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Kaim, A. 2010: Non‐actualistic wood‐fall associations from Middle Jurassic of Poland. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 109–124. The oldest modern‐type wood‐fall (sunken wood) associations so far known, were reported from the Upper Cretaceous of Japan. Here, four Middle Jurassic fossil associations collected from logs of sunken driftwood are documented from clay and silt sediments of the Cz?stochowa Ore‐bearing Clay Formation in Poland. The associations are composed of almost entirely different set of molluscs when compared to modern examples of wood‐fall communities. The exceptions are leptochitonid polyplacophorans and alleged cocculinoid gastropods, both of which are typical of modern sunken wood communities. It is hypothesized here that the associations represent Jurassic wood‐fall communities, which in contrast to their modern counterparts do not contain associated chemosymbiotic animals. This disparity results from the absence of xylophagain wood‐boring bivalves, which since the Cretaceous have produced significant amounts of faecal pellets, the decomposition of which increases the amount of sulphide around sunken driftwoods. The associations are considered as benthic rather than pseudoplanktonic because the wood logs were colonized only on their upper side, the abundant crinoids belong to benthic genera rather than to pseudoplanktonic, associations include numerous infaunal organisms, and there are too many clingers in the associations. The most typical and numerous members of the investigated associations are the gastropods Cosmocerithium and Astandes, both having uncertain taxonomic positions. It is suggested here that Cosmocerithium could be a grazer of bacterial mats, and represents an ecological counterpart of modern Provannidae. □chitons, cocculinoids, deep sea, ecology, evolution, Wood‐fall communities.  相似文献   

Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian) and Cretaceous (Berriasian–Barremian) strata of the Ukrainian part of the Carpathian Foredeep basement are rich, at least locally, in crinoid remains. Crinoids belonging to cyrtocrinids (Cyrtocrinida) are represented by whole cups, isolated remains of disarticulated cups, brachial plates and columnals. They are assigned to the following taxa: Cyrtocrinida indet., Eugeniacrinites cf. cariophilites (von Schlotheim), Lonchocrinus sp., Phyllocrinus stellaris Zaręczny, Ascidicrinus pentagonus (Jaekel), Gammarocrinites sp., Psalidocrinus armatus (Zittel), Psalidocrinus sp., and Hemibrachiocrinidae gen. indet. Cyrtocrinids are associated with other stalked (isocrinids, Isocrinida and millericrinids, Millericrinida) and stemless (saccocomids, Roveacrinida) crinoids. Columnals, pluricolumnals, brachial plates, and cirrals of isocrinids are assigned to Balanocrinus sp., Isocrinina fam. et subfam. indet., and columnals of millericrinids to Millericrinida indet. Free-living roveacrinids are assigned to Saccocoma sp. and Crassicoma sp. Knowledge on Jurassic and Cretaceous crinoids formerly described from Ukraine is discussed. Although majority of crinoids described herein seems to be allochthonous, autochthonous forms were also found with certainty in some intervals. These include some cyrtocrinids, which dominate in shallow-water environments of the Ukrainian Carpathian Foredeep basement. Isocrinids are also common in this shallow marine environment, whereas sessile saccocomids are assigned to low-energy, mud-supported bottom, open marine, outer-platform/upper slope, and relatively deep environments.  相似文献   

An otherwise well-preserved test of the holasteroid echinoid Hemipneustes striatoradiatus (Leske) from the Emael Member, Maastricht Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous) of Belgium, is infested by encrusting bivalves and foraminiferans and the boring Rogerella isp. In this specimen, Rogerella preferentially infested and modified the ambulacral pore pairs of the echinoid close to the apex. This was not a commensal association. The echinoid test shows no growth deformations in response to this invasion; pore pairs are locally strongly infested; and encrusting invertebrates testify to the long post-mortem residence time of the test on the sea floor. Rather, the pore pairs of the dead echinoid were crannies attractive to settling larvae of acrothoracian barnacles, the producers of Rogerella.  相似文献   

