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By use of X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), circular dichroism, and visible absorption spectroscopies, dromedary carbonmonoxyhemoglobin has been characterized structurally and functionally. By consideration of the experimental results the following view emerges: (i) the quaternary structure is not the unique factor determining the tertiary environment around the heme, and (ii) the multiplicity of interactions between hemoglobin and solvent components induces a large number of globin conformations, which somehow affect the conformation of the heme such that the structural parameters (i.e., the doming of porphyrins, the movements of the iron relative to the heme plane, the distortion of the ligand field, and the change in the Fe-C-O angle) can be uncoupled.  相似文献   

Iron K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra were measured for oxy-forms of cytochrome P-450cam (P-450cam), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and myoglobin (Mb) by using Synchrotoron Radiation of Photon Factory (Tsukuba). A pronounced 1s-4p transition and some fine structures were well-resolved in the spectra obtained. Comparing the spectra, the features at the fine structures termed P, C and D, were similar among the three hemoproteins, suggesting a similar site-symmetry around the heme iron and the same Fe-O-O bond angle (about 115 degrees). On the other hand, absorption features at the edge region (7115-7135 eV) were slightly but significantly different from one another; the absorption intensity at 7115-7125 eV region increased in the order of Mb, HRP and P-450cam, while that at 7125-7135 eV decreased in the same order. A similar absorption feature was also obtained with their deoxy (ferrous high spin) forms. We assumed that the absorption at the lower energy region (7115-7125 eV) reflects the pi-character in the Fe-ligand bond, whereas that at the higher energy region (7125-7135 eV) does the sigma-character, on the basis of the previous and comprehensive studies of the XANES spectroscopy of the adsorbed molecules on the metal surface (McGovern et al. (1989) Handbook on Synchrotoron Radiation, Vol. 2, pp. 467-539). According to our assumption, our XANES results indicated that the pi-character of the Fe-ligand bond increases in the order of Mb, HRP and P-450cam, and that the pi-electron of the thiolate S- in P-450cam is donated to the Fe-O-O moiety, most probably to the antibonding pi* orbital of O2. Such an interpretation is consistent with the experimental findings or data accumulated so far by other methods, such as the resonance Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

An allosteric ribozyme that requires two different effectors to induce catalysis was created using modular rational design. This ribozyme construct comprises five conjoined RNA modules that operate in concert as an obligate FMN- and theophylline-dependent molecular switch. When both effectors are present, this 'binary' RNA switch self-cleaves with a rate enhancement of approximately 300-fold over the rate observed in the absence of effectors. Kinetic and structural studies implicate a switching mechanism wherein FMN binding induces formation of the active ribozyme conformation. However, the binding site for FMN is rendered inactive unless theophylline first binds to its corresponding site and reorganizes the RNA structure. This example of cooperative binding between allosteric effectors reveals a level of structural and functional complexity for RNA that is similar to that observed with allosteric proteins.  相似文献   

We report the effects of allosteric effectors, ATP, CTP and UTP on the kinetics of the quaternary structure change of Escherichia coli ATCase during the enzyme reaction with physiological substrates. Time-resolved, small-angle, X-ray scattering of solutions allows direct observation of structural transitions over the entire time-course of the enzyme reaction initiated by fast mixing of the enzyme and substrates. In the absence of effectors, all scattering patterns recorded during the reaction are consistent with a two-state, concerted transition model, involving no detectable intermediate conformation that differs from the less active, unliganded T-state and the more active, substrate-bound R-state. The latter predominates during the steady-state phase of enzyme catalysis, while the initial T-state is recovered after substrate consumption. The concerted character of the structural transition is preserved in the presence of all effectors. CTP slightly shifts the dynamical equilibrium during a shortened steady state toward T while the additional presence of UTP makes the steady state vanishingly short. The return transition to the T conformation is slowed significantly in the presence of inhibitors, the effect being most severe in the presence of UTP. While ATP increases the apparent T to R rate, it also increases the duration of the steady-state phase, an apparently paradoxical observation. This observation can be accounted for by the greater increase in the association rate constant of aspartate, promoted by ATP, while the nucleotide produces a lesser degree of increase in the dissociation rate constant. Under our experimental conditions, using high concentrations of both enzyme and substrate, it appears that this very mechanism of activation turns the activator into an efficient inhibitor. The scattering patterns recorded in the presence of ATP support the view that ATP alters the quaternary structure of the substrate-bound enzyme, an effect reminiscent of the reported modification of PALA-bound R-state by Mg-ATP.  相似文献   

