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A selective and controllable staining method for the hypophysis has been developed with rat material, using Mallory's triple stain as a basis.

Fix in Zenker neutral formol for 6 hours. Longer fixation is undesirable. Transfer to 30% alcohol plus a few drops of a saturated solution of I2 in aqueous KI over night. Gradually complete dehydration and clear in cedar oil. Infiltrate with a paraffin mixture (paraffin, rubber-paraffin, bayberry wax and beeswax). Section 3-Sμ. Hydrate to distilled water, placing a few drops of a KI-I2 solution in the 50% alcohol. Stain in 1% acid fuchsia for 30 minutes. Rinse, and differentiate in a weak NH4OH solution (one drop 28% NH4OH to 200 cc. HOH). When differentiation is complete, transfer to a 0.5% phosphomolybdic acid solution for 3 minutes, after first stopping the differentiation with a 0.1% HC1 solution and then rinsing with distilled water. Stain for one hour in a solution of: 1% anilin blue, water soluble, 2% orange 6, and 1% phosphomolybdic acid. Rinse in distilled water plus a few cubic centimeters of the stain. Differentiate in 95% alcohol, transfer to absolute alcohol and clear in a mixture of 30% oil of cedar, 40% oil of thyme, 15% absolute alcohol and 15% xylene. Finally, transfer to xylene and mount.  相似文献   

Brains of rat with surgical lesions 3-5 days old are fixed in 10% neutralized formalin (excess of CaCO3), 20 μ serial frozen sections cut therefrom and kept in neutralized formalin for an additional 24-48 hr. The sections are soaked in distilled water 12-24 hr, transferred to 50% alcohol containing 0.75 ml of concentrated NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91) per 100 ml 12-24 hr, placed in distilled water 2-3 hr and then in silver-pyridine solution (AgNO3 3% aq., 20 ml; pyridine, 1 ml) for 48 hr. Test sections are transferred directly to each one of 3 ammoniated silver-solutions, pH 12.8, 13.0 and 13.2, made as follows: To 200 ml of solution 1 (silver nitrate, 6.4 gm; alcohol 96%, 220 ml; NH4OH (sp. gr. 0.91), 28 ml and distilled water, 440 ml) is added respectively 8-12 ml, 12-16 ml and 16-20 ml of solution 2 (2% NaOH) to give the pH desired. The test sections are studied and the optimal ammoniated silver solution chosen. Two baths of ammoniated silver are used, the section placed with continuous agitation into the first bath for 30 sec and the second bath for 60 sec. The sections are then transferred directly into a reducing bath (formalin 10%, 2ml; alcohol 96%, 5 ml; citric acid 1%, 1.5 ml and distilled water, 4.5 ml) for 2 min and from there to 5% Na2S2O3 for 1 min, rinsed in 3 changes of distilled water, dehydrated and mounted.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of avian tissue fixed 7 days or longer in 10% formalin or formol-saline are cut at 20-50 μ, left in distilled water for 2 hr, and placed in 0.002% aqueous AgNO3 for 3-4 days. Subsequent procedure is essentially that of Weddell and Glees. Sections are placed in 20% AgNO3 for 30 min, then carried through 3 baths of 3% formalin in less than 10 min. Immediately thereafter they are washed 1-2 sec in a 0.1% solution of NH4OH (cone) and placed in the ammoniacal silver solution (made with 20% AgNO3) until the nerves become distinct, as seen under a microscope; usually, in about 15 min. After washing briefly, the sections are fixed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 3-10 min, dehydrated, cleared, and mounted in the usual way.  相似文献   

The difficulties in impregnating bony tissues, which occur after decalcification with acids or electrolysis are avoided by decalcification with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at pH 8.2-8.5. The decalcification of adult human teeth which have been cut to a thickness of 2-5 mm takes 1-2 mo. If frozen sections of the decalcified teeth are impregnated 24 hr in 20% AgNo3, rinsed through 6 changes of 20% neutralized (CaCO3) formalin, blotted thoroughly with a cloth and placed in an ammoniated silver solution for 15-20 min, reliable impregnation of nerve fibers is obtained. The stock ammoniated silver solution is prepared by adding concentrated NH4OH to 10-20 ml of 20% AgNO3 until the precipitate formed by it is dissolved and then adding a few drops of the silver solution until the first permanent opalescence of the mixture is obtained. From this 2 ml are diluted directly before use with 6 ml of distilled water and 4 drops of concentrated NH4OH added. The diluted stock solution should be used for few (5-10) sections only. The rest of the technic is done in the routine manner.  相似文献   

