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In pancreatic islets, glucose metabolism is a key process for insulin secretion, and pregnancy requires an increase in insulin secretion to compensate for the typical insulin resistance at the end of this period. Because a low-protein diet decreases insulin secretion, this type of diet could impair glucose homeostasis, leading to gestational diabetes. In pancreatic islets, we investigated GLUT2, glucokinase and hexokinase expression patterns as well as glucose uptake, utilization and oxidation rates. Adult control non-pregnant (CNP) and control pregnant (CP) rats were fed a normal protein diet (17%), whereas low-protein non-pregnant (LPNP) and low-protein pregnant (LPP) rats were fed a low-protein diet (6%) from days 1 to 15 of pregnancy. The insulin secretion in 2.8 mmol l(-1) of glucose was higher in islets from LPP rats than that in islets from CP, CNP and LPNP rats. Maximal insulin release was obtained at 8.3 and 16.7 mmol l(-1) of glucose in LPP and CP groups, respectively. The glucose dose-response curve from LPNP group was shifted to the right in relation to the CNP group. In the CP group, the concentration-response curve to glucose was shifted to the left compared with the CNP group. The LPP groups exhibited an "inverted U-shape" dose-response curve. The alterations in the GLUT2, glucokinase and hexokinase expression patterns neither impaired glucose metabolism nor correlated with glucose islet sensitivity, suggesting that β-cell sensitivity to glucose requires secondary events other than the observed metabolic/molecular events.  相似文献   

The jejunal mucosal membrane of albino mice was used to study the electrical properties and ion transport. The membrane was bathed in Krebs-Ringer solution with or without glucose.When ethacrynic acid (EA), furosemide, or amiloride was added to the bathing fluid of both sides, a transient increase followed by a decrease of both potential difference (PD) and short circuit current (Isc) were observed. In glucose-containing bathing medium, EA inhibited both net Na and Cl flux and residual flux; however, EA had little effect on both Na and Cl flux in glucose-free bathing medium. Studies using everted intestinal sac technique showed that EA inhibited both glucose and L-tyrosine across the mucosal membrane against concentration gradients. Furosemide and amiloride were less potent than EA in inhibiting the Na and Cl flux when the bathing solution contained glucose. But these two compounds had no effect on glucose and L-tyrosine transport across the intestinal mucosa. Furthermore, they did inhibit Cl flux even in the condition of glucose-free bathing medium. It is postulated that all three diuretics act on the brush-border membrane of the intestine. EA probably inhibits the Na-glucose cotransporting system; furosemide and amiloride inhibit the simple diffusion process of Na entry of Cl exit by decreasing the conductance of the membrane.  相似文献   

【目的】在饲喂低蛋白质日粮条件下,探究断奶仔猪生长相关激素、回肠和盲肠微生物组成及其代谢产物的变化。【方法】选取体重相近杜长大断奶仔猪54头,随机平均分为3组,每组18头,分别饲喂含20%(NP组)、17%(MP组)和14%(LP组)粗蛋白日粮,平衡日粮中的赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸和色氨酸,于试验第10、25和45天每组屠宰6头,采血测定血常规和生长相关激素;于第45天采集回肠和盲肠食糜,分析微生物及其代谢产物。【结果】与NP组相比,第25和45天时MP和LP组尿素氮水平显著降低(P0.05),第25天时LP组甘油三脂含量、第45天时LP组胆固醇含量显著增加(P0.05)。各时间点血液胰高血糖素、胰岛素、生长激素、T3和T4在3组之间差异均不显著。门水平上,回肠和盲肠中的微生物均以厚壁菌门占主导地位,但各组间差异不显著;随日粮蛋白质含量降低,乳酸杆菌属呈上升趋势,严格梭菌属呈下降趋势,但差异不显著。降低日粮蛋白质含量显著减少了回肠和盲肠中氨氮的产量(P0.05)。【结论】断奶仔猪日粮蛋白质降低3或6个百分点不影响机体生长相关激素的分泌,但能降低血液尿素氮和肠道内氨氮的浓度,对肠道有益菌乳酸杆菌属的相对丰度有一定的提高作用。这说明低蛋白质日粮能提高断奶仔猪对饲料氮源的利用率,且有利于肠道健康。  相似文献   

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