We report the oldest fossil evidence of osteophagia by terrestrial invertebrates on both the Asian and African continents. Bones attributable to the Middle Jurassic dinosaur Chuanjiesaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) were found with post-mortem insect modification in the Chuanjie Formation, Yunnan Province, China. The morphology of the borings closely matches the ichnogenus Cubiculum. Based on the lack of bioglyphs observed in Cubiculum ornatus, a new ichnospecies is proposed here. The new trace fossil, Cubiculum inornatus isp. nov., is interpreted to have been constructed for pupation by an unknown taxon of insect. Additionally, we report even older borings from Early Jurassic dinosaur bones of the Elliott Formation in the Karoo Basin, which represent the second oldest occurrence of insect traces in bone from continental settings. Both trace fossils sites have palaeogeographic implications for the origins and dispersal of osteophagia amongst terrestrial invertebrates during the Mesozoic. These discoveries push back the antiquity of pupation in animal bones by more than 100 million years to the Middle Jurassic, indicating that this behaviour, and osteophagy more generally, originated early in the Mesozoic, roughly comparable with the origination of insect pupation in woody substrates (Late Triassic).  相似文献   

《Annales de Paléontologie》2017,103(3):173-183
Oysters of the Marnes à Pycnodonte biauriculata Formation, Upper Cenomanian (Guerangeri biozone) were significantly sampled in building works within the town of Le Mans (Sarthe, France). They are colonized by episkeletobionts (encrusting organisms) and endoskeletobionts (boring and bioeroding organisms). First ones include bivalves, polychaetes, foraminiferans and bryozoans. Second ones are represented by about fifteen ichnotaxa, the producers of which, when they are known, belong to ten taxa. The oysters, some of which have a large fixation surface, are allochtonous or at least parautochtonous. The settlement of sclerobionts began when the oysters were alive (Entobia isp.) and continued post-mortem on isolated valves, transported in their final depositional environment (Gnathichnus pentax). The significance of the coexistence of both Entobia and Gnathichnus ichnocoenosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Neogene palaeoshore sediments are abundantly represented along the Mediterranean coast of Iberia. An outcrop north of the Sierra Tejeda, named La Resinera, exposes concentrations of pebbles and boulders of marble, comprising an upper Miocene marine beach deposit. The high diversity of bioerosion trace fossils present in these boulders includes structures produced by polychaete annelids, demosponges, echinoids and endolithic bivalves, which indicate a shallow shoreface environment. The ichnotaxa represented are Maeandropolydora sulcans, Caulostrepsis taeniola, Entobia geometrica, Entobia ovula, Circolites kotoncensis, Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, Gastrochaenolites ornatus and Gastrochaenolites turbinatus. The borings are Tortonian (late Miocene) in age. Also present, and particularly abundant, are large sponge borings that have a single chamber from which radiating canals emerge. This trace fossil is designated as Entobia resinensis isp. nov.  相似文献   

Skeletobionts are important components of most shallow marine ecosystems. Prior to the fossils reported herein, evidence of skeletobionts was absent from Upper Triassic successions on the northwestern margin of Pangaea. The boring Talpina ramosa is reported from bivalve body fossils from the Upper Triassic (Lower Norian) lower Pardonet Formation at Pink Mountain in northeastern British Columbia. This Ichnotaxon penetrates through both the outer and inner surface of articulated and disarticulated bivalve shells preserved within sharp-based event beds. The occurrence of these trace fossils underscores the paucity of borings, bioerosional structures, and encrusting taxa from Triassic successions in the western Pangaean realm. Due to erosional removal of shallow water strata by a post-Triassic unconformity, these event beds provide the only available information regarding the ecological health of Late Triassic depositional systems in the study area.  相似文献   

The shell of a living specimen of the Indo-Pacific gryphaeid giant oyster Hyotissa hyotis was colonized by numerous encrusting, boring, nestling and baffling taxa which show characteristic distribution patterns. On the upper valve, sponge-induced bioerosion predominates. On the lower valve intergrowth of chamid bivalves and thick encrusting associations—consisting mostly of squamariacean and corallinacean red algae, acervulinid foraminifera, and scleractinian corals—provides numerous microhabitats for nestling arcid and mytilid bivalves as well as for encrusting bryozoans and serpulids. Such differences between exposed and cryptic surfaces are typical for many marine hard substrata and result from the long-term stable position of the oyster on the seafloor. The cryptic habitats support a species assemblage of crustose algae and foraminifera that, on exposed surfaces, would occur in much deeper water.  相似文献   


