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Diurnal changes in leaf water potential and leaf thickness ofwell-watered citrus trees were found to be highly correlated.Midday decreases in leaf thickness of about 30–35 µm reflected midday decreases in leaf water potential of about1.1–1.3 MPa from predawn values. Leaf water potentialwas also correlated with changes in leaf-to-air temperaturedifference and ambient vapour pressure deficit. Leaf thicknessas well as leaf to air temperature difference could possiblybe used to monitor leaf water status continuously as an indicatorof citrus tree water stress.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted to characterize the water stress-induced changes in the activities of RuBP carboxylase (RuBPCO) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), photosystem 2 activity, and contents of chlorophylls, carotenoids, starch, sucrose, amino acids, free proline, proteins and nucleic acids in mulberry (Morus alba L. cv. K-2) leaves. Water stress progressively reduced the activities of RuBPCO and SPS in the leaf extracts, the chlorophyll content, and PS2 activity in isolated chloroplasts. Plants exposed to drought showed lower content of starch and sucrose but higher total sugar content than control plants. While the soluble protein content decreased under water stress, the amino acid content increased. Proline accumulation (2.5-fold) was noticed in stressed leaves. A reduction in the contents of DNA and RNA was observed. Reduced nitrogen content was associated with the reduction in nitrate reductase activity. SDS-PAGE protein profile showed few additional proteins (78 and 92 kDa) in the water stressed plants compared to control plants.  相似文献   

Leaf water (Ψ) and solute (ψ) potential were measured in field sorghum and maize under well irrigated (I) and dryland (NI) conditions throughout a season. Despite decreases in ψ due to slow soil water depletion and to apparent increases in liquid phase plant resistance, midday leaf turgor (ψp) in the NI sorghum was maintained at similar levels as in the I treatment throughout the season due to concomitant decreases in ψs. Osmotic adjustment was also observed in maize, although ψp was significantly lower in the NI treatment as compared to I during the final stages of grain filling. A seasonal shift in the ψ vs. relative water content relation of NI sorghum leaves was observed, more water being retained by the older leaf at any particular ψ. The major factor for turgor maintenance was a net increase in solutes per unit of tissue. The role played by increases in the proportion of tissue volume occupied by cell wall was also evaluated. No stomatal closure due to water stress was found in NI sorghum even though leaf ψ reached —20 bars late in the season. Under similar conditions, stomata closed at —14 to —16 bars in younger plants where water stress was made to develop much faster.  相似文献   

Leaf Water Potential Response to Transpiration by Citrus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports on further studies of a model for interpreting leaf water potential data for Citrus. Experimental data confirmed the assumption that the ratio of vapor pressure deficit to leaf diffusion resistance adequately estimates transpiration when leaf-to-air temperature differences are small. Data collected diurnally indicated that the relationship between leaf water potential and transpiration followed a sequence of steady states without hysteresis. No difference in water transport characteristics was found for Valencia orange on three rootstocks in well-watered soil, but the two rootstocks Cleopatra mandarin and Rangpur gave slightly greater leaf water stress in Valencia orange leaves than‘Troyer’ citrange rootstock at high transpiration rates under mild soil water deficits. In laboratory studies, previously unstressed seedlings had higher leaf water potentials than field trees at equivalent transpiration rates. After several drying cycles, however, leaf water potentials were similar to those observed in the field.  相似文献   

