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双歧杆菌对小鼠单核吞噬细胞功能的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
双歧杆菌是革兰氏阳性无芽胞厌氧菌,是人和动物肠道的正常菌群之一。我们研究了注射双歧杆菌对小鼠单核吞噬细胞功能的影响。注射婴儿双歧杆菌和青春双歧杆菌后小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞酸性磷酸酶含量增加、吞噬试验的吞噬率及吞噬指数明显提高,表明双歧杆菌能增加巨噬细胞吞噬消化功能,以婴儿双歧杆菌为启动剂可从DBA/2小鼠体内诱生肿瘤坏死因子,提示双歧杆菌可调节单核吞噬细胞分泌细胞因子。因此双歧杆菌能激活单核吞噬细胞,促进机体的免疫学反应。推测定居于肠道的双歧杆菌可能是通过移位到体内器官、释放免疫活性成分被肠道中Peryer氏淋巴结群内的巨噬细胞吞噬,从而作用于机体单核吞噬细胞系统。这一推测尚需进一步研究证实。  相似文献   

The division and tissue specific functions are studied in the liver of young rats during the first post-natal weeks. The division function is tested by the mitotic and the 3H-thymidine labelling index, the specific tissular function by the cholesterol-7 alpha-hydroxylase activity. The nycthemeral rhythm is triggered simultaneously for the two functions at the 20th day of life. From this time, spontaneous or induced mitoses occur during the day (rest period) and the cholesterol-7-alpha-hydroxylase during the evening (period of activity). The results are explained by the influence of the hypothalamoadrenal axis, which presents a circadian activity with a maximum in the evening.  相似文献   

胎鼠肝脏发育过程中肝窦的形成与成熟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究胎鼠肝脏发育过程中肝窦的形成与成熟,用窦内皮细胞表达的一种特异性抗原,SE-S,作为窦内皮细胞表型成熟的标志,通过免疫组织化学和免疫电镜来观察肝脏发育的不同时期该抗原的表达以及与先存大血管的关系。实验证明,在胎龄15天时,即可观察到散在的肝窦样结构呈现阳性反应,而表达第八因子相关抗原的大血管为阴性。随着肝脏的发育,表达SE-S抗原的肝窦在数量和长度上亦随之增加,并且与肝细胞直接或密切接触。结果提示,肝窦的形成与成熟似乎是随机发生的,可能始于胚胎发育的第15天或更早,与先存大血管无直接相关性;肝细胞可能调节窦内皮细胞的成熟(SE-S抗原的表达)。  相似文献   

1. The resting rate of oxygen consumption of the excised sciatic nerve of the frog is 1.23 c.mm. of oxygen per gm. of nerve per minute. 2. During stimulation with an induction coil with 100 make and 100 break shocks per second there is an excess oxygen consumption amounting on the average to 0.32 c.mm. of oxygen per gm. of nerve per minute of stimulation, or a 26 per cent increase over the resting rate. 3. The magnitude of the excess oxygen consumption in stimulation, in agreement with the all-or-none law, is not markedly influenced by considerable variations in the intensity of stimulation. 4. Increasing the frequency of stimulation from 100 to 200 shocks per second increases the extra oxygen used only 1.12–1.18 times. The same change in frequency of stimulation increases the negative variation 1.15 times and the heat production about 1.25 times (Hill). 5. This parallelism between the excess oxygen and the negative variation argues definitely for some causal connection between the excess oxygen and the nerve impulse itself. 6. Calculation shows that the oxygen tension inside these nerves was not zero.  相似文献   

1. By means of a differential volumeter the increased oxygen consumption and the increased carbon dioxide output of frog nerve during and after stimulation have been observed. 2. Measurements of the R.Q. of nerve by this method are complicated by the retention of carbon dioxide. Attempts were made to avoid this (a) by studying the nerves at high CO2 tensions to make the retention small and (b) by calculating the amount of CO2 retained from the carbon dioxide dissociation curve of nerve and applying this value as a correction. 3. The results of both those methods when averaged together give an R.Q. of the excess metabolism of 1.19 and an R.Q. of the resting nerve of 0.97. 4. Observations on the time course of the gas exchange during stimulation indicate a delay in the appearance of the extra carbon dioxide output relative to the oxygen intake. 5. Very similar time curves can be calculated from the diffusion coefficients and the solubilities of the oxygen and the carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

