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Abstract— d -Aspartate oxidase activity has been measured in water extracts of acetone powders prepared from cat forebrain, cerebellum and spinal cord, rat brain, hog brain and sheep brain stem, and compared with that found in rabbit and cat kidney. The results suggest that the brain enzyme has very similar properties to the n-aspartate oxidase ( d -aspartate: oxygen oxidorcductase (deaminating), EC of kidney. Crude extracts (ammonium sulphate fractions of water extracts of acetone powders) displayed little activity without added FAD. FMN could not replace FAD. With oxygen as electron acceptor, the enzyme oxidized d -aspartate much more rapidly than d -glutamate, and displayed quite high activities with N -substituted derivatives of d -aspartate as substrates. Those amino acids susceptible to oxidation by d -amino acid oxidase were not oxidized by the d -aspartate oxidase. The regional distribution of the d -aspartate oxidase activity within the CNS differed from that of d -amino acid oxidase. As has been previously observed for kidney d -aspartate oxidase activity, dicarboxylic acids competitively inhibited this enzymic activity in brain extracts, while sodium benzoate and sodium barbitone, inhibitors of d -amino acid oxidase, were without effect.  相似文献   

A technique has been outlined for identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures of CNS proteins. Myelin basic proteins can be recognized easily by high cathodic mobility at low pH, a unique electrophoretic pattern exhibited at high pH and a characteristic colour when complexed with Amido black. The major protein extracted at pH 3·0 from either brain or spinal cord is myelin basic protein. In the low pH electrophoretic pattern of these extracts it is the most conspicuous component and the component migrating farthest cathodically; it does not appear in comparable electrophoretic patterns of liver extracts. Guinea pig myelin basic protein appears as a single dense blue-green band in low pH electrophoretic patterns, in contrast to the other proteins which are stained greyish-blue or greyish-purple by Amido black. The pattern of rat myelin basic protein is similar except that it consists of a pair of dense blue-green bands. A third characteristic which facilitates the identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures is a considerable cathodic mobility and electrophoretic heterogeneity at pH 10·6. Most other basic CNS proteins barely penetrate the gel at this pH. We have also examined in detail the behaviour of two other components of pH 3·0 extracts which migrate close to myelin basic protein at low pH. Both are present in pH 3·0 extracts of liver and brain but not of spinal cord, and both stain grey instead of blue-green, a characteristic which readily distinguishes them from myelin basic protein. Neither of these components affects the characteristic pattern of microheterogeneity observed in high pH electrophoretograms of myelin basic proteins. One of these components has been purified and tentatively identified as lysine-rich histone F1.  相似文献   

Abstract— The regional and subcellular distribution of the glycine decarboxylation which occurs in the presence of tetrahydrofolate, NAD and pyridoxal phosphate, has been measured in CNS tissue of cat, sheep and rat. The activity appeared similar to that of liver. It was located within mitochondria, and distributed regionally and subcellularly in the same manner as succinate dehydrogenase, a mitochondrial marker. Activity was low in pons, medulla and spinal cord, and was not affected by a number of drugs, some of which excite and some of which depress the activity of the CNS. All evidence suggests that glycine decarboxylation plays no direct role in glycine inhibitory transmission.  相似文献   

It was attempted to preserve the water distribution in central nervous tissue by rapid freezing followed by substitution fixation at low temperature. The vermis of the cerebellum of white mice was frozen by bringing it into contact with a polished silver mirror maintained at a temperature of about -207°C. The tissue was subjected to substitution fixation in acetone containing 2 per cent OsO4 at -85°C for 2 days, and then prepared for electron microscopy by embedding in Maraglas, sectioning, and staining with lead citrate or uranyl acetate and lead. Cerebellum frozen within 30 seconds of circulatory arrest was compared with cerebellum frozen after 8 minutes' asphyxiation. From impedance measurements under these conditions, it could be expected that in the former tissue the electrolyte and water distribution is similar to that in the normal, oxygenated cerebellum, whereas in the asphyxiated tissue a transport of water and electrolytes into the intracellular compartment has taken place. Electron micrographs of tissue frozen shortly after circulatory arrest revealed the presence of an appreciable extracellular space between the axons of granular layer cells. Between glia, dendrites, and presynaptic endings the usual narrow clefts and even tight junctions were found. Also the synaptic cleft was of the usual width (250 to 300 A). In asphyxiated tissue, the extracellular space between the axons is either completely obliterated (tight junctions) or reduced to narrow clefts between apposing cell surfaces.  相似文献   

