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The Hogsback (32°33S 26°57E) and Alice (32°47S 26°50E), Eastern Cape, South Africa, are separated by only 24 km but by 1000 m in altitude and fall into different climatic regions. Thermal responses (energy expenditure and body temperature) to ambient temperature were measured in a population of vlei rats (Otomys irroratus) from each of the two localities. We predicted that animals from the colder Hogsback would show differences in their thermal physiology and morphology consistent with better cold-resistance. Basal metabolic rates of the Hogsback population were slightly, but not significantly, higher than the Alice population (23.9 J g−1 h−1 vs 22.3 J g−1 h−1), but the slope of the regression between energy expenditure and ambient temperature below the thermal neutral zone was significantly lower (−1.28 vs −1.60). Body temperature, although quite variable in both populations, was not significantly influenced by ambient temperature in the Hogsback population, whereas that of Alice animals was. Fur length was longer and relative size of the ears and tail was smaller in the Hogsback population, which probably accounted for the slightly lower minimum thermal conductance (1.79 J g−1 h−1 °C−1 vs 1.91 J g−1 h−1 °C−1) in the Hogsback population. Vlei rats from the two sites also have different karyotypes that correlate with climate but there is insufficient evidence at present to suggest that the different karyotypes and the physiological parameters measured are adaptive. Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

Pouched mice (Saccostomus campestris) were born in captivity during January and March and subsequently maintained under long photoperiod (14 h light: 10 h dark) at 25°C. During their first winter (July) and the following summer (January) the pouched mice were exposed to natural photoperiod in an unheated laboratory for 3 weeks prior to measurement. The pouched mice continued to grow during the study, and were significantly heavier after summer exposure than after winter exposure 6 months earlier. Although this increase in body mass would result in a decline in their surface area to volume ratio there was no significant decline in minimal thermal conductance (C m) and winter-exposed pouched mice had a relatively lowerC m than expected. Meanwhile the smaller, winter-exposed animals displayed a significantly higher capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis, together with higher levels of basal metabolism than summer individuals. These differences were not solely attributable to the contrasting body mass of each group and it is therefore clear thatS. campestris can increase thermoregulatory heat production, and modify heat loss following exposure to short photoperiod and cold during their first winter. Despite the significant increase in metabolism, the overall energy requirements of small, winter-exposed animals were significantly lower than those for heavier pouched mice following exposure to summer conditions. These results suggest that growing pouched mice can effectively adapt to lower temperature conditions during their first winter, yet accrue considerable overall savings in total energy requirements as a result of their smaller body mass.  相似文献   

Species and sexual differences in vocalizations and the vocal tract are widespread. We studied the vocal tract of Common (Uria aalge) and Thick-billed (U. lomvia) Murres. We predicted anatomical or allometric differences in adults between species and sexes due to vocal differences related to social behavior (Common Murres nest at higher densities; males are the more aggressive sex, etc.). The vocal tract was anatomically simple and similar between species and sexes. The trachea was mainly cartilage, but the posteriormost 4–6 tracheal rings were calcified and fused as the tympanum, as part of the syrinx. The syrinx included the (unfused) first bronchial semirings, which were enlarged and calcified beneath the insertion of M. tracheolateralis. Weak bilateral asymmetry (right side larger) occurred in widths of M. tracheolateralis and M. sternotrachealis. The trachea was ∼10% longer in Common Murres; the tympanum and M. sternotrachealis width were relatively larger in Thick-billed Murres. Vocal-tract morphology and size did not differ between the sexes in either species. In allometric analyses on adults, isometry characterized (1) tympanum size in relation to head + bill length, and to humerus length (respectively), in Thick-billed Murres, and (2) M. sternotrachealis width in relation to tarsometatarsal length in both species. Comparative field studies on species and sexes are needed to clarify the functional significance of our findings in relation to vocalization.  相似文献   

