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The loop design of Kerr and Churchill is a clever application of incomplete blocks of size 2 to two-channel microarray experiments. In this paper, we extend the loop design to include more replicates, biological and technical replication, multi-factor experiments, and blocking. Loop and extended loop designs are shown to be more efficient than the reference design for any given number of arrays. We also show that adding new treatments to a loop design requires the same number of additional arrays as adding treatments to a reference design, with a greater gain in power. Given the flexibility of extended loop designs and their power, we propose that these should be the designs of choice for most experiments using two-channel microarrays.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An important underlying assumption of any experiment is that the experimental subjects are similar across levels of the treatment variable, so that changes in the response variable can be attributed to exposure to the treatment under study. This assumption is often not valid in the analysis of a microarray experiment due to systematic biases in the measured expression levels related to experimental factors such as spot location (often referred to as a print-tip effect), arrays, dyes, and various interactions of these effects. Thus, normalization is a critical initial step in the analysis of a microarray experiment, where the objective is to balance the individual signal intensity levels across the experimental factors, while maintaining the effect due to the treatment under investigation. RESULTS: Various normalization strategies have been developed including log-median centering, analysis of variance modeling, and local regression smoothing methods for removing linear and/or intensity-dependent systematic effects in two-channel microarray experiments. We describe a method that incorporates many of these into a single strategy, referred to as two-channel fastlo, and is derived from a normalization procedure that was developed for single-channel arrays. The proposed normalization procedure is applied to a two-channel dose-response experiment.  相似文献   



There are mechanisms, notably ozone degradation, that can damage a single channel of two-channel microarray experiments. Resulting analyses therefore often choose between the unacceptable inclusion of poor quality data or the unpalatable exclusion of some (possibly a lot of) good quality data along with the bad. Two such approaches would be a single channel analysis using some of the data from all of the arrays, and an analysis of all of the data, but only from unaffected arrays. In this paper we examine a 'combined' approach to the analysis of such affected experiments that uses all of the unaffected data.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The parametric F-test has been widely used in the analysis of factorial microarray experiments to assess treatment effects. However, the normality assumption is often untenable for microarray experiments with small replications. Therefore, permutation-based methods are called for help to assess the statistical significance. The distribution of the F-statistics across all the genes on the array can be regarded as a mixture distribution with a proportion of statistics generated from the null distribution of no differential gene expression whereas the other proportion of statistics generated from the alternative distribution of genes differentially expressed. This results in the fact that the permutation distribution of the F-statistics may not approximate well to the true null distribution of the F-statistics. Therefore, the construction of a proper null statistic to better approximate the null distribution of F-statistic is of great importance to the permutation-based multiple testing in microarray data analysis. RESULTS: In this paper, we extend the ideas of constructing null statistics based on pairwise differences to neglect the treatment effects from the two-sample comparison problem to the multifactorial balanced or unbalanced microarray experiments. A null statistic based on a subpartition method is proposed and its distribution is employed to approximate the null distribution of the F-statistic. The proposed null statistic is able to accommodate unbalance in the design and is also corrected for the undue correlation between its numerator and denominator. In the simulation studies and real biological data analysis, the number of true positives and the false discovery rate (FDR) of the proposed null statistic are compared with those of the permutated version of the F-statistic. It has been shown that our proposed method has a better control of the FDRs and a higher power than the standard permutation method to detect differentially expressed genes because of the better approximated tail probabilities.  相似文献   



Microarray data must be normalized because they suffer from multiple biases. We have identified a source of spatial experimental variability that significantly affects data obtained with Cy3/Cy5 spotted glass arrays. It yields a periodic pattern altering both signal (Cy3/Cy5 ratio) and intensity across the array.  相似文献   

MASQOT-GUI provides an open-source, platform-independent software pipeline for two-channel microarray spot quality control. This includes gridding, segmentation, quantification, quality assessment and data visualization. It hosts a set of independent applications, with interactions between the tools as well as import and export support for external software. The implementation of automated multivariate quality control assessment, which is a unique feature of MASQOT-GUI, is based on the previously documented and evaluated MASQOT methodology. Further abilities of the application are outlined and illustrated. AVAILABILITY: MASQOT-GUI is Java-based and licensed under the GNU LGPL. Source code and installation files are available for download at http://masqot-gui.sourceforge.net/  相似文献   

Estimating p-values in small microarray experiments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
MOTIVATION: Microarray data typically have small numbers of observations per gene, which can result in low power for statistical tests. Test statistics that borrow information from data across all of the genes can improve power, but these statistics have non-standard distributions, and their significance must be assessed using permutation analysis. When sample sizes are small, the number of distinct permutations can be severely limited, and pooling the permutation-derived test statistics across all genes has been proposed. However, the null distribution of the test statistics under permutation is not the same for equally and differentially expressed genes. This can have a negative impact on both p-value estimation and the power of information borrowing statistics. RESULTS: We investigate permutation based methods for estimating p-values. One of methods that uses pooling from a selected subset of the data are shown to have the correct type I error rate and to provide accurate estimates of the false discovery rate (FDR). We provide guidelines to select an appropriate subset. We also demonstrate that information borrowing statistics have substantially increased power compared to the t-test in small experiments.  相似文献   

