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Oocytes of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera, are arrested at the G2 phase of meiosis I and possess a prominent germinal vesicle in which maternal stores of nuclear proteins which are destined for use primarily by the early embryo are stored. Germinal vesicle breakdown and subsequent oocyte maturation is triggered by activation of the p34(cdc2)/cyclin B complex, which is present as the preform in the cytoplasm. The aim of the present study was to identify and biochemically characterize in vivo substrates of the kinase. Two nucleic acid binding nuclear proteins designated NAAP1 and NAAP2 were found, both of which contain 345 amino acid residues with pI 3. 6 and which serve as substrates. The only difference between the two proteins was in the primary amino acid sequence at position 51, which is Asn in NAAP1 but Thr in NAAP2. NAAPs are phosphorylated in vivo during oocyte maturation but not at the meiotic G(2) stage. NAAPs are phosphorylated in vitro by the cdc2 kinase on the same site as in vivo. Although there are other evolutionarily conserved consensus sequences for phosphorylation by mitotically active cdc2 kinase in NAAPs and NAAP-derived fragments containing the sequences were efficiently phosphorylated in vitro, these sites in the intact NAAPs were not phosphorylated either in vivo or in vitro. These results suggest that the tertiary structure of NAAPs affects the target specificity of the cdc2 kinase.  相似文献   

Uptake of radioactive amino acids and their incorporation into protein were examined during 1-methyladenine-induced maturation and subsequent fertilization of oocytes of the starfish Patiria miniata. The initial response to the hormone was a nearly immediate decrease in permeability to amino acids, indicating that the site of action of the hormone is on the cell surface. Protein synthesis began to increase starting about 12 min after 1-methyladenine stimulation and prior to germinal vesicle breakdown. It continued to rise throughout the first meiotic division. This protein synthesis was not required for assembly or initial functioning of the meiotic apparatus, although it was necessary for the completion of meiosis. Fertilization had no effect on the rate of protein synthesis.Oocytes of P. miniata provide an example of hormonal stimulation of protein synthesis in an invertebrate system.  相似文献   

Changes in the extent of protein phosphorylation and their possible correlation with changes in the activity of maturation-promoting (MPF) factor were investigated throughout meiotic maturation and following activation of amphibian and starfish oocytes. Despite several exceptions in the pattern of phosphorylation of individual proteins, high and low levels of protein phosphorylation were found to be correlated with high and low levels of MPF activity. Both the extent of protein phosphorylation and MPF activity were found to drop upon parthenogenetic activation and to cycle synchronously thereafter in the amphibian. In contrast no drop in MPF activity or in the extent of protein phosphorylation was observed following activation of starfish oocytes with ionophore A23187. This suggests that changes of protein phosphorylation and of MPF activity are rather related to the progression of the cell cycle than directly to Ca2+-dependent activation reaction. In amphibians global protein kinase activity in homogenates was found to drop with MPF activity following activation. Changes in the ratio of threonine vs serine phosphorylation were also investigated during the course of meiotic maturation and activation in both amphibian and starfish oocytes: changes in the activity of MPF were found to be better correlated with changes in threonine than serine phosphorylation.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the activation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and the inactivation of p90rsk after electrical parthenogenetic activation of rat oocytes. In addition, the correlation between p90rsk and MAP kinases after different treatments was studied. We assessed p90rsk activity by examining its electrophoretic mobility shift on SDS-PAGE and evaluated ERK1+2 activity by both mobility shift and a specific antibody against phospho-MAP kinase. The phosphorylation of p90rsk during rat oocyte maturation was a sequential process that may be divided into two stages: the first stage was partial phosphorylation, which was irrelevant with MAP kinases because p90rsk phosphorylation took place prior to activation of MAP kinases. The second stage inferred full activation occurred at the time when MAP kinases began to be activated (3 h after germinal visicle breakdown). Evidence for the involvement of MAP kinases in the p90rsk phosphorylation was further obtained by the following approaches: (1) okadaic acid (OA) accelerated the phosphorylation of both MAP kinases and p90rsk; (2) OA induced phosphorylation of both MAP kinases and p90rsk in the presence of IBMX; (3) when activation of MAP kinases was inhibited by cycloheximide, p90rsk phosphorylation was also abolished; (4) dephosphorylation of p90rsk began to take place at 3 h post-activation, temporally correlated with the completion of MAP kinase inactivation; (5) phosphorylation of both kinases was maintained in oocytes that failed to form pronuclei after stimulation; (6) OA abolished the dephosphorylation of both kinases after parthenogenetic activation. Our data suggest that MAP kinases are not required for early partial activation of p90rsk but are required for full activation of p90rsk during rat oocyte maturation, and that p90rsk dephosphorylation occurs following MAP kinase inactivation after parthenogenetic activation of rat oocytes.  相似文献   

