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We have examined the effect of B specific restriction and modification of DNA on bacteriophage f1 recombination, using a procedure which enabled us to isolate the products of individual recombination events. We have analyzed the results of a series of recombination experiments, each consisting of a cross between two gene II amber mutants, carried out both under conditions in which neither parent was restricted, and under conditions in which one parent was restricted while the other was protected from restriction because of B specific modification of its genome.At least half of the recombination events under both restricting and non-restricting conditions generated one parent and one recombinant. By considering the ratio of recombinant types emerging with each parent, linkage relationships between selected and unselected markers were established. These linkage relationships remained the same under restricting and non-restricting conditions, except that under restricting conditions, neither the sensitive parent nor the class of recombinants normally associated with that parent was found.We interpret this result as evidence that restriction cleavage does not occur at the sites governing sensitivity to B restriction, and perhaps is random.  相似文献   

Heteroduplex DNA of bacteriophage f1 constructed in vitro was used to transfect Escherichia coli. The progeny phage produced were analyzed by genetic means. A strongly asymmetric transfer of information was observed. This result shows that one strand—usually the minus strand—determines in large part the genotypes of progeny phage. These results are discussed in the light of the available information on DNA duplication. Evidence for an activity that corrects mismatched bases will be presented and discussed. Heteroduplex molecules which were heterozygous at the sites that govern sensitivity to B restriction and modification were constructed and analyzed in restricting and non-restricting hosts. Results of these studies give support to a model for f1 genetic recombination that envisages asymmetric heteroduplex formation as an intermediate. These results are discussed in relation to earlier data.  相似文献   

Fragments of B-modified bacteriophage fd sB1o sB2 RF DNA were prepared with the help of purified endonuclease R from Haemophilus parainfluenzae (Hpa II). These were hybridized with unmodified circular single stranded fd DNA. The resulting partial heteroduplex molecules were assayed for infectivity on competent cells of B-restricting and non restricting strains of E. coli. There of such heteroduplexes originating from neighbouring fragments on the physical map of fd RF DNA were shown to be more resistant to Eco B restriction than six others and the unmodified control. It is suggested that the three corresponding vicinal fragments contain essential parts of the Eco B recognition site on this phage DNA.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage f1 duplex DNA was isolated from Escherichia coli strains containing different DNA methylases and assayed for its sensitivity to endonucleolytic cleavage by the enzymes endo R · DpnI and endo R · DpnII. The former enzyme is specific for methylated DNA, the latter for unmethylated DNA (Lacks &; Greenberg, 1975). The E. coli dam methylase was found to be responsible for making f1 resistant to endo R · DpnII and sensitive to endo R · DpnI. Endo R · DpnI cleaved f 1 DNA from dam+ cells at four sites. Additional methylation by enzymes other than the dam methylase gave no further cleavage. Endo R · DpnII cleaved f1 DNA from dam? cells also at four sites to give restriction fragments identical to those obtained with endo R · DpnI cleavage. Thus, the two enzymes are complementary in that they recognize and cleave within the same DNA sequence, one if the DNA is methylated, the other if it is unmethylated. DNA duplexes containing one methylated strand (dam +) and one unmethylated strand (dam?) were prepared in vitro. These methylated hybrids were refractory to endonucleolytic cleavage by both endo R · DpnI and endo R · DpnII. Neither enzyme, therefore, appears to make even a single strand break at a methylated/unmethylated hybrid site.  相似文献   

Gene II protein is required for all phases of filamentous phage DNA synthesis other than the conversion of the infecting single strand to the parental double-stranded molecule. It introduces a specific nick into the double-stranded replicative form DNA, is required for the initiation of (+) strand synthesis and is responsible for termination and ring closure of the (+) strand product. Here we show that the gene II protein also promotes minus strand synthesis later in infection. Over-expression of gene II protein can induce the conversion of all nascent single-stranded phage DNA to the double-stranded form, even in the presence of the single-stranded DNA-binding gene V protein that would normally sequester the newly synthesized single strands. We also present evidence that the gene X protein (separately translated from an initiator codon within gene II, and identical to the C-terminal one-third of the gene II protein) is a powerful inhibitor of phage-specific DNA synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda uses site-specific recombination to move its DNA into and out of the Escherichia coli genome. The recombination event is mediated by the phage-encoded integrase (Int) at short DNA sequences known as attachment ( att ) sites. Int catalyzes recombination via at least four distinct pathways, distinguishable by their requirements for accessory proteins and by the sequence of their substrates. The simplest recombination reaction catalyzed by Int does not require any accessory proteins and takes place between two attL sites. This reaction proceeds through an intermediate known as the straight-L bimolecular complex (SL-BMC), a stable complex which contains two attL sites synapsed by Int. We have investigated the orientation of the two substrates in the SL-BMC with respect to each other using two independent direct methods, a ligation assay and visualization by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Both show that the two DNA substrates in the complex are arranged in a tetrahedral or nearly square planar alignment skewed towards parallel. The DNA molecules in the complex are bent.  相似文献   

