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<正>The alarming decline of honey bee(Apis mellifera)colonies in the last decade drove the attention and research to several pathogens of the honey bee including viruses.Viruses challenge the development of healthy and robust colonies since they manage to prevail in an asymptomatic mode and reemerge in acute infections following external stresses,as well as they are able to infect new healthy colonies(de Miranda J R,et al.,2010a;de Miranda J R,et al.,2010b;Di Prisco G,et al.,2013;Nazzi F,et al.,2012;Yang X L,et al.,2005).  相似文献   

蜜蜂全基因组出笼前后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2006年10月26日,期待已久的蜜蜂的基因组序列在英国杂志《自然》上发表了。这一事件对于全世界蜜蜂生物学家来说,标志着蜜蜂研究“后基因组时代”的开始。这一重大项目由倍乐医学院完成,耗资800万美元,历时2年。而实际上对于基因组的注释又经过近2年的时间,由代表15个国家、来自64个实验室的170名科学家完成。这一等待是值得的基因组序列最终发表后,生物学家通过互联网能做他们自己的“数据采掘”,用这一可得的公共资源验证自己的假说。事实上,在蜜蜂基因组文章在《自然》上发表的当周,其姊妹刊上发表的约50篇相关论文中,有一半以上是基于生物信息学的研究,这些刊物包括《科学》、《基因组研究》、《美国国家科学院院报》及《昆虫分子生物学》。蜜蜂与人类享有一些共性劳动分工,复杂的通信系统包括语言,发达的保卫和防御系统,精妙的建筑以及为了共同利益自我牺牲的特点。由于有这些共性,蜜蜂基因组的发表将使科学家不仅能够深入研究蜜蜂生物学,而且能深入了解我们人类自身的生物学。  相似文献   

A common and widespread disease of honey bees, Apis mellifera, is caused by an unoccluded, Feulgen-positive, filamentous nuclear virus. Ovoid viral particles seen in diseased bee hemolymph consisted of a folded nucleocapsid within a viral envelope and were 0.40 by 0.10 μm. Virions with unfolded nucleocapsids were about 3060 by 60 nm. The disease was transmissible to bees both per os and by injection, but efforts to infect oriental cockroaches, Blatta orientalis, and the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella, failed. The disease is apparently the same as that described as a rickettsial disease of European bees.  相似文献   

Inapparent infection of pupae of Apis mellifera by Kashmir bee virus (KBV) and sacbrood virus (SBV) was detected by two different methods, in three consecutive summers, from two widely separated locations in Australia. The prevalence of inapparent KBV infections varied from year to year, in contrast to the more consistent levels of inapparent SBV infection. The implications of inapparent infection for the epizootiology of the viruses in Australia are discussed.  相似文献   



Non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs) are key regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes. Insect miRNAs help regulate the levels of proteins involved with development, metabolism, and other life history traits. The recently sequenced honey bee genome provides an opportunity to detect novel miRNAs in both this species and others, and to begin to infer the roles of miRNAs in honey bee development.  相似文献   

With the completion of the honey bee genome project, a transition is now occurring from the acquisition of gene sequence to understanding the role and context of gene products within the genome. Here we annotated and characterised a cluster of three genes in a GC-rich 11 kb genomic region on the linkage group 4 encoding highly hydrophobic polypeptides (named apidermins; APD 1-3) containing both sequence motifs characteristic of cuticular proteins and distinctly novel features. Five amino acids, Ala, Gly, Leu, Pro and Val, account for 74-86% of their respective sequences with Ala being the most abundant residue (at least 30% of each peptide). A conserved tetra-peptide AAPA/V is found in all three proteins, but none has the 'R and R' signature implicated in chitin binding. Two proteins, APD-1 and APD-2, contain an arginine-rich motif RERR in short non-hydrophobic stretches near the N-terminal of mature proteins and in both proteins tryptophan is the C-terminal residue. All three genes are spliced and highly expressed in a defined spatio-temporal pattern. apd-1 is expressed in the exoskeletal epidermis, but only during a restricted period of a few days of late pupal and early adult life when the cuticle becomes dark. APD2 appears to be a protein of "internal" cuticles and is expressed in the tracheas, oesophagus and stomach, and also in the embryo. The expression of apd-3 partly overlaps with both apd-1 and apd-3, but apd-3 also is uniquely associated with non-pigmented cuticles such as the eye cover and external cuticle of white pupae. This study expands the collection of genes encoding cuticular proteins by three novel and well characterised members.  相似文献   