After a 60 min heat-shock at 36 degrees C, Xenopus oocytes are still able to accomplish a complete meiotic maturation in response to a progesterone treatment. The 36 degrees C heat-shock applied to maturing oocytes strongly enhances the synthesis of a single heat-shock protein of approx. 70 000 molecular weight (hsp70); after activation with the Ca2+-ionophore A 23187, matured oocytes still display the ability to synthesize hsp70 and to survive a heat-shock. A cycloheximide treatment combined with a heat-shock induces, during the recovery period, the synthesis of two heat-shock proteins, of approx. 70 000 and 83 000 molecular weight.  相似文献   

The internal pH (pHi) of Xenopus laevis oocytes, as measured by the DMO method, covered a broad range of values from 7.06 +/- 0.01 to 7.93 +/- 0.01, with a mean value of 7.43 +/- 0.03. The pHi measured by DMO and microelectrodes was nearly identical in control and maturing oocytes from the same batch. The oocytes from most females elevated their pHi in response to progesterone, reaching a maximum elevation of 0.30 +/- 0.03 pH units above control values at 100% germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). However, some females were found to contain oocytes that already had an elevated pHi of 7.71 +/- 0.03 which did not significantly increase during maturation. Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcG)-stimulated females had oocytes with slightly higher control pHi values than oocytes from nonstimulated females but still showed the same elevation in response to progesterone. Thus, the "stimulated" state of oocyte physiology as induced by hcG did not account for the variation in control pHi and responsiveness to progesterone. Other aspects of this variability are discussed. Elevating or lowering the external pH is shown to elevate and lower pHi, respectively, in a stable and predictable manner. Using this approach to change pHi we have found no effect of changes in pHi on the rate of protein synthesis in control and maturing oocytes. Similarly, pHi had only a slight facilitating effect on the rate of GVBD. A pH indicator gel was used to demonstrate that the pHi increase during oocyte maturation involved an acid efflux. We conclude that an elevated pHi is not necessary for oocyte maturation, yet the mechanism of the pHi elevation is discussed as a possible lead to events that are necessary.  相似文献   

Inositol 3,4,5-triphosphate (InsP3) brought about cortical granule exocytosis and elevation of a fertilization membrane, due to a rapid increase of free calcium in cytoplasm, when injected into oocytes of the amphibian Xenopus laevis arrested at second meiotic metaphase. The same result was observed when injection was performed into oocytes of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis arrested either at the first meiotic prophase or after completion of meiosis. Although meiotic maturation was induced in both animals by specific hormones which have been previously shown to release Ca2+ within cytoplasm, InsP3 microinjection into prophase-arrested oocytes did not release them from prophase block.  相似文献   

The maturation hormone 1-methyladenine (1-MA) causes meiotic resumption of prophase arrested immature starfish oocytes. Continuous exposure to ≥ 0.5 µM 1-MA causes germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in ∼ 20 min, but oocytes pretreated for > 30 min with a subthreshold dose of 1-MA undergo GVBD much faster (∼ 10 min) when they are exposed to 1 µM 1-MA. Furthermore, a very low subthreshold 1-MA suffices to start the maturation process: oocytes exposed to 0.005 µM 1-MA for up to 10 min followed by 1 µM 1-MA is equivalent to continuous exposure to 1 µM 1-MA. These dose and timing relationships indicate that there is a two-stage dependence on 1-MA. A possible explanation for this dependence is that there are two processes involved: an initial process that is triggered by a low dose of 1-MA, and a second process that cannot start until the first process is completed and is stimulated by a higher dose of 1-MA. These subthreshold 1-MA effects on GVBD timing are not directly coupled to changes in calcium physiology that also occur during maturation. Subthreshold 1-MA was found to cause a transient accumulation of Cdc2/cyclin B into the nucleus. The two-stage dependence indicates that there are unsuspected features in this well-studied pathway leading to GVBD. In the animal, this hormone dependence may help to synchronize maturation throughout all parts of the ovary.  相似文献   

