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The possible role of electrostatic interactions for membrane binding and pore formation of annexin V has been analysed on the basis of a simple dielectric model. It is suggested that the binding of phospholipids to annexin V is regulated, at least initially, by the protein's electrostatic potential. The calculations show that a strong local gradient of the electrostatic potential exists at the membrane-protein interface and a membrane pore may be generated by electroporation. The observed specificity and regulation of ion conduction is suggested to reside in the protein part of the pore. On the basis of the three-dimensional structures of the protein and its hypothetical membrane complex, and electrophysiological measurements, a mechanical model of the transmembrane voltage regulation of the annexin's ion conduction properties is proposed.  相似文献   

We measured the electrostatic potential 1 nm from the surface of charged phospholipid bilayer membranes to test the predictions of the Gouy-Chapman theory. Fluorescent probes (anthraniloyl, 5-(dimethylamino)naphthalene-1-sulfonyl, Lucifer yellow) were attached covalently to the sialic acid residue of the ganglioside galactosyl-N-acetylgalactosaminyl(N-acetylneuraminyl)galactosylglucosylc eramide (GM1). These fluorescent gangliosides were incorporated into neutral [phosphatidylcholine (PC)] or charged [phosphatidylserine (PS)] phospholipid bilayers, and the fluorescence was quenched with the cations thallium and 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (tempamine). We calculated the electrostatic potential at the chromophore from the quenching ratio using the Boltzmann relation: the average potential was -30 mV for PS bilayers in 0.1 M NaNO3. We assume the chromophore is 1 nm from the surface because X-ray diffraction measurements demonstrate that the sialic acid residue of GM1 is 1 nm from the surface of a PC/GM1 bilayer [McDaniel, R. V., & McIntosh, T. J. (1986) Biophys. J. 49, 94-96]. We also used thallium and tempamine to quench the fluorescence of chromophores located at the surface of the PS membranes; in 0.1 M NaNO3 the average surface potential was -80 mV, which agrees with other measurements. The Gouy-Chapman theory predicts that the potential 1 nm from a membrane with a surface potential of -80 mV is -24 mV; this prediction agrees qualitatively with the experimental results obtained with fluorescent gangliosides.  相似文献   

A multi-base encoding strategy is used in a one word approach to surface-based DNA computation. In this designed DNA model system, a set of 16 oligonucleotides, each a 16mer, is used with the format 5'-FFFFvvvvvvvvFFFF-3' in which 4-8 bits of data are stored in eight central variable ('v') base locations, and the remaining fixed ('F') base locations are used as a word label. The detailed implementations are reported here. In order to achieve perfect discrimination between each oligonucleotide, the efficiency and specificity of hybridization discrimination of the set of 16 oligonucleotides were examined by carrying out the hybridization of each individual fluorescently tagged complement to an array of 16 addressed immobilized oligonucleotides. A series of preliminary hybridization experiments are presented and further studies about hybridization, enzymatic destruction, read out and demonstrations of a SAT problem are forthcoming.  相似文献   

On the basis of recent advances in molecular genetics and embryology the role of phenotypic plasticity in the origin of adaptations has been reviewed and emphasized. Carrying on Waddington's experimental research on genetic assimilation, the epigenetic landscape, where genotype, phenotype and environment meet, should be investigated as the place in which environmental information may be embodied in the organism and evolutionary novelties could arise. An holistic, multilevel approach, with the organism as the basic level for the genesis of adaptations and the population as upper level as improving and/or altering, through selective and random factors, the evolutionary pattern, is then envisaged.  相似文献   

A program for the cerebral palsied child has been developed in California which has been made possible through the cooperation of the state and local departments of education, the state and local departments of health, the Children's Hospital and Orthopedic Hospital at Los Angeles and the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco. An attempt is being made to deal with not only the medical and educational needs of the cerebral palsied but also the social and emotional aspects.  相似文献   

The electrostatic potential of B-DNA is calculated on its surface envelope for two homopolymeric base pair sequences using models representing the effects of both counterion binding and of aqueous solution. The influence of these two factors on the resulting potentials is established and the significance of calculations which omit such effects is discussed.  相似文献   