Wilting of the leaves occurred in acropetal succession at leafwater potentials between –0.9 and –1.1 MPa. Onlysevere water stress caused the discoloration and abscissionof the basal leaves. Leaf resistance was independent of leafwater potential above –0.5 MPa but increased as the potentialdropped below this value. When the stressed plants were rewatered,leaf water potentials recovered rapidly within the first h.Subsequently, the rate of recovery declined gradually. The maximumvalue of leaf water potential after rewatering was dependenton the severity of the water stress.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in photosynthesis of apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh.) were monitored to examine the effect of source-sink interactions on photosynthesis and photorespiration. Elevated photosynthetic rates were observed during two periods of the growing season and correlated with the fruiting process. The first period of increased photosynthetic rates was during the bloom period, when spur leaves on flowering shoots exhibited up to 25% higher photosynthetic rates than vegetative spur leaves on a leaf area basis. CO2 assimilation rates were also higher in fruiting trees than nonfruiting trees during the period of rapid fruit growth from July to September. Photorespiration, dark respiration, leaf resistance, and transpiration exhibited no seasonal changes which correlated to the presence or absence of fruit. These data represent the first comprehensive examination of the effects of flowering/fruit formation on photosynthesis and photorespiration in perennial plants.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic responses of intact leaves of the desert shrub Encelia farinosa were measured during a long term drought cycle in order to understand the responses of stomatal and nonstomatal components to water stress. Photosynthetic rate at high irradiance and leaf conductance to water vapor both decreased linearly with declining leaf water potential. The intercellular CO2 concentration (ci) remained fairly constant as a function of leaf water potential in plants subjected to a slow drought cycle of 25 days, but decreased in plants exposed to a 12-day drought cycle. With increasing water stress, the slope of the dependence of photosynthesis on ci (carboxylation efficiency) decreased, the maximum photosynthetic rates at high ci became saturated at lower values, and water use efficiency increased. Both the carboxylation efficiency and photosynthetic rates were positively correlated with leaf nitrogen content. Associated with lower leaf conductances, the calculated stomatal limitation to photosynthesis increased with water stress. However, because of simultaneous changes in the dependence of photosynthesis on ci with water stress, increased leaf conductance alone in water-stressed leaves would not result in an increase in photosynthetic rates to prestressed levels. Both active osmotic adjustment and changes in specific leaf mass occurred during the drought cycle. In response to increased water stress, leaf specific mass increased. However, the increases in specific leaf mass were associated with the production of a reflective pubescence and there were no changes in specific mass of the photosynthetic tissues. The significance of these responses for carbon gain and water loss under arid conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal changes in plant water potential, leaf diffusion resistance, and stem radial changes of Acer saccharum and Betula papyrifera trees were studied in northern Wisconsin during the 1974 and 1975 growing seasons. Water potential decreased during the day, following relatively high values in the morning, and increased in the late afternoon and evening. Diurnal patterns and actual values of water potential varied with species, soil water availability, and factors influencing transpiration (e.g., solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, and transpiration flux density). When plant water deficits were not severe, leaf resistance of both species was rather stable during the day. During severe droughts, however, leaf resistance increased (stomata closed) during the day when light intensity was high. Leaf resistance at high light intensity was higher in Acer than in Betula. Stomatal closure with decreasing light intensity varied between species and among Acer trees. Tree stems of both species shrank during the day, as internal water deficits developed, and they expanded as trees rehydrated during the night. Stems of Acer shrank more than those of Betula. The amount of daily stem shrinkage increased as the season progressed if the trees were not under severe water deficits. During severe droughts the amount of diurnal stem shrinkage decreased. Shrinkage of stems lagged behind water potential changes by 1 to 2 h in Acer and less than 1 h in Betula. The relationship between stem radius and leaf water potential was not constant throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

以牡丹江地区的白牛槭(Acer mandshuricum)、茶条槭(Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala.)、糖槭(Acer saccharum)、五角槭(Acer pictum subsp. mono)4种槭树为研究对象,分别于春季、夏季和秋季进行取样,测定叶片性状指标(叶厚度、气孔长度、气孔宽度、气孔密度、叶脉密度、比叶面积及色素质量分数),分析叶片各性状的季节变化趋势,并探讨色素与叶性状间在不同季节下的关系。结果如下(:1)4种槭树均表现为在夏季具有较高的叶厚度、较低的比叶面积和气孔密度,在秋季具较高的比叶面积和叶脉密度、较低的叶厚度。(2)4种槭树均为在夏季有较高的叶绿素a、b,在秋季色素质量分数均降低,季节变化区间分别为叶绿素a 77.40%~98.80%,叶绿素b 85.60%~99.53%,类胡萝卜素4.29%~78.52%。(3)色素与叶性状关系密切,季节动态下色素与比叶面积、气孔密度、叶脉密度正相关,与叶厚度、气孔长度、气孔宽度负相关(P<0.05),但不同季节相关性略有差异。4种彩叶植物的叶片在应对不同季节的气候条件时形成了不同的构建策略...  相似文献   

The water potential (ψ) in twigs from four clones of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in close proximity to each other was measured in a pressure chamber during five selected periods between May 1972 and March 1973. Diurnal and seasonal patterns of ψ are presented in relation to irradiance, air temperature and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) for one cloudy and one clear day in each experimental period. Significant differences in ψ were found amongst most of the clones. Larger amplitudes and earlier day-time minima in ψ were found during the summer than during the winter. Noon values of ψ of less than ?12 bars were regularly found during the summer months. Plots of ψ against irradiance or VPD during a day, showed marked hysteresis as the result of the simultaneous influence on ψ of several environmental factors. Close linear relations resulted when ψ was plotted against potential evaporation rate (calculated from the Penman-Monteith formula). The slopes of these regression lines, essentially the flow resistance, showed marked seasonal variations. At both high and low evaporation rates, the clone that grew the fastest had the lowest values of ψ, and the clone that grew the slowest had the highest values of ψ, while the other two clones had intermediate values. Differences in solute potential or in stomatal, plant or soil resistance are discussed as possible explanations of the more or less constant differences between the clones during the year of observations.  相似文献   