Differences in the local structure of the heme in the isolated alpha-, beta- and gamma-chains of the adult and fetal human hemoglobin are detected by XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge structure) spectroscopy. The ligand bonding angle to the iron ion in the ligated forms and the displacement of the Fe respect to the porphyrin plane in the deoxy forms are found to be different for each chain.  相似文献   

The O2 binding properties of bovine Hb were examined. The increase in Cl- and DPG concentration enhanced P50. A reduction in n(max) was observed at high Cl- concentration, while DPG had little effect on n(max). An increase in Cl- concentration enhanced the Bohr effect, the magnitude of which reached a maximum at 0.1 M Cl- and 20 degrees C. This concentration is nearly equal to that at the highest slope of the log P50 vs. log [Cl-] plot, and also equal to the physiological Cl- concentration (0.1 M) of bovine blood. Furthermore, the influence of Cl- concentration on the Bohr effect is independent of temperature. On the other hand, in the absence of Cl-, bovine Hb is sensitive to DPG; an increase in DPG concentration enhanced the Bohr effect, which reached a maximum at 3 mM DPG and 20 degrees C. This concentration is nearly equal to that at the highest slope of the log P50 vs. log [DPG] plot. At low DPG concentrations, the DPG effect on the Bohr effect became small with increasing temperature, whereas at high DPG concentrations, the DPG effect was insensitive to temperature changes. At the physiological concentration of DPG (0.5 mM), increases in both Cl- concentration and temperature diminished the DPG effect. At the physiological concentrations of Cl- and DPG, the Bohr effect was -0.36 at 37 degrees C. The deltaH value at the physiological concentrations of Cl- and DPG was approximately -5.8 kcal/mol at pH 7.4. These results indicate that Cl- and temperature are important determinants of the O2 binding properties of bovine Hb.  相似文献   

All members of the human herpesvirus protease (HHV Pr) family are active as weakly associating dimers but inactive as monomers. A small-molecule allosteric inhibitor of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus protease (KSHV Pr) traps the enzyme in an inactive monomeric state where the C-terminal helices are unfolded and the hydrophobic dimer interface is exposed. NMR titration studies demonstrate that the inhibitor binds to KSHV Pr monomers with low micromolar affinity. A 2.0-Å-resolution X-ray crystal structure of a C-terminal truncated KSHV Pr-inhibitor complex locates the binding pocket at the dimer interface and displays significant conformational perturbations at the active site, 15 Å from the allosteric site. NMR and CD data suggest that the small molecule inhibits human cytomegalovirus protease via a similar mechanism. As all HHV Prs are functionally and structurally homologous, the inhibitor represents a class of compounds that may be developed into broad-spectrum therapeutics that allosterically regulate enzymatic activity by disrupting protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Phosphofructokinase (PFKase) was purified from an extreme thermophile. Thermus thermophilus. Allosteric natures of T. thermophilus PFKase is similar to those of Bacillus stearothermophilus PFKase, that is, hyperbolic plots of the activity versus concentration of fructose 6-phosphate (F6P) were changed into a sigmoidal shape by the addition of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), while further addition of ADP caused it to revert to a hyperbolic shape. The native T. thermophilus PFKase has an Mr of 148,000 consisting of four 36,500 subunits. However, it exists as a two-subunit form of Mr 74,000 in the presence of PEP. The two-subunit form was catalytically inactive. The four-subunit enzyme was regenerated by addition of either F6P or Mg.ADP, or by removal of PEP from the solution. This reversible dissociation was observed within a wide range of pH (6.5 to 8.4) and temperature (4 degrees C to 65 degrees C). Thus, unlike PFKase from other sources, the allosteric kinetics of T. thermophilus PFKase can be explained well, at least qualitatively, by the dynamic equilibrium between the active four-subunit form and inactive two-subunit form that is modulated by PEP, F6P and Mg.ADP. Parallel suppression of the PEP-induced conversion in molecular form and kinetics by high concentrations of sulfate and phosphate supports the above explanation. Also, the observation that the degree of PEP inhibition was dependent on the protein concentration of the PFKase in the assay solution is consistent with the presence of this equilibrium.  相似文献   