Extensive experimentation with protargol staining of neurons in celloidin and frozen sections of organs has resulted in the following technic: Fix tissue in 10% aqueous formalin. Cut celloidin sections IS to 25 μ, frozen sections 25 to 40 μ. Place sections for 24 hours in 50% alcohol to which 1% by volume of NH4OH has been added. Transfer the sections directly into a 1% aqueous solution of protargol, containing 0.2 to 0.3 g. of electrolytic copper foil which has been coated with a 0.5% solution of celloidin, and allow to stand for 6 to 8 hours at 37° C. Caution: In this and the succeeding step the sections must not be allowed to come in contact with the copper. From aqueous protargol, place the sections for 24 to 48 hours at 37° C. directly into a pyridinated solution of alcoholic protargol (1.0% aqueous solution protargol, 50 ml.; 95% alcohol, 50 ml.; pyridine, 0.5 to 2.0 ml.), containing 0.2 to 0.3 g. of coated copper. Rinse briefly in 50% alcohol and reduce 10 min. in an alkaline hydroquinone reducer (H3BO3, 1.4 g.; Na2SO3, anhydrous, 2.0 g.; hydroquinone, 0.3 g.; distilled water, 85 cc; acetone, 15 ml.). Wash thoroly in water and tone for 10 min. in 0.2% aqueous gold chloride, acidified with acetic acid. Wash in distilled water and reduce for 1 to 3 min. in 2% aqueous oxalic acid. Quickly rinse in distilled water and treat the sections 3 to 5 min. with 5% aqueous Na2S2O3+5H2O. Wash in water and stain overnight in Einarson's gallocyanin. Wash thoroly in water and place in 5% aqueous phosphotungstic acid for 30 min. From phosphotungstic acid transfer directly to a dilution (stock solution, 20 ml.; distilled water, 30 ml.) of the following stock staining solution: anilin blue, 0.01 g.; fast green FCF, 0.5 g.; orange G, 2.0 g.; distilled water, 92.0 ml.; glacial acetic acid, 8 ml.) and stain for 1 hour. Differentiate with 70% and 95% alcohol; pass the sections thru butyl alcohol and cedar oil; mount.  相似文献   

Celloidin sections from formalin-fixed brain and spinal cord of primates are stored in 70% alcohol after cutting, soaked in 2% pyridine in 50% alcohol for 6-8 hr at 37 C, and transferred to 1% concentrated NH4OH in 50% alcohol 15-18 hr at 20-25 C. After washing and flattening, the sections are transferred to 1% silver protein solution containing 30 ml of 0.2 M H3BO3/100 ml. Impregnation is accomplished in 50 ml screw-top jars, 50 mm in diameter, which are filled to a depth of 35 mm, and have 1 gm of copper foil, 0.002 inch thick added. The foil is folded in loose accordion-fashion, pierced and threaded, cleaned in 5% HNO3, rinsed in distilled water, and suspended in the solution just above the sections by fastening the thread to the jar lid. The sections are impregnated for 24 hr at 37 C, rinsed in distilled water, reduced in a solution of 5% Na2SO3 and 1% hydroquinone for 10 min, washed in distilled water and toned in 0.2% gold chloride for 5 min. After rinsing in distilled water, the sections are transferred to 1% oxalic acid for 45-60 sec, washed in distilled water and placed in 5% Na2S2O3 for 5 min. Sections are then washed, dehydrated to 95% alcohol, cleared in terpineol, followed by 3 changes in xylene, and mounted.  相似文献   

A glutaraldehyde-K2Cr2O7 procedure intensified by silver staining enabled norepinephrine and epinephrine cells to be distinguished readily in paraffin sections of the adrenal glands of rats 8 days after birth. The technique involved fixation in 0.1 M cacodylate-buffered 5% glutaraldehyde (6-24 hr), treatment with 3.5% K2Cr2O7 (6-12 hr) and routine preparation of paraffin sections. The sections were deparaffinised, brought to water and immersed in Fontana's solution (24 hr), prepared by adding concentrated NH4OH drop by drop to 5% AgNO3 until the precipitate formed just redissolved; more 5% AgNO3 was then added until a permanent cloudiness just developed. After a rinse in distilled water, the sections were treated with 0.5% gold chloride (5 min) and Na2S2O3 (5 min), then mounted in Depex. This sequence resulted in an intense black cytoplasmic colouration in norpinephrine-containing cells of both the adult and 8-day-old animals whereas epinephrine-containing cells remained colourless. The glutaraldehyde-K2CrO7 procedure, without intensification, gave very clear results in the adult: a yellow cytoplasmic colour in the norepinephrine cells with epinephrine cells colourless. A glutaraldehyde-OsO4 sequence gave a less well defined separation of these cell types in the adult and failed to distinguish the cell types in the neonate.  相似文献   

