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Pathogenic Acanthamoeba are known to infect the CNS, resulting in fatal granulomatous encephalitis. The mechanisms associated with the pathogenesis remain unclear; however pathophysiological complications involving the CNS most likely include induction of pro-inflammatory responses, invasion of the blood-brain barrier and the connective tissue and neuronal damage leading to brain dysfunction. The routes of entry include the olfactory neuroepithelium pathway and/or lower respiratory tract, followed by haematogenous spread. Skin lesions may provide direct entry into the bloodstream, bypassing the lower respiratory tract. For the haematogenous route, entry of amoebae into the CNS most likely occurs at the sites of the blood-brain barrier. Recent studies have identified several molecular mechanisms associated with Acanthamoeba traversal of the blood-brain barrier and targeting those may help develop therapeutic interventions and/or design preventative strategies.  相似文献   

Male rodents that are naturally paternal, like all females, must inhibit infanticide and activate direct parental behavior as they become parents. Males, however, alter their behavior in the absence of parturition, postpartum ovulation and lactation, and therefore do not experience the hormone dynamics associated with such conditions. Paternal males might nevertheless use the same hormones to activate pre-existing maternal behavior pathways in the brain. Positive and inverse associations between prolactin, sex steroids (estradiol, testosterone, progesterone), glucocorticoids, oxytocin and vasopressin and paternal behavior are reviewed. Across biparental rodents (Phodopus campbelli, Peromyscus californicus, Microtus ochrogaster, and Meriones unguiculatus), as well as non-human primates and men, hormone-behavior associations are broadly supported. However, experimental manipulations (largely restricted to P. campbelli) suggest that the co-variation of hormones and paternal behavior is not causal in paternal behavior. Perhaps the hormone-behavior associations shared by P. campbelli and other paternal males are important for other challenges at the same time as fatherhood (e.g., mating during the postpartum estrus). On the other hand, each paternal species might, instead, have unique neuroendocrine pathways to parental behavior. In the latter case, future comparisons might reveal extraordinary plasticity in how the brain forms social bonds and alters behavior in family groups.  相似文献   

The requirement for SOX10 and endothelin-3/EDNRB signalling pathway during enteric nervous system (ENS) and melanocyte development, as well as their alterations in Waardenburg-Hirschsprung disease (hypopigmentation, deafness and absence of enteric ganglia) are well established. Here, we analysed the genetic interactions between these genes during ENS and melanocyte development. Through phenotype analysis of Sox10;Ednrb and Sox10;Edn3 double mutants, we show that a coordinate and balanced interaction between these molecules is required for normal ENS and melanocyte development. Indeed, double mutants present with a severe increase in white spotting, absence of melanocytes within the inner ear, and in the stria vascularis in particular, and more severe ENS defects. Moreover, we show that partial loss of Ednrb in Sox10 heterozygous mice impairs colonisation of the gut by enteric crest cells at all stages observed. However, compared to single mutants, we detected no apoptosis, cell proliferation or overall neuronal or glial differentiation defects in neural crest cells within the stomach of double mutants, but apoptosis was increased in vagal neural crest cells outside of the gut. These data will contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of ENS, pigmentation and hearing defects observed in mouse mutants and patients carrying SOX10, EDN3 and EDNRB mutations.  相似文献   



Triatoma infestans is the main vector of Chagas'disease in Southern Cone countries. In triatomines, symptoms suggesting neurotoxicity were observed after treatment with Jaburetox (Jbtx), the entomotoxic peptide obtained from jackbean urease. Here, we study its effect in the central nervous system (CNS) of this species.


Immunohistochemistry, Western blots, immunoprecipitation, two-dimensional electrophoresis, tandem mass spectrometry and enzymatic assays were performed.