为了研究纹状体边缘区和痛觉的关系,用c-fos和NADPH-d双标记方法研究了大鼠面部伤害性刺激后c-fos蛋白(Fos)和NOS在纹状体边缘区的表达。面部伤害性刺激后30分钟,边缘区中即出现Fos表达,刺激后3小时,Fos表达达最高峰,而且主要在边缘区部位表达。正常大鼠纹状体边缘区中有密集的NOS阳性神经元及纤维,面部伤害性刺激3小时后,纹状体其余部位的NOS阳性胞体及纤维减少或消失,但边缘区中仍保留,并可见少数Fos和NOS双标记细胞,提示纹状体边缘区可能和面部痛觉的调制有关。  相似文献   

H. angulata is a scale-covered, asymmetrical green unicell with two laterally attached, anisokont flagella. In recent years it has been classified in the Prasinophyceae. The flagellar apparatus replicates, and the cell begins to cleave at the side opposite the flagella before the nucleus can be perceived to be in prophase. The flagellar apparatuses separate, and the extra-nuclear development of the spindle occurs from the regions occupied by rhizoplasts. Rhizoplasts or partial rhizoplasts lie at the flat metaphase spindle poles. By metaphase, the cell has already elongated to the extent that it is nearly twice as long as at interphase. The spindle and the cell itself elongate greatly during anaphase with a concomitant further separation of the flagellar pairs. Although the interzonal spindle persists during cytokinesis as in charophycean algae, H. angulata is similar in flagellar scale morphology and other characteristics to the chlorophycean Platymonas, which has a collapsing interzonal spindle at telophase, a phycoplast, and a wall-like theca, which develops by the fusion of small stellate scales. It is hypothesized that the collapsing telophase spindle and phycoplast evolved in green flagellates similar to Platymonas, in which cell and spindle elongation became restricted by a cell wall that evolved from stellate scales similar to those in Heteromastix. Such walled flagellates are then visualized as having eventually given rise to Chlamydomonas and to the entire range of chlorophycean algae with phycoplasts. It is pointed out that the hypothesis has a number of implications by which its validity could be judged when sufficient information becomes available.  相似文献   

The electrokinetic potential of fertilized sea-urchin eggs, without the fertilization membrane and hyaline layer, was investigated by measuring the electrophoretic mobility of the eggs from fertilization to the second cleavage. A cyclic change in mobility was found to accompany the division cycle: the peak of the change was observed about 15 min before the appearance of both the first and second cleavage furrows.
A smaller peak was observed at 20–30 min after fertilization, but such a peak was not repeated between the first and the second cleavage.
Fertilized eggs with the fertilization membrane intact did not show a significant change in electrophoretic mobility throughout the division cycle.  相似文献   

Regions of cell division and cell elongation were established during stem growth of Xanthium pensylvanicum (cocklebur). From percent mitosis it was determined that the region of cell division in a Xanthium stem of Plastochron Index (PI) 13.89 was 20 mm long, starting from the stem apex and proceeding in a basipetal direction. Measurements of cortical cell lengths demonstrated that mature cell length in the stem of the same plant was reached at about 55 mm distance from the stem apex. Between 20 and 55 mm distance from the apex, shoot growth occurred by cell elongation alone. The maximum rate of change in cell length (dC/dX) was at about 15 mm distance from the stem apex. The length of the apical growth region was a function of the age of the plants. The older the plant, the longer its apical region of elongation. Growth of Xanthium stems was due primarily to elongation of internodes; the nodal regions did not seem to elongate.  相似文献   

