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The nucleotide sequence from about 100 base-pairs downstream to about 600 base pairs upstream the CloDF13 replication origin has been determined. A comparison of this sequence with the corresponding ColE1 origin sequence reveals that: The sequence at the origin of replication is conserved. There are large differences in the nucleotide sequence downstream the replication origin, whereas there is a large homology in the region of about 410 base-pairs upstream the replication origin. This conserved region might code for a largely homologous basic, arginine rich polypeptide of about 45 amino-acids, for both ColE1 and CloDF13. Although there are large differences in the primary structure of the region coding for the 100 nucleotide RNA, the secondary structure of this region seems to be conserved.  相似文献   

M Skaugen 《Plasmid》1989,22(2):175-179
The complete nucleotide sequence of a cryptic plasmid isolated from a Lactobacillus plantarum strain has been determined. The plasmid, designated pC30i1, has a molecular size of 2140 bp and a GC content of 37%. The sequence contains one major open reading frame (ORF R) of 951 bp, encoding a basic polypeptide of 317 amino acids, and a molecular weight of 36,956. ORF R shows extensive sequence similarity with genes coding for replication-associated proteins in a group of gram-positive plasmids known to replicate via single-stranded intermediates (ssDNA plasmids), and a stretch of 9 amino acids in the translation of ORF R closely matches a conserved region in these proteins, as well as the active site of the phi X174 Rep protein. Sequences similar to the ssDNA plasmid origins of replication are also present in the pC30i1 sequence, strengthening the hypothesis that pC30i1 belongs to the ssDNA plasmid family. The other main feature of the pC30i1 sequence is a noncoding region consisting of 14 direct, imperfect repeats of a 17-bp sequence, which may have an incompatibility function.  相似文献   

T Garnier  S T Cole 《Plasmid》1988,19(2):134-150
The complete nucleotide sequence of the bacteriocinogenic plasmid, pIP404, from Clostridium perfringens has been determined. The plasmid genome comprises 10,207 bp and has a dA + dT content of 75%. Functions have been tentatively assigned to 6 of the 10 open reading frames and an origin-like region of repeated sequence identified. The codon usage of this extremely dA + dT rich plasmid is highly unusual and displays a pronounced preference for codons with the lowest dG + dC content. Only one of the genes from pIP404 was expressed at a significant level in Escherichia coli, suggesting that the atypical codon usage could represent a major obstacle to heterologous gene expression.  相似文献   

The mobilization region of plasmid CloDF13 was localized to a 3.6 kb DNA segment that was analysed by transposon mutagenesis and DNA sequencing. Analysis of the DNA sequence allowed us to identify two mobilization genes and the CloDF13 origin of conjugative transfer (oriT), which was localized to a 661 bp segment at one end of the mobilization (Mob) region. Thus, the overall organization was oriT-mobB-mobC. Plasmid CloDF13 DNA was isolated mainly as a relaxed form that contained a unique strand and site-specific cleavage site (nic). The position of nic was mapped to the sequence 5'-GGGTG/GTCGGG-3' by primer extension and sequencing reactions. Analysis of Mob- insertion mutants showed that mobC was essential for CloDF13 relaxation in vivo. The sequence of mobC predicts a protein (MobC) of 243 amino acids without significant similarity to previously reported relaxases. In addition to MobC, the product of mobB was also required for CloDF13 mobilization and for oriT relaxation in vivo. mobB codes for a protein (MobB) of 653 amino acids with three predicted transmembrane segments at the N-terminus and the NTP-binding motifs characteristic of the TraG family of conjugative coupling proteins. Membership of the TraG family was confirmed by the fact that CloDF13 mobilization by plasmid R388 was independent of TrwB and only required PILW. However, contrary to the activities found for other coupling proteins, MobB was required for efficient oriT cleavage in vivo, suggesting an additional role for this particular protein during oriT processing for mobilization. Additionally, the cleavage site produced by the joint activities of MobB and MobC was shown to contain unblocked ends, suggesting that no stable covalent intermediates between relaxase and DNA were formed during the nic cleavage reaction. This is the first report of a conjugative transfer system in which nic cleavage results in a free nicked-DNA intermediate.  相似文献   

Summary The complete nucleotide sequence of the colicinogenic plasmid ColA has been determined. The plasmid DNA consists of 6720 bp (molecular weight 4.48×106). Fifteen putative biological functions have been identified using the functional map previously determined. These include 11 genes and 3 DNA sites. Nine genes encode proteins of which 3 have been fully characterized. The replication region of ColA coding for RNAI and RNAII is highly homologous to that of ColE1 andClo DF13. The same holds true for the site-specific recombination region containing palindromic symmetry and involved in stable maintenance of the plasmids. A high percentage of homology has been detected for putative mobility proteins encoded by ColA and ColE1. The exclusion proteins are also highly homologous.  相似文献   