—Rat brain d -amino acid oxidase was found to be confined to the hindbrain, distributed more or less equally between cerebellum and medulla. Histochemical staining showed the enzyme to be localized largely in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. After fractionation by means of several distinct density gradient centrifugation procedures exploiting differences in sedimentation coefficient or in density or in both, the enzyme was found to be entirely or almost entirely associated with cytoplasmic particles with a median diameter of the order of 0·2 μm, and a median equilibrium density in aqueous sucrose of 1·18. Comparison with the behavior of cytochrome oxidase and of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase indicates that these particles are not mitochondria and are unlikely to be lysosomes. They also differ significantly from the bulk of the catalase-containing particles, which on an average appear to be somewhat smaller. The possibility that they might contain some catalase activity, and thereby qualify as ‘peroxisomes’, can however not be excluded. In any case, they differ profoundly from the peroxisomes of liver or kidney.  相似文献   

—Using a simple apparatus designed to perfuse nervous tissue mini-slices retained on glass fibre filter discs, slices of adult (13 week) rat cerebral cortex and spinal cord were shown to release radioactive GABA and glycine, but not 2-amino-isobutyric acid, in response to increased potassium ion concentration of the perfusing medium. A major portion of this potassium-stimulated release was dependent upon the presence of calcium ions in the perfusing medium. Slices of cerebral cortex and spinal cord from rats of 1 day and 10 days postnatal age showed potassium-stimulated, calcium-dependent release of radioactive GABA and glycine respectively. These findings are consistent with other evidence that GABA and glycine are functioning as inhibitory transmitters in rats at least as soon as 1 day after birth.  相似文献   

Abstract— The staining pattern of acid ribonuclease activity in the nervous tissues of rats has been studied with different fixatives and incubation media. Certain modifications in the method adopted (V orbrodt , 1961) produced a definite improvement in the localization as well as distinct subcellular distribution at the pHs studied. The modifications introduced consisted of preincubation of tissue sections with prostatic acid phosphatase, omission of acid phosphatase from the standard incubation medium and its addition at a later stage of incubation. This avoids much of the diffused cytoplasmic and filamentous background staining at pH 5.2–5.8, eliminates the irregular nuclear staining at pH 4.5 and replaces the strong nuclear positivity at pH 5.2 by a fine granular dispersion.
A study of the enzyme activity of subcellular fractions at the different pHs used was performed to confirm the histochemical localization.  相似文献   

Abstract— High affinity uptake systems for GABA into slices of cerebral cortex and for glycine into slices of spinal cord have been demonstrated in rats of 1 and 10 days postnatal age and compared with the systems in tissue slices from adult rats. For both systems there was an increase in the maximal rate of uptake of the substrate with development. For glycine uptake there was no significant change in apparent Km during development, whereas there was a four-fold increase in the apparent Km for GABA uptake. There were some changes with development in the apparent substrate specificity of the two systems suggesting increased specificity with maturation. Bicuculline and strychnine, antagonists of the postsynaptic inhibitory actions of GABA and glycine, produced convulsions in 1-, 2- and 10-day-old rats following intraperitoneal injection of doses somewhat lower than those required to convulse adult rats. These findings are consistent with other evidence that glycine and GABA are functioning as inhibitory transmitters at least as soon as 1 day after birth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Of the amino acids found in the CNS of 10-day-old rats the concentration of glycine alone was significantly higher in the spinal cord than in all other regions. Spinal levels of glycine, cystathionine, isoleucine and lysine from 1- and 10-day-old rats did not differ significantly from adult values, whereas the levels of most other amino acids, including GABA, glutamate, glutamine and taurine, were higher in the young animals than in the adults. Aspartate was the only amino acid found in lower concentration in the spinal cord of young animals than in adult animals. These and other observations support the conclusion that glycine is used as an inhibitory transmitter in rat spinal cord early in postnatal life. There was a general decrease in the activity of serine hydroxymethyltransferase and a slight increase in the activity of glycine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase in the CNS during development. The activity of neither enzyme correlated on a regional basis with the glycine content. The high level of hydroxymethyltransferase activity in the cerebellum of 10-day-old rats suggests that the activity of this enzyme reflects cell growth rate.  相似文献   