Cells from monolayer culture of Chinese hamster line Don were treated by Colcemid (0.1 μg/ml) for 2 hr, trypsinized and spun; resuspended in 0.5% sodium citrate solution for 10 min, respun, and then resuspended in a small volume of the supernatant. Slide preparations were made by smearing, followed by air drying for 1 min at room temperature. They were fixed and stained by the following sequence: 2.5% glutaraldehyde in Millonig's buffer, 30 min; distilled water, 6 min, 5 changes; ammoniacal silver at 18-26 C, 10 sec; distilled water, 30 min, 5 changes; 2.5% formalin, 2 min; and distilled water, 3 changes during 15 min. Staining solution: add 225 ml of 5% Na2CO3 to 75 ml of 10% AgNO3, then add concentrated NH4OH slowly, drop by drop, until the solution is transparent. Finally add 300 ml of dstilled water. Cells treated with cold 0.25 N HCl before fixation were not stained. Sequence modifications show that chromatin does not reduce silver by itself. This method stains the sites of high histone concentrations in mitotic chromosomes of cytogenetic preparations.  相似文献   

Frozen sections, 25-50 /j. thick, of formalin-fixed nervous tissues are mounted following the Albrecht gelatin technic. Paraffin sections, 15 p., are deparaffinized and transferred to absolute ethanol. The slides are then coated with celloidin. Both frozen and paraffin sections subsequently follow the same steps: absolute ethanol-chloroform (equal parts) for at least 20 min, 95% ethanol, 70% ethanol (1-3 min), then rinsed in distilled water. Sections are stained in Cresylechtviolett (Chroma) 0.5% aqueous solution containing 4 drops of glacial acetic acid per 100 ml, rinsed in distilled water, agitated in 70% ethanol until excess stain leaves the slide, and rinsed in 95% ethanol. Sections are then dehydrated in absolute ethanol, followed by butanol, cleared in xylene, and enclosed in permount.  相似文献   

A series of experiments with protargol staining of nerve fibers in mammalian adrenal glands has yielded the following procedure: Fix-1-2 days in a mixture of formamide (Eastman Kodak Company) 10 cc, chloral hydrate 5 g., and 50% ethyl alcohol 90 cc. Wash, dehydrate and embed in paraffin. Cut sections about 15 and mount on slides. Remove the paraffin and run down to distilled water. Mordant 1-2 days in a 1% aqueous solution of thallous (or lead) nitrate at 56-60°C. Wash thru several changes of distilled water and impregnate in 1% aqueous protargol (Winthrop Chemical Company) at 37-40°C. for 1 to 2 days. Rinse quickly in distilled water and differentiate 7-15 seconds in a 0.1% aqueous solution of oxalic acid. Rinse thru several changes of distilled water for a total time of 0.5 to 1.0 rain. Reduce 3-5 rain, in Bodian's reducer: hydroquinone 1 g., sodium sulfite 5 g., distilled water 100 cc. Wash in running water 3-5 min. and tone 5-10 min. in a 0.2% gold chloride solution. Wash 0.5 min. or more and reduce in a 2% oxalic acid solution to which has been added strong formalin, 1 cc. per 100. (Caution. This last reduction is critical and over-reduction can spoil an otherwise good stain; 15-30 seconds usually suffices, and the sections should show only the beginning of darkening to a purplish or gray color.) Wash, fix in hypo, wash, dehydrate and cover.  相似文献   

Hortega's ammoniated silver carbonate method was used to demonstrate lysosomes in the central nervous system and kidney of adult rats. Formol-CaCl2, (10%:1%) fixed, frozen sections were impregnated for 10 min in Hortega's solution: 30 ml of 10% AgNO2 and 90 ml of 5% Na2CO3, with concentrated NH4OH added until the precipitate dissolved, then distilled water to make 400 ml. This procedure revealed silver-positive cytoplasmic structures whose form, shape and distribution were similar to that seen by staining adjacent sections for acid phosphatase. A short fixation of 18-24 hr appears to be essential. A useful, nonenzymatic method for the demonstration of lysosomes is thereby available.  相似文献   

