which the mature protein could be released under mildly denaturing conditions that did not release the precursor. Renatured Arabidopsis MSP was 87% as effective as isolated spinach MSP in restoring O2 evolution activity to MSP-depleted PSII membranes from spinach; however, the heterologous protein binds to spinach PSIIs with about half the affinity of the native protein. We also report a correction to the previously published DNA sequence of Arabidopsis psbO (Ko et al., Plant Mol Biol 14 (1990) 217–227).  相似文献   

A Seidler  H Michel 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(6):1743-1748
The cDNA for the 33 kd protein from the oxygen-evolving complex of spinach together with the coding region for the hydrophobic C-terminal part of the transit sequence was cloned into the expression plasmid pDS12/33Ex. The 33 kd protein precursor was expressed in Escherichia coli, secreted into the periplasm and correctly processed to the mature 33 kd protein. Thus the hydrophobic domain of the transit sequence, preceded by a methionine and two lysine residues, can function as a bacterial signal peptide. The periplasmic proteins were released from the cells by osmotic shock and the expressed protein was purified by anion exchange chromatography. The protein was identified by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. N-terminal sequence analysis showed that the cleavage of the signal peptide occurred at the correct position. The expressed protein could be rebound to CaCl2-washed PSII particles and oxygen evolution was restored in equal amounts by the 33 kd protein from both E. coli and spinach.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds are required to stabilize the folded conformations of many proteins. The rates and equilibria of processes involved in disulfide bond formation and breakage can be manipulated experimentally and can be used to obtain important information about protein folding and stability. A number of experimental procedures for studying these processes, and approaches to interpreting the resulting data, are described here.  相似文献   

Wang J  Zhang K  Lu H  Wang E 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(3):1612-1620
We propose a new approach to activated protein folding dynamics via a diffusive path integral framework. The important issues of kinetic paths in this situation can be directly addressed. This leads to the identification of the kinetic paths of the activated folding process, and provides a direct tool and language for the theoretical and experimental community to understand the problem better. The kinetic paths giving the dominant contributions to the long-time folding activation dynamics can be quantitatively determined. These are shown to be the instanton paths. The contributions of these instanton paths to the kinetics lead to the "bell-like" shape folding rate dependence on temperature, which is in good agreement with folding kinetic experiments and simulations. The connections to other approaches as well as the experiments of the protein folding kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Two cysteine residues of the extrinsic 33 kDa protein in the oxygen-evolving photosystemII (PS II) complexes were found to exist as cystine residues in situ. The 33 kDa protein, when reduced by 2-mercaptoethanol in either the presence or the absence of 6 M guanidine-HCl (Gdn-HCl), could not rebind with the CaCl2-treated PS II complexes, from which the 33 kDa protein was removed, and evolve any oxygen. Two sulfhydryl (SH) groups of the 33 kDa protein were easily reoxidized to a disulfide (S-S) bond by stirring under aerobic conditions with the concomitant regaining of both the binding ability to the CaCl2-treated PS II complexes and the oxygen-evolving activity.The molecular conformation of the 33 kDa protein was examined by circular dichroic (CD) spectrometry in the UV regions to reveal that the conformation in the reduced state was completely different from those of the untreated and reoxidized states. The disulfide (S-S) bond of the 33 kDa protein is thus essential to maintain the molecular conformation required to function.Abbreviations CD circular dichroism - Chl chlorophyll - DMQ 2,5-dimethyl-p-benzoquinone - DTNB 5,5-dithio-bis (2-nitrobenzoic acid) - EDTA ethylendiamine-tetraacetic acid - Gdn-HCl guanidine-hydrochloric acid - PS II photosystem II - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate This paper was presented at the U.S.-Japan Binational Seminar on Solar Energy Conversion, Okazaki, Japan, March 17–21, 1987  相似文献   

A protein was prepared from spinach chloroplasts in a highly purified form. The isoelectric point of the protein was 5.2. The apparent molecular weight was estimated to be 33 000 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea, and 34 000 by gel filtration column chromatography with Sephadex G-100. The protein was provisionally named '33 kilodalton protein' according to the molecular weight. The absorption spectrum of the protein did not show any absorption band in the visible region. No histidine was found in the amino acid analysis of the protein. The 33 kilodalton protein was released from the thylakoid membrane by EDTA-treatment and also by sonic oscillation. The protein was bound to System II particles, but not to System I particles.  相似文献   