A highly constrained pseudo-tetrapeptide (OC252-324) further defines a new allosteric binding site located near the center of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. In a crystal structure, pairs of inhibitory molecules bind to opposite faces of the enzyme tetramer. Each ligand molecule is in contact with three of four subunits of the tetramer, hydrogen bonding with the side chain of Asp187 and the backbone carbonyl of residue 71, and electrostatically interacting with the backbone carbonyl of residue 51. The ligated complex adopts a quaternary structure between the canonical R- and T-states of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, and yet a dynamic loop essential for catalysis (residues 52-72) is in a conformation identical to that of the T-state enzyme. Inhibition by the pseudo-tetrapeptide is cooperative (Hill coefficient of 2), synergistic with both AMP and fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, noncompetitive with respect to Mg2+, and uncompetitive with respect to fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The ligand dramatically lowers the concentration at which substrate inhibition dominates the kinetics of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase. Elevated substrate concentrations employed in kinetic screens may have facilitated the discovery of this uncompetitive inhibitor. Moreover, the inhibitor could mimic an unknown natural effector of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, as it interacts strongly with a conserved residue of undetermined functional significance.  相似文献   

Nillius D  Jaenicke E  Decker H 《FEBS letters》2008,582(5):749-754
Phenoloxidases and hemocyanins have similar type 3 copper centers although they perform different functions. Hemocyanins are oxygen carriers, while phenoloxidases (tyrosinase/catecholoxidase) catalyze the initial step in melanin synthesis. Tyrosinases catalyze two subsequent reactions, whereas catecholoxidases catalyze only the second one. Recent results indicate that hemocyanins can also function as phenoloxidases and here we show for the first time that hemocyanin can be converted to phenoloxidase. Furthermore, its substrate specificity can be switched between catecholoxidase and tyrosinase activity depending on effectors such as hydroxymethyl-aminomethan (Tris) and Mg(2+)-ions. This demonstrates that substrate specificity is not caused by a chemical modification of the active site.  相似文献   

The enzyme aspartate transcarbamoylase (ATCase, EC of Escherichia coli), which catalyzes the committed step of pyrimidine biosynthesis, is allosterically regulated by all four ribonucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) in a nonlinear manner. Here, we dissect this regulation using the recently developed approach of random sampling-high-dimensional model representation (RS-HDMR). ATCase activity was measured in vitro at 300 random NTP concentration combinations, each involving (consistent with in vivo conditions) all four NTPs being present. These data were then used to derive a RS-HDMR model of ATCase activity over the full four-dimensional NTP space. The model accounted for 90% of the variance in the experimental data. Its main elements were positive ATCase regulation by ATP and negative by CTP, with the negative effects of CTP dominating the positive ones of ATP when both regulators were abundant (i.e., a negative cooperative effect of ATP x CTP). Strong sensitivity to both ATP and CTP concentrations occurred in their physiological concentration ranges. UTP had only a slight effect, and GTP had almost none. These findings support a predominant role of CTP and ATP in ATCase regulation. The general approach provides a new paradigm for dissecting multifactorial regulation of biological molecules and processes.  相似文献   

Phospholipid-sterol interactions were investigated using parinaric acid fluorescence spectroscopy. Cholesterol and cholesterol analogues which were modified in the sterol nucleus or side chain were added at 50 mol % to multilamellar vesicles of model phospholipids selected to be representative of major components in an LM cell plasma membrane. These included sphingomyelins and saturated and monounsaturated phosphatidylcholines and phosphatidylethanolamines. Based on the changes in cis-parinaric acid steady-state fluorescence polarization observed with addition of sterol, 50 mol % cholesterol abolished the phase transition of all the model phospholipids. Dihydrocholesterol and trans-22-dehydrocholesterol behaved like cholesterol in the two systems studied. 24-Methylcholesterols interacted well with all phospholipids except phosphatidylethanolamine which contained an unsaturated fatty acid. 24-Alkyl,trans-22-dehydrocholesterols abolished the phase transition in only two systems: sphingomyelins and phosphatidylcholines possessing relatively short saturated acyl chains. Since steady-state anisotropy is a function of fluorescence lifetime, rotational diffusion rates, and limiting anisotropy, we determined these parameters for two of the phospholipid systems. The results show that steady-state anisotropy values for phospholipid-sterol interactions correlate closely with limiting anisotropy and to a lesser extent with rotational relaxation time. The behavior of the sterols in the model phospholipids are used to interpret 1) fluorescence polarization measurements made with phospholipids extracted from LM cell plasma membranes, and 2) changes in membrane lipid composition which accompany growth of LM cells on various sterols.  相似文献   

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