Changes in protein kinase C (PKC) activity influence the progression of meiosis; however, the specific function of the various PKC isoforms in female gametes is not known. In the current study, the protein expression and subcellular distribution profile of PKC-delta (PKC-delta), a novel isoform of the PKC family, was determined in mouse oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation and following egg activation. The full-length protein was observed as a doublet (76 and 78 kDa) on Western blot analysis. A smaller (47 kDa) carboxyl-terminal fragment, presumably the truncated catalytic domain of PKC-delta, was also strongly expressed. Both the full-length protein and the catalytic fragment became phosphorylated coincident with the resumption of meiosis and remained phosphorylated throughout metaphase II (MII) arrest. Immunofluorescence staining showed PKC-delta distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm of oocytes during maturation and associated with the spindle apparatus during the first meiotic division. Discrete foci of the protein also localized with the chromosomes in some mature eggs. Following the completion of meiosis, PKC-delta became dephosphorylated within 2 h of in vitro fertilization or parthenogenetic activation. The protein also accumulated in the nuclei of early embryos and was phosphorylated during M-phase of the initial mitotic cleavage division. By the two-cell stage, expression of the truncated catalytic fragment was minimal. These data demonstrate that the subcellular distribution and posttranslational modification of PKC-delta is cell cycle dependent, suggesting that its activity and/or function likely vary with the progression of meiosis and egg activation.  相似文献   

Effects of hyperthermia on maturing oocytes of a random-bred stock of mice were investigated to determine if those effects might in part be responsible for the decreased reproductive efficiency observed in animals during periods of high ambient temperatures. Oocytes were collected from virgin mice following synchronization of ovulation with Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Stressed animals were exposed to hyperthermic conditions (35 ± 1 °C, 65 ± 3% relative humidity (RH)) immediately following the injection of HCG until the time of oocyte recovery. Prior to heat exposure all animals were maintained at control conditions of 21 ± 2 °C and 65 ± 5% RH. Meiotic maturation was disrupted in a significant proportion (>25%) of oocytes from stressed animals. Apparent disruption of the spindle mechanism resulted in the cessation of the meiotic process at metaphase I in 12.28% of the oocytes from heat-stressed mice with 4.87% oocytes exhibiting subnucalei. Other nuclear forms presumed to be non-viable occurred in an additional 8.58% of the oocytes. Two oocytes exhibited retained polar body chromatin and several oocytes at metaphase II exhibited atypical configuration. The remaining oocytes were in normal metaphase II configuration.  相似文献   

In starfish oocytes, activity of the maturation-promoting factor (MPF) and that of a major cAMP-independent protein kinase dropped at the time of meiotic cleavage, and rose again after the first but not the second meiotic cleavage. Protein synthesis was required before the first meiotic cleavage for both MPF and protein kinase activity to rise again after the first meiotic cleavage. Microinjection of either leupeptin or soybean trypsin inhibitor early enough prior to first polar body emission suppressed both the meiotic cleavage and the associated drop of MPF activity. Microinjection of leupeptin or soybean trypsin inhibitor during the 10-min period before the first meiotic cleavage also suppressed cytokinesis but did not prevent a decrease in MPF activity at the normal time of cytokinesis. The lysosomotropic inhibitor ammonia neither suppressed cytokinesis nor the drop of MPF activity at the time of first meiotic cleavage. Activity of neutral proteases sensitive to leupeptin and soybean trypsin inhibitor was demonstrated in oocyte homogenates prepared at the time of first meiotic cleavage. It is proposed that such proteases might be involved in degradation of protein kinase(s) and in the drop of MPF activity at the time of first meiotic cleavage.  相似文献   