Characterizing dye bias in microarray experiments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
MOTIVATION: Spot intensity serves as a proxy for gene expression in dual-label microarray experiments. Dye bias is defined as an intensity difference between samples labeled with different dyes attributable to the dyes instead of the gene expression in the samples. Dye bias that is not removed by array normalization can introduce bias into comparisons between samples of interest. But if the bias is consistent across samples for the same gene, it can be corrected by proper experimental design and analysis. If the dye bias is not consistent across samples for the same gene, but is different for different samples, then removing the bias becomes more problematic, perhaps indicating a technical limitation to the ability of fluorescent signals to accurately represent gene expression. Thus, it is important to characterize dye bias to determine: (1) whether it will be removed for all genes by array normalization, (2) whether it will not be removed by normalization but can be removed by proper experimental design and analysis and (3) whether dye bias correction is more problematic than either of these and is not easily removable. RESULTS: We analyzed two large (each >27 arrays) tissue culture experiments with extensive dye swap arrays to better characterize dye bias. Indirect, amino-allyl labeling was used in both experiments. We found that post-normalization dye bias that is consistent across samples does appear to exist for many genes, and that controlling and correcting for this type of dye bias in design and analysis is advisable. The extent of this type of dye bias remained unchanged under a wide range of normalization methods (median-centering, various loess normalizations) and statistical analysis techniques (parametric, rank based, permutation based, etc.). We also found dye bias related to the individual samples for a much smaller subset of genes. But these sample-specific dye biases appeared to have minimal impact on estimated gene-expression differences between the cell lines.  相似文献   



Development of efficient analytic methodologies for combining microarray results is a major challenge in gene expression analysis. The widely used effect size models are thought to provide an efficient modeling framework for this purpose, where the measures of association for each study and each gene are combined, weighted by the standard errors. A significant disadvantage of this strategy is that the quality of different data sets may be highly variable, but this information is usually neglected during the integration. Moreover, it is widely known that the estimated standard deviations are probably unstable in the commonly used effect size measures (such as standardized mean difference) when sample sizes in each group are small.  相似文献   

Conventional statistical methods for interpreting microarray data require large numbers of replicates in order to provide sufficient levels of sensitivity. We recently described a method for identifying differentially-expressed genes in one-channel microarray data 1. Based on the idea that the variance structure of microarray data can itself be a reliable measure of noise, this method allows statistically sound interpretation of as few as two replicates per treatment condition. Unlike the one-channel array, the two-channel platform simultaneously compares gene expression in two RNA samples. This leads to covariation of the measured signals. Hence, by accounting for covariation in the variance model, we can significantly increase the power of the statistical test. We believe that this approach has the potential to overcome limitations of existing methods. We present here a novel approach for the analysis of microarray data that involves modeling the variance structure of paired expression data in the context of a Bayesian framework. We also describe a novel statistical test that can be used to identify differentially-expressed genes. This method, bivariate microarray analysis (BMA), demonstrates dramatically improved sensitivity over existing approaches. We show that with only two array replicates, it is possible to detect gene expression changes that are at best detected with six array replicates by other methods. Further, we show that combining results from BMA with Gene Ontology annotation yields biologically significant results in a ligand-treated macrophage cell system.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, due to the popularisation of high-throughput methodologies such as DNA microarrays, the possibility of obtaining experimental data has increased significantly. Nevertheless, the interpretation of the results, which involves translating these data into useful biological knowledge, still remains a challenge. The methods and strategies used for this interpretation are in continuous evolution and new proposals are constantly arising. Initially, a two-step approach was used in which genes of interest were initially selected, based on thresholds that consider only experimental values, and then in a second, independent step the enrichment of these genes in biologically relevant terms, was analysed. For different reasons, these methods are relatively poor in terms of performance and a new generation of procedures, which draw inspiration from systems biology criteria, are currently under development. Such procedures, aim to directly test the behaviour of blocks of functionally related genes, instead of focusing on single genes.  相似文献   



A typical microarray experiment has many sources of variation which can be attributed to biological and technical causes. Identifying sources of variation and assessing their magnitude, among other factors, are important for optimal experimental design. The objectives of this study were: (1) to estimate relative magnitudes of different sources of variation and (2) to evaluate agreement between biological and technical replicates.  相似文献   

In this paper, correlation of the pixels comprising a microarray spot is investigated. Subsequently, correlation statistics, namely, Pearson correlation and Spearman rank correlation, are used to segment the foreground and background intensity of microarray spots. The performance of correlation-based segmentation is compared to clustering-based (PAM, k-means) and seeded-region growing techniques (SPOT). It is shown that correlation-based segmentation is useful in flagging poorly hybridized spots, thus minimizing false-positives. The present study also raises the intriguing question of whether a change in correlation can be an indicator of differential gene expression.  相似文献   

A friendly statistics package for microarray analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY: The friendly statistics package for microarray analysis (FSPMA) is a tool that aims to fill the gap between simple to use and powerful analysis. FSPMA is a platform-independent R-package that allows efficient exploration of microarray data without the need for computer programming. Analysis is based on a mixed model ANOVA library (YASMA) that was extended to allow more flexible comparisons and other useful operations like k nearest neighbour imputing and spike-based normalization. Processing is controlled by a definition file that specifies all the steps necessary to derive analysis results from quantified microarray data. In addition to providing analysis without programming, the definition file also serves as exact documentation of all the analysis steps. AVAILABILITY: The library is available under GPL 2 license and, together with additional information, provided at http://www.ccbi.cam.ac.uk/software/psyk/software.html#fspma  相似文献   

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