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水文尺度转换研究进展   总被引:22,自引:7,他引:22  
刘建梅  裴铁璠 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2205-2310
介绍了水文尺度、尺度问题和尺度转换的概念,重点与难点在流域的空间异质性和水文通量的时空变异性;给出了进行尺度转换的3种途径,即分布式水文模拟、分形理论和统计自相似性分析;最后在已有成果的基础上,提出了目前研究中存在的问题及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

生态学中的尺度及尺度转换方法   总被引:114,自引:19,他引:95  
吕一河  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2096-2105
尺度作为生态学的重要范式,已经引起了广泛重视,但对尺度问题的研究还不够成熟.尺度具有多维性特点,即功能尺度、空间尺度、时间尺度等,但生态学研究的重点是空间和时间尺度.并且时空尺度还具有复杂性、变异性特征.尺度研究的根本目的在于通过适宜的空间和时间尺度来揭示和把握复杂的生态学规律.为此,科学有效的尺度选择和尺度转换方法不可或缺.常见的尺度转换方法有图示法、回归分析、变异函数、自相关分析、谱分析、分形和小波变换,同时遥感和地理信息系统技术在尺度研究中也发挥着重要作用.结合实例对上述方法进行了分析和论述,认为各种方法都有其内在的优势和不足,新方法的引入和应用对于尺度转换方法体系的充实和完善非常重要.有关尺度的研究将进一步加强,研究的重点是尺度变异性、不同尺度间的相互作用机制以及尺度转换方法等.  相似文献   

生态学中的尺度及尺度转移方法   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
吕一河  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2001,21(12):2096-2105
尺度作籽生态学的重要范式,已经引起了广泛重视,但对尺度问题的研究还不够成熟。尺度具有多样性特点,即功能尺度,空间尺度、时间尺度等,但生态学研究的重点是空间和时间尺度。并且时空尺度还具有复杂性、变异性特征、尺度研究的根本目的在于通过适宜的空间和时间尺度来揭示和把握复杂的生态学规律。为此,科学有效的尺度选择和尺度转换方法不可或缺。常见的尺度转换方法有图示法、回归分析、变异函数、自相关分析、谱分析、分形和小波变换,同时遥感和地理依信息系统技术在尺度研究中也发挥着重要作用。结合实例对上述方法进行了分析和论述,认为各种方法都有有其内在的优势和不足,新方法的引入和应用对于尺度转换方法体系的充实和完善非常重要。有关尺度的研究将进一步加强,研究的重点是尺度变异性、不同尺度间的相互作用机制以及尺度转换方法等。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲横向水文结构连结空间尺度变异性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘佳凯  崔保山  张振明  张明祥 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3745-3754
水文连通是影响滨海湿地生态和水文过程的基础要素之一。引入无标度网络模型改进已有横向静态水文连通参数化方法,将其应用于较大尺度(100 hm2)量化黄河三角洲滨海湿地的水文连通,并结合已有研究结果分析3个尺度(1 m2,100 m2和100 hm2)水文连通的空间变异性。研究结果显示,潮间区和生态补水区的水文连通较强,3个尺度的空间变异性主要来自于水文连通指数较高的样点;盐沼区和河滨区相对较弱,空间变异性主要来自于水文连通指数较小的样点,且大尺度水文连通空间变异性相对中尺度和小尺度更高。小尺度和中尺度方法描述了一个样地与周边较小范围的空间区域土壤水分连通状况,在大的潮汐或补水条件下不同区域各个样地倾向于保持一致;而大尺度方法则侧重于描述区域内的水文过程,这是导致尺度差异的根本原因。  相似文献   

模型基本单元空间尺度的确定是大尺度生态水文模型应用的前提, 也是提高模型模拟精度的关键。该文以长江流域岷江上游的杂谷脑河上游流域为例, 通过设置最小流域面积阈值, 构建不同的水文响应单元划分方案, 探讨生态水文模型WASSI-C响应单元的最佳空间响应尺度。结果表明: 模型响应单元空间尺度的变化对模型精度有显著影响, 模拟效果存在随响应单元划分面积阈值增加先提高再稳定的趋势, 面积阈值小于85 km2时, 模型的模拟效果较好。此外, 面积阈值小于85 km2时, 模型模拟的水、碳循环变量验证的拟合相关性系数和效率系数均趋于稳定, 因此可以将模型水文响应单元流域划分的面积阈值确定为85 km2。基于这一尺度的模拟与验证研究, 分析了WASSI-C模型中关键变量设置对模拟结果的影响。  相似文献   

