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When a vitrified sample is heated over the glass transition temperature it may start to devitrify endangering the sample. The ability to estimate the stability of the vitrified state can help in the development of new vitrification media as well as handling procedures. By employing differential scanning calorimetry, we can measure the ice crystallization rate in a vitrified sample and thus study the devitrification kinetics. Using this technique, we have studied samples comprised of PBS with cryoprotective additives (CPA) as dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), ethylene glycol (EG) and mixtures thereof, regarding the dependence of the devitrification kinetics on the CPA concentration. We found that already small concentration changes lead to significant changes in the devitrification times. Changing the CPA concentration by 4 wt% changed the devitrification time with a factor of 342 and 271 for Me2SO and EG, respectively. Concentration changes in EG/Me2SO mixtures was found to have a smaller impact on the devitrification kinetics compared to the pure CPA samples. Our data suggest that these significant increases in the devitrification times are primarily due to a relation between nucleation rates and the CPA concentration. Finally, we investigated an established vitrification medium used to preserve human embryonic stem cells. This medium was found to have the poorest glass stability in this study and reflects the tradeoff between stability and biocompatibility. The present work finally provides a tool to evaluate handling and storage procedures when employing vitrification as a cryopreservation method and underlines the importance of these.  相似文献   

To promote the recovery of cells that undergo intracellular ice formation (IIF), it is imperative that the recrystallization of intracellular ice is minimized. Hepatocytes are more prone to IIF than most mammalian cells, and thus we assessed the ability of novel small molecule carbohydrate-based ice recrystallization inhibitors (IRIs) to permeate and function within hepatocytes. HepG2 monolayers were treated with N-(4-chlorophenyl)-d-gluconamide (IRI 1), N-(2-fluorophenyl)-d-gluconamide (IRI 2), or para-methoxyphenyl-β-D-glycoside (IRI 3) and fluorescent cryomicroscopy was used for real time visualization of intracellular ice recrystallization. Both IRI 2 and IRI 3 reduced rates of intracellular recrystallization, whereas IRI 1 did not. IRI 2 and IRI 3, however, demonstrated a marked reduction in efficiency in the presence of the most frequently used permeating cryoprotectants (CPAs): glycerol, propylene glycol (PG), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and ethylene glycol (EG). Nevertheless, IRI 3 reduced rates of intracellular recrystallization relative to CPA-only controls in the presence of glycerol, PG, and DMSO. Interestingly, IRI preparation in trehalose, a commonly used non-permeating CPA, did not impact the activity of IRI 3. However, trehalose did increase the activity of IRI 1 while decreasing that of IRI 2. While this study suggests that each of these compounds could prove relevant in hepatocyte cryopreservation protocols where IIF would be prominent, CPA-mediated modulation of intracellular IRI activity is apparent and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Limbal stem cell (LSC) deficiency causes progressive loss of vision but may be treated by transplant of autologous LSCs. Cryopreservation has the potential to indefinitely extend the lifespan of LSCs allowing re-transplant in case of graft failure. In this study, we aimed to identify the optimal cryoprotectant and cryoprotectant concentration for LSC cultures. Suspension cultures derived from cadaveric corneoscleral rims were cooled to 4 °C with Me2SO, propylene glycol or ethylene glycol at a concentration of 5%, 10% or 15%. Cell tolerance was measured in terms of membrane integrity, colony-forming efficiency and alamarBlue® reduction. Increasing cryoprotectant concentration above 5% reduced membrane integrity, metabolism and colony-forming efficiency. Cryoprotectant choice did not significantly influence these characteristics. Cells demonstrating Side Population were maintained after cryopreservation with 5% propylene glycol in vapour phase liquid nitrogen for 1 week, indicating that cryopreservation of LSCs with relatively low cryoprotectant concentration (5%) has promise in low-temperature eye banking.  相似文献   

Fahy GM  Wowk B  Wu J  Paynter S 《Cryobiology》2004,48(1):22-35
Long-term preservation of complex engineered tissues and organs at cryogenic temperatures in the absence of ice has been prevented to date by the difficulty of discovering combinations of cryoprotectants that are both sufficiently non-toxic and sufficiently stable to allow viability to be maintained and ice formation to be avoided during slow cooling to the glass transition temperature and subsequent slow rewarming. A new theory of the origin of non-specific cryoprotectant toxicity was shown to account, in a rabbit renal cortical slice model, for the toxicities of 20 vitrification solutions and to permit the design of new solutions that are dramatically less toxic than previously known solutions for diverse biological systems. Unfertilized mouse ova vitrified with one of the new solutions were successfully fertilized and regained 80% of the absolute control (untreated) rate of development to blastocysts, whereas ova vitrified in VSDP, the best previous solution, developed to blastocysts at a rate only 30% of that of controls. Whole rabbit kidneys perfused at -3 degrees C with another new solution at a concentration of cryoprotectant (8.4M) that was previously 100% lethal at this temperature exhibited no damage after transplantation and immediate contralateral nephrectomy. It appears that cryoprotectant solutions that are composed to be at the minimum concentrations needed for vitrification at moderate cooling rates are toxic in direct proportion to the average strength of water hydrogen bonding by the polar groups on the permeating cryoprotectants in the solution. Vitrification solutions that are based on minimal perturbation of intracellular water appear to be superior and provide new hope that the successful vitrification of natural organs as well as tissue engineered or clonally produced organ and tissue replacements can be achieved.  相似文献   