The incidence of virus diseases in the honey bee   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chronic bee-paralysis virus and sacbrood virus occur commonly in apparently normal honey-bee colonies in Britain. Most sick adult bees not affected by Nosema apis, Malpighamoeba mellificae or Acarapis woodi have chronic paralysis and most dead larvae not affected by micro-organisms have sacbrood. Both virus diseases are probably limited by hereditary factors, but unknown environmental factors also seem to influence disease. Paralysed bees from Australia, Canada, Eire, Germany and Mexico were found to be infected with chronic paralysis virus.  相似文献   

When particles of Kashmir bee virus (KBV) and sacbrood virus (SBV) were fed to larvae of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, in Australian colonies, the resulting pupae became in apparently infected. There was no statistically significant difference in the susceptibility of 1, 2, 3 or 4-day-old larvae for either virus, but 5-day-old larvae were significantly less susceptible to SBV than younger larvae. There was no significant difference in the proportions of pupae that became in apparently infected when, as larvae, they were fed various concentrations of each virus, but significantly more larvae were removed from their cells when fed concentrated preparations of each virus than when fed diluted preparations. Susceptible larvae that became in apparently infected with KBV and SBV developed normally into in apparently infected pupae and later, emerged as in apparently infected worker bees.  相似文献   

Association of viruses with two protozoal pathogens of the honey bee   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Undisturbed honey bee colonies near Rothamsted were commonly infected with a filamentous DNA virus (FV) which was usually associated with Nosema apis in infected adult individuals and occurred most frequently about June. No symptoms were caused by FV, which appeared less harmful than either black queen-ceil virus (BQCV) or bee virus Y (BVY), two isometric RNA viruses also associated with N. apis. Bee virus X, another isometric RNA virus distantly related to BVY, was not associated with N. apis, but prevailed in winter and was then associated significantly with Malpighamoeba mellificae in dead individuals, although it frequently multiplied alone. Results of laboratory experiments supported conclusions made from the field observations about these relationships and their pathology.  相似文献   

The most crucial stage in the dynamics of virus infections is the mode of virus transmission. In general, transmission of viruses can occur through two pathways: horizontal and vertical transmission. In horizontal transmission, viruses are transmitted among individuals of the same generation, while vertical transmission occurs from mothers to their offspring. Because of its highly organized social structure and crowded population density, the honey bee colony represents a risky environment for the spread of disease infection. Like other plant and animal viruses, bee viruses use different survival strategies, including utilization of both horizontal and vertical routes, to transmit and maintain levels in a host population. In this review, we explore the current knowledge about the honey bee viruses and transmission routes of bee viruses. In addition, different transmission strategies on the persistence and dynamics of host-pathogen interactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence analyses were used to identify acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) and Kashmir bee virus (KBV) isolated from a single honey bee colony. Most of the bees in this colony carried KBV. Some individual bees also carried ABPV, a coexistence not yet seen between these two viruses. Implications of coinfection on viral efficacy are discussed, along with a restriction enzyme assay that can be used to discriminate between these two widespread viruses.  相似文献   

Detection of multiple viruses in queens of the honey bee Apis mellifera L   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Individual honey bee Apis mellifera L. queens were examined for the presence of six honey bee viruses including acute bee paralysis virus, chronic bee paralysis virus, black queen cell virus, deformed wing virus, Kashmir bee virus, and sacbrood virus. All viruses, except ABPV, were detected in the samples. Among queens examined for virus infections, 93% had multiple virus infections. The detection of viruses in queens raises the possibility of a vertical transmission pathway wherein infected queens can pass virus through their eggs to their offspring.  相似文献   