硝基苯类化合物微生物降解研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
硝基苯类化合物是一类具有稳定化学性质、高毒性和易在生物体内积累的优先污染物.微生物降解在硝基苯类化合物废水废气治理和污染环境修复方面具有明显优势.从降解菌的驯化筛选、降解途径、降解机理、共代谢、趋化性和分子遗传学角度,阐述了硝基苯类化合物微生物降解研究的最新进展,指出应进一步加强工程菌的构建及其应用开发研究.在硝基苯类化合物污染环境的微生物修复方面,共代谢和混合菌株的协同作用具有重要的应用前景.  相似文献   

恢复演替中草地斑块动态及尺度转换分析   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:23  
研究了9a草地恢复油潜系列中斑块边界形状和斑块面积分布动态,并进行了凡度转换分析。獐茅斑块的边界分维数和斑块化指数最高,羊草斑块的较低,碱蓬斑块的斑块化指数略小于羊草斑块,边界分维数大于洋草斑块。共他类型斑块的两种指数基本上介于獐茅斑块之间,斑块化指数的年限变动滞后于斑块边界分维数,斑块边发维数在整个试验的尺度范围内符合同一自相似规律,斑块的面积分布格局在不同的尺度上有不同的自相似规律。  相似文献   

湿地生态系统服务取决于一定空间尺度中的生态系统结构和生态过程,而人类从湿地生态系统获得利益的大小也与其空间尺度有着密切联系。同时,湿地生态系统服务价值评估的空间尺度转换问题也一直是整个湿地生态学研究中的热点和难点之一。在分析湿地生态系统服务空间尺度特征的基础上,提出了湿地生态系统服务价值评估研究中空间尺度转换的概念,即是指通过一个已经有的、与被估算湿地生态系统相似的更大空间范围的或更小空间范围的另一湿地生态系统的价值来估算该湿地生态系统的价值量的过程。介绍了常用的空间尺度转换的方法,主要包括成果参照法和空间模型分析两种方法,成果参照法又包括数值直接外推法和调整函数参照法(Meta分析法)。对目前空间尺度转换研究中存在问题进行总结,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于模式识别的景观格局分析与尺度转换研究框架   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
景观格局分析和尺度转换是生态学和地理学研究的核心问题之一.尽管多年来投入了大量的精力,然而由于尺度效应的复杂性和尺度转换过程的不确定性,仍然没有找到合适的方法.目前关于尺度转换的研究存在两个误区,其一是过分重视空间尺度的转换,忽略了过程尺度的转换;其二是过分强调了对不同尺度间数量关系的外推与转换,忽略了不同尺度间生态规律的外推与转换.在系统分析了景观格局与尺度转换研究现状、存在问题和难点的基础上,提出了借用模式识别的原理和方法,针对特定的生态过程,开展景观格局分析与尺度转换的思路.认为尺度转换的关键在于通过识别不同尺度上影响生态过程的主导因子,找到各个尺度上“格局(环境因子空间组合)-过程”、尺度间“格局-格局”之间的对应关系,通过建立“环境-格局-过程”模式识别数据库,就能够建立不同尺度之间基于模式识别的尺度转换方法.  相似文献   

植被-大气相互作用中的气孔导度及其尺度转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气孔导度是衡量植物和大气间水分、能量及CO2平衡和循环的重要指标,探讨气孔导度在叶片、冠层及区域尺度间的尺度转换及累积效应,对更好地认识植被与大气间的水热运移过程,合理评价植被在陆面过程中的地位和作用具有重要意义.本文着重从叶片尺度气孔导度模拟、气孔导度在冠层尺度的累积表现、冠层到区域尺度转换研究及气孔导度累积效应在陆面过程模型中的作用等4个层次总结了近期国内外研究状况,指出其中存在的异质性等问题,并就今后应加强多尺度间的同步观测提出了展望.  相似文献   