Anti-Jbtx antibody labeled somata of the antennal lobe only in Jbtx-treated insects. Western blot assays of nervous tissue using the same antibody reacted with a 61 kDa protein band only in peptide-injected insects. Combination of immunoprecipitation, two-dimensional electrophoresis and tandem mass spectrometry identified UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (UDP-GlcNAcP) as a molecular target for Jbtx. The activity of UDP-GlcNAcP increased significantly in the CNS of Jbtx-treated insects. The effect of Jbtx on the activity of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and NO production was investigated as NO is a recognized messenger molecule in the CNS of T. infestans. NOS activity and NO levels decreased significantly in CNS homogenates of Jbtx-treated insects.


UDP-GlcNAcP is a molecular target of Jbtx. Jbtx impaired the activity of T. infestans nitrergic system, which may be related with early behavioral effects.

General Significance

We report that the CNS of Triatoma infestans is a target for the entomotoxic peptide and propose that a specific area of the brain is involved. Besides potentially providing tools for control strategies of Chagas' disease vectors our data may be relevant in various fields of research as insect physiology, neurobiology and protein function.  相似文献   

The febrile response and sympathetic nervous response to hypothalamic microinjections of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were investigated in anesthetized rabbits. Microninjection of PGE2 (500–1000 ng) caused an increase in rectal temperature of more than 0.3°C in 13 of 50 loci in the preoptic and anterior hypothalamic area (PO/AH). At 8 of these 13 loci, PGE2 elicited response patterns in the sympathetic nervous system, such as an increase in cutaneous sympathetic nervous activity and decrease in renal sympathetic nervous activity. This pattern of sympathetic nervous responses was induced with a simultaneous increase in rectal temperature of more than 0.5°C. The 8 loci were distributed in the preoptic area, especially in the vicinity of the supraoptic nucleus. Electrolytic lesions of this region were made bilaterally, and intracerebroventricular injection of PGE2 (8 µg/kg) was found to inhibit fever and sympathetic activity. The results demonstrate that the action of PGE2 is responsible for the response patterns of sympathetic twigs during fever. The preoptic area, especially in the vicinity of the supraoptic nucleus, is most sensitive to PGE2 for the patternized response of sympathetic neurons and fever.  相似文献   

Adaptive animal behaviors depend upon the precise development of the nervous system that underlies them. In Drosophila melanogaster, the pan-neural prospero gene (pros), is involved in various aspects of neurogenesis including cell cycle control, axonal outgrowth, neuronal and glial cell differentiation. As these results have been generally obtained with null pros mutants inducing embryonic lethality, the role of pros during later development remains poorly known. Using several pros-Voila (prosV) alleles, that induce multiple developmental and behavioral anomalies in the larva and in adult, we explored the relationship between these phenotypes and the variation of pros expression in 5 different neural regions during pre-imaginal development. We found that the quantity of pros mRNA spliced variants and of Pros protein varied between these alleles in a tissue-specific and developmental way. Moreover, in prosV1 and prosV13 alleles, the respective decrease or increase of pros expression, affected (i) neuronal and glial cell composition, (ii) cell proliferation and death and (iii) axonal-dendritic outgrowth in a stage and cellular context dependant way. The various phenotypic consequences induced during development, related to more or less subtle differences in gene expression, indicate that Pros level needs a precise and specific adjustment in each neural organ to allow its proper function.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) signaling is involved in numerous physiological processes in mollusks, e.g., learning and memory, feeding behavior, neural development, and defence response. We report the first molecular cloning of NOS mRNA from a cephalopod, the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (SoNOS). SoNOS was cloned using a strategy that involves hybridization of degenerate PCR primers to highly conserved NOS regions, combined with RACE procedure. Two splicing variants of SoNOS, differing by 18 nucleotides, were found in the nervous system and the ink gland of Sepia. In situ hybridization shows that SoNOS is expressed in the immature and mature cells of the ink gland and in the regions of the nervous system that are related to the ink defence system.  相似文献   

