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稀有种不仅影响群落的物种多度分布格局, 同时也是α多样性的重要贡献者。本研究主要通过加性分配和Fortran软件的RAD程序包拟合的方法, 研究了甘南亚高寒草甸不同坡向物种多样性及多度分布格局的变化, 分析了物种多度分布格局及其α多样性的变化特征, 确定了稀有种在物种多度分布格局中的相对贡献。结果表明: (1)在南坡到北坡的变化中, 环境因子差异比较明显, 其中, 土壤全磷、有机碳、速效磷、碳氮比及含水量呈递增趋势; 土壤氮磷比和pH值呈递减趋势; 土壤全氮在西坡显著低于其他坡向, 而速效氮在所有坡向上差异不显著。(2)稀有种对群落物种多样性的影响在南-北坡向梯度上依次增大, 去除稀有种的影响在各坡向均高于去除非稀有种, 可见, 稀有种在甘南亚高寒草甸物种多样性中的相对贡献高于非稀有种。(3)各坡向的稀有种资源获取模式以随机分配占领模式(random fraction模型)为主, 而非稀有种则以生态位优先占领模式(geometric series模型)为主。由于稀有种有较大的扩散率, 在物种多样性较高的生态系统中, 物种之间的生态位重叠会更加明显, 从而抑制物种多样性的增加, 因此能达到维持原有物种多样性的目的。  相似文献   

The population ecology of rare species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is no general theory of rarity, although one is sorely needed both to understand population dynamics and to determine conservation priorities. Here we suggest some of the strands that might be woven into such a theory. They include relationships between local abundance, geographic range size and body size of species, and the determinants of minimum viable population sizes. In each of these areas much can still be learnt from the classical 'compare and contrast' approach using assemblages of species from a variety of taxa. Freshwater fish have contributed relatively little to the broad ecological literature in this respect. We perform some tentative analyses for this group of species, and speculate on how they might fit into our current understanding of rarity.  相似文献   

1 The two most common species of aphid colonizing sugar beet Beta vulgaris L. are Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and Aphis fabae Scopoli (Hemiptera: Aphididae). 2 M. persicae colonizes sugar beet earlier than A. fabae but the population of the former also declines earlier. Despite similar numbers of each species migrating at the time of colonization, M. persicae is usually less abundant on the crop than A. fabae, suggesting differences between the species in their selection of, and performance on, sugar beet. 3 The intrinsic rate of increase of both species declines as sugar beet matures, however, at any given plant age the intrinsic rate of increase of A. fabae is one and a half times greater than that of M. persicae. This results in more rapid population growth and a later decline of the population. 4 Intraspecific competition appears to result in M. persicae becoming very restless, but there is no evidence for interspecific competition between the two species on this host. 5 A population growth model which takes account of the decline in host quality of sugar beet shows that the M. persicae population peaks 30 days before that of A. fabae, and, excluding differences in emigration rate, the maximum A. fabae population is 14 times greater than the maximum M. persicae population. These results are compared to field data.  相似文献   

1. The effect of temperature on the outcome of resource competition between two planktonic rotifers (Synchaeta pectinata and Brachionus calyciflorus) was investigated in laboratory experiments. In addition to the competition experiments, several physiological variables and their temperature‐dependence were characterised, including ingestion rate and starvation tolerance. 2. Because of a lower threshold food level (TFL) for population growth for the food algae Cryptomonas erosa, Synchaeta was predicted to be the superior competitor at low temperatures (12 °C). In contrast, Brachionus had a lower TFL at 20 °C and was predicted to be competitively superior at this temperature. 3. In both rotifer species, ingestion rates increased with temperature, but the increase was much more pronounced in Brachionus. Ingestion rates of Brachionus at temperatures from 8 to 24 °C were always higher than in Synchaeta (up to 4.6‐fold). 4. Starvation resistance reduced with temperature in both rotifer species. At all temperatures investigated (12, 16 and 20 °C) Brachionus could survive starvation for longer than Synchaeta. This difference was strongest at 12 °C (5.8 days versus 2.5 days). 5. In the first competition experiment, food was supplied at 48 h‐intervals. Brachionus displaced Synchaeta at both experimental temperatures (12 and 20 °C). Competitive exclusion of Synchaeta at the lower temperature was probably because of large fluctuations in algal densities that resulted from the long intervals between feeding, a condition that favoured Brachionus because of its higher starvation resistance. 6. In the second competition experiment, one third of the food suspension was renewed every 8 h, resulting in a much better approximation to a continuous resource supply. At 12 °C Synchaeta and Brachionus coexisted for more than 1 month and the densities of both rotifer species were significantly lower in the presence of their competitor. In contrast to expectations, Brachionus was able to persist even when Cryptomonas concentrations fell below its TFL. This was probably because Brachionus was using detritus and associated bacteria as additional food sources, which were present in the cultures during the later phase of the experiment. 7. Autocorrelation analysis of the temporal changes in egg ratios revealed significant periodic cycles in Synchaeta during the second competition experiment. A possible explanation for this is the fecundity schedule of Synchaeta, in which reproduction is highly concentrated in a few age classes. According to demographic theory, such a life cycle feature can cause slower convergence to a stable age distribution.  相似文献   