A silver staining method for paraffin sections of material fixed in HgCl2, sat. aq., with 5% acetic acid is as follows. Process the sections through the usual sequence of reagents, and including I-KI in 70% alcohol, thiosulfate (5% aq.), washing and back to 70% alcohol containing 5% of NH4OH (conc. aq.). After 3 minutes in the ammoniated alcohol, wash through tap water and 2 changes of distilled water and silver 5-10 minutes at 25°C. in 15% AgNO3 aq. to which 0.02 ml. of pyridine per 100 ml. has been added. Blot the slide, but not the section and do not rinse. Reduce at 45°C. in 0.1% pyrogallol in 55% alcohol, then rinse in 55% alcohol and wash in water. The remainder of the process consists of gold toning, intensifying in oxalic acid, fixing in 5% Na2S2O3, washing, dehydrating, clearing and covering. When the specimen contains much smooth muscle, the I-KI solution is acidified before use by adding 2 ml. of 1N nitric acid per 100 ml., and the sections treated for 3 minutes instead of the usual 2 minutes. Formalin should not be added to sublimate-acetic, but specimens that do not contain strongly argyrophilic nonneural tissue may be fixed in formalin or, preferably, Bouin's fluid. Sections of tissue after the latter type of fixation will not require the I-KI and thiosulfate but can go from 95% alcohol to the ammoniated alcohol. The advantages of fixing in HgCl2-acetic acid are suppression of the staining of connective tissue and intensifying the staining of nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Axoplasm is selectively impregnated by the following steps: (1) fixation in 10% formalin or in 10% formalin with added sucrose, 15%, and concentrated NH4OH, 1%, for 1-7 days; (2) frozen sections; (3) extraction of the sections in 95% ethyl alcohol, absolute alcohol, xylene, and 95% ethyl alcohol and absolute alcohol, 1 hr each; (4) distilled water, 3 changes of 10 min each; (5) 20% AgNO3 (aq.) at 25°C, 30 min; (6) distilled water, 3 changes of 1-2 sec each; (7) 6.9% K2CO3, 1 hr; (8) water, 3 changes of about 1 min each; (9) 0.2%AuCl3, 2 min; (10) distilled water; (11) 5% Na2S2O3, 2 min; (12) washing, clearing and mounting. This procedure is proposed as a simplified stain for axoplasm, with other tissue components remaining unstained. The few reagents necessary suit this method for histochemical investigation of the mechanism of silver staining.  相似文献   

Specimens of brain or spinal cord fixed in formalin, Cajal's formol-bromide, or Koenig, Groat and Windle's formalin-acacia can be used to stain oligodendrocytes in frozen, in paraffin, or in celloidin sections. The sections are soaked 3-5 min in 0.02% acetic acid, pH 3.4, then rinsed 2-3 sec in 3% H2O2 and transferred to a silver bath prepared as follows: Mix equal parts of 10% AgNO3 and 10% Na2WO4, and dissolve the precipitate with concentrated NH4OH; avoid an excess of ammonia. Silver at room temperature for 15-20 sec, develop in 1% formalin, dehydrate, and mount. For embedded material, prepare a mixture consisting of 1 part of 10% aqueous Aerosol MA and 4 parts of 10% Aerosol OT in 95% alcohol. Add 5 drops of this mixture to each 50 ml of dilute acetic acid and 3% H2O2; 5 drops to each 20 ml of the silver bath.  相似文献   

To a 1.0% filtered aqueous solution of toluidin blue add drop by drop 4-5 ml of either a saturated aqueous solution of HgCl2 or of KI. Collect the resulting dark precipitate on a filter paper and wash it with numerous small quantities of distilled water applied to both inside and outside of the filter paper. Wash until the drippings are distinctly blue (equivalent to about a 0.05% dye solution). Remove the paper and its contents from the funnel and dry either at room temperature or at 37°C. When dry, the treated dye can be brushed off the paper and stored. To prepare a staining solution add a weighed amount (0.12 gm if derived from the HgCl2 treatment, or 0.3 gm if from KI) to 100 ml of distilled water. This insures a saturated solution in either case and gives a satisfactory stain with most sections in 10-30 min. Thionin and other members of the thiazine dyes also showed improvement in staining qualities after this treatment.  相似文献   

