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Horppila  Jukka  Kairesalo  Timo 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):153-165
Hydrobiologia - For 60 years, Lake Vesijärvi, especially the Enonselkä basin (2600 ha), received sewage water discharge from the City of Lahti. In 1976 the municipal sewage loading was...  相似文献   

The significance of nitrogen for algal growth was studied in Lake Vesijärvi in 1979 and 1980 by algal bioassay, using Selenastrum capricornutum and Anabaena cylindrica as test organisms. Nitrogen limited the growth of Selenastrum for the major part of the investigation period, while phosphorus seemed to be the most limiting factor for Anabaena. This difference was reflected in the in situ succession of phytoplankton. As the ratio of inorganic nitrogen to phosphate phosphorus became smaller, nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae became dominant. Nitrogen fixation was greatest at the beginning of July, coinciding with maximum heterocyst numbers.  相似文献   

Recruitment success of roach varied dramatically between 1978 and 1985 in Alderfen Broad, a small lake in eastern England. All size classes of roach feed to a significant extent upon zooplankton, but the underyearling fish have the greatest effects upon the abundance, species composition and mean size of zooplankton. During years of good recruitment (1979, 1981, 1983 and 1985) when the 0 + age group was abundant, they showed poor growth as a result of the depression of their prey populations. Older fish also tended to grow poorly in these years and may have been less fecund the following year. In years of poor recruitment (1980, 1982 and 1984), with the release of the depressive effect upon the zooplankton exerted by underyearling fish, the older size classes tended to grow well with higher fecundity the following season, giving rise to good recruitment of underyearling fish, even when the number of spawners was low. The evidence indicates that there is a 2-year cycle of roach recruitment in Alderfen and this will be described.  相似文献   

Juha Keto 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):195-199
For 60 years the sewage of the City of Lahti was discharged into L. Vesijärvi. The eutrophication of the lake was observed as early as the 1920s but in the 1960s the pollution became obvious. The sewage was completely diverted in 1976. As a result of the diversion the bacteriological defects were eliminated within one year, restoring the recreational value of the lake. The recovery of water quality was rapid during the first two years. The oxygen content increased markedly but hypolimnetic oxygen depletion persisted. The phosphorus content decreased about 60% and the nitrogen content about 30%. After that period the recovery slowed down. The biomass of phytoplankton decreased but the abundance of heterocystous blue green algae increased causing blooms in July and August. The primary production has lately been reduced despite the lack of improvement in chemical water quality. Hypolimnetic aeration was started in order to accelerate the recovery. The results during winter stagnation have been encouraging.  相似文献   

Population characteristics of macroparasite infection (prevalence and intensity) in juvenile roach Rutilus rutilus have been studied in one of the tributaries of the Rybinsk Reservoir. The level of infection and parasite diversity is higher in the mouth part than in the upper reaches of the river. Habitats in the upper reaches are characterized by a high degree of irregularity of the risk of infection. The intensity of parasitic infection varies from the absence of parasites to 100% infection. Our data confirm the hypothesis about adaptaive value of the spawning migration to habitats with lower risk for the infection of offspring with parasites. Heterogeneous conditions in the upper reaches of the river make it possible for juvenile fish from a migrating part of the population to grow in relatively safe conditions. Differences in the strategy of the spawning migration can be based on the ecological differentiation as a result of which the groups oriented either at the local adaptation or at migration to the other habitat are formed in the population.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. In roach any kind of excitement due to swimming, handling, or to unfavourable environmental conditions, is reflected in an increase of lactate above 1.0 μ mol and a decrease of phosphocreatine (PCr) below 15.0 μ mol g−1 in the muscles.
  • 2.2. In fish acclimated to and tested at 4°C lactate accumulation and PCr hydrolysis after activity were only half those in fish tested at 12 and 20°C.
  • 3.3. Fish swimming at submaximal speed for 60 min at 20°C had much less lactate in the anterior body musculature than fish swimming for the same length of time at 12°C.
  • 4.4. It is suggested that the “sudden death syndrome” of severely exercised fish is due to rapid hydrolysis of PCr, rather than to acidosis, in sensitive tissues.