Changes in components of leaf water potential during soil waterdeficits influence many physiological processes. Research resultsfocusing on these changes during desiccation of peanut (Arachishypogeae L.) leaves are apparently not available. The presentstudy was conducted to examine the relationships of leaf waterl, solute s and turgor p potentials, and percent relative watercontent (RWC) of peanut leaves during desiccation of detachedleaves and also during naturally occurring soil moisture deficitsin the field. The relationship of p to l and RWC was evaluated by calculatingp from differences in l and s determined by thermocouple psychrometryand by constructing pressure-volume (P-V) curves from the land RWC measurements. Turgor potentials of ‘Early Bunch’and ‘Florunner’ leaves decreased to zero at l of–1.2 to –1.3 MPa and RWC of 87%. There were no cultivardifferences in the l at which p became zero. P-V curves indicatedthat the error of measuring s after freezing due to dilutionof the cellular constituents was small but resulted in artefactualnegative p values. Random measurements on two dates of l, s, and calculation ofp from well-watered and water-stressed field plots consistingof several genotypes indicated that zero p occurred at l of–1.6 MPa. It was concluded that the relationships of p,l, s, and RWC of peanut leaves were similar to leaves of othercrops and that these relationships conferred no unique droughtresistance mechanism to peanut.  相似文献   

Leaf Elongation in Relation to Leaf Water Potential in Soybean   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
Leaf water potential, turgor pressure, and leaf elongation ratewere measured in soybeans growing in controlled environmentchambers, greenhouses, and outdoors. Plants in chambers hadthe highest water potentials and turgor pressures, and plantsoutdoors the lowest. In all three environments there was a linearrelationship between elongation rate and turgor pressure. Leavesof plants in drier environments required less turgor for elongation,and showed a greater increase in elongation rate per unit increasein turgor. Elongation rates over a 72 h period were equal inthe three environments. Leaves reached the largest final sizein the greenhouse (intermediate in water potential). Epidermalcells were larger in chamber- and greenhouse-grown leaves thanin leaves of plants grown outdoors. The number of epidermalcells per leaf was greater in the greenhouse and outdoors thanin the chamber. Leaf elongation characteristics of greenhouseplants were duplicated by mildly stressing chamber plants, andleaf elongation characteristics of field plants were duplicatedby more severely stressing chamber plants. Leaves of mildlystressed chamber plants also reached a larger final size thanleaves of more severely stressed chamber plants, or leaves ofcontrol plants in the chamber. Water stress in the chamber increasedthe number of epidermal cells per leaf. More severe water stressin the chamber reduced epidermal cell size. Based on the waterstress experiments it is concluded that the differences in plantwater status in the chamber, greenhouse, and field caused differencesin elongation characteristics, and were responsible for thedifferences in leaf size.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to explore individual differences associated with diverse reactions in cortisol secretion under different stress levels. This study was part of a larger project concerning working hours and health. Thirty-four white-collar workers participated under two different conditions; one work week with a high stress level (H) and one with a lower stress level (L) as measured through self-rated stress during workdays. Based on the morning cortisol concentration during a workday subjects were divided into two groups. One group consisted of subjects whose morning level of cortisol increased in response to the high-stress week, compared to their morning levels in the low-stress condition (Group 1). The other group consisted of subjects whose morning cortisol response was the opposite, with a lower level under the high stress condition (Group 2). Subjects wore actiwatches, completed a sleep diary, and rated their sleepiness and stress for one work week in each condition, i.e., high and low stress. Saliva samples for measures of cortisol were collected on a Wednesday. Group 2 reported higher workload, fatigue, and exhaustion during both weeks. Since there were no differences in perceived stress, neither within nor between groups, the data indicate that there are other factors influencing morning cortisol. The results suggest that one component modulating the cortisol response might be the level of exhaustion, probably related to work overload. Higher levels of stress in exhausted individuals might suppress morning cortisol levels.  相似文献   