  • Mutualism studies often focus on the service provided by single species, while variation in benefits provided by multiple partners is less understood. Ant-aphid food-for-protection mutualisms are suitable to study the implications of intra-guild service variation because they often involve several ant species with varying levels of aggressiveness.
  • We studied an aphid species and its associated ant guild to address whether intra-guild defence variation against aphid natural enemies explains aphid performance on plants (thistles). We surveyed plants with natural abundances of aphids associated with different ant species and estimated aphid population growth. We conducted confrontation experiments between ant species and aphid natural enemies (ladybugs and hoverfly larvae). In plants patrolled by the most aggressive ant species, we determined the ant's probability of expelling aphid natural enemies and tested whether ant exclusion affects the abundance of aphids and their natural enemies.
  • The ant Dorymyrmex tener was the most abundant and frequent species on plants and the most aggressive against aphid natural enemies. Aphid populations grew faster on plants patrolled by D. tener compared to plants patrolled by Camponotus distinguendus or D. richteri. Field experiments confirmed that D. tener effectively expels aphid natural enemies from plants. When D. tener was excluded, the density of aphids decreased, while the abundance of aphid natural enemies increased.
  • The disruption of aphid predation by aggressive and numerically dominant ant species is a determinant of aphid population dynamics. This study illustrates the importance of considering intra-guild service variation to better understand multi-partner mutualisms.

The present study demonstrates the possibility of estimating species numbers of animal or plant communities from samples using relative abundance distributions. We use log‐abundance–species‐rank order plots and derive two new estimators that are based on log‐series and lognormal distributions. At small to moderate sample sizes these estimators appear to be more precise than previous parametric and nonparametric estimators. We test our estimators using samples from 171 published medium‐sized to large animal and plant communities taken from the literature. By this we show that our new estimators define also limits of precision.  相似文献   

Abstract We explain how species accumulation curves are influenced by species richness (total number of species), relative abundance and diversity using computer‐generated simulations. Species richness defines the boundary of the horizontal asymptote value for a species accumulation curve, and the shape of the curve is influenced by both relative abundance and diversity. Simulations with a high proportion of rare species and a few abundant species have a species accumulation curve with a low ‘shoulder’ (inflection point on the ordinate axis) and a long upward slope to the asymptote. Simulations with a high proportion of relatively abundant species have a steeply rising initial slope to the species accumulation curve and plateau early. Diversity (as measured by Simpson's and Shannon–Weaver indices) for simulations is positively correlated with the initial slope of the species accumulation curve. Species accumulation curves cross when one simulation has a high proportion of both rare and abundant species compared with another that has a more even distribution of abundance among species.  相似文献   

后河自然保护区珍稀植物群落结构及更新特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以湖北五峰后河自然保护区1 hm2珍稀濒危植物群落为对象,应用固定样方法调查了群落种类组成和结构,并对主要组成树种的种群结构和更新特性进行分析,同时对群落所处的演替阶段进行了探讨.结果表明:①依据胸径频率分布的形状,将19个主要树种种群结构归纳为4种类型:单峰衰退型、间歇型、倒-J型、L型.②单峰衰退型树种在群落中几乎...  相似文献   