Helminen  H.  Sarvala  J.  Hirvonen  A. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):511-522
Hydrobiologia - We used a bioenergetics model to estimate daily food consumption of young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult vendace in the mesotrophic Lake Pyhäjärvi. Weekly samples of fish and...  相似文献   

Metacercariae of the genus Diplostomum dwelling in the retina of perch Perca fluviatilis and the lens of roach Rutilus rutilus were identified on the basis of adults obtained by feeding various piscivorous birds of the families Laridae, Anatidae and Phasianidae with metacercariae on an experimental basis. Both morphological studies of the metacercariae and adults obtained from the intestine of the infected birds, as well as the suitability in these hosts, indicated that we were dealing with two different species of Diplostomum. The perch form was recognised as D. baeri Dubois, 1937. Although metacercariae of this species matured both in herring gull Larus argentatus and common tern Sterna hirundo, the principal final host seemed to be goosanders Mergus merganser. In contrast, the lens form in roach was identified as D. spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) and it seemed to be restricted to birds of the family Laridae. These experimental results agree with parasitological findings from birds infected in the wild.  相似文献   

Liukkonen  Mikko  Kairesalo  Timo  Keto  Juha 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):415-426
Lake Vesijärvi was loaded by sewage from the City of Lahti for 60 years until 1976 when the discharge was diverted. Paleolimnological analyses of the varved bottom sediment indicate that the sedimentation rate within the Enonselka basin, the most eutrophic part of the lake, has been as high as 2 cm yr–1, and total phosphorus accumulation was 20–40 g P m–2 yr–1, during the last 20 years. Within the less eutrophic Laitialanselkä basin, the sedimentation rate did not exceed 1 cm yr–1, and the formation of varved sediment only began at the end of the 1960's, i.e. about 10 years later than in Enonselkä.Planktonic diatom production was highest in the Enonselka basin. The most abundant diatoms in the sediment between 1970–1985 were Asterionella formosa, Aulacoseira islandica and Stephanodiscus spp. Fragilaria crotonensis and Tabellaria fenestrata had low abundances in the middle of the 1970's but increased again at the end of the 1970's. Asterionella formosa and Diatoma elongatum reached their maxima between 1979–1984 when the hypolimnion of the Enonselk/:a basin was aerated artificially. In the Laitialanselkä basin, the production of planktonic diatoms has been lower and the species composition of the diatom community differed from that in Enonselkä. However, at the end of 1980's the total accumulation of diatoms in Laitialanselkä approached levels which were observed at the end of 1950's in Enonselkä, prior to the rapid eutrophication period.The production and thereby the sedimentation of diatoms has decreased towards the end of the 1980's in Enonselkä, indicating reduced nutrient availability in the lake water. This reduction was due to the decreased external loading of phosphorus as well as to the decreased release of phosphorus from the sediment as a result of improved oxygen balance in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

Past occurrence and quantities of Anabaena cyanobacteria in Lake Pyhäjärvi, SW Finland, were investigated using sediment and phytoplankton records. A short sediment core covering the past 20 years was examined for Anabaena resting spores (akinetes) in order to assess the utility of akinetes as a paleolimnological proxy. Sedimentary akinetes confirmed the past existence of Anabaena in water, but did not show a direct correlation with the amount of Anabaena spp. in water samples. The amount of planktonic Anabaena spp. correlated with total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in Lake Pyhäjärvi, but the number of akinetes was considered to have a relationship with low nutrient concentrations and dominant bloom-forming cyanobacteria. Akinetes are probably suitable for low-resolution and long time scale paleolimnological investigations, where they provide information of past cyanobacteria that cannot be directly attained otherwise.  相似文献   

As part of the joint Finnish-Russian research and development project “Assessment of the ecological state of the transboundary waters”, seasonal and spatial variations in the phytoplankton communities of Lake Pyhäjärvi were studied in order to identify possible long-term (1963–2002) changes and to present recent data (since 2002) on phytoplankton biomass and species composition. Some changes in both phytoplankton biomass and species composition, particularly in the littoral zone and northern basins of the lake, were obvious at the end of the 1980s; in particular, the density of blue-greens increased during that period. Biomasses increased five-fold in 1980, decreased after 1990 and have remained low (0.14 mg l?l) to the present time. The effective water protection measures applied, especially reducing the phosphorus load from municipal wastewaters and airborne pollution, can now be seen to have improved the water quality. Although no significant temporal differences were found in phytoplankton biomass during the intensive biweekly sampling in 2002, considerable spatial variation was seen within the lake. An obvious change in the species composition of phytoplankton and an increase in biomass were seen even in the loaded parts of the lake. Despite the spatial differences in phytoplankton biomass and community structure, the changed species composition in the northern part of the lake indicated a clear recovery from the blue-green and Chrysophyceae dominated high biomass of the 1980s.  相似文献   