Sperm entry into the oocyte of the starfish, Asterina pectinifera, was prevented when the membrane potential of the oocyte was held more positive than −10 to −5 mV, and multiple sperm entries were induced when the potential was held more negative. Based on this potential-dependent fertilization block mechanism, it was demonstrated that an activation potential (AVP) which is induced immediately after the attachment of the first sperm to the egg surface plays the role of a fast polyspermy block. The AVP-mediated polyspermy block mechanism develops as the oocyte matures and deteriorates as it ages. AVPs of mature oocytes exceeded −5 mV (the critical potential level for fertilization block) within 1 sec, and the potential stayed at +12 mV even after the initiation of fertilization membrane elevation. Consequently, the entry of a second sperm is prevented. In contrast, AVPs of overripe oocytes took about 15 sec to attain −5 mV, or they did not attain −5 mV at all. In overripe oocytes multiple sperm entries were associated with “step depolarization(s)” in the rising phase of the AVPs before membrane elevation took place. Immature oocytes generated AVPs associated with sperm entries, but without membrane elevation. AVPs in immature oocytes were characterized by the step depolarization(s) in the rising phase, and an AVP could be evoked again by a second insemination 20 min after the first insemination. These findings indicate that immature oocytes lack both fast and slow polyspermy block mechanisms.  相似文献   

Maturation-promoting factor (MPF) activity and the protein phosphorylation pattern were monitored throughout the time course of meiotic maturation following hormonal stimulation of prophase-arrested starfish oocytes. MFP activity disappeared or decreased dramatically during the first and second meiotic cleavages. MPF activity came back to a very high level after the first but not the second meiotic cleavage. The state of protein phosphorylation was monitored using both tracer experiments and direct measurements of the absolute amount of phosphate in phosphoproteins. High and low levels of MPF activities were, respectively, associated with high and low levels of protein phosphorylation. It is suggested that the turn over of phosphate already bound to proteins in prophase-blocked oocytes does not change following hormone addition.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) becomes activated during the meiotic maturation of pig oocytes, but its physiological substrate is unknown. The 90-kDa ribosome S6 protein kinase (p90rsk) is the best known MAPK substrate in Xenopus and mouse oocytes. The present study was designed to investigate the expression, phosphorylation, subcellular localization, and possible roles of p90rsk in porcine oocytes during meiotic maturation, fertilization, and parthenogenetic activation. This kinase was partially phosphorylated in oocytes at germinal vesicle (GV) stage through a MAPK-independent mechanism, but its full phosphorylation is dependent on MAPK activity. After fertilization or electrical activation, p90rsk was dephosphorylated shortly before pronucleus formation, which coincided with the inactivation of MAPK. A protein phosphatase inhibitor, okadaic acid, accelerated the phosphorylation of p90rsk during meiotic maturation and induced its rephosphorylation in activated eggs. MAPK kinase (MAPKK or MEK) inhibitor U0126 inhibited the activation of MAPK and p90rsk in both cumulus-enclosed and denuded pig oocytes, but prevented GV breakdown (GVBD) only in cumulus-enclosed oocytes. Active MAPK and p90rsk were detected in pig cumulus cells, and U0126 induced their dephosphorylation. In meiosis II arrested eggs, U0126 led to the inactivation of MAPK and p90rsk, as well as the interphase transition of the eggs. P90rsk was distributed evenly in GV oocytes, but it accumulated in the nucleus before GVBD. It was localized to the meiotic spindle after GVBD and concentrated in the spindle mid zone during emission of the polar bodies. All these results suggest that p90rsk is downstream of MAPK and plays functional roles in the regulation of nuclear status and microtubule organization. Although MAPK and p90rsk activity are not essential for the spontaneous meiotic resumption in denuded oocytes, activation of this cascade in cumulus cells is indispensable for the gonadotropin-induced meiotic resumption of pig oocytes.  相似文献   

