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Accumulation of messenger RNAs in potato tuber discs was analysed during the hypersensitive response induced by treatment with the biotic elicitor arachidonic acid. In vitro translation of polysomal poly(A)+ RNAs indicated that the accumulation of some sixteen mRNAs varied following treatment with arachidonic acid, and that the level of thirteen of these was increased. Two cDNA closes (pSTH-1 and-2) were isolated from a library of elicitor-treated tissue cDNAs. Northern blot analysis using these clones as molecular probes indicated that the levels of at least two mRNAs were markedly increased after elicitor treatment. In hybrid-released translation experiments, each of the cDNA clones selected more than one mRNA. Translation of these mRNAs yielded two polypeptides of Mr 45 000 (for the pSTH-1 clone), and three polypeptides of Me 17 000 (for the pSTH-2 clone). The low molecular weight polypeptides may correspond to potato pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins.  相似文献   

High host specificity of obligate ectoparasites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. Host specificity is the degree to which a parasite species occurs in association with a host species.
2. The degree to which obligate ectoparasites are host specific has been debated, but effects of sampling contamination were usually not addressed. Data from a controlled mammal–ectoparasite survey were used to assess host specificity of an obligate group of ectoparasites – streblid bat flies.
3. Host–parasite associations were categorised as primary or non-primary. Non-primary host associations were evaluated against primary associations via proportional comparison.
4. Results indicate that host specificity was high, exceeding previous reports. Natural host transfers were rare.
5. Non-primary host associations were almost completely explained by disturbance transfers during sampling of the host or by contamination upon sampling the parasite. These conclusions likely hold for other taxa of obligate parasites.  相似文献   

Antioxidant isoenzymes function to eliminate free radicals and are localized to several different subcellular compartments within the plant cell. In Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to ozone (O3), we have monitored the accumulation of mRNAs encoding both cytosolic and chloroplastic antioxidant isoenzymes. Two different O3 exposure protocols yielded similar results. Upon O3 exposure, the steady-state levels of three mRNAs encoding cytosolic antioxidant isoenzymes (ascorbate peroxidase, copper/zinc superoxide dismutase, and glutathione S-transferase) increase. The glutathione S-transferase mRNA responds very quickly to the oxidative stress (2-fold increase in 30 min) and is elevated to very high levels, especially in plants grown with a 16-h photoperiod. In contrast, O3 exposure causes a decline in the levels of two chloroplastic antioxidant mRNAs (iron superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase) and two photosynthetic protein mRNAs (chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit). We show that this decline does not include all mRNAs encoding chloroplast-targeted proteins, since O3 causes an elevation of mRNA encoding the chloroplast-localized tryptophan biosynthetic enzyme phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase. Two alternative hypotheses that could explain this differential mRNA accumulation in response to O3 are discussed.  相似文献   

The synthesis of contractile protein mRNAs has been studied during the differentiation of quail skeletal muscle myoblasts in culture. Eight contractile protein mRNAs were identified by translation of total cellular RNA isolated from differentiated myofibers in wheat germ and reticulocyte lysates. Products of the translation systems were fractionated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and incorporation of [35S]methionine into individual contractile proteins was quantitated by computerized densitometry of autoradiograms. These translation assay systems were used to quantitate levels of contractile protein mRNAs in cultures of myoblasts undergoing highly synchronous differentiation. Our results show that dividing myoblasts contain very little, if any, translatable contractile protein mRNA. The mRNAs coding for myosin heavy chain, the musclespecific actin, three myosin light chains, two tropomyosin subunits, and one troponin subunit begin to coordinately accumulate at fusion, when contractile protein synthesis is activated. Their levels increase 50- to 200-fold during the next 30 hr, paralleling increases in the rates of contractile protein synthesis. These results indicate that the contractile protein mRNAs accumulate coordinately during myoblast differentiation and that contractile protein synthesis is regulated by changes in the levels of these mRNAs.  相似文献   