Laminated sediment is deposited in the deep areas (> 30 m) of Lake Pääjärvi. In the diatom microstratigraphy a regular alteration of planktonic and littoral floras, which goes in pace with the visual structure, reflects the yearly cycle of sedimentation. Considerable variation in sedimentation was found to have occurred during the past two decades. A sequence, dated to the early 1960's, in which the organic content was exceptionally high, could be identified in the sediment at 6–14 cm depth even in shallower areas where laminations are not formed. This level was used as a marker horizon when determining the recent distribution of sediment by means of 19 cores taken from different parts of the lake. The average annual sediment accumulation in the profundal zone of the lake is 340 g m?2a?1 dry weight, of which 25 g m?2 a?1 (1100 kJ m?2 a?1) is organic carbon.  相似文献   

The variation of the lipid content of a planktonic copepod species, Eudiaptomus gracilis G. O. Sars, was studied in an oligotrophic lake, Pääjärvi, southern Finland, during 1982. The variation was caused by changes in the food resources and by the use of lipids for reproduction. The lipids are partly present in the form of droplets, which provide an energy reserve for some of food shortage, or may be used in reproduction. The utilization of lipid droplets for nutrition was studied by culturing specimens of two species, Eudiaptomus gracilis and Thermocyclops oithonoides G. O. Sars, in the absence of food. It was found that about half of the energy required for the 30-hour experimental period was obtained from the lipid droplets. However, not all the animal groups could use their lipid droplets and they had to use other reserves to satisfy their energy requirement. Lipid droplets seemed to have only a minor effect on the sinking rate of Eudiaptomus gracilis.  相似文献   

Lake Pääjärvi, a boreal Finnish lake, was investigated in winter for weather conditions, structure and thickness of ice and snow, solar radiation, and under-ice current and temperature. Heat budget of Lake Pääjärvi in January–March was governed by terrestrial radiation losses of 20–35 W m?2 recompensed by ice growth of 0.5–1.0 cm day?1. In April, snow melted, albedo decreased from 0.8 to <0.1, and the mean ice melt rate was 1.5 cm day?1. Internal melting and surface melting were about equal. The mean turbulent heat loss was small. The heat flux from the water to ice was about 5 W m?2 in winter, increasing to 12 W m?2 in the melting season. The light attenuation coefficient was 1.1 m?1 for the congelation ice (black ice) in winter, compared with 1.5 m?1 for the lake water, and it was up to 3 m?1 for candled congelation ice in spring, and about 10 m?1 for superimposed ice (white ice) and snow. Gas bubbles were the main factor that reduced the transparency of ice. The radiation penetrating the ice heated the water body causing convective currents and horizontal heat transfer. This increased the temperature of the water body to about 3°C before the ice break-up. After the snow had melted, the euphotic depth (the depth of 1% surface irradiance) was estimated as 2.0 m, only two-thirds that in summer.  相似文献   

The development of winter phytoplankton communities was studied in both shallow and deep areas of Lake Pääjärvi, southern Finland, during the final 2 weeks of winter ice cover. Phytoplankton was mainly composed of diatoms, cryptophytes and chrysophytes. The diatoms Aulacoseira and Rhizosolenia were always uniformly distributed with depth, initially probably due to mixing induced by heat flux from the sediment and later due to thermal convection. Motile Rhodomonas cryptophytes and Chrysococcus chrysophytes were most abundant near the ice showing that, despite their small size, they were partly able to resist mixing by convection. Their ability to stay in more illuminated water layers was reflected in net rates of increase about an order of magnitude higher than those of diatoms in the middle of the lake. Given the low temperatures and convection, the observed net rates of increase of motile taxa were very high compared to growth rates reported in the literature. The gradual increase in light availability following melting of ice led to a consistent increase in the abundances of major phytoplankton taxa irrespective of deep convective circulation. It is suggested that those algae most abundant at the time of ice break have a competitive advantage in the following open water conditions when nutrients are abundant but deep water circulation limits light availability. The results emphasize that in lakes which cool below the maximum density of water before freezing, apparently small differences in temperature and light conditions can cause important changes in the circulation patterns that impact on phytoplankton development.  相似文献   