We added phospholipase C-delta 1 (PLC-delta) to the aqueous subphase beneath monolayers formed from mixtures of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (2% PIP2), phosphatidylserine (33% PS), and phosphatidylcholine (65% PC) and then measured the initial rate of hydrolysis of PIP2 after addition of 10 microM free calcium. Increasing the surface pressure of the monolayer, pi, from 20 to 40 mN/m decreased the rate of hydrolysis 200-fold. The rate of hydrolysis depends exponentially on the surface pressure: rate alpha exp(-pi Ap/kT) where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and Ap congruent to 1 nm2. Similar results were obtained with different (1 and 100 microM) free [Ca2+] and with different mole fractions of PIP2. The results are consistent with a model in which PLC-delta binds to PIP2 with high affinity (Ka = 10(6) M-1) in the absence of calcium ions [Rebecchi, M.J., Peterson, A., & McLaughlin, S. (1993) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)], and a portion of PLC-delta of area Ap inserts into the monolayer doing work = pi Ap prior to hydrolysis of PIP2. Removing the monovalent acidic lipid PS from the monolayer decreases the activity of PLC-delta 4-fold, this effect of PS on activity is similar to the effect of monovalent acidic lipids on the binding of PLC-delta to PIP2 in bilayer vesicles.  相似文献   

Calculation and combined visualization of electrostatic and hydrophobic properties of Cytochrome P450scc based on two very different homology models allowed to identify extensive hydrophobic patches with neutral electrostatic potential and mutations removing such patches and thus expecting to facilitate crystallization of Cytochrome P450scc, especially for the nanotemplate crystallization method. Implications are discussed for optimizing crystallization and other aspects of protein surface properties and protein recognition.  相似文献   

Interspecific correlations between plant height and basal stem diameter (the allometry of height) and between stem length distal to where diameter is measured (the allometry of stem taper) were determined for a total of 265 species with self-supporting stems and for the shoots of five conifers and 15 angiosperm vine species. The allometric equations obtained for these data are proposed as a method to predict the heights of fossil plants for which basal stem diameters are either known or inferred, and to predict the missing lengths of fragmented stems based on the most proximal stem diameters observed.  相似文献   

The fusion of large unilamellar phosphatidylserine liposomes (PS LUV) induced by La3+ has been monitored using the 1-aminoapthalene-3,6,8-trisulfonic acid/p-xylenebis(pyridinium bromide) (ANTS/DPX) fluorescence assay for the mixing of aqueous contents. The fusion event is extensive and nonleaky, with up to 95% mixing of contents in the fused liposomes. However, addition of excess EDTA leads to disruption of the fusion products in a way that implies the existence of metastable intermembrane contact sites. The maximal fusion activity occurs between 10 and 100 microM La3+ and fusion can be terminated rapidly, without loss of contents, by the addition of excess La3+, e.g., 1 mM La3+ at pH 7.4. This observation is explained by the very large intrinsic binding constant (approximately 10(5) M-1) of La3+ to the PS headgroup, as measured by microelectrophoresis. Addition of 1 mM La3+ causes charge reversal of the membrane and a large positive surface potential. La3+ binding to PS causes the release of a proton. These data can be explained if La3+ can chelate to PS at two sites, with one of the sites being the primary amino group. This binding model successfully predicts that at pH 4.5 fusion occurs up to 2 mM La3+, due to reduced La3+ binding at low pH. We conclude that the general mechanism of membrane fusion includes three kinetic steps. In addition to (a) aggregation, there is (b) the close approach of the surfaces, or thinning of the hydration layer, and (c) the formation of intermembrane intermediates which determine the extent to which membrane destabilization leads to fusion (mixing of aqueous contents), as opposed to lysis. The lifetime of these intermembrane intermediates appears to depend upon La3+ binding to both PS sites.  相似文献   

When a drug molecule approaches a non-specific acceptor both molecules are in electrostatic fields of equal sign which prevents drug-acceptor complex formation. At the same time, the drug-acceptor system does not achieve the thermodynamic global minimum. Otherwise, when a certain drug interacts with its specific receptor, mutual compensation of their molecular electrostatic potentials takes place. Then separate atoms and groups of the drug molecule can bind to the receptor. We show that the fundamental role of molecular electrostatic potential in the process of drug-receptor recognition consists in fast correction of errors.  相似文献   

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