Borings, attributed to acrothoracic barnacles, occur on the platyceratid gastropod Naticonema lineatum (Conrad) from the Middle Devonian Hamilton Group of western New York and rarely in specimens as old as the Early Devonian. These latter are the oldest known acrothoracid borings are in the fossil record. The borings are consistently developed as laterally compressed, inequilateral pouches exclusively on these gastropods, commonly as dense infestations.

Naticonema shells yielding borings typically occur associated with partially articulated qrinoid remains, and they are sometimes found attached to crinoids in a manner similar to coprophagous Platyceras. In addition to barnacle borings, Naticonema shells often bear thin encrustations of bryozoans which are usually perforated by these borings but sometimes also overgrow them. Barnacles bored live hosts; gastropods prevented shell penetration by producing cyst‐like secondary secretions of calcite beneath acrothoracid boreholes.

The relative antiquity of these borings and their association with coprophagous platyceratids makes their discovery particularly significant in revealing aspects of the early ecology of barnacles. Attachment to the host commensal gastropods was one of the first successful life modes of these crustaceans prior to their later diversification to other habitats. Mississippian and Pennsylvanian occurrences of similarly bored gastropods demonstrate continuity of the barnacle‐gastropod‐crinoid ecological association from the Middle to Late Paleozoic.  相似文献   

Analysis of mushroom-shaped rugose corals Schlotheimophyllum patellatum (Schlotheim, 1820) from the Silurian (Upper Visby Beds, Lower Wenlock, Sheinwoodian) of Gotland, Sweden, showed that they were colonized on both the upper (exposed) and lower (cryptic) sides by a variety of encrusting and boring (sclerobiont) biotas, represented by 10 taxa and at least 23 species. Bryozoans and microconchid tubeworms, the most abundant encrusters, dominated on the cryptic undersides of the corals, while the dominant endobionts responsible for Trypanites borings overwhelmingly dominated the exposed surfaces. Except for cnidarian sphenothallids, which were exclusive colonizers of the underside of only one coral host, no other encrusters could be referred to as obligate cryptobionts. Because the upper surface of these corals was likely covered by soft-tissues during life, in specimens lifted off the sea-floor sclerobionts must have settled on the cryptic sides first. They could colonize the upper side only after the coral’s death, unless it was covered by sediment as could be the case in some flat specimens. With time, the space on the underside of the coral skeleton may have progressively been filled by sediment as well, precluding further colonization by sclerobionts. In that respect, the colonization patterns of these corals by encrusters and borers were controlled by the complex interplay of environmental factors, sclerobiont dynamics and coral growth in a given Silurian habitat. Compared with Silurian stromatoporoid hosts, the sclerobiont diversity and abundance noted on the Schlotheimophyllum corals may be regarded as representative for the Silurian as a whole.  相似文献   