Sequence specific DNA methylation sometimes results in the protection of some or all of a restriction endonucleases' cleavage sites. This is usually, but not always, the result of methylation of one or both strands of DNA at the site characteristic of the corresponding "cognate" modification methylase. The known effects of sequence specific methylation on restriction endonucleases are compiled.  相似文献   

It was previously shown that resistance of phage Mu-1 to several restriction enzymes is due to a modification function (called mom) encoded by the phage. More recent studies emphasized that modification of Mu requires not only an active mom function, but also an active dam function supplied by the Escherichia coli host.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage f1 duplex DNA containing hybrid SB sites, the genetic sites which confer upon DNA sensitivity to Escherichia coli B-specific restriction and modification, were prepared in vitro. The hybrid SB sites (modified and mutant) were tested for their ability to be methylated in vitro by endonuclease R · EcoB, the enzyme responsible for both B-specific restriction and modification in vivo. DNA containing hybrid (modified) SB sites can be methylated. One methyl group is added to the DNA per hybrid (modified) SB site. On the other hand, DNA containing hybrid (mutant) SB sites is refractory to modification.The nature and the function of the SB site as well as the implications of these observations for f1 recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage G4 possesses a single EcoB site located in the overlap between restriction fragments HinfI-12 and HaeIII-6. The sequence 5′-T-G-A … 8N … T-G-C-T occurs once in this segment and nowhere else in the DNA sequence of G4. Four independent G4 mutants that were not restricted by Escherichia coli B possessed the sequence 5′-T-G-A … 8N … T-G-C-C. The common sequence shared by the previously mapped EcoB sites on φXsB1, simian virus 40, f1, and fd DNAs is 5′-T-G-A … 8N … T-G-C-T … 9N … T. However, the sequence in the region of the G4 EcoB site contains an A instead of the final T conserved in these other examples. When the G4 EcoB site is aligned with the other EcoB sites, there are no conserved residues within 50 bases of the common sequence, 5′-T-G-A … 8N … T-G-C-T, except for those seven residues. The analysis of the EcoB site on G4 provides further evidence that only those seven bases are recognized by the E. coli B restriction enzyme.  相似文献   

The origin of DNA replication of the filamentous bacteriophage f1 binds its initiator protein (gene II protein) in vitro to form a complex that can be trapped on nitrocellulose filters. The binding occurs with both superhelical form DNA and linear DNA fragments. A number of defective mutants of the origin were tested for the ability to bind gene II protein. The region of DNA required for the binding is around a second palindrome downstream from the palindrome that contains the DNA replication initiation site. It overlaps, but is not identical to, the region required for the nicking reaction by the protein. The nicking site itself was dispensable for the binding. In vivo, a number of defective deletion mutants of the origin, when in a plasmid, inhibited growth of superinfecting phage if the intracellular level of gene II protein was low. In addition, these defective origins inhibited the activity of the functional phage origin located on the same replicon. The domain of the DNA sequence required for inhibition in vivo was consistent with that for the binding in vitro.  相似文献   

The origin of DNA replication of bacteriophage f1 functions as a signal, not only for initiation of viral strand synthesis, but also for its termination. Viral (plus) strand synthesis initiates and terminates at a specific site (plus origin) that is recognized and nicked by the viral gene II protein. Mutational analysis of the 5' side (upstream) of the origin of plus strand replication of phage f1 led us to postulate the existence of a set of overlapping functional domains. These included ones for strand nicking, and initiation and termination of DNA synthesis. Mutational analysis of the 3' side (downstream) of the origin has verified the existence of these domains and determined their extent. The results indicate that the f1 "functional origin" can be divided into two domains: (1) a "core region", about 40 nucleotides long, that is absolutely required for plus strand synthesis and contains three distinct but partially overlapping signals, (a) the gene II protein recognition sequence, which is necessary both for plus strand initiation and termination, (b) the termination signal, which extends for eight more nucleotides on the 5' side of the gene II protein recognition sequence, (c) the initiation signal that extends for about ten more nucleotides on the 3' side of the gene II protein recognition sequence; (2) a "secondary region", 100 nucleotides long, required exclusively for plus strand initiation. Disruption of the secondary region does not completely abolish the functionality of the f1 origin but does drastically reduce it (1% residual biological activity). We discuss a possible explanation of the fact that this region can be interrupted (e.g. f1, M13 cloning vectors) by large insertions of foreign DNA without significantly affecting replication.  相似文献   

