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Presence of pollen in the atmosphere was determined inTartu in 1989–1997, in Kuressaare in 1996–1997 and iniauliai in 1997. Ragweed airpollen was found in latesummer in three years. The distribution, abundance andflowering of local ragweed plants were estimated. Itappeared that the number of local sources did notexceed twenty per country per year. Majority of thesesources consisted of a small number of pollinating A. artemisiifolia individuals. The largest localsources, consisting of several hundreds ofindividuals, were exclusively rare. Transport ofragweed pollen by air masses from distant sources wasstudied. It was found that incursions of ragweedpollen were determined by air fluxes originating fromthe Ukraine as well as from the southeastern andsouthern regions of the European part of Russia. Theseincursions occurred in extensive high-pressure areaswhose centre was located in the central region of theEuropean part of Russia with a periphery extending tothe Baltic countries.  相似文献   

Ragweed in the Czech Republic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During the last years, a well documented expansion ofragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Ambrosia trifida L.) over the Mediterranean andtemperate Europe has been in progress. The currentdistribution of ragweed plants in the Czech Republicis summarized and the ragweed pollen concentration asmonitored by 12 pollen stations in the country isdiscussed. The present situation in the ragweed pollensensitization among children and adults with pollenallergy in Brno is described. So far no dangerousexpansion of ragweed plants in our country has beenobserved. Ragweed pollen concentration is occasionallysignificant in the Brno station only, other pollenstations are reporting insignificant amounts ofragweed pollen during August-September periods,although there has been a steady increase in ragweedpollen concentration in the Prague area over the lastfive years. Skin prick tests and/or specific IgEmeasurements with ragweed allergen were performed on94 children with pollen allergy in the Brno region in1995 and on 206, 210 and 229 adult allergic patientsin 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively. Positive skinreaction or positive specific IgE to ragweed was foundin 22% children and in 25% (1995), 19% (1996) and 25% (1997) adults with pollen allergy. It isconcluded that ragweed does not seem to represent anyimminent major threat to the allergic population inthe Czech Republic until now, however, it remains apotentially very dangerous allergen.  相似文献   

Summary Ambrosia artemisifolia (elatior), an imported pollen, never sampled in the past in the atmosphere of our country, is beconning the most important Composita responsible for late-summer pollinosis in our area.The documented increased pollen concentration confirmed greater sensitization in people coming to our allergological centre.  相似文献   

Ragweed pollen have been monitored since 1976 inVienna. Since 1984, the outdoor patients of theallergy department of the ear-nose-and-throatUniversity Clinic underwent both Skin Prick Test andRAST/CAP test with a standard series of commoninhalant allergens, ragweed (Ambrosia elatiorL.) included. Both the ragweed counts and the number of positiveRAST results showed a significant increase by time.Furthermore, a clear correlation between the number ofairborne pollen and the percentage of positiveRAST/CAP results is evident.The immune-response in the Viennese population ofatopic subjects is dependent on the amount of inhaledpollen.  相似文献   

Ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) is awell-recognised cause of fall allergic rhinitisand seasonal asthma in the Northern Hemispherecountries of United States and Canada. InAustralia the appearance of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) was first recordedduring the 1930s in Queensland, ragweed hayfeverwas noted in 1959 and ragweed dermatitisdocumented in 1963. Aerobiology studies performedin the capital cities of Eastern and WesternAustralia have not demonstrated ragweed pollen.This study, performed in two towns in theNorthern Rivers area of New South Wales, closeto the Queensland border, documents the ragweedseason between November 1996 and December 1997in one of the towns, by monitoring the air usinga Burkard 7-day spore trap. Two hundred and sixvolunteers were skin tested to a range ofaeroallergens including pollen of ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and Tibouchina, a treeflowering at the same time as ragweed. 34% ofvolunteers were skin prick test positive toragweed and 5.4% to Tibouchina. The ragweedseason commenced in the first week of March andextended to early May, with the peak day pollencount, 483/m3, present in the first week ofApril. Although many residents blamed thespectacular purple Tibouchina flowers for latesummer respiratory symptoms, most were sensitiveto ragweed and not Tibouchina.  相似文献   

The aerobiological investigations were carriedout at five sites located in different climaticand geobotanical regions in Poland. The diurnalperiodicity of Alnus, Betula, Secale,Poaceae, Urtica, and Artemisia wasstudied during two successive years. The taxawere chosen on the basis of pollen grainabundance and allergenity. The pollen wascollected with a Burkard spore trap. Twelvetransversal transverses of microscope slidescorresponding to two-hour periods wereanalysed. The diurnal variations ofPoaceae, Alnus and Betula were irregularand varied between sites and years; highconcentrations were observed at different hoursof the day and night. Diurnal concentrations of Secale, Urtica and Artemisia hadonly one maximum in the middle of the day,constant between sites and years. The lowestconcentrations were observed between eveningand early morning. There was no close relationbetween the time of the liberation ofAlnus, Betula and Poaceae pollen and thetime of the maximum pollen counts. There was aseveral hour delay observed between the timeof Secale pollen liberation and maximumconcentration of airborne pollen.  相似文献   