Angular unconformites between Jurassic and Miocene strata are exposed in the sea cliffs of Cala Cigonya on the northwest coast of Menorca in the Balearic Islands of Spain. The geological discontinuities represent rocky shores on opposite sides of a former headland with 15 m of topographic relief. On the east flank, Jurassic dolomite is overlain by Upper Miocene (Tortonian to Messinian) breccia and laminated limestone. Here, a partially exhumed dolomite surface records Miocene bivalve borings of the ichnospecies Gastrochaenolites torpedo and G. lapidicus that achieved a density of >1,000 borings/m2. Other associated traces include sponge borings (Entobia isp.) and polychaete borings (Caulostrepsis isp.). A breccia deposit 0.8 m thick was derived from the underlying dolomite and angular clasts still retain evidence of bivalve borings. Above follows a succession of laminated limestone beds more than 5 m thick, including some levels with dome-shaped stromatolites and other horizons with reworked dolomite clasts. Thin-section analysis of the laminated limestone reveals dark and light couplets 0.2 mm thick consistent with microbial origins. In contrast, the west flank was buried by coarse sandstone and laminated sediments. Here, dwelling structures of regular echinoids (Circolites kotoncensis) are the dominant traces preserved on the dolomite surface, reaching a maximum density of 66 borings/m2. Associated borings include Entobia geometrica as well as rare traces of Gastrochaenolites isp. and Trypanites isp. Notable for the absence of a basal Miocene breccia, the west flank is interpreted as a sheltered rocky shore coeval with an exposed rocky shore on the east flank. Today, heavy surf on the north coast of Menorca is related to the Tramontana winds that blow out of Spain during winter months. Similar atmospheric circulation patterns must have prevailed during the Late Miocene, but the replacement of ichnofacies by microbial build-ups resulted from increased salinity during the Messinian crisis.  相似文献   

Numerous ant taxa naturally inhabit stems of live and dead Guadua bamboo (Bambusoidea, Poaceae) in western Amazonia. In an experiment at the onset of the wet season in Peru’s Manu National Park, we augmented potential nest sites in stems of live bamboo, dead bamboo and dead ca?a brava (Gynerium sagittatum, another woody grass) at five stations within each of ten bamboo patches and ten control areas outside those patches. Each experimental stem possessed three vacant and available internodes, pre-drilled with, respectively, large, small and linear holes, mimicking the range of forms of surveyed natural entrances. After 24 days, approximately 13% of 798 available internodes had been colonized, the majority by fragments of existing colonies. Ignoring entrance type, which did not affect colonization for any species or species group, and censoring non-independent internodes of the same stem, we used individual stems as independent sample units in other tests. One specialist in live bamboo (Camponotus longipilis), and a likely specialist in dead bamboo (Camponotus depressus), were identified based on overrepresentation in bamboo habitat and disproportionate occurrence in live or dead bamboo stems. A third species, Camponotus (Pseudocolobopsis sp.) was more abundant in bamboo areas but colonized both dead bamboo and dead ca?a. Relatively high abundance of standing dead stems in Guadua forests may account for the presence of a dead stem specialist. The experiment missed detecting specialization in one live culm specialist (Camponotus mirabilis), likely due to its failure to simulate conditions required for the species’ unique modes of colony establishment and spread into new culms. Most opportunistic stem nesters colonized dead bamboo at significantly greater rates than dead ca?a, but were either equally well represented in bamboo and control areas, or underrepresented in bamboo habitat. Given low colonization rates overall, underrepresentation in bamboo cannot be attributed to competition from bamboo specialists for nesting space. Rather, it may be due to combined effects of seasonal flooding of bamboo habitat, and greater importance of food limitation, relative to nest site limitation, in that habitat. Received 9 May 2005; revised 25 August 2005; accepted 29 August 2005.  相似文献   

Hardground surfaces from the Late Cambrian Snowy Range Formation in Montana/Wyoming are the oldest known non-reefal hard substrates exhibiting encrusting fossils. These surfaces range in age from Early Franconian to early Trempealeauan. Hardgrounds were developed on slightly hummocky to planar, truncated surfaces of glauconite-rich, carbonate, flat pebble conglomerates, which were deposited during episodes of storm scouring in shallow subtidal environments of the Montana/Wyoming shelf. Snowy Range hardgrounds are encrusted by a low diversity assemblage of fossils dominated by simple discoidal holdfasts of pelmatozoans, probably crinoids, and including small conical spongiomorph algae? and probable stromatolites. Macroborings (e.g. Trypanites) are notably absent from all hardground surfaces, although sharp-walled, vertical, cylindrical holes (borings?) occur in micrite clasts imbedded in certain flat pebble conglomerates. No evidence of faunal succession or microecologic partitioning of irregular surfaces was observed on these Cambrian hardgrounds.  相似文献   