—The regional distributions of serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) and glycine transaminase (GT) have been determined in five areas of the CNS of the rat. The SHMT activity per mg protein varied in these areas in the following order: medulia-pons and spinal cord > cerebellum > midbrain > telencephalon. The GT activity per mg protein was essentially the same in the four brain areas, whereas, in the spinal cord it was lower. The activity of GT did not correlate with the glycine content (r=?0.45. P > 0.05). However, SHMT activity per mg protein was correlated with the glycine content in four regions (the telencephalon, midbrain, medulla-pons and spinal cord; r= 0.997, P < 0.05). When the activity of SHMT was expressed per relative number of mitochondria, the enzyme levels were correlated with the glycine content in all five areas (r= 0.952, P < 0.05). The distribution of SHMT was determined in the primary subcellular fractions of the CNS. The SHMT activity in these areas of the CNS appeared to be located predominately in paniculate structures, while only 1 to 4 per cent was found in the soluble fraction. The crude nuclear (P1) and the crude mitochondrial (P2) fractions contained 90–97 per cent of the activity. Subfractionation of P2 pellets obtained from the telencephalon, medulla-pons and spinal cord indicated the SHMT activity was localized in both ‘free’ and occluded mitochondria.  相似文献   

The expression of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in a variety of mammalian cells has been investigated employing tryptamine as substrate. The enzyme present in those cell lines having sufficient activity for detailed analysis exhibited a monophasic response to the inhibitor clorgyline. On this basis the cell lines examined were found to express only A, or only B, type activity. Hypoxanthineguanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) deficient derivatives of both MAO type A, or MAOtype B, expressing cells were examined. The HGPRT status of the cells appeared to have little influence on the expression of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Peptido-serotonin complexes are formed on incubation of pig hypothalamic tissue extracts with acetyl-aspartate, the amino acids glu. ser, gly and ala. an ATP-regenerating system and serotonin. The purification and partial characterisation of two acetyl-aspartyl-peptido-serotonin complexes is described.  相似文献   

A dual-channel integrating micro-flame-photometer was evaluated for simultaneous analysis of sodium and potassium in aqueous extracts from nanogram samples of frozen-dried mammalian nervous tissue. Calibrated quartz constriction micropipettes delivered 10−8 l. of extraction fluid to a 100 μ platinum-iridium wire for insertion directly into the flame. Over-all reproducibility was 4 per cent for twenty samples containing 6.5 × 10−11 g K and 2.2 × 10−11 g Na. Large amounts of anions decreased the emissions for both sodium and potassium, but no interference between sodium and potassium was found over the range adopted for biological analyses. The micro-flame-photometer gave results for a few nanolitres of aqueous extracts of brain homogenates which were within 3-5 per cent of those obtained on larger volumes with a conventional flame photometer. Macroanalysis and microanalyses of microgram quantities of frozen-dried tissue sections of cerebral cortex were also in agreement. Nanogram samples from frozen-dried spinal ganglia of a rabbit gave average values for sodium and potassium (calculated/g wet wt.) which were similar to those for aqueous extracts of rabbit brain homogenates. Samples from peripheral ganglia in vivo, 10 minpost mortem and 20 min post mortem had significantly different average K/Na ratios of 1.97, 2.64 and 3.23, respectively.  相似文献   

—The effect of 4-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) on cerebral glucose metabolism has been studied. GHB increases the glucose level, decreases the lactate concentration and diminishes the incorporation of glucose carbon into glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid and GABA in the brain of the rat in a state of general anaesthesia. The data reported here suggest that GHB interferes in the metabolism of glucose in brain.  相似文献   

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