Summary Studies on ragweed have been carried out in the province of Trieste (Northern Italy) in which it is becoming widespread. The floristic records, the increasing amount of airborne pollen monitored and the relevant skin reactivity are reported. This phenomenon, though still at the beginning, is actually showing an upward trend due to man's intervention over wider and wider areas which as a consequence become suitable for the settlement of these anthropophitic species. The aerobiological data are compared to the skin reactivities of allergic subjects.  相似文献   

This paper presents the course of the pollen season of selected allergenic taxa (Rumex spp., Plantago spp., Urtica spp. and Chenopodiaceae) in two towns with different degrees of urbanisation (urban, the city Szczecin, and rural, the village Gudowo in Western Pomerania, northwest Poland). The study was conducted in the years 2012–2014 with the volumetric method. The pollen of allergenic herbaceous plants was present in the air from early May until the end of September. From among the taxa studied, the genus Rumex is characterised by the longest pollination period, while the genus Urtica by the shortest. The highest percentage contribution of pollen grains to the total pollen count in the air reaching over 90% is from nettle. The pollen seasons determined for the majority of taxa are longer in the city, however the mean pollen grain counts in the air are higher for the rural area.  相似文献   

Summary Since 1982 we have been monitoring allergological pollen, by means of a Lanzoni pollen trap VPPS 2000. In 1988 we detected the ragweed pollen for the first time, and subsequently in 1989 and in 1990.In 1988 it had been monitored from 16/8 to 26/9 (highest concentration 66.5 gr/m3/24 h on 3/9), in 1989 from 7/8 to 23/9 (highest concentration 30.0 gr/m3/24 h on 10/9) and in 1990 from 3/8 to 23/9 (highest concentration 80.9 gr/m3/24 h on 2/9). During the same years the prick test for ragweed pollen turned out to be positive in 27 patients out of 1526 (1.76%) in 1988, in 25 patients out of 1517 (1.64%) in 1989 and in 56 patients out of 1614 (3.41%) in 1990.The presence of specific IgE turned out to be positive in 12 patients out of 189 (6.35%) in 1988, in 17 patients out of 195 (8.71%) in 1989 and in 22 patients out of 230 (9.56%) in 1990.During out 3-years investigation, on the basis of the severity of symptoms and of the possible multi-sensitization, only 2 patients have undergone a specific immunotherapy to ragweed pollen.Our data confirm the presence of ragweed pollen in Lombardy, even if the sensitization is low in our population and the clinical significance of ragweed pollinosis is even lower.Nevertheless the high sensitizing power of this pollen makes a higher incidence of ragweed pollinosis possible in coming years.  相似文献   

Alternaria is an airborne fungal spore type known to trigger respiratory allergy symptoms in sensitive patients. Aiming to reduce the risk for allergic individuals, we constructed predictive models for the fungal spore circulation in Szczecin, Poland. Monthly forecasting models were developed for the airborne spore concentrations of Alternaria, which is one of the most abundant fungal taxa in the area. Aerobiological sampling was conducted over 2004–2007, using a Lanzoni trap. Simultaneously, the following meteorological parameters were recorded: daily level of precipitation; maximum and average wind speed; relative humidity; and maximum, minimum, average, and dew point temperature. The original factors as well as with lags (up to 3 days) were used as the explaining variables. Due to non-linearity and non-normality of the data set, the modelling technique applied was the artificial neural network (ANN) method. The final model was a split model with classification (spore presence or absence) followed by regression for spore seasons and log(x+1) transformed Alternaria spore concentration. All variables except maximum wind speed and precipitation were important factors in the overall classification model. In the regression model for spore seasons, close relationships were noted between Alternaria spore concentration and average and maximum temperature (on the same day and 3 days previously), humidity (with lag 1) and maximum wind speed 2 days previously. The most important variable was humidity recorded on the same day. Our study illustrates a novel approach to modelling of time series with short spore seasons, and indicates that the ANN method provides the possibility of forecasting Alternaria spore concentration with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Summary An example of the potential importance of air masses as carriers of aero-allergens from distant source areas is provided. Considerable amount ofBetula pollen is relatively often transported to Fennoscandia before the local birch flowering period, mainly by southeastern air masses from eastern part of central Europe. Although the distance and the transport time in some cases can be extensive, the pollen grains seem to cause allergic reactions among sensitive persons.A comparison between the clinical results andBetula pollen counts from the time before the local flowering season in Stockholm in 1989 is presented.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen sampling in Toledo, Central Spain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toledo is one of the main tourist spots of Spain, attracting around two million visitors per year. Its geographical situation in the vast and scarcely monitored Region of Castilla La Mancha and the high number of tourists (especially in the spring) has resulted in the Spanish Aerobiology Network (REA) making this city a major study objective. Air monitoring studies carried out using REA sampling procedures commenced in October 2002. Thirty-two pollen types were identified during the sampling period (October 2002 to October 2004). The annual Pollen Index (PI) was 44124 for the agricultural year October 2002–October 2003, and 29666 in the same period of 2003–2004. The most abundant taxa were, in decreasing order of dominance: Cupressaceae, Quercus, Poaceae, Populus, Olea, Urticaceae, Platanus, Pinus and Ulmus. Other, less well-represented pollen taxa included Salix, Alnus, Fraxinus and Tamarix, which were characteristic of riverside areas, and Morus, Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae. The presence of Castanea pollen grains originating from chestnut crops far away from the city was clearly an example of long-distance transport. The highest concentrations of airborne pollen were detected from March to May and also in January, due to the flowering of Cupressaceae species. In general, there was a correlation between pollen and meteorological parameters: a positive correlation with temperature and a negative correlation with rainfall and humidity during the pre-peak period. A negative correlation between temperature and some tree pollen taxa was detected in the principal pollen period correlation analysis due to their long pollination periods.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen data from three samplers located at heights of 0.5m, 10m and 55 m were used to investigate vertical differences in pollen abundance in North-Central London. Weekly accumulative counts for all pollen types were collected from February to September 1988. Distinct variations in abundance between the sites were recorded for some pollen taxa. For example,Gramineae recorded greater abundance at the higher sampling position. Other pollen types, includingPlatanus, were recorded at consistently greater abundance at the 10 m height compared to the 55 m level. Significant differences between the pollen counts at these two heights are discussed in relation to pollen source area, the specific gravity of the pollen grain, airflow patterns of the urban area and the weather conditions affecting pollen dispersal. Tracer experiments using Lycopodium spores were employed to investigate dispersal patterns to all three sampling heights. The results from these trials are used to assist in the interpretation of data from the depositional samplers. The study reported in this paper forms part of a wider survey of 14 sampling sites examining spatial variations in pollen abundance.  相似文献   