Summary Bored clasts occur in Eocene conglomerates deposited in the upper shoreface and beachface settings of the Dinaric foreland basin. The trace fossil assemblage consists ofGastrochaenolites, Trypanites, and possibly some other ichnotaxa and may be compared to theTrypanites Ichnofacies. The preservation characteristics of the borings reflect many stages of colonisation/boring and abrasion. The removal of shells of the boring bivalves, the different depths of the abrasional truncation of borings, and the predominant preservation of the largest excavations (Gastrochaenolites) in the ichnocoenosis are related to repeated phases of abrasion, caused by the mobility of clasts. Coastal gravel is a specific variant of hard substrates, whose mobility controls the colonisation of borers, the type of assemblage and its preservation potential.  相似文献   

The gastropod fauna of the Upper Devonian Baggy and Pilton formations in south‐west England is revised and includes some 30 taxa. The topmost part of the Upper Famennian succession in Devon is represented by clastic near‐shore and shallow shelf sediments, indicating a short‐term transgressive phase (‘Strunian Transgression’). The sequence yields a highly diverse fauna dominated by brachiopods and ostracodes, locally supplemented by crinoids, bryozoans, trilobites and molluscs. The taxa ‘Patellostiumbritannicum sp. nov., Angyomphalus (Angyomphalus) junius sp. nov. and Dictyotomaria eurocapillaria sp. nov. are erected; a junior homonym is replaced by Macrochilina? piltonensis nom. nov. The gastropod fauna displays an independent character, where latest Devonian faunal elements overlap with Late Palaeozoic taxa expressing a transition similar to that of the bivalves, brachiopods, echinoderms and corals, without a sharp faunal break at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary. Apart from the Caenogastropoda, all subclasses of gastropods are represented. Members of the bellerophontoids, pleurotomarioids and loxonematoids are most abundant, followed by murchisonioids, naticimorphs, euomphalomorphs and platyceratoids. The various gastropod groups represent different ecological demands and trophic categories, and together with the accompanying fauna indicate that nearly all habitats and niches were occupied in the shallow South Laurussian Shelf.  相似文献   

Radek Vodrážka 《Ichnos》2013,20(3):199-201
The validity of the little-known ichnospecies Entobia exogyrarum (Fri?) is verified. Shells of an oyster, Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lam.), represent the substrate for the sponge borings. The borings occur in many Upper Cenomanian to Middle Turonian localities of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. This study revealed that the sponges attacked shells of living oysters. Entobia exogyrarum (Fri?) also represents one of the shallowest occurrences of Entobia borings in the Upper Cretaceous rocks.  相似文献   

A combination of encrusting calcitic bryozoans and early seafloor dissolution of aragonitic shells recorded in the Cincinnatian Series of the upper Midwest of North America allowed the preservation of abundant moulds of mollusc fossils bioimmured beneath the attachment surfaces of the bryozoans. We here call this preservational process ‘bryoimmuration’, defined as a bryozoan‐mediated subset of bioimmuration. The bryozoans moulded very fine details of the mollusc shells, usually with more accuracy than inorganic sediment moulds. Most of the bryozoans are heterotrypid trepostomes with robust low‐Mg calcite skeletons. The molluscs are primarily bivalves, gastropods, nautiloids and monoplacophorans with their originally aragonitic shells now dissolved. Many of the encrusting bryozoans are so thin and broad that they give the illusion of calcitic mollusc shells clinging to the moulds. Some molluscs in the Cincinnatian, especially monoplacophorans and epifaunal bivalves, would be poorly known if they had not been bryoimmured. Unlike internal and external moulds in sediment, bryoimmured fossils could be transported and thus record aragonitic faunas in taphonomic assemblages (e.g. storm beds) in which they would otherwise be rare or absent. In addition, bryoimmurations of aragonitic shells often reveal the ecological succession of encrustation on the shells by exposing the earliest encrusters and borings that were later overgrown. Bryoimmuration was common during the Late Ordovician because the calcite sea at the time quickly dissolved aragonitic shells on the seafloor before final burial, and large calcitic bryozoans very commonly used molluscs as substrates. Bryoimmuration is an important taphonomic process for preserving aragonitic faunas, and it reveals critical information about sclerobiont palaeoecology. Several Cincinnatian mollusc holotypes are bryoimmured specimens. Bryozoans involved in bryoimmuration enhance the preservation of aragonitic fauna and thus act as taphonomic engineers.  相似文献   