Body temperature and oxygen consumption were measured in the eastern hedgehog,Erinaceus concolor Martin 1838, during summer at ambient temperatures (T a) between-6.0 and 35.6°C.E. concolor has a relatively low basal metabolic rate (0.422 ml O2·g-1·h-1), amounting to 80% of that predicted from its body mass (822.7 g). Between 26.5 and 1.2°C, the resting metabolic rate increases with decreasing ambient temperature according to the equation: RMR=1.980-0.057T a. The minimal heat transfer coefficient (0.057 ml O2·g-1·h-1·°C-1) is higher than expected in other eutherian mammals, which may result from partial conversion of hair into spines. At lower ambient temperature (from-4.6 to-6.0° C) there is a drop in body temperature (from 35.2 to 31.4° C) and a decrease in oxygen consumption (1.530 ml O2·g-1·h-1) even though the potential thermoregulation capabilities of this species are significantly higher. This is evidenced by the high maximum noradrenaline-induced non-shivering thermogenesis (2.370 ml O2·g-1·h-1), amounting to 124% of the value predicted. The active metabolic rate at ambient temperatures between 31.0 and 14.5° C averages 1.064 ml O2·g-1·h-1; at ambient temperatures between 14.5 and 2.0° C AMR=3.228-0.140T a.Abbreviations AMR active metabolic rate - bm body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - h heat transfer coefficient - NA noradrenaline - NST non-shivering thermogenesis - NSTmax maximum rate of NA-induced non-shivering thermogenesis - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - STPD standard temperature and pressure (25°C, 1 ATM) - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature  相似文献   

Physiological mechanisms causing reduction of metabolic rate during torpor in heterothermic endotherms are controversial. The original view that metabolic rate is reduced below the basal metabolic rate because the lowered body temperature reduces tissue metabolism has been challenged by a recent hypothesis which claims that metabolic rate during torpor is actively downregulated and is a function of the differential between body temperature and ambient temperature, rather than body temperature per se. In the present study, both the steady-state metabolic rate and body temperature of torpid stripe-faced dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), showed two clearly different phases in response to change of air temperature. At air temperatures between 14 and 30°C, metabolic rate and body temperature decreased with air temperature, and metabolic rate showed an exponential relationship with body temperature (r 2=0.74). The Q 10 for metabolic rate was between 2 and 3 over the body temperature range of 16 to 32°C. The difference between body temperature and air temperature over this temperature range did not change significantly, and the metabolic rate was not related to the difference between body temperature and air temperature (P=0.35). However, the apparent conductance decreased with air temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, metabolic rate increased linearly with the decrease of air temperature (r 2=0.58) and body temperature was maintained above 16°C, largely independent of air temperature. Over this air temperature range, metabolic rate was positively correlated with the difference between body temperature and air temperature (r 2=0.61). Nevertheless, the Q 10 for metabolic rate between normothermic and torpid thermoregulating animals at the same air temperature was also in the range of 2–3. These results suggest that over the air temperature range in which body temperature of S. macroura was not metabolically defended, metabolic rate during daily torpor was largely a function of body temperature. At air temperatures below 14°C, at which the torpid animals showed an increase of metabolic rate to regulate body temperature, the negative relationship between metabolic rate and air temperature was a function of the differential between body temperature and air temperature as during normothermia. However, even in thermoregulating animals, the reduction of metabolic rate from normothermia to torpor at a given air temperature can also be explained by temperature effects.Abbreviations BM body mass - BMR basal metabolic rate - C apparent conductance - MR metabolic rate - RMR resting metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient - T a air temperature - T b body temperature - T lc lower critical temperature - T tc critical air temperature during torpor - TMR metabolic rate during torpor - TNZ thermoneutral zone - T difference between body temperature and air temperature - VO2 rate of oxygen consumption  相似文献   

We investigated the diving behaviour, the time allocation of the dive cycle and the behavioural aerobic dive limit (ADL) of platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) living at a sub-alpine Tasmanian lake. Individual platypuses were equipped with combined data logger-transmitter packages measuring dive depth. Mean dive duration was 31.3 s with 72% of all dives lasting between 18 and 40 s. Mean surface duration was 10.1 s. Mean dive depth was 1.28 m with a maximum of 8.77 m. Platypuses performed up to 1600 dives per foraging trip with a mean of 75 dives per hour. ADL was estimated by consideration of post-dive surface intervals vs. dive durations. Only 15% of all dives were found to exceed the estimated ADL of 40 s, indicating mainly aerobic diving in the species. Foraging platypuses followed a model of optimised recovery time, the optimal breathing theory. Total bottom duration or total foraging duration per day is proposed as a useful indicator of foraging efficiency and hence habitat quality in the species.  相似文献   

Metabolic rate (MR), thermal neutral zone (TNZ), body temperature (Tb), and thermal conductance were measured in striped hamsters (Cricetulus barabensis) that were live-trapped in winter and summer.  相似文献   