Various scaling methods are used when attempting to remove the influence of anthropometric differences on ground reaction forces (GRF) when comparing groups. Though commonly used, ratio scaling often results in an over-correction. Allometric scaling has previously been suggested for kinetic variables but its effectiveness in partialing out the effect of anthropometrics is unknown due to a lack of consistent application. This study examined the effectiveness of allometric scaling vertical, braking and propulsive GRF and loading rate for 84 males and 47 females while running at 4.0 m/s. Raw, unfiltered data were ratio scaled by body mass (BM), height (HT), and BM multiplied by HT (BM1HT). Gender specific exponents for allometric scaling were determined by performing a log-linear (for BM and HT individually) or log-multilinear regression (BMHT). Pearson productmoment correlations were used to assess the effectiveness of each scaling method. Ratio scaling by BM, HT, or BM1HT resulted in an over-correction of the data for most variables and left a considerable portion of the variance still attributable to anthropometrics. Allometric scaling by BM successfully removed the effect of BM and HT for all variables except for braking GRF in males and vertical GRF in females. However, allometric scaling for BMHT successfully removed the effect of BM and HT for all reactionary forces in both genders. Based on these results, allometric scaling for BMHT was the most appropriate scaling method for partialing out the effect of BM and HT on kinetic variables to allow for effective comparisons between groups or individuals.  相似文献   

This paper develops scaling laws for plant roots of any arbitrary volume and branching configuration that maximize water uptake. Water uptake can occur along any part of the root network, and thus there is no branch-to-branch fluid conservation. Maximizing water uptake, therefore, involves balancing two flows that are inversely related: axial and radial conductivity. The scaling laws are tested against the root data of 1759 plants from 77 herbaceous species, and compared with those from the WBE model. I further discuss whether the scaling laws are invariant to soil water distribution. A summary of some of the results follows. (1) The optimal radius for a single root (no branches) scales with volume as . (2) The basic allometric scaling for root radius branches (ri+1=β*ri) is of the form , where f(N)=A(N)/(nb*(1+A(N))), nb is the number of branches, and A(N) and ε(N) are functions of the number of root diameter classes (not constants as in the WBE model). (3) For large N, β converges to the β from the WBE model. For small N, the β's for the two models diverge, but are highly correlated. (4) The fractal assumption of volume filling of the WBE model are also met in the root model even though they are not explicitly incorporated into it. (5) The WBE model for rigid tubes is an asymptotic solution for large root systems (large N and biomass). (6) The optimal scaling solutions for the root network appears to be independent of soil water distribution or water demand. The data set used for testing is included in the electronic supplementary archive of the journal.  相似文献   

Cellular dimensions profoundly influence cellular physiology. For unicellular organisms, this has direct bearing on their ecology and evolution. The morphology of a cell is governed by scaling rules. As it grows, the ratio of its surface area to volume is expected to decrease. Similarly, if environmental conditions force proliferating cells to settle on different size optima, cells of the same type may exhibit size-dependent variation in cellular processes. In fungi, algae and plants where cells are surrounded by a rigid wall, division at smaller size often produces immediate changes in geometry, decreasing cell fitness. Here, we discuss how cells interpret their size, buffer against changes in shape and, if necessary, scale their polarity to maintain optimal shape at different cell volumes.  相似文献   

Scaling of mandibular dimensions in male Old World monkeys was investigated. Mandibular condyle length, width, and area were regressed separately against body mass and mandibular length for a total of 14 species of Cercopithecoids. Scaling of mandibular depth and width against both body mass and mandibular length were also investigated. When results of regression analysis using the two different independent variables (body mass and mandibular length) were compared, there were significant pattern differences in scaling of cercopithecines versus colobines. Compared to body mass, male cercopithecines had relatively large mandibles (length, width, and depth) and also relatively large condyles (length, width, and area). However, compared to mandibular length, cercopithecines had relatively transversely thin and shallow mandibles and relatively narrow condyles. It is shown that a “biomechanical” interpretation of mandibular scaling patterns against body mass in Old World monkeys demonstrates only that cercopithecines have prognathic faces, an already well-known and well-documented condition. When the biomechanical effects of prognathic faces are controlled for (by scaling against mandibular length), it is shown that cercopithecines possess special adaptations in condyle length while colobines possess special adaptations in condyle width and mandibular depth and width. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of selecting a relevant reference variable in scaling studies where biomechanical interpretations are attempted.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, and flexible modelling approach was applied to explore the impacts of climate change on hydrologic inputs and consequent implications for nutrient loading to Lake Mälaren, Sweden using a loading function model (GWLF). The first step in the process was to adapt the model for use in a large and complex Swedish catchment. We focused on the Galten basin with four rivers draining into the western region of Mälaren. The catchment model was calibrated and tested using long-term historical data for river discharge and dissolved nutrients (N, P). Then multiple regional climate model simulation results were downscaled to the local catchment level, and used to simulate possible hydrological and nutrient loading responses to warmer world scenarios. Climate change projections for the rivers of Galten basin show profound changes in the timing of discharge and nutrient delivery due to increased winter precipitation and earlier snow melt. Impacts on total annual discharge and load are minimal, but the alteration in river flow regime and the timing of nutrient delivery for future climate scenarios is strikingly different from historical conditions.  相似文献   