Excretion of cloacin DF13 was studied in Escherichia coli cells harboring different CloDF13 insertion and deletion mutant plasmids. Insertions of a transposon at position 9.8 or 11.5% of the CloDF13 plasmid blocked the expression of gene H and strongly reduced the specific excretion of cloacin DF13 into the culture medium, but had no effect on the production of cloacin DF13. Insertions in or deletions of regions of the CloDF13 DNA upstream the cloacin operon did not affect the excretion or production of the bacteriocin. Introduction of a CloDF13 plasmid that encodes for the gene H product in cells harboring a CloDF13 plasmid with an insertion in gene H stimulated the excretion of cloacin DF13 significantly in mitomycin C-induced and in noninduced cultures. Cloacin DF13 in cloacinogenic cells that did not produce the gene H protein was found to be about 90% located in the cytoplasm. In cells that did produce the gene H product, about 30% of the cloacin DF13 molecules were found in the cytoplasm, about 18% were found in the periplasm, about 2% were in the membranes, and about 50% were located in the culture supernatant. Cyclic AMP stimulated the production but not the excretion of cloacin DF13 in cells cultivated in the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

The production and the mechanism of excretion of cloacin DF13 were investigated in noninduced and mitomycin C-induced cell cultures. A mitomycin C concentration was selected which did not cause lysis of cloacinogenic cells, but at the same time induced a maximal production of cloacin DF13. Native cloacin DF13, possessing killing activity, was first released into the cytoplasm. Shortly thereafter, the bacteriocin was transported through the cytoplasmic membrane and accumulated in the periplasm. Finally, cloacin DF13 was excreted into the culture medium. A small amount of cloacin DF13 remained associated with the cell surface. Producing cells did not become permeable for the cytoplasmic enzyme beta-galactosidase. Apparently the cloacin DF13 leaves the producing cells by an excretion process which is not similar to the mechanism proposed for bacterial secretory proteins. The processes of excretion by producing cells and of uptake by susceptible cells were also not identical because mutant cloacin DF13, which was not transported through the outer membrane into susceptible cells, was excreted like the wild-type cloacin DF13. The composition of the culture medium greatly affected production of cloacin DF13. The presence of sugars known to cause catabolite repression not only inhibited the production but also strongly reduced the excretion of cloacin DF13 into the culture medium.  相似文献   

Cairn's type replicative intermediates of both the wildtype Clo DF13 plasmid and the copy mutant CLO DF13 cop3 were isolated by dye-buoyant density centrifugation. Replicative intermediates were linearized at the HpaI or Sa1I cleavage site, and examined with the electron-microscope. The data show that replication of both the Clo DF13 wild type plasmid and the Clo DF13 cop3 plasmid, initiates at about 2.8% on the physical map. Replication proceeds unindirectionally and counterclockwise on this map.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of tetanus toxin.   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文

Ito H  Ishii H  Akiba M 《Plasmid》2004,51(1):41-47
pMS260 is an 8.1-kb non-conjugative but mobilizable plasmid that was isolated from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and encodes streptomycin (SM) and sulfonamide (SA) resistances. The analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence of the plasmid revealed a high degree of similarity between pMS260 and the broad-host-range IncQ family plasmids. pMS260 had a single copy of an origin of vegetative replication (oriV). This sequence was identical to a functional oriV of the IncQ-like plasmid pIE1130 that had been exogenously isolated from piggery manure. However, pMS260 did not carry the second IncQ plasmid RSF1010-like oriV region present in pIE1130. A pIE1130-identical transfer origin was also found in pMS260. In addition, the deduced amino acid sequences from 10 open reading frames identified in pMS260 were entirely or nearly identical to those from genes for the replication, mobilization, and SM-SA resistance of pIE1130, indicating that pMS260 belongs to the IncQ-1 gamma subgroup. pMS260 is physically indistinguishable from pIE1130 apart from two DNA regions that contain the chloramphenicol and kanamycin resistance genes (catIII and aphI, respectively) and the second oriV-like region of pIE1130. The codon bias analysis of each gene of pIE1130 and the presence of potential recombination sites in the sulII-strA intergenic regions suggest that pIE1130 seems to have acquired the catIII and aphI genes more recently than the other genes of pIE1130. Therefore, pMS260 may be the ancestor of pIE1130. Information regarding the broad-host-range replicon of pMS260 will be useful in the development of genetic systems for a wide range of bacteria including A. pleuropneumoniae.  相似文献   

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