Understanding the origins of cooperativity in proteins remains an important topic in protein folding. This study describes experimental folding/unfolding equilibrium and kinetic studies of the engineered protein Ubq-UIM, consisting of ubiquitin (Ubq) fused to the sequence of the ubiquitin interacting motif (UIM) via a short linker. Urea-induced folding/unfolding profiles of Ubq-UIM were monitored by far-UV circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies and compared to those of the isolated Ubq domain. It was found that the equilibrium data for Ubq-UIM is inconsistent with a two-state model. Analysis of the kinetics of folding shows similarity in the folding transition state ensemble between Ubq and Ubq-UIM, suggesting that formation of Ubq domain is independent of UIM. The major contribution to the stabilization of Ubq-UIM, relative to Ubq, was found to be in the rates of unfolding. Moreover, it was found that the kinetic m-values for Ubq-UIM unfolding, monitored by different probes (far-UV circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies), are different; thereby, further supporting deviations from a two-state behavior. A thermodynamic linkage model that involves four states was found to be applicable to the urea-induced unfolding of Ubq-UIM, which is in agreement with the previous temperature-induced unfolding study. The applicability of the model was further supported by site-directed variants of Ubq-UIM that have altered stabilities of Ubq/UIM interface and/or stabilities of individual Ubq- and UIM-domains. All variants show increased cooperativity and one variant, E43N_Ubq-UIM, appears to behave very close to an equilibrium two-state.  相似文献   

Deciphering the code that determines the three-dimensional structure of proteins and the ability to predict the final folded form of a protein is still elusive to molecular biophysists. In the case of several proteins a similar tertiary structure is not accompanied by any significant sequence similarity. The question now remains whether a code beyond the genetic code that describes the arrangement of the amino acid within a three dimensional protein structure. The available data undoubtedly demonstrates that the redundancy of this code must be tremendous. Several techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and laser detection techniques, coupled with fast initiation of the folding reaction, can now probe the folding events in milliseconds or even faster and provide highly relevant information. The thermodynamic analysis of the folding process and of kinetic intermediates opens whole new avenue of understanding. Breaking the protein folding code would enable scientists to look at a gene whose function is unknown and predict the three-dimensional structure of the protein it encodes. This would give them a very good idea of what the gene does. In this review we hope to bring together the information available about protein folding with particular emphasis on folding intermediate(s). Additionally, the practical consequences of the solution of the protein folding problem in medicine and biotechnology are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have compared the fluidity of thylakoid membranes with the membrane present in a Triton X-100-derived, oxygen-evolving Photosystem II (PS II) preparation using two different spin labels. Data obtained with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpipiridine-N-oxyl (TEMPO) shows that the PS II preparation contains less fluid membrane than the thylakoid. The TEMPO partition parameter (f) is about 2.5-times greater for the thylakoids at 6 mg chlorophyll/ml than for the PS II preparation at the same chlorophyll concentration. Similarly, the rotational correlation time, τ, of TEMPO residing in the membrane of the PS II preparation is about 2-times longer than the τ for TEMPO in the thylakoid membrane. A spin label which partitions more completely into the bilayer, 2-heptyl-2-hexyl-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-N-oxyl (7N14), indicates a much greater fluidity in the thylakoid membrane than the membrane of the PS II preparation. The PS II preparation appears to have a hydrocarbon phase which approaches the rigid limit of EPR detectable motion. These results are discussed in terms of possible lipid depletion in the PS II preparation and in terms of lateral heterogeneity of hydrocarbon fluidity in the thylakoid membrane caused by the lateral heterogeneity in protein components.  相似文献   

Nakamura HK  Sasai M 《Proteins》2001,43(3):280-291
A simple lattice model of protein folding is studied in order to analyze the kinetic partitioning phenomena in the energy landscape perspective. By restricting the area of conformational space, it becomes possible to follow many Monte Carlo trajectories until they reach equilibrium. Alteration of population of trajectories is monitored and the relations between the energy landscape and kinetics are examined. Kinetic partitioning phenomena are categorized into different types in terms of characteristic time constants and partitioning ratio. In a specific partitioning process, refolding proceeds along the parallel pathways; the time constants have a temperature dependence similar to that observed in hen lysozyme. High-energy conformations are classified into groups according to the probability that the trajectories starting from those conformations will reach each energy valley. The partitioning ratio is determined by the way in which the conformational space is organized into these groups.  相似文献   

Thermal and chemical unfolding studies of the calcium-binding canine lysozyme (CL) by fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy show that, upon unfolding in the absence of calcium ions, a very stable equilibrium intermediate state is formed. At room temperature and pH 7.5, for example, a stable molten globule state is attained in 3 M GdnHCl. The existence of such a pure and stable intermediate state allowed us to extend classical stopped-flow fluorescence measurements that describe the transition from the native to the unfolded form, with kinetic experiments that monitor separately the transition from the unfolded to the intermediate state and from the intermediate to the native state, respectively. The overall refolding kinetics of apo-canine lysozyme are characterized by a significant drop in the fluorescence intensity during the dead time, followed by a monoexponential increase of the fluorescence with k = 3.6 s(-1). Furthermore, the results show that, unlike its drastic effect on the stability, Ca(2+)-binding only marginally affects the refolding kinetics. During the refolding process of apo-CL non-native interactions, comparable to those observed in hen egg white lysozyme, are revealed by a substantial quenching of tryptophan fluorescence. The dissection of the refolding process in two distinct steps shows that these non-native interactions only occur in the final stage of the refolding process in which the two domains match to form the native conformation.  相似文献   