Microtubule and microfilament organization in porcine oocytes during maturation in vivo and in vitro was imaged by immunocytochemistry and laser scanning confocal microscopy. At the germinal vesicle stage, microtubules were not detected in the oocyte. After germinal vesicle breakdown, a small microtubule aster was observed near the condensed chromatin. During the prometaphase stage, microtubule asters were found in association with each chromatin mass. The asters then elongated and encompassed the chromatin at the metaphase-I stage. At anaphase-I and telophase-I microtubules were detected in the meiotic spindle. Microtubules were observed only in the second meiotic spindle at the metaphase-II stage. The meiotic spindle was a symmetric, barrel-shaped structure containing anastral broad poles, located peripherally and radially oriented. Taxol, a microtubule-stabilizing agent, did not induce microtubules in oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage. After germinal vesicle breakdown, numerous cytoplasmic foci of microtubules were formed in the entire oocyte when oocytes were incubated in the presence of taxol. Microfilaments were observed as a relatively thick uniform area around the cell cortex and were also found throughout the cytoplasm of oocytes at the germinal vesicle stage. After germinal vesicle breakdown, the microfilaments were concentrated close to the female chromatin. During prometaphase, microfilaments were chromatin moved to the peripheral position. At metaphase-I, two domains, a thick and a thin microfilament area, existed in the egg cortex. Chromosomes were located in the thick microfilament domain of the cortex. In summary, these results suggest that both micro-tubules and microfilaments are closely involved with chromosomal dynamics after germinal vesicle breakdown and during meiotic maturation in porcine oocytes. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several protein kinases are involved in the meiotic maturation of frog oocytes in order to activate the maturation-promoting factor (MPF). Among these kinases, the 90 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase (p90Rsk or Rsk) is directly phosphorylated and activated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). During Xenopus oocyte maturation, the activation of Rsk closely parallels that of MAPK. Both enzymes are dephosphorylated when the cytostatic factor (CSF) disappears after fertilization. Therefore, Rsk seems to play an essential role in the activation of MPF. To evaluate it in other frog oocytes, we cloned and characterized Rsk cDNA in Rana dybowskii oocytes. The cloned Rana Rsk cDNA had 2,961 bp of nucleotides, which contained a complete single open-reading frame with ATG codon and polyadenylation signal. The deduced amino acid sequence of Rana Rsk is 733 amino acids with 83 kDa. Rana Rsk shows a high homology (about 88%) with Xenopus Rsk. It also had two well-conserved kinase domains with specific phosphorylation sites, which are known to be essential for the activation of Rsk. A Northern analysis showed that Rana Rsk mRNA was strongly expressed in ovary tissue, but weakly in other tissue. Rana Rsk protein is expressed with the pTYB1 vector and purified with the IMPACT-CN system. The purified Rana Rsk cross-reacted with Xenopus, a p90Rsk2 antiserum. Therefore, we examined the phosphorylation of Rana Rsk during Rana oocyte maturation. In P4-treated oocytes, Rana Rsk was phosphorylated about 6-9 h, which correlated well with the germinal vesicle breakdown of Rana oocytes. Therefore, it is likely that Rana Rsk plays an important role in the meiotic maturation of seasonal breeding animals.  相似文献   

Histone acetylation is an important epigenetic modification implicated in the regulation of chromatin structure and, subsequently, gene expression. Global histone deacetylation was reported in mouse oocytes during meiosis but not mitosis. The regulation of this meiosis-specific deacetylation has not been elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that p34(cdc2) kinase activity and protein synthesis are responsible for the activation of histone deacetylases and the inhibition of histone acetyltransferases (HATs), respectively, resulting in deacetylation of histone H4 at lysine-12 (H4K12) during mouse oocyte meiosis. Temporal changes in the acetylation state of H4K12 were examined immunocytochemically during meiotic maturation using an antibody specific for acetylated H4K12. H4K12 was deacetylated during the first meiosis, temporarily acetylated around the time of the first polar body (PB1) extrusion, and then deacetylated again during the second meiosis. Because these changes coincided with the known oscillation pattern of p34(cdc2) kinase activity, we investigated the involvement of the kinase in H4K12 deacetylation. Roscovitine, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinase activity, prevented H4K12 deacetylation during both the first and second meiosis, suggesting that p34(cdc2) kinase activity is required for deacetylation during meiosis. In addition, cycloheximide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, also prevented deacetylation. After PB1 extrusion, at which time H4K12 had been deacetylated, H4K12 was re-acetylated in the condensed chromosomes by treatment with cycloheximide but not with roscovitine. These results demonstrate that HATs are present but inactivated by newly synthesized protein(s) that is (are) not involved in p34(cdc2) kinase activity. Our results suggest that p34(cdc2) kinase activity induces the deacetylation of H4K12 and that the deacetylated state is maintained by newly synthesized protein(s) that inhibits HAT activity during meiosis.  相似文献   

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