To clarify the molecular basis for the prostaglandin (PG) mediated effects in adipose cells at various stages of their development, expression of mRNAs encoding receptors specific for prostaglandin E2, F2alpha and I2 (i.e. EP, FP, and IP receptors) was investigated in differentiating clonal Ob1771 pre-adipocytes, as well as in mouse primary adipose precursor cells and mature adipocytes. We have further characterized the differential expression of mRNAs encoding three subtypes of the EP receptor, i.e. EP1, EP3, and EP4, and examined the expression of mRNAs encoding the three isoforms (alpha, beta, and gamma) of the EP3 receptor. Altogether the results show that the expression of IP, FP, EP1, and EP4 receptor mRNAs was considerably more pronounced in pre-adipose cells than in adipose cells, mRNAs encoding the alpha, beta, and gamma isoforms of the EP3 receptor were all exclusively expressed in freshly isolated mature adipocytes. These data may indicate that PGI2, PGF2alpha, and PGE2 may interact directly with specific receptors in pre-adipose cells, whose transduction mechanisms are known to affect maturation related changes. In mature adipocytes, however, the equipment of mRNAs encoding the EP3 receptor isoforms is in agreement with the well known effect of PGE2 on adenylate cyclase and lipolysis in mature adipocytes.  相似文献   

Rex-dependent nucleolar accumulation of HTLV-I mRNAs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Despite the commercial importance of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. and L. x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel floral essential oils (EOs), no information is currently available on potential changes in individual volatile organic compound (VOC) content during inflorescence development. Calyces were found to be the main sites of VOC accumulation. The 20 most abundant VOCs could be separated into three sub‐groups according to their patterns of change in concentration The three groups of VOCs sequentially dominated the global scent bouquet of inflorescences, the transition between the first and second groups occurring around the opening of the first flower of the inflorescence and the one between the second and third groups at the start of seed set. Changes in calyx VOC accumulation were linked to the developmental stage of individual flowers. Leaves accumulated a smaller number of VOCs which were a subset of those seen in preflowering inflorescences. Their nature and content remained constant during the growing season. Quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction assessments of the expression of two terpene synthase (TPS) genes, LaLIMS and LaLINS, revealed similar trends between their patterns of expression and those of their VOC products. Molecular and chemical analyses suggest that changes in TPS expression occur during lavender inflorescence development and lead to changes in EO composition. Both molecular data and terpene analysis support the findings that changes in biosynthesis of terpene occurred during inflorescence development.  相似文献   

Differential mRNA accumulation and translation during Spisula development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The patterns of proteins synthesized in developing Spisula embryos and larvae were compared with in vitro translation products by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Major changes in the in vivo pattern occur at fertilization; these are regulated at the translational level (Rosenthal, Hunt, and Ruderman, 1980, Cell 20, 487-494). The pattern is further altered by midcleavage, and subsequent development is accompanied by frequent changes in the kinds of proteins made. By midcleavage many of the in vivo changes are paralleled by alterations in mRNA levels. Three cDNA clones containing developmentally regulated, nonmitochondrial sequences were isolated from a library constructed from veliger larval RNA. Clone 3v4 encodes alpha-tubulin. Clone 12v4 encodes a 35,000-D protein of unknown function. The protein product of clone 10v8 has not been identified. The concentration of alpha-tubulin RNA is relatively low through midcleavage, increases by the swimming gastrula stage, and is maintained at a moderately high level throughout larval development. 10v8 and 12v4 RNAs first appear in trochophore larvae; their concentrations peak 10-12 hr later, and then decline. The proportions of alpha-tubulin and 10v8 RNA that are translated vary with developmental stage. During early cleavage very little alpha-tubulin RNA is on polysomes; in swimming gastrulae 64% of this mRNA is polysomal. Seventy percent of 10v8 RNA is translated in the trochophore larva, while only approximately 40% is polysomal in the 21-hr veliger. These results show that translational regulation may be superimposed on changes in cytoplasmic mRNA concentrations to determine the level of gene expression during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for a Xenopus laevis skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin (beta-TMad) isoform was isolated from an adult skeletal muscle cDNA library. Sequence analysis revealed that this clone corresponded to a second beta-tropomyosin mRNA distinct from the one that was previously characterized (beta-TMemb). The two skeletal beta-TM mRNAs originate from distinct genes and are differentially expressed during development. Beta-TMemb mRNA is expressed only in the somites of the early embryo while beta-TMad mRNA is expressed in pre-metamorphic tadpoles and adult skeletal muscles. We have isolated the promoter region of the beta-TMemb gene and shown that a DNA construct containing 2.9 kb of promoter region is properly expressed after injection in the embryo.  相似文献   