It is found that the size–mass, physiological–biochemical, and behavioral parameters in roach fingerlings from the upper and lower (mouth) reaches of the Ild River differed during the autumn season. Compared with the roach from the upper reach of the river, the fingerlings of the same age from the mouth part have larger lengths and weights and a higher concentration of cations in the body. In experiments, the fish from the mouth part selected a lower (~4°C) temperature and showed a lower resistance to the water flow. The reason for differences in behavioral responses in two groups of juveniles of roach is probably, on the one hand, their physiological and biochemical characteristics and, on the other hand, the motivational component of fish behavior in different environments—hydrological, thermal, and hydrochemical conditions and different food items in geographically remote parts of the same river. It is assumed that in autumn roach fingerlings migrate from the littoral of the mouth part of the river into deeper parts under a decrease in water temperature before the downstream migration of the fingerlings in the rivers. This is probably due to the earlier achievement of the migration status of fingerlings from the mouth part than that in fish from the upper reach of the river and due to the peculiarities of their physiological state. Negative rheoreaction, manifested in the experiment in ~80% of the fish from the bay of the reservoir and ~55% of the fish from river, confirms the fish readiness to migrate and is likely due to the behavioral mechanism of fish migration from the littoral and downstream the river.  相似文献   

The Early and Middle Flandrian geological development and paleolimnology of Lake Spitaalijärvi was studied using pollen, diatom and cladoceran analysis and 14C dating. Spitaalijärvi was isolated from the Ancylus Lake about 9000 B.P., at which time birch and pine and plants typical of open habitat communities grew on the solitary island. The rational limits for Alnus and Picea were ca. 8300 B.P. and 3700 B.P., respectively. During the first few hundred years after isolation Spitaalijärvi was probably fairly eutrophic, with a low water level. Water level began to rise before the Alnus rise (A°) and the lake became oligotrophic. After another transgression, which started before the Picea rise (P°), Tabellaria binalis and Semiorbis hemicyclus appear in the diatom stratigraphy indicating ultra-oligotrophic conditions. The main reason for the ultra-oligotrophy of Lake Spitaalijärvi is the character of the parent material in the catchment, consisting of glacial and littoral deposits derived from the local quartz sandstone of highly siliceous nature.  相似文献   

Lake Särkinen is a small lake in the parish of Sotkamo, Finland. The lake has been strongly enriched since the middle of the 1960's. The nutrient load was greatly reduced in 1969 and aeration was started in 1980.According to 210Pb dating sediment accumulation rates are lowest (ca 9 mg cm–2 yr–1) between about 1920 and 1960. Thereafter they rise to the present level (22 mg cm–2 yr–1).The diatom flora indicates rising eutrophy from the beginning of the 20th century and again in the 1950–60's period. The surface sample, which represents the 1980's, shows a change in diatom flora indicating lake recovery. Changes in nutrient concentrations and in the solubility of phosphorus in the sediments indicate signs of oxygen depletion.  相似文献   

Nõges  Peeter  Järvet  Arvo  Tuvikene  Lea  Nõges  Tiina 《Hydrobiologia》1997,363(1-3):219-227
Hydrobiologia - The nutrient budget, phytoplankton primary productionand sedimentation rate were studied weekly in the large(270 km2) and shallow (mean depth 2.8 m)eutrophic Lake...  相似文献   

S. C. Fry 《Planta》1979,146(3):343-351
The insoluble cell wall polymers of cultured spinach cells contained esterified ferulic acid at 2–5 mg g-1 dry weight. Gibberellic acid (GA3, 10-11–10-6 M) promoted the expansion of these cells and simultaneoulsy suppressed peroxidase secretion, reduced the activity of cellular phenylanine ammonia-lyase and favoured the accumulation of wall-esterified ferulate and of extracellular soluble phenolic aglycones. When growth was prevented with 0·7 M sorbitol, GA3 still evoked the phenolic and peroxidase effects. It is suggested that peroxidase restricts growth by rigidifying the cell wall in two ways: (a) covalently by catalysing the conversion of feruloyl side-chains into diferuloyl cross-links and (b) non-covalently by catalysing the conversion of soluble phenolics into hydrophobic quinones (or polymers). GA3 is hypothesised to prevent this rigidification by inhibiting peroxidase secretion.Abbreviations A 28 absorbance at 280 nm - a 1cnt 1% absorptivity coefficient - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EtOAc ethylacetate - GA3 gibberellic acid - mol wt molecular weight - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase - PCV packed cell volume - sh shoulder or inflection - TLC thin-layer chromatography - UV ultra-violet - wavelength - IAA indoleacetic acid  相似文献   

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