Mangrove ecosystems rely on seawater, rain-derived flow, and groundwater for hydrologic sustenance, flushing, and inflow of nutrients and sediments. The relative contribution of these source waters and their variability through time and space can provide key information concerning the hydrologic function of ecosystems. We used hydrologic tracers to partition source waters and trace their movements in the Enipoas stream, a river-dominated mangrove ecosystem on the island of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and in the Yela watershed, an interior mangrove ecosystem on the island of Kosrae, FSM. The Enipoas site was characterized as a salt wedge estuary whose source water contributions alternated between predominantly seawater and rain-derived flow, depending on the tide. The source waters in the interior Yela site were also predominantly seawater and rain-derived flow, however the relative contribution of each was much more stable. The mean groundwatercontribution was 5% (SD 5 5.5) for the Enipoas site and 20% (SD 5 11.0) for the Yela site. Although a small contributor to flow, groundwater was a steady source of freshwater for both systems. Hydrologic linkages between mangroves and adjacent ecosystems were demonstrated by the temporal and spatial distribution of source waters.The 0.8 km Enipoas estuary, with its highly dynamic bi-directional flows, transported source waters along a hydrologic continuum comprised of coral reef, mangroves, and palm forest. In the interior mangroves of the Yela watershed, the presence of rain-derived flow and groundwater demonstrated a hydraulic connection between the mangroves and an upstream freshwater swamp. Interior mangroves with such linkages avoid stresses such as desiccation and heightened salinity, and thus are more productive than those with little or no freshwater flows.  相似文献   

代谢异速生长理论及其在微生物生态学领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺纪正  曹鹏  郑袁明 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2645-2655
新陈代谢是生物的基本生理过程,影响生物在不同环境中参与物质循环和能量转化的过程.代谢速率作为生物体重要的生命过程指标,几乎影响所有的生物活性速率,且在很多研究中均表现出异速生长现象.所谓代谢异速是指生物体代谢速率与其个体大小(或质量)之间存在的幂函数关系.代谢异速生长理论的提出,从机制模型角度解释了代谢异速关系这一普遍存在的生命现象.该理论利用分形几何学及流体动力学等原理,从生物能量学角度阐释了异速生长规律的机理,证实了3/4权度指数的存在;但同时有研究表明,权度指数因环境因素等影响处于2/3-1范围之间而非定值.随着研究工作的深入,代谢异速生长理论研究从起初的宏观动植物领域拓展到了微生物领域,在研究微生物的代谢异速生长理论时,可将微生物的可操作分类单元(Operational taxonomic unit,OTU)或具有特定功能的功能群视为一个微生物个体,基于其遗传多样性和功能多样性特征进行表征,以便于将微生物群落多样性与其生态功能性联系起来,使该理论在微生物生态学领域得到有效的补充和完善.尽管细菌具有独特的生物学特性,但与宏观生物系统中观测到的现象表现出明显的一致性.有研究表明,3个农田土壤细菌基于遗传多样性的OTU数的平均周转率分别为0.71、0.80和0.84,介于2/3与1之间,可能与生物代谢异速指数有一定关联,为微生物代谢异速指数的研究提出了一个参考解决方案.鉴于微生物个体特征和生物学特性,在分析代谢速率与个体大小关系中,从微生物单位个体的定义、个体大小表征到计量单位的统一,仍需更多的理论支持.分析了代谢异速生长理论在微生物与生态系统功能关系研究中的可能应用,延伸了该理论的应用范围,并对尚待加强的研究问题进行了评述和展望.  相似文献   

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