The lethal actions of mitomycin C and actinomycin D were followed during the division cycle of HeLa cells. The cells were most susceptible to a 2 hr pulse of mitomycin C during the G1 phase, whereas their sensitivity to actinomycin D was most pronounced in the S phase. Posttreatment of the cells with acetoxycycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, increased the survival (colony-forming ability) of cells treated with mitomycin C but had very little effect on the survival of cells treated with actinomycin D. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The eggs of Arbacia and starfish contained about 70 and 25 micrograms of pyruvate per gm. of dry cells respectively. Arbacia eggs utilized added pyruvate, although the O2 uptake did not increase. On fertilization the utilization of pyruvate increased sevenfold. This pyruvate seems to be metabolized, as in other cells, with diphosphothiamine as coenzyme. The diphosphothiamine content of fertilized and non-fertilized eggs was about 16 micrograms; that of sperm, 30 micrograms. Penetration of sperm into the egg and fertilization with cell division to the pluteus stage did not bring forth appearance of succino-dehydrogenase. The possible mechanism of fertilization and cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

正常人体RR间期频谱分析及其在冷刺激时的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
测定了96名健康人安静状态及冷刺激时的ECG,通过微机处理描出RR间期(RRI)变化的频谱曲线。计算和比较不同性别、年龄的被试者在安静及冷刺激时的RRI总变异性(TV)、低频成分(LF)、高频成分(HF)以及LF/HF比值。结果显示安静时男性总变异性为1312.33±170.97(ms)~2,LF/HF为1.52±0.18;女性分别为1653.33±197.29(ms)~2及1.17±0.21。男女之间无明显差异。≥40岁组与≤39岁组比较则可见前者TV较小、LF较高、HF较低及LF/HF比值较大。冷刺激后男性TV增加,P<0.01;LF/HF比值增大,P<0.001。女性冷刺激后TV也增加,但P>0.05;LF/HF比值增大,P<0.05。作者认为RRI频谱测定可作为植物神经功能评估的指标,可用于临床疾病的研究。  相似文献   

The dihalo and trihalophenols, and phenols containing both halo and nitro substituents in the same molecule, produce, in fertilized eggs of Arbacia punctulata, a rise in rate of oxygen consumption and a reversible block to cell division. To define the conditions which affect the degree of this activity, the following factors have been varied: the arrangement of substituents in the molecule, the concentration of reagent, and the time after fertilization at which the reagent is added. The stimulation of oxygen consumption and reversible block to cell division produced by the dihalophenols are qualitatively the same as those previously produced in fertilized Arbacia eggs by certain dinitrophenols. To yield optimum respiratory effect and maximum division block, it usually requires a higher concentration of dihalo than of the corresponding dinitrophenol. For example, with fertilized Arbacia eggs at 20°C. 2,4-dinitrophenol, in optimum concentration of 3 x 10–5 molar, raises oxygen consumption to 292 per cent of normal (4). The corresponding values for two dihalo analogues are: 2,4-dichlorophenol, 10–4 molar and 236 per cent; 2,4-dibromophenol, 6 x 10–5 molar and 282 per cent. The halophenols differ from the nitrophenols in two interesting respects: (a) The monohalophenols produce little or no oxidative stimulation or division block in fertilized Arbacia eggs; p-nitrophenol is very active in both respects. (b) The symmetrical trihalophenols have an appreciable ability to stimulate oxygen consumption and block division; symmetrical trinitrophenol is inactive in both respects (4). The increases in oxygen consumption produced in fertilized Arbacia eggs by 2,4-dichloro and 2,4-dinitrophenol are larger than the percentage increases given by methylene blue and o-cresol indophenol under the same experimental conditions. The dihalo and dinitrophenols produce a reversible block to the cell division of fertilized marine eggs. The oxidation-reduction indicators, in contrast to the dihalo and dinitrophenols, block cell division irreversibly and fertilized eggs of Arbacia do not recover from optimum respiratory stimulating concentrations of these oxidation-reduction dyes. The present experiments with halophenols are in harmony with and lend considerable support to the hypothesis (4) that nitro and similarly substituted phenols derive their biological activity from the presence and properties of the phenolic OH group, as modified by proper substitution in the phenolic benzene ring.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isolated frog or toad hemicords were incubated for 40 min with either [14C]glycine, [3H]GABA, l -[14C]glutamate. l -[14C]aspartate, l -[14C]serine, l [14C]threonine or l -[3H]leucine, and the release of these compounds from the cord was measured under resting conditions and during electrical stimulation. Stimulation of spinal roots produced no significant change in the efflux of any of the compounds tested. Direct stimulation of the rostral cord however, produced a large increase in the efflux of [14C]glycine, [3H]GABA, l -[14C]glutamate and l -[14C]aspartate. These increased effluxes were calcium dependent, the effects of stimulation being reduced in a calcium-free, or magnesium-supplemented (10 mM) medium. Stimulation failed to produce an increase in the efflux of l -[14C]serine, l -[14C]threonine, l -[14H]leucine, [14C]mannitol or [14C]urea. These results are consistent with the suggestions that glycine, GABA, glutamate and aspartate may be synaptic transmitters in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