We measured resting metabolic rates at air temperatures between ca. −5 and 30 °C in snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea), cape petrels (Daption capense), Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica), and Antarctic fulmars (Fulmarus glacialoides). We measured seven age classes for each species: adults, and nestlings that were 3, 8, 15, 28, 35, and 42 days old. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) and thermal conductance (C) of adults averaged, respectively, 140% and 100% of values predicted allometrically for nonpasserine birds. Minimum metabolic rates of unfasted nestlings aged 15–42 days averaged, respectively, 97% and 98% of predicted adult BMR in Antarctic petrels and snow petrels, versus 119% and 126% of predicted in Antarctic fulmars and cape petrels. Nestlings of the southerly breeding snow petrel and Antarctic petrel were relatively well insulated compared with nestlings of other high-latitude seabirds. Adult lower critical temperature (Tlc) was inversely related to body mass and averaged 9 °C lower than predicted allometrically. As nestlings grew, their Tlc decreased with increasing body mass from ca. 14 to 22 °C (depending upon species) at 3 days of age, to −4 to 8 °C when nestlings attained peak mass. Nestling Tlc subsequently increased as body mass decreased during pre-fledging weight recession. Nestling Tlc was close to mean air temperature from the end of brooding until fledging in the three surface nesting species. Accepted: 12 July 2000  相似文献   

Proper adjustment of thermoregulatory mechanisms ensures the survival of mammals when they are subjected to seasonal changes in their natural environment. To understand the physiological and ecological adaptations of Eothenomys olitor, we measured their metabolic rate, thermal conductance, body temperature (Tb) and evaporative water loss at a temperature range of 5–30 °C in summer. The thermal neutral zone (TNZ) of E. olitor was 20–27.5 °C, and the mean body temperature was 35.81±0.15 °C. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) was 2.81±0.11 ml O2/g h and mean minimum thermal conductance (Cm) was 0.18±0.01 ml O2/g h °C. Evaporative water loss (EWL) in E. olitor increased when the ambient temperature increased. The maximal evaporative water loss was 6.74±0.19 mg H2O/g h at 30 °C. These results indicated that E. olitor have relatively high BMR, low body temperature, low lower critical temperature, and normal thermal conductance. EWL plays an inportant role in temperature regulation. These characteristics are closely related to the living habitat of the species, and represent its adaptive strategy to the climate of the Yunnan-Kweichow Plateau, a low-latitude, high-altitude region where annual temperature fluctuations are small, but daily temperature fluctuations are greater.  相似文献   

This report describes thermoregulatory behavior of free-ranging yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli, Kenya. While resting in trees during early morning hours, baboons are directly exposed to thermal effects of wind and sun. We hypothesized that these animals would respond to microclimatic changes by altering their posture and body orientatio so as to minimize thermal stress. The results of this study indicate that air temperature, solar radiation, and wind velocity interact in their effect on behavior as predicted by this hypothesis. Specifically, the most salient cue for trunk orientation choice is wind direction, while posture is primarily influenced by air temperature. In sum, our results clearly demonstrate that when baboons are unable to minimize thermal stress by selecting a more favorable microenvironment, they do so by altering their posture.  相似文献   

For subterranean rodents, searching for food by extension of the tunnel system and maintenance of body temperature are two of the most important factors affecting their life underground. In this study we assess the effect of ambient temperature on energetics and thermoregulation during digging in Ctenomys talarum. We measured o2 during digging and resting at ambient temperature (Ta) below, within, and above thermoneutrality. Digging metabolic rate was lowest at Ta within the thermoneutral zone and increased at both lower and higher temperatures, but body temperature (Tb) remained constant at all Tas. Below thermoneutrality, the cost of digging and thermoregulation are additive. Heat production for thermoregulation would be compensated by heat produced as a by-product of muscular activity during digging. Above thermoneutrality, conduction would be an important mechanism to maintain a constant Tb during digging.  相似文献   

Frankia isolate NPI 0136010 was able to use only propionate and acetate as sole carbon sources and was unable to use hexoses, pentoses, disaccharides, and trisaccharides. Cell free extracts were surveyed for key enzymes of intermediary carbon metabolism. Enzymes of the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathway, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and glyoxylate shunt were detected while enzymes of the pentose phosphate (PP) and Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathways were absent. Malic enzyme was present allowing for the conversion of malate to pyruvate and gluconeogenesis. Radiorespirometric analysis confirmed the operation of the TCA cycle and established the methylmalonyl pathway as the route of propionate metabolism. The uptake of propionate was active and mediated by sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