Daily increase in fresh weight was recorded for apterous and alate nymphs of S. avenae at 20°C. Comparison with a control group indicated that daily disturbance and weighing of nymphs did not affect significantly their growth, developmental time or survival. The increase in fresh weight of apterous and alate virginoparae at 20°C was best described by logistic equations. Alate virginoparae were significantly heavier than apterous virginoparae at birth and throughout most of their nymphal life, but they experienced a weight loss at the final ecdysis. The relative growth rate did not remain constant, but declined during development. The decline is associated with a decline in honeydew production per unit body weight. The implications of an inconstant relative growth rate and the marked loss in weight at the adult moult in alates are discussed.
Résumé L'enregistrement de l'augmentation quotidienne du poids frais à 20°C des larves ailées et aptères de S. avenae a montré que des perturbations quotidiennes n'affectent pas significativement la croissance, la durée du développement et la survie. Les équations logistiques décrivent plus exactement l'augmentation de poids frais des aptères et des ailés virginipares à 20°C. Les virginipares ailés étaient significativement plus lourds que les virginipares aptères à la naissance et pendant la plus grande partie de la vie larvaire, mais présentaient une perte de poids à la mue finale. Le taux de croissance relative ne restait pas constant, mais diminuait au cours du développement. La diminution était associée à une diminution de la production de miellat par unité de poids du corps. La discussion porte sur les conséquences de la variation de l'augmentation du poids relatif et de la perte marquée de poids à la mue imaginale.

珍贵树种西伯利亚红松引进的可行性   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
西伯利亚红松 (Pinussibirica)主产于俄罗斯的西伯利亚地区 ,广泛分布于欧亚泰加林带 ,种内变异非常丰富 ,存在大量优良种质 .该树种具有极强的耐寒性 ,其水平分布可进入北极圈内 (6 8.5°N) ,垂直分布可达树木上限 ,分布区内绝对低温有 - 6 7℃的记录 (红松约 - 5 0℃ ) ,是寒温带针叶林的著名建群种 .而我国的寒温性森林面积很大 ,自然环境条件与西伯利亚红松分布区基本相似或略好 ,但树种较单一 ,西伯利亚红松仅在我国的北疆高山及生态环境最严酷的大兴安岭满归林业局有极少量分布 ,因此在环境条件更好的其他地区引进是完全可能的 .西伯利亚红松的引进不仅可能在短期内解决我们对良种的需求 ,而且可以开展食用松籽的生产试验 ,使我国一向几乎无农业可言的广大高寒林区 ,逐渐成为新兴的坚果林生产基地 .  相似文献   



The criteria used to define the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List categories are essentially based on demographic parameters at the species level, but they do not integrate species' traits or their roles in ecosystems. Consequently, current IUCN-based protection measures may not be sufficient to conserve ecosystem functioning and services. Some species may have a singular combination of traits associated with unique functions. Such functionally distinct species are increasingly recognized as a key facet of biodiversity since they are, by definition, functionally irreplaceable. The aim of this study is to investigate whether threatened species are also functionally rare and to identify which traits determine extinction risk.


European continental shelf seas.

Time period


Major taxa studied

Marine fish.


Using newly compiled trait information of 425 marine fish species in European waters, and more than 30 years of scientific bottom trawl surveys, we estimated the functional distinctiveness, restrictedness and scarcity of each species and cross-referenced it with their IUCN conservation status.


In European continental shelf seas, 38% of the species threatened with extinction (9 out of 24 species) were identified as the most functionally distinct. By mapping extinction risk in the multidimensional species trait space, we showed that species with the greatest risk of extinction are long-lived and of high trophic level. We also identified that the most functionally distinct species are sparsely distributed (4% of the total area on average) and have scarce abundances (<1% of the relative mean abundance of common species).