We investigated the proliferative state of peritoneal exudate macrophage colony-forming cells (PE-CFC) by exposing them to [3H]thymidine with a high specific activity in vitro and by administering cytosine arabinoside and methotrexate in vivo. Since [3H]TdR had no appreciable killing effect on PE-CFC and since the drug treatment caused no reduction in the appearance of PE-CFC, we concluded that the majority of PE-CFC, if not all, are not in active cell cycle. The production of PE-CFC was, however, suppressed by the administration of nitrogen mustard, cyclophosphamide, BCNU and vinblastine.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1934,33(3):173-198

本文分析了人肝癌细胞株7404,7721细胞中表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)基因表达和EGF对肝癌细胞生长的促进作用。~(125)Ⅰ-EGF对7404细胞的结合试验表明结合是可饱和的和专一的,从~(125)Ⅰ-EGF对7404、7721细胞结合浓度曲线作Scatchard作图和计算,提示每个7404和7721细胞表面分别有1.1×10~5和0.7×10~5的EGFR分子。Northern杂交分析证明EGFR基因在7404,7721细胞中的转录产物主要是5.6 kb EGFR mRNA,免疫印迹分析证明7404细胞和7721细胞的EGFR为170kd的蛋白。EGF对培养于含10%或0.5%小牛血清的RPMI-1640培液中的7404、7721细胞的贴壁依赖性生长有促进作用,促进作用的程度与培液中CS含量有一定关系,提示EGF的促生长作用可能是EGF与血清中其他成分协同作用的结果。EGF对培养于软琼脂中的7404,7721细胞的贴壁不依赖性生长也有明显促进作用。综合上述实验结果说明EGFR基因在人肝癌细胞中是活跃表达的,EGF可能是肝癌细胞生长依赖的一个重要有丝分裂原。  相似文献   

用抗微管蛋白抗体和荧光标记技术,观察了百合生殖细胞经有丝分裂形成精细胞过程中微管的变化。生殖细胞在分裂的前期,存在于核外围以及细胞两端胞质内的微管大都以微管束的形式沿细胞长轴方向平行排列。在靠近核的部位,有些微管有时会斜向排列。分裂进入中期后,染色体集中排列在赤道面。在染色体周围可以见到有多束与细胞长轴平行排列着的微管,但这些微管束是在分裂中期时新形成的或是在前期已存在,尚难以断定。这些微管束有一个特点,就是当它们延伸至赤道板部位时,在每一条微管束上都有一个无荧光的小圆区;这个小圆区可能代表着丝粒的位置。细胞分裂进入后期,姊妹染色单体分别向两极移动形成两组染色体。在它们之间近赤道板位置出现了一个具有强烈荧光的区域,显示在这一部位,微管相当浓密。从这一强烈荧光区向两极分别伸出多条微管束。因此,在这一强烈荧光区内可能有多个微管束重叠。到细胞分裂末期,在这一强烈的荧光区的中央出现了一条横向的无荧光区。这一区域有可能为胞质完成分裂后新形成的细胞板所在的部位。  相似文献   

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