Well-preserved stem remains ofEncrinus cf.liliiformis Lamarck 1801 from the Upper Anisian and lowest Ladinian (Middle Triassic) of Qingyan, Guizhou Province, south-western China, are described. The characteristic morphological features of the columnals, especially the sculptural characteristics of the articular facets, vary in the different parts of the stem. Numerous fine, short, peripheral crenulae and perilumina with a tendency to pentalobate shapes in the proximal stem region change to few long, coarse crenulae and circular perilumina in the distal stem part. The holdfasts exhibit various differentiations: the basic discoid type occurs on flat surfaces, encrusting holdfasts are characteristic of irregular substrates; juvenile holdfasts often show an irregular outline, adult ones have a more even, circular shape. Some special and unusual structures allow palaeoecological interpretations: Holdfasts and stems joined by callous growth probably result from the lack of suitable hard substrates for attachment on the soft seafloor; the larvae often had to settle very closely to each other on a relatively small substrate. After breakage of stem,Encrinus was able to continue living despite the traumatic loss of its basal fixation. Broken ends underwent skeletal regeneration. Some specimens strongly suggest that juvenile individuals sometimes even were able to re-attach secondarily, e.g. by coiling around stems of other crinoids and cementing to these by callous outgrowths.  相似文献   

Host-specific Bacteroides–Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic markers are promising alternative indicators for identifying the sources of fecal pollution because of their high abundance in the feces of warm-blooded animals and high host specificity. However, little is known about the persistence of these genetic markers in environments after being released into environmental waters. The persistence of feces-derived four different host-specific Bacteroides–Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic makers (total, human-, cow-, and pig-specific) in environmental waters was therefore investigated at different incubation temperatures (4, 10, 20, and 30°C) and salinities (0, 10, 20, and 30 ppt) and then compared with the survival of conventional fecal-indicator organisms. The host-specific genetic markers were monitored by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays with specific primer sets. Each host-specific genetic marker showed similar responses in non-filtered river water and seawater: They persisted longer at lower temperatures and higher salinities. In addition, these markers did not increase in all conditions tested. Decay rates for indicator organisms were lower than those for host-specific genetic markers at temperature above 10°C. Furthermore, we investigated whether the PCR-detectable 16S rRNA genetic markers reflect the presence of live target cells or dead target cells in environmental waters. The result revealed that the detection of the Bacteroides–Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic markers in environmental waters mainly reflected the presence of ‘viable but non-culturable’ Bacteroides–Prevotella cells. These findings indicate that seasonal and geographical variations in persistence of these host-specific Bacteroides–Prevotella 16S rRNA genetic markers must be considered when we use them as alternative fecal indicators in environmental waters.  相似文献   

This is the first systematic and paleoecological study of a crinoidal limestone (encrinite) from the Jurassic System of North America. The encrinite is part of a shallow-water tidal facies of the Middle Jurassic Carmel Formation located at Mount Carmel Junction (southwestern Utah, U.S.A.) and may represent one of the youngest shallow-water encrinites in the geological record. In the past, the crinoid at this locality was referred to as Pentacrinus asteriscus, a name used to describe almost all of the crinoid columnals found throughout the Jurassic of the U.S. western interior. However, systematic work indicates that the crinoid is Isocrinus nicoleti and is the first non-endemic crinoid to be reported from North American Jurassic strata. Although articulated pinnules and arms have been found, I. nicoleti occurs predominantly as well-preserved, partially articulated columnals. The crinoids occur within a tidal complex consisting of ooid shoal, tidal channel, and lagoonal facies. The unique environmental and ecological conditions which existed in the southernmost end of the Jurassic North America seaway may have allowed for the development of this crinoid colony and subsequent deposition of the encrinite.  相似文献   

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