H F Gilbert 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7298-7305
Protein disulfide-isomerase, a protein localized to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum of eukaryotic cells, catalyzes the posttranslational formation and rearrangement of protein disulfide bonds. As isolated from bovine liver, the enzyme contains 0.8 free sulfhydryl group per mole of protein monomer and 3.1 disulfide bonds. Single-turnover experiments in which the disulfide bonds of the native enzyme are reduced by glutathione reveal three distinct reduction steps corresponding to the sequential reduction of the three disulfide bonds. The fastest disulfide to be reduced undergoes a change in the rate-determining step with increasing GSH concentration from a step which is second-order with respect to GSH concentration to a step which is first-order in GSH concentration. The disulfide which is reduced at an intermediate rate displays kinetics that are first-order in GSH concentration, and the slowest disulfide to be reduced exhibits kinetics which are second-order in GSH concentration. The enzyme catalyzes the steady-state reduction of a disulfide-containing hexapeptide (CYIQNC) by GSH. Initial velocity kinetic experiments are consistent with a sequential addition of the substrates to the enzyme. Saturation behavior is not observed at high levels of both substrates (Km for GSH much greater than 14 mM, Km for CYIQNC much greater than 1 mM). Only one of the three disulfides appears to be kinetically competent in the steady-state reduction of CYIQNC by GSH. The second-order thiol/disulfide exchange reactions catalyzed by the enzyme are 400-6000-fold faster than the corresponding uncatalyzed reactions.  相似文献   

Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an essential folding catalyst and chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), has four structural domains (a-b-b'-a'-) of approximately equal size. Each domain has sequence or structural homology with thioredoxin. Sedimentation equilibrium and velocity experiments show that PDI is an elongated monomer (axial ratio 5.7), suggesting that the four thioredoxin domains are extended. In the presence of physiological levels (<1 mM) of Zn(2+) and other thiophilic divalent cations such as Cd(2+) and Hg(2+), PDI forms a stable dimer that aggregates into much larger oligomeric forms with time. The dimer is also elongated (axial ratio 7.1). Oligomerization involves the interaction of Zn(2+) with the cysteines of PDI. PDI has active sites in the N-terminal (a) and C-terminal (a')thioredoxin domains, each with two cysteines (CGHC). Two other cysteines are found in one of the internal domains (b'). Cysteine to serine mutations show that Zn(2+)-dependent dimerization occurs predominantly by bridging an active site cysteine from either one of the active sites with one of the cysteines in the internal domain (b'). The dimer incorporates two atoms of Zn(2+) and exhibits 50% of the isomerase activity of PDI. At longer times and higher PDI concentrations, the dimer forms oligomers and aggregates of high molecular weight (>600 kDa). Because of a very high concentration of PDI in the ER, its interaction with divalent ions could play a role in regulating the effective concentration of these metal ions, protecting against metal toxicity, or affecting the activity of other (ER) proteins that use Zn(2+) as a cofactor.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)p61, ERp72, and protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), which are members of the PDI family protein, are ubiquitously present in mammalian cells and are thought to participate in disulfide bond formation and isomerization. However, why the 3 different members need to be colocalized in the ER remains an enigma. We hypothesized that each PDI family protein might have different modes of enzymatic activity in disulfide bond formation and isomerization. We purified PDI, ERp61, and ERp72 proteins from rat liver microsomes and compared the effects of each protein on the folding of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). ERp61 and ERp72 accelerated the initial steps more efficiently than did PDI. ERp61 and ERp72, however, accelerated the rate-limiting step less efficiently than did PDI. PDI or ERp72 did not impede the folding of BPTI by each other but rather catalyzed the folding reaction cooperatively with each other. These data suggest that differential enzymatic activities of ERp proteins and PDI represent a complementary contribution of these enzymes to protein folding in the ER.  相似文献   

The role of disulfide bonds in directing protein folding is studied using lattice models. We find that the stability and the specificity of the disulfide bond interactions play quite different roles in the folding process: Under some conditions, the stability decreases the overall rate of folding; the specificity, however, by yielding a simpler connectivity of intermediates, always increases the rate of folding. This conclusion is intimately related to the selection mechanism entailed by entropic driving forces, such as the loop formation probability, and entropic barriers separating the native and the many native-like metastable states. The folding time is found to be a minimum for a certain range of the effective disulfide bond interaction. Examination of a model, which allows for the formation of disulfide bonded intermediates, suggests that folding proceeds via a threestage multiple pathways kinetics. We show that there are pathways to the native state involving only native-like intermediates, as well as those that are mediated by nonnative intermediates. These findings are interpreted in terms of the appropriate energy landscape describing the barriers connecting low energy conformations. The consistency of our conclusions with several experimental studies is also discussed. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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