The product of the Drosophila gene tribbles inhibits cell division in the ventral furrow of the embryo and thereby allows the normal prosecution of gastrulation. Cell division is also absent in involuting dorsal mesoderm during gastrulation in Xenopus, and to ask whether the two species employ similar mechanisms to coordinate morphogenesis and the cell cycle, we isolated a putative Xenopus homologue of tribbles which we call Xtrb2. Extensive cDNA cloning identified long and short forms of Xtrb2, termed Xtrb2-L and Xtrb2-S, respectively. Xtrb2 is expressed maternally and in mesoderm and ectoderm at blastula and gastrula stages. Later, it is expressed in dorsal neural tube, eyes, and cephalic neural crest. Time-lapse imaging of GFP-tagged Xtrb2-L suggests that during cell division, it is associated with mitotic spindles. Knockdown of Xtrb2 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides (MOs) disrupted synchronous cell divisions during blastula stages, apparently as a result of delayed progression through mitosis and cytokinesis. At later stages, tissues expressing the highest levels of Xtrb2 were most markedly affected by morpholino knockdown, with perturbation of neural crest and eye development.  相似文献   

Glial cells are the most abundant cells in the central nervous system and play crucial roles in neural development, homeostasis, immunity, and conductivity. Over the past few decades, glial cell activity in mammals has been linked to circadian rhythms, the 24-h chronobiological clocks that regulate many physiological processes. Indeed, glial cells rhythmically express clock genes that cell-autonomously regulate glial function. In addition, recent findings in rodents have revealed that disruption of the glial molecular clock could impact the entire organism. In this review, we discuss the impact of circadian rhythms on the function of the three major glial cell types – astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes – across different locations within the central nervous system. We also review recent evidence uncovering the impact of glial cells on the body's circadian rhythm. Together, this sheds new light on the involvement of glial clock machinery in various diseases.  相似文献   

Throughout development cell-cell interactions are of pivotal importance. Cells bind to each other or share information via secreted signaling molecules. To a large degree, these processes are modulated by post-translational modifications of membrane proteins. Glycan-chains are frequently added to membrane proteins and assist their exact function at the cell surface. In addition, the glycosylation pathway is required to generate GPI-linkage in the endoplasmatic reticulum. Here, we describe the analysis of the cabrio/mummy gene, which encodes an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine diphosphorylase. This is a well-conserved and central enzyme in the glycosylation pathway. As expected from this central role in glycosylation, cabrio/mummy mutants show many phenotypic traits ranging from CNS fasciculation defects to defects in dorsal closure and eye development. These phenotypes correlate well with specific glycosylation and GPI-anchorage defects in mummy mutants.  相似文献   

Three infants presenting with severe cases of infantile botulism, occurring at 17, 30, and 180 days of life, respectively, are described in this report. All three infants presented with areflexive flaccid coma or apnoeas requiring prolonged ventilation. In serum, type B botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT/B) was detected in two cases and BoNT/A in the third case, confirming the diagnosis of infantile botulism. Despite constant nursing and monitoring, the recovery of motility was progressive, but finally complete. Dysautonomia, measured by recording heart rate variability (HRV), persisted beyond observable physical recovery. Dysautonomia was assessed using a time-domain analysis of the continuous electrocardiogram response (via non-invasive weekly 24 h Holters), which included sympathetic (SDNN) and parasympathetic indices (RMS-SD, pNN50). In all three of our patients, we observed an initial hypotonic period and a major decrease in all HRV indices. Despite observable recovery shortly after extubation, HRV time domain indices remained altered for many weeks. Because of the close monitoring afforded by hospitalization, this change in autonomic function was not accompanied by syncope, complications arising from ventricular arrhythmia, or sudden death. Our observations have important clinical implications since they emphasize the importance of pursuing cardiopulmonary monitoring following apparent functional recovery from the BoNTs.  相似文献   