Viral and complementary strand circular DNA molecules were isolated from intracellular bacteriophage f1 replicative-form DNA. Soluble protein extracts of Escherichia coli were used to examine the initiation of DNA synthesis on these DNA templates. The initiation of DNA synthesis on f1 viral strand DNA was catalyzed by E. coli DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, as was initiation of f1 viral strand DNA isolated from mature phage particles. The site of initiation was the same as that used in vivo. In contrast, no de novo initiation of DNA synthesis was detected on f1 complementary strand DNA. Control experiments demonstrated that the E. coli dnaB, dnaC, and dnaG initiation proteins were active under the conditions employed. The results suggest that the viral strand of the f1 replicative-form DNA molecule carries the same DNA synthesis initiation site as the viral strand packaged in mature phage, whereas the complementary strand of the replicative-form DNA molecule carries no site for de novo primer synthesis. These in vitro observations are consistent with the simple rolling circle model for f1 DNA replication in vivo proposed by Horiuchi and Zinder.  相似文献   

Restriction endonucleases have site-specific interactions with DNA that can often be inhibited by site-specific DNA methylation and other site-specific DNA modifications. However, such inhibition cannot generally be predicted. The empirically acquired data on these effects are tabulated for over 320 restriction endonucleases. In addition, a table of known site-specific DNA modification methyltransferases and their specificities is presented along with EMBL database accession numbers for cloned genes.  相似文献   

We have studied the excision reaction of bacteriophage lambda, both in vivo and in vitro, using as a substrate a λatt2(L × R) phage carrying both the right and left-hand prophage attachment sites. Int and Xis are provided by induction of the heat-inducible defective prophage, λc1857 ΔH1. After a brief induction (5 min) of these cells, excisive recombination is blocked in the presence of the DNA gyrase inhibitor, coumermycin. However, after a longer induction (greater than 30 min) excisive recombination occurs efficiently under conditions where λ integrative recombination is inhibited by coumermycin. In such extensively induced coumermycin-treated cells, infecting λatt2(L × R) DNA is not supercoiled, and recombinants are found among the relaxed covalently closed circular DNA.In vitro, starting with a hydrogen-bonded λatt2 DNA substrate, excision is insensitive to high concentrations of coumermycin and novobiocin. To study the DNA substrate requirements for excisive recombination in more detail, we have developed a restriction fragment assay for excisive recombination. With this assay, we demonstrate that supercoiled, hydrogen-bonded, and linear λatt2 DNA molecules are all efficient substrates in the in vitro excision reaction. Spermidine is required but ATP and Mg2+ are not. We conclude that supercoiling is not an absolute requirement for site-specific recombination of λ.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda int gene is required for the integration of viral DNA into the chromosome of Escherichia coli. We have extensively purified the product of the int gene (Int) from a lysogen of E. coli that constitutively expresses this gene. Int was assayed by its ability to promote integrative recombination of supertwisted substrate DNA in vitro using a new method based on filter trapping of a recombinant product DNA. In order to catalyze integrative recombination, Int must be supplemented by other factors that can be extracted from bacterial host cells. By itself, purified Int does not demonstrate detectable endonuclease, exonuclease, or nicking-closing activities. However, Int does make stable complexes with double-stranded lambda-DNA containing an attachment site, the region at which recombination takes place. No stable complexes are observed between Int and lambda-DNA without an attachment site or between Int and DNA containing the bacterial site of integration. Int, therefore, appears to be a specificity element that relies on additional factor(s) to provide or activate the catalytic functions required for recombination.  相似文献   

A fundamental step in site-specific recombination reactions involves the formation of properly arranged protein–DNA structures termed intasomes. The contributions of various proteins and DNA binding sites in the intasome determine not only whether recombination can occur, but also in which direction the reaction is likely to proceed and how fast the reaction will go. By mutating individual DNA binding sites and observing the effects of various mixtures of recombination proteins on the mutated substrates, we have begun to categorize the requirements for intasome formation in the site-specific recombination system of bacteriophage HP1. These experiments define the binding site occupancies in both integrative and excisive recombination for the three recombination proteins: HP1 integrase, HP1 Cox and IHF. This data has allowed us to create a model which explains many of the biochemical features of HP1 recombination, demonstrates the importance of intasome components on the directionality of the reaction and predicts further ways in which the role of the intasome can be explored.  相似文献   

The DNA of bacteriophage T3 was characterized by cleavage with seven restriction endonucleases. AvaI, XbaI, BglII, and HindIII each cut T3 DNA at 1 site, KpnI cleaved it at 2 sites, MboI cleaved it at 9 sites, and HpaI cleaved it at 17 sites. The sizes of the fragments produced by digestion with these enzymes were determined by using restriction fragments of T7 DNA as molecular weight standards. As a result of this analysis, the size of T3 DNA was estimated to be 38.74 kilobases. The fragments were ordered with respect to each other and to the genetic map to produce a restriction map of T3 DNA. The location and occurrence of the restriction sites in T3 DNA are compared with those in the DNA of the closely related bacteriophage T7.  相似文献   

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