The physiological response to drought was measured in two common bean varieties with contrastive susceptibility to drought stress. A subtractive cDNA library was constructed from the two cultivars, Phaseolus vulgaris'Pinto Villa' (tolerant) and 'Carioca' (susceptible). 18 cDNAs displayed protein-coding genes associated with drought, cold and oxidative stress, signal transduction, plant defense, chloroplast function and unknown function. A cDNA coding for an aquaporin (AQP) was selected for further analyses. The open reading frames (ORFs) of AQPs from 'Pinto Villa' and 'Carioca' were compared and despite their similarity, accumulated differentially in the plant organs, as demonstrated by Northern blot and in situ hybridization. A phylogenetic analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence with other AQPs suggested a tonoplast-located protein. Under drought conditions, the levels of AQP mRNA from the susceptible cultivar decreased to undetectable levels; by contrast, 'Pinto Villa' mRNA was present and restricted the phloem tissue. This would allow 'Pinto Villa' to maintain vascular tissue functions under drought stress.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that the direct transmission of beneficial endosymbionts (mutualists) from parents to offspring (vertical transmission) in animal hosts is advantageous and evolutionarily stable, yet many host species instead acquire their symbionts from the environment (horizontal acquisition). An outstanding question in marine biology is why some scleractinian corals do not provision their eggs and larvae with the endosymbiotic dinoflagellates that are necessary for a juvenile's ultimate survival. We tested whether the acquisition of photosynthetic endosymbionts (family Symbiodiniaceae) during the planktonic larval stage was advantageous, as is widely assumed, in the ecologically important and threatened Caribbean reef‐building coral Orbicella faveolata. Following larval acquisition, similar changes occurred in host energetic lipid use and gene expression regardless of whether their symbionts were photosynthesizing, suggesting the symbionts did not provide the energetic benefit characteristic of the mutualism in adults. Larvae that acquired photosymbionts isolated from conspecific adults on their natal reef exhibited a reduction in swimming, which may interfere with their ability to find suitable settlement substrate, and also a decrease in survival. Larvae exposed to two cultured algal species did not exhibit differences in survival, but decreased their swimming activity in response to one species. We conclude that acquiring photosymbionts during the larval stage confers no advantages and can in fact be disadvantageous to this coral host. The timing of symbiont acquisition appears to be a critical component of a host's life history strategy and overall reproductive fitness, and this timing itself appears to be under selective pressure.  相似文献   

Ecological theory traditionally predicts that interspecific competition selects for an increase in ecological specialization. Specialization, in turn, is often thought to be an evolutionary ‘dead end,’ with specialist lineages unlikely to evolve into generalist lineages. In host–parasite systems, this specialization can take the form of host specificity, with more specialized parasites using fewer hosts. We tested the hypothesis that specialists are evolutionarily more derived, and whether competition favours specialization, using the ectoparasitic feather lice of doves. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that complete host specificity is actually the ancestral condition, with generalists repeatedly evolving from specialist ancestors. These multiple origins of generalists are correlated with the presence of potentially competing species of the same genus. A competition experiment with captive doves and lice confirmed that congeneric species of lice do, in fact, have the potential to compete in ecological time. Taken together, these results suggest that interspecific competition can favour the evolution of host generalists, not specialists, over macroevolutionary time.  相似文献   

A highly specific procedure has been developed for the isolation of individual polyribosomes by immunosorbents containing immobilized antigen-antibody complexes. Polyribosomes synthesizing immunoglobulin IgGl and serum albumin were quantificated and isolated in the native state from MOPC 21A plasmacytoma and rat liver cells. For albumin polyribosomes, the presumptive messenger RNA was demonstrated; it contained three components: 20S, 16S and 9S.Abbreviations IgG murine immunoglobulin - RSA rat serum albumin - RGG rat gamma-globulin - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetate - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate  相似文献   

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