Siow LF  Rades T  Lim MH 《Cryobiology》2008,(3):276-285
Cryo-responses of two types of large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) that were made from either egg yolk l-α-phosphatidylcholine (EPC) or 1,2-dipalmitoyl-rac-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), in the presence of non-permeable or permeable cryoprotective agents (CPA) was investigated. Partial ternary phase diagrams of CPA–salt–water with specific CPA to salt ratio (R), were constructed to estimate the phase volume of ice and unfrozen matrix of the LUV dispersion, which could aid in understanding the mechanistic actions of CPA. Leakage of both EPC and DPPC LUV was reduced if the sugar concentrations are above 10% (w/w) for disaccharides and 5% (w/w) for monosaccharides. Above these sugar concentrations, non-permeable CPA were more effective in preventing leakage of DPPC LUV than in EPC LUV. Below these sugar concentrations, EPC and DPPC LUV with limited mobility in the remaining unfrozen matrix were more likely to approach and interact with one and another, which were not anticipated when the LUV were completely embedded in the ice matrix. In the presence of Me2SO or EG, EPC LUV that had been subjected to freezing and thawing processes were protected from leakage. At room temperature, Me2SO and EG were detrimental to the DPPC LUV. This study suggests that the choice of CPA for cell cryopreservation depends on the type of phospholipids in plasma membranes, which vary in their acyl chain length and gel–liquid crystal phase transition temperature.  相似文献   

Cryoprotective agents (CPAs) are used in cryopreservation protocols to achieve vitrification. However, the high CPA concentrations required to vitrify a tissue such as articular cartilage are a major drawback due to their cellular toxicity. Oxidation is one factor related to CPA toxicity to cells and tissues. Addition of antioxidants has proven to be beneficial to cell survival and cellular functions after cryopreservation. Investigation of additives for mitigating cellular CPA toxicity will aid in developing successful cryopreservation protocols. The current work shows that antioxidant additives can reduce the toxic effect of CPAs on porcine chondrocytes. Our findings showed that chondroitin sulphate, glucosamine, 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine and ascorbic acid improved chondrocyte cell survival after exposure to high concentrations of CPAs according to a live-dead cell viability assay. In addition, similar results were seen when additives were added during CPA removal and articular cartilage sample incubation post CPA exposure. Furthermore, we found that incubation of articular cartilage in the presence of additives for 2 days improved chondrocyte recovery compared with those incubated for 4 days. The current results indicated that the inclusion of antioxidant additives during exposure to high concentrations of CPAs is beneficial to chondrocyte survival and recovery in porcine articular cartilage and provided knowledge to improve vitrification protocols for tissue banking of articular cartilage.  相似文献   

Fahy GM  Wowk B  Wu J  Phan J  Rasch C  Chang A  Zendejas E 《Cryobiology》2004,48(2):157-178
The cryopreservation of organs became an active area of research in the 1950s as a result of the rediscovery of the cryoprotective properties of glycerol by Polge, Smith, and Parkes in 1949. Over the ensuing four decades of research in this area, the advantages of vitrification, or ice-free cryopreservation, have become apparent. To date, experimental attempts to apply vitrification methods to vascularized whole organs have been confined almost entirely to the rabbit kidney. Using techniques available as of 1997, it was possible to vitrify blood vessels and smaller systems with reasonable success, but not whole organs. Beginning in 1998, a series of novel advances involving the control of cryoprotectant toxicity, nucleation, crystal growth, and chilling injury began to provide the tools needed to achieve success. Based on these new findings, we were first able to show that an 8.4M solution (VMP) designed to prevent chilling injury at -22 degrees C was entirely non-toxic to rabbit kidneys when perfused at -3 degrees C and permitted perfusion-cooling to -22 degrees C with only mild additional damage. We next investigated the ability of the kidney to tolerate a 9.3M solution known as M22, which does not devitrify when warmed from below -150 degrees C at 1 degrees C/min. When M22 was added and removed at -22 degrees C, it was sometimes [corrected] fatal, but when it was perfused for 25min at -22 degrees C and washed out simultaneously with warming, postoperative renal function recovered fully. When kidneys loaded with M22 at -22 degrees C were further cooled to an average intrarenal temperature of about -45 degrees C (about halfway through the putative temperature zone of increasing vulnerability to chilling injury), all kidneys supported life after transplantation and returned creatinine values to baseline, though after a higher transient creatinine peak. However, medullary, papillary, and pelvic biopsies taken from kidneys perfused with M22 for 25min at -22 degrees C were found to devitrify when vitrified and rewarmed at 20 degrees C/min in a differential scanning calorimeter. It remains to be determined whether this devitrification is seriously damaging and whether it can be suppressed by improving cryoprotectant distribution to more weakly perfused regions of the kidney or by rewarming at higher rates. In conclusion, although the goal of organ vitrification remains elusive, the prospects for success have never been more promising.  相似文献   

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