A dye, which is probably a cationic chelate, has been separated from a gallocyanin-chrome alum staining solution and prepared in the dry form. This dye is apparently the major staining compound. To prepare the chelate or dye, dissolve 150 mg of gallocyanin and 15 gm of chrome alum in 100 ml of distilled water and boil for 10-20 min, cool, filter, wash the precipitate with sufficient distilled water to restore the volume of the filtrate to 100 ml, then add concentrated NH4OH until the pH is raised to 8-8.5. Filter, with suction, through a medium porosity fritted glass funnel. Wash with 100-200 ml of anhydrous ethyl ether and air dry the precipitate. This ratio of chrome alum to gallocyanin and the 10-20 min boiling time are optimal for preparation of the staining solution, which may be used either for staining or for separation of the chelate in its dry form. From the dried chelate, the staining solution is prepared as a 3% solution in1 N H2SO4 and a staining time of 16-24 hr is required. No differentiation is needed; the stain is self-limiting.  相似文献   

The main constituents of wheat flour and many wheat flour products are wheat protein (gluten) and starch granules. The specific staining of the protein present was effected by 10 min in 0.1% aqueous ponceau 2R (C.I. No. 16150) acidified with 3—4 drops of 1 N H2SO4 per 50 ml of staining solution, followed by rinsing in 2 changes of distilled water, dehydrating, clearing and mounting in a resinous medium in the normal way. Staining of starch was as follows: sections or flour smears were brought to water, treated for 10 min in a protein-blocking reagent (Taninol ADR—Imperial Chemical Industries—used in 1% aqueous solution) rinsed, then stained for 3 mins in 0.5% aqueous chlorazol violet R (C.I. No. 32445) or for 10 min in either 0.5% aqueous chlorazol violet N (C.I. No. 22570), or chlorazol black E (C.I. No. 30235). Staining was followed by thorough rinsing, normal dehydration and clearing and mounting in a medium of R.I. about 1.49 to enhance visibility of unstained starch grains. The methods are applicable to flour smears, cryostat and wax sections.  相似文献   

This bromine-iodine-gold chloride-reduction sequence stains reticulin in formalin-fixed paraffin sections without risk of sections becoming detached. After hydration, sections are exposed to 0.2% bromine water containing 0.01% KBr for 1 hr, then rinsed and placed for 5 min in a solution consisting of KI, 2 gm; iodine crystals, 1 gm; and distilled water, 100 ml. After this the sections are well washed in distilled water, immersed for 5 min in 1% w/v aqueous solution of chloro-auric acid, again rinsed in distilled water, and the gold is reduced by placing in freshly made 3% H2O2 for 2-4 hr at 37 C, or in 2% oxalic acid for 1-3 hr at the same temperature.  相似文献   

The adhesion obtained from a chrome alum-gelatin solution has been found far superior to results given by widely used general adhesives (Haupt's gelatin and Mayer's egg albumen) for paraffin sections. The subbing solution, which consists of 5.0 gin gelatin and 0.5 gm chrome alum per liter of water, is easier to apply and gives more consistent results. Sections affixed to subbed slides are resistant to removal by acids and bases: 1.0 and 0.1 N HCl or H2SO4, 1 M H3PO4, 5% oxalic and trichloroacetic acids, 1% and 10% lactic acid, 1.0 and 0.1 N NaOH or NH4OH, and other fluids and solutions such as organic solvents, water, hypochlorite, KMnO4 and thiosulfate. The applied adhesive is virtually unstained by many stains, including hematoxylin, eosin, fast green, safranin, PAS, Sudan IV and Mallory's triple stain. The only treatment yet found to detach affixed section in less than 6 hr is immersion in 5% trichloroacetic acid for 15 min at 100 C. The concentration of gelatin and chrome alum in the solution recommended is much lower than in previously described adhesives, but this does not seem to lessen its ability to affix the sections. If the concentrations of gelatin and chrome alum are decreased from those described, adhesive qualities are also decreased. An increase in the concentration of the ingredients causes the adhesive to become stained. The described solution therefore gives optimum adhesion and “resistance” to staining.  相似文献   

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution is used to decalcify bone specimens for histological examination. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) has been used to dissolve EDTA and to bring EDTA solutions to neutral pH. This solution, however, requires several weeks to decalcify bone specimens. We investigated a new de-calcification fluid using concentrated ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) to dissolve EDTA and to adjust the pH to neutral. Decalcification was performed using a magnetic stirrer with and without vacuum, or with a sonic cleaner. Decalcification end point was confirmed using both the weight loss and X-ray methods. After decalcification, specimens were processed through paraffin and sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Decalcification employing NH4OH required an average of six days. Light microscopy indicated good retention of cellular detail.  相似文献   

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