Main Conclusions

Because a substantial proportion of threatened species are functionally distinct and thus may play unique roles in ecosystem functioning, we stress that species traits—especially functional rarity—should become an indispensable step in the development of conservation management plans.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the estimation of nucleotide diversity and genetic structure of populations from RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) data. It involves a modification of the technique developed by Lynch and Crease (1990) for the case of restriction sites as survey data. As new elements the method incorporates (i) dominance correction, (ii) values of asexual reproduction of the populations sampled, and (iii) an analytical variance of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site. Sampling was carried out at two geographic scales for three aphid species. At a macrogeographic scale, populations of Rhopalosiphum padi did not show statistical genetic differentiation. Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, which were sampled at a microgeographic scale, showed a higher genetic differentiation than R. padi, it being statistically significant in M. persicae. The major sources of sampling variance within- and between-populations were found to be nucleotide (i.e., the number of alleles used as a function of the number of primers used) and population (i.e., sample size) sampling. Extremely low estimates of nucleotide diversity were obtained for the species studied here. This result is consistent with previous reports on genetic diversity for the same or other aphid species which were based on allozyme polymorphism, mitochondrial DNA variation and qualitative analyses of RAPDs.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 A spatial autocorrelation analysis was undertaken to investigate the spatial structure of annual abundance for the pest aphid Myzus persicae collected in suction traps distributed across north‐west Europe. 2 The analysis was applied at two different scales. The Moran index was used to estimate the degree of spatial autocorrelation at all sites within the study area (global level). The contributions of each site to the global index were identified by the use of a local indicator of spatial autocorrelation (LISA). A hierarchical cluster analysis was undertaken to highlight differences between groups of resulting correlograms. 3 Similarity between traps was shown to occur over large geographical distances, suggesting an impact of phenomena such as climatic gradients or land use types. 4 The presence of outliers and zones of similarity (hot‐spots) and of dissimilarity (cold‐spots) were identified indicating a strong impact of local effects. 5 Several groups of traps characterized by similarities in their local spatial structure (correlograms, value of Moran's Ii) also had similar values for land use variables (the area occupied by agricultural zones, forest and sea). 6 It is concluded that trap data can provide information about Myzus persicae that is representative of large geographical areas. Thus, trap data can be used to estimate the aerial abundance of this species, even if the suction traps are not regularly and densely distributed.  相似文献   

Offspring from matings between near neighbors may exhibit lower fitness relative to offspring from more distant matings due to spatial structuring of populations resulting from limited dispersal of pollen and seed. This response, which can be interpreted as inbreeding depression, is studied in the rare species, Eupatorium resinosum, and a closely related congener, E. perfoliatum, through the use of hand pollinations representing three distance classes (near-within a population, far-within a population, and between populations) and an assay of the offspring in an experimental plot. Early traits such as seed mass and first-year stem length were not significantly affected by the cross type, although they were affected by maternal parentage. Size and reproduction in the second field season increased with increased pollen donor distance from the maternal plant. Cross type was significant for many traits in the second field season, indicating inbreeding depression in crosses of neighbors (for E. resinosum) and hybrid vigor between populations (both species). This suggests that the rare species, E. resinosum, had a more spatially structured population than E. perfoliatum. The implications of these results for conservation of rare species indicate that protection of habitats sufficient for large populations is necessary to maintain genetic diversity since each population likely consists of many smaller subpopulations.  相似文献   

  • 1 The species number, the abundance per species and the body length of arthropods foraging within the crowns of an over-storey rainforest tree from Australia, Argyrodendron actinophyllum (Sterculiaceae), were investigated by interception trap sampling and restricted canopy fogging. Emphasis was placed upon the interpretation of trap data. Arthropods were trapped continuously day and night, over a 2-year period and the final analyses examined the attributes of 759 species which represented 20,500 individuals.
  • 2 The proportion of‘rare’species (Le. collected once) intercepted was high (35.7%), although lower than in other similar rainforest surveys. Neither the α log-series nor the log-normal distribution could be fitted to the relationship between number of species and number of individuals, since the number of rare species was much higher than predicted and the mode of the distribution could not be identified. The proportion of rare species was higher in fogging collections (452%) than in trap collections.
  • 3 The data are compared with a study of Bornean arboreal beetles, obtained by fogging trees during a single sampling event. Several patterns were common to both data sets. However, the three-dimensional plot of the variables describing the structure of the arthropod community showed a notably rougher surface than in the case of Bornean beetles.
  • 4 Although several factors may complicate the interpretation of the three-dimensional plots, long-term and continuous sampling may alter our perception of complex arthropod communities. This methodology is imperative for a proper understanding of arthropod community structure in rain forests.

The closely related species of leafhoppers, Oncopsis flavicollis (L.) and 0. subangulata (Sahl.), are restricted to birches, Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh., as host plants. Morphometric discriminant analyses of adult insects from S Wales showed O. flavicollis populations from the two Betula species to be significantly different. The best discrimination was provided by characters of the male dorsal abdominal apodemes. Analyses of such apodeme morphology in populations more widely from S Britain showed three distinct types: in western localities type 1 dominantly on B. pubescens , type 2 dominantly on B. pendula and type 3 absent; in eastern localities type 3 only on B. pendula , type 2 on both species of Betula and type 1 only on B. pubescens. Acoustic calling and courtship signals of males showed clear differences between the three apodeme types of 0. flavicollis. It is concluded that the three 0. flavicollis types, together with 0. subangulata , are distinct but very closely related biological species. Contrary to earlier suggestions, this example provides no evidence for host plant utilization polymorphisms.  相似文献   

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