Kumar  A.  Turner  N.C.  Singh  D.P.  Singh  P.  Barr  M. 《Photosynthetica》2000,37(4):601-607
Diurnal patterns of leaf water potential (W), canopy net photosynthetic rate (P N), evapotranspiration rate (E), canopy temperature (Tc), and water use efficiency (WUE) of clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub., cv. Desi] were studied at six phenological stages of plant development under field conditions at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The highest P N, E, and WUE were observed at pod initiation stage (61 DAS). Daily maxima of P N were usually between 11:00 to 14:00 h while those of E and WUE between 12:30 and 16:00 h. P N was mainly dependent on photosynthetically active radiation and E on air temperature (Ta) but the relationships varied at different growth stages. WUE declined with the increase in T a. At mid-day, W was highest during pod initiation.  相似文献   

Anatomical changes of leaf epidermes of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. INCA 9) submitted to water stress in the preflowering stage were studied. 20 d after germination, plants were subjected to three treatments: 1) 100 % of evapotranspired water was applied every day, 2) from 100 up to 10 % of evapotranspired water was applied every day, and 3) water supply was completely suppressed. Trichome density was similar in apical, middle and basal zones, and adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces. Stomatal density and length, and epidermal cell length and width had similar values on the same leaf surface, but the values were higher on the abaxial than on the adaxial leaf surface. The water deficit had little effect on number of trichomes, length and width of epidermal cells and length of stomata, and decreased the stomatal density especially on adaxial surface.  相似文献   

Diurnal and Seasonal Changes in Prunus Amygdalus Gas Exchanges   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Matos  M.C.  Matos  A.A.  Mantas  A.  Cordeiro  V.  Vieira Da Silva  J.B. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(4):517-524
Diurnal courses in net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gs), leaf water potential (), internal CO2 concentration (ci), and water use efficiency (WUE) were studied as season progressed, in relation to environmental factors in field grown Prunus amygdalus. In sun leaves PN reached maximum between 09:00 to 11:00 h and subsequently declined when high temperature and low humidity occurred. An increase was observed late in the afternoon. A decrease in gs and was found as season progressed in both years of measurements. In periods of high evaporative demand, was very low, however, it did not explain the reductions of PN in all the three periods (spring, early and late summer). Midday depression of PN and gs seemed to be related with leaf temperature (Tl) and high irradiance. Increase in ci and F0 and decrease in Fv/Fm found between 12:00 and 14:00 h corresponded to the decrease in PN. Therefore, a transient modification of photosynthetic machinery might be considered. WUE was negatively correlated with vapour pressure difference of leaf to air, that decreased during the day. The September values, higher than in the previous months, were due to the lower seasonal decreases in PN than in gs.  相似文献   

Shirke  P.A.  Pathre  U.V. 《Photosynthetica》2003,41(1):83-89
The plants of Prosopis juliflora growing in northern India are exposed to large variations of temperature, vapour pressure deficits (VPD), and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) throughout the year. Under these conditions P. juliflora had two short periods of leaf production, one after the winter season and second after summer, which resulted in two distinct even aged cohorts of leaves. In winter with cold nights (2–8 °C) and moderate temperatures during the day, the plants showed high rates of photosynthesis. In summer the midday temperatures often reached <45 °C and plants showed severe inhibition of photosynthesis. The leaves of second cohort appeared in July and showed typical midday depression of photosynthesis. An analysis of diurnal partitioning of the absorbed excitation energy into photochemistry showed that a smaller fraction of the energy was utilised for photochemistry and a greater fraction was dissipated thermally, further the photon utilisation for photochemistry and thermal dissipation is largely affected by the interaction of irradiance and temperature. The plants showed high photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2 (PS2) at predawn and very little photoinhibition in all seasons except in summer. The photoinhibition in summer was pronounced with very poor recovery during night. Since P. juliflora exhibited distinct pattern of senescence and production of new leaves after winter and summer stress period, it appeared that the ontogenic characteristic together with its ability for safe dissipation of excess radiant energy in P. juliflora contributes to its growth and survival.  相似文献   

Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Wayne] plants were subjected to an extended drying cycle in the field to investigate the leaf sensitivity to water deficits. Soybeans in irrigated plots were superior to those in non-irrigated plots in the average size and number of leaflets per plant. Apparent differences in the leaf area distributions in the canopy seemed to be mediated by moisture stress effects associated with leaf senescence and light penetration in the lower depths of the canopy. A major decrease in leaf enlargement occurred near a leaf-water potential of -8 bars, and at - 12 bars, the growth was completely halted. Similar decreases were observed at a stomatal conductance of 0.4 cm/s and at 0.2 cm/s no enlargement was observed.  相似文献   

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