Summary The topography of oxytocin (OT)- and vasopressin (VP)-containing axons of the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system was studied in the neurohypophysis of the Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) by means of immunohistochemistry. Compared with other mammalian species, the neurohypophysis of Phodopus shows some peculiarities. Accumulations of OT-immunoreactivity around the distal vessels of the primary portal plexus can be observed in the distal median eminence and neural stem. This staining pattern indicates that OT is secreted into portal blood. In the neural lobe, OT- and VP-immunopositive fibers terminate in different areas. The vast majority of the OT-containing axons is distributed in the dorsal part of the neural lobe. In contrast, VP-containing axons are mainly found in the centre of the neural lobe up to the pars intermedia.  相似文献   

Zebrafish lacking functional sox10 have defects in non-ectomesenchymal neural crest derivatives including the enteric nervous system (ENS) and as such provide an animal model for human Waardenburg Syndrome IV. Here, we characterize zebrafish phox2b as a functionally conserved marker of the developing ENS. We show that morpholino-mediated knockdown of Phox2b generates fish modeling Hirschsprung disease. Using markers, including phox2b, we investigate the ontogeny of the sox10 ENS phenotype. As previously shown for melanophore development, ENS progenitor fate specification fails in these mutant fish. However, in addition, we trace back the sox10 mutant ENS defect to an even earlier time point, finding that most neural crest cells fail to migrate ventrally to the gut primordium.  相似文献   

mRNA存在多种转录后修饰,这些修饰调控mRNA的稳定和剪接、翻译、转运等多个过程,进而影响细胞发育、机体免疫、学习认知等重要生理功能。其中m6A修饰是转录后修饰中最丰富的一种,广泛存在于mRNA中,调控mRNA的代谢活动,影响基因表达。m6A修饰的稳态对神经系统的发育和功能维持至关重要。近年研究发现,在神经退行性疾病、精神疾病和脑肿瘤中均存在m6A修饰的身影。因此本文对近几年m6A甲基化修饰在中枢神经系统发育、功能及相关疾病中的作用进行总结,为神经系统疾病提供潜在的临床治疗靶点。  相似文献   

The structure and organization of the nervous system has been documented for various helminth parasites. However, the neuroanatomy of the carcinogenic liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini has not been described. This study therefore investigated the organization of the nervous system of this fluke using cholinesterase activity, aminergic and peptidergic (FMRFamide-like peptides) immunostaining to tag major neural elements. The nervous system, as detected by acetylcholinesterase (AchE) reaction, was similar in newly excysted metacercariae, migrating juveniles and adult parasites. In these stages, there were three pairs (dorsal, ventral and lateral) of bilaterally symmetrical longitudinal nerve cords and two cerebral ganglia. The ventral nerve cords and the cerebral ganglia were well-developed and exhibited strong AchE reactivity, as well as aminergic and FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity. Numerous immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were observed around the inner surface of the ventral sucker. Fine FMRFamide-like peptides immunopositive nerve fiber was rarely observed. Overall, the organization of the nervous system of O. viverrini is similar to other trematodes.  相似文献   

The achaete-scute complex of Drosophila has been the focus of extensive genetic and developmental analysis. Of the four genes at this locus, achaete and scute appear to act redundantly to specify the peripheral nervous system. They share cis-regulatory elements and are co-expressed at the same locations. A mutation removing scute activity has been previously described; it causes a loss of some sensory bristles. Thus, when Scute is absent, the activity of achaete allows formation of the remaining bristles. However, all existing achaete mutants are rearrangements affecting regulatory sequences common to both achaete and scute. To determine the level of redundancy between the two genes, we have used a P element approach to generate a null allele of achaete, which leaves scute and all cis-regulatory elements intact. We find that the peripheral nervous system of achaete null mutant larvae and imagos lacks any detectable phenotype. However, when the levels of Scute are limiting, then some sensory organs are missing in achaete mutant flies. achaete and scute are thought to have arisen from a duplication event about 100 Myr ago. The difference between achaete and scute null flies is surprising and raises the question of the retention of both genes during the course of evolution.  相似文献   

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