We investigated whether thyroxine influences hatchling growth rate of the western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) throught its effects on thermoregulatory behaviors. We reared control and thyroxine-injected hatchlings from three populations of S. occidentalis that differ in growth rate in a thermal gradient. We also measured the daily changes in body temperature and activity level (proportion of time spent out of retreat sites) of control and thyroxine-injected lizards. Previous studies have shown that within and among population differences in growth rate of the western fence lizard are correlated with the maintenance of high activity levels (proportion of time spent outside of retreat sites) and high body temperatures throughout the day. Growth rate was not influenced by injections of thyroxine. However, injections of thyroxine did elevate average daily body temperature and daily activity. Although administration of thyroxine uniformly increased the probability of activity throughout the day, it did not appear to alter the daily changes in activity. Previous studies have shown that the slower-growing hatchlings from northern populations exhibit a decline in activity during the later part of the thermal cycle, whereas the faster growing southern hatchlings maintain the same level of high activity throughout the thermal cycle. The decline in activity of northern populations was not prevented by thyroxine injection used in our current study. Northern lizards receiving exogenous thyroxine were still less active later in the day compared to early in the day, even though activity level throughout the day was elevated. Thus, the effects of thyroxine on temperature regulation observed in our study (general increase in activity level) appear to be unrelated to those aspects of temperature regulation (e.g., daily changes in behavioral thermoregulation) that are correlated with among population differences in growth rate. We also raised hatchlings in a cycling thermal regime (forced thermal cycle of 34°C:15°C, 12L:12D) where behavioral thermoregulation is not possible. The growth rate of lizards forced to cycle between 34°C:15°C on a daily basis was significantly lower than those lizards allowed to behaviorally thermoregulate, further underscoring the importance of the circadian pattern of thermoregulation for growth.Abbreviations GR growth rate - MR metabolic rate - SMR standard metabolic rate - SVL snout-vent length - T4 thyroxine - T b body temperature - T e environmental temperature  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory capacity of a species can determine which climatic niche it occupies. Its development in avian chicks is influenced by numerous factors. Furthermore, it is suggested that altricial chicks develop their thermoregulatory capacity post-hatching, while precocial chicks develop aspects of this in the egg. We investigated the development of thermoregulation of four co-occurring seabird species in the Seychelles; namely white, ground-nesting white-tailed tropicbirds (Phaethon lepturus) and tree-nesting fairy terns (Gygis alba); and dark plumaged, tree-nesting lesser noddies (Anous tenuirostris) and ground- and tree-nesting brown noddies (A. stolidus). White-tailed tropicbirds have semi-altricial chicks, while the remaining species have semi-precocial chicks. Cloacal temperatures (Tb) were measured at five day intervals from newly hatched chicks and compared over time, and with adult Tbs. Initial Tbs of all chicks, except fairy terns, were lower than those taken when chicks were older. Brooding cessation generally coincided with feather development, as did an increase in Tb. Mean chick Tb was significantly lower than mean adult Tb for all species, but only white-tailed tropicbird and brown noddy chicks in tree nests differed significantly from mean adult Tb when chick Tb at five day intervals were considered. There was a significant interactive effect of nest site and age on brown noddy chick Tb, but chick colour did not have a significant effect on Tb. However, brown noddy chicks on dune crests maintained a constant Tb sooner than chicks in tree nests. Our results demonstrate that tropical seabird species have a more delayed onset of thermoregulatory capabilities when compared with those in temperate environments, perhaps as nest sites are less thermally challenging. Nest microhabitats and behavioural thermoregulation, are likely more important during early chick development for these species.  相似文献   

S. Yahav  S. Simson  E. Nevo 《Oecologia》1988,77(4):533-536
Summary Gross energy intake and apparent dry matter digestibility of animals fed carrots ad lib in the laboratory, were measured in the four chromosomal species of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Gross energy intake of 132.8 and 155.9 kJ/day was measured for the 2n=52 and 2n=58 chromosomal mesic species, while in the 2n=54 and 2n=60 chromosomal xeric species it measured only 80.3 and 75.0 kJ/day, respectively. Dry matter digestibility ranged between 92.3 and 95.6% in thefour chromosomal species. The differences in gross energy intake between the mesic and xeric species, appeared to reflect adaptive energy metabolism variation associated with geographic variation in climate, habitat productivity, and food availability.  相似文献   