Summary Using manometric and gas analytical methods oxygen consumption , carbon dioxide production , respiratory quotientRQ, (Fig. 1A-C) and thorax surface temperature difference T ts (Fig. 3) were determined in single bees. The animals were either sitting in respiratory chambers or were suspended by the scutum, in which case they were resting, walking (turning a small polystyrene ball) or flying in a closed miniature wind tunnel.During resting (sitting in Warburg vessels) at an ambient temperatureT a=10°C,RQ was 1.01±0.2 (n=905) with variations due to method (Fig. 1D, E).RQ values during walking were determined in single cases. In no case were they significantly different from 1.00. After the first 10 min of flight meanRQ was 1.00±0.04. It was significantly smaller than 1.00 (RQ=0.97) only during the last 5% of long-time flights (mean flight duration 58.8±28.8 min). With the exception of near-exhaustion conditions no signs of fuels other than carbohydrates were found.Metabolic rateP m was 19.71±21.38 mW g–1 during resting at 20°CT a30°C indicating that many resting bees actively thermoregulate at higherT a. After excluding bees which were actively thermoregulating, by an approximationP m was 5.65±2.44 mW g–1 at 20°CT a30°C. True resting metabolic rate for sitting bees atT a=10°C was 1.31±0.53 mW g–1 (Fig. 2A, B).A significant negative correlation was found between relative (specific) oxygen consumption rel and body massM b at 85 mgM b150 mg.At 0°CT ts16.5°C a significant (-0.01) positive correlation was found between and T ts in single resting bees: T Ts+0.099, or betweenP m and T ts:P m=1.343 T ts+0.581 (Fig. 3D) in ml h–1,P m in mW,T in °C).During walking (duration 13.15±5.71 min,n=13) at 12.5°CT a21°C a stable T ts of 11.41±3.37°C, corresponding to 167 mW g–1, was reached for 80 to 90% of the walking time (Fig. 4B).During wind tunnel flights of tethered animals the minimal metabolic power measured in exhaustion experiments was 240 mW g–1. Calculation of factors of increase inP m is of limited value in poikilotherms, in which true resting conditions are not exactly defined.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(1):101847
The high prevalence of honeybee viral diseases poses a severe threat to the health of honeybees and causes substantial economic losses worldwide. Sacbrood virus (SBV) is a single-strand RNA virus that infects honeybees at all life stages. The infection can shorten the lifespan of adult bees and is lethal to larvae. SBV is the major cause of honeybee losses in Asia. Genetic and phylogenetic analyses of SBV isolates from different areas have been previously conducted. However, the impact of Apis mellifera Linnaeus and Apis cerana Fabricius coexistence on the infection and phylogeny of SBV remains unknown. In this study, we collected A. cerana and A. mellifera samples from commercial apiaries, only A. cerana in mountainous region. SBV prevalence was evaluated in three commercial apiaries of Jinxi, Tonggu and Nanchang and two mountainous regions of Zixi and Yifeng. In our sampling location, we found a higher SBV prevalence in the mountainous regions than in commercial apiaries. Partial structural polyprotein coding sequences were sequenced and compared with other GenBank SBV isolates. Phylogenetic tree topologies showed that SBV isolates form two major groups based on their host specificity, and isolates from same country tend to cluster together in subclades, indicating that the host and geographic region has significant effects on SBV strain specificity.  相似文献   

In recent years, declines in honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies have been observed to varying degrees worldwide with the worst losses in the USA being termed Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Pathogen load and the prevalence of honey bee viruses have been implicated in these losses and many diseased hives have multiple viruses present. We have designed and tested an oligonucleotide microarray which enables the simultaneous detection of nine honey bee viruses: Acute bee paralysis virus, Black queen cell virus, Chronic bee paralysis virus, Deformed wing virus, Kashmir bee virus, Sacbrood virus, Israel acute paralysis virus, Varroa destructor virus 1 and Slow paralysis virus. The microarray can be used to robustly diagnose nine viruses in one test.  相似文献   

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