Fritz Geiser 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):395-399
Summary Season and body mass influence torpor in mammals. However, the effects of the two factors are often difficult to distinguish because body mass in many species changes with season. The present study attempted to separate seasonal and body mass related alterations of torpor. Adult female Antechinus stuartii and A. flavipes (Marsupialia), which were about half the size of males of the respective species, showed longer and deeper torpor than males. When the two species were compared, torpor in A. stuartii, the smaller species, was more pronounced than in A. flavipes. Juveniles of both species had lower body temperatures and longer torpor durations than adults. Torpor was most pronounced in juvenile males during summer; in winter, when males had grown to adult size, the use of torpor was reduced. Seasonal changes in torpor of adults were not distinct. These results suggest that the influence of body mass on torpor in these Antechinus species is stronger than that of season.  相似文献   

Sophorose metabolism and cellulase induction in Trichoderma   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The cellulase inducer sophorose was rapidly catabolized to CO2 and H2O by Trichoderma: only small amounts were used to induce the synthesis of cellulase. 3H-sophorose uptake began after a lag of 1 h and its half-life in the medium was less than 5 h. Cellulase activity in the medium did not increase till 6 h after the addition of sophorose and reached a half maximum value at 14 h. The presence of free sophorose in the medium was required for continuous cellulase production. Several small sophorose addition induced much more cellulase than an equivalent single dose. These results are attributed to two pathways of sophorose utilization, a catabolic pathway that has a high capacity but low affinity for sophorose and an inductive pathway having a lower capacity but higher affinity for sophorose.  相似文献   

Predation selects against conspicuous colors in bird eggs and nests, while thermoregulatory constraints select for nest-building behavior that regulates incubation temperatures. We present results that suggest a trade-off between nest crypticity and thermoregulation of eggs based on selection of nest materials by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), a ground-nesting bird that constructs simple, pebble-lined nests highly vulnerable to predators and exposed to temperature extremes. Piping plovers selected pebbles that were whiter and appeared closer in color to eggs than randomly available pebbles, suggesting a crypsis function. However, nests that were more contrasting in color to surrounding substrates were at greater risk of predation, suggesting an alternate strategy driving selection of white rocks. Near-infrared reflectance of nest pebbles was higher than randomly available pebbles, indicating a direct physical mechanism for heat control through pebble selection. Artificial nests constructed of randomly available pebbles heated more quickly and conferred heat to model eggs, causing eggs to heat more rapidly than in nests constructed from piping plover nest pebbles. Thermal models and field data indicated that temperatures inside nests may remain up to 2–6°C cooler than surrounding substrates. Thermal models indicated that nests heat especially rapidly if not incubated, suggesting that nest construction behavior may serve to keep eggs cooler during the unattended laying period. Thus, pebble selection suggests a potential trade-off between maximizing heat reflectance to improve egg microclimate and minimizing conspicuous contrast of nests with the surrounding substrate to conceal eggs from predators. Nest construction behavior that employs light-colored, thermally reflective materials may represent an evolutionary response by birds and other egg-laying organisms to egg predation and heat stress. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary We document activity field temperatures, daily activity patterns, and extent of thermoregulation in four species of Liolaemus lizards inhabiting at high altitude (above 3500 m) in the Andes of northern Chile. These four species have similar activity field temperature (Tb near 29°C) despite their being distributed at different altitudinal belts. However, conspicuous differences exist between higher-altitude (L. alticolor and L. jamesi) and lower-altitude (L. islugensis and L. ornatus) lizards regarding extent of thermoregulation and activity period. Some differences in morphology, behavior, and patterns of microhabitat occupancy are also apparent among these four species and are seemingly related to the thermal environment to which they are subjected. In comparison to eight low-altitude Liolaemus species in central Chile (Tb near 35°C) the four high-altitude species in northern Chile have lower activity field temperature. The latter is apparently due to the constraints imposed by the harsh Andean thermal environment, a hypothesis supported by the fact that high-altitude Liolaemus lizards under laboratory conditions demonstrate body temperatures that exceed by 5°C or more, those recorded in the field.  相似文献   

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