We have studied Ragweed pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Leghorn (Livorno), where Ragweed is not widespread. Our data, from 1991 to 1995, confirm the presence of Ragweed pollen in the atmosphere of Leghorn in low concentrations (highest value of 11 pollen grains/m3) from August to the end of September. Even if the sensitization level in our area is 6.76%, the clinical significance of Ragweed pollinosis is still very low.  相似文献   

Airborne Pollen grains and Spores of three different cities viz., Al-Khobar (1987–1988), Abha (1991–1992) and Hofuf (1992–1993) in Saudi Arabia were studied using Burkard Volumetric Seven-Day Spore Trap. The data were analyzed in relation to their allergenic capability and one-year pollen and spore calendars were designed to correlate the patients’ symptoms as well as for selection of appropriate allergen extracts for diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. Amongst pollen group, Amaranthus viridis, Plantago spp., Chenopodium album, Ricinus communis, Rumex vesicarius, Juniperus spp., Parkinsonia aculeata, Prosopis spp., and Phoenix dactylifera were some of the frequent types. Amongst the fungal spores group Cladosporium, Smuts spores, Colored basidiospores, Alternaria, Ulocladium and Drechslera were the dominant types.  相似文献   

We have studied Ragweed pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Leghorn (Livorno). where Ragweed is not widespread. Our data, from 1991 to 1995, confirm the presence of Ragweed pollen in the atmosphere of Leghorn in low concentrations (highest value of 11 pollen grains/m3) from August to the end of September. Even if the sensitization level in our area is 6.76%, the clinical significance of Ragweed pollinosis is still very low.  相似文献   

Studies on Ambrosia pollen concentrations were carried out in Lublin in the period 1995–2004. The effects of a number of meteorological factors were analysed. In the first period of the study, the gravimetric method was used (1995–1999), while in the second period, the volumetric method was applied. The results show an increasing trend in the amount of airborne pollen. The Ambrosia pollen season in Lublin lasts from August to October. Over a period of 5 years, the highest number of pollen grains was recorded in September (53%), followed by August (44%) and October (3%). There were wide variations in annual totals. The annual total pollen counts was 167–1180 grains, with the peak value in 2002. Maximum daily pollen concentrations (56–312 pollen grains m−3) were recorded in the first half of August and in the first half of September. On the days when high Ambrosia pollen concentrations occurred, the temperature was above 21°C and the winds were mainly from the southeast, south and east. Maximum intradiurnal concentrations of pollen grains occurred in the afternoon hours. These results indicate, to some degree, that Ambrosia pollen is transported for long distances before descent.  相似文献   

Halo-nitrophilous scrubs are characterised by their floristic richness in species of the family Amaranthaceae (include Chenopodiaceae) and the Mediterranean saltbush (Atriplex halimus L.) is one of the most characteristic species in the Mediterranean region. Pollen from Amaranthaceae is the main cause of pollinosis at the end of summer and autumn. In this study, the floral phenology of the species Atriplex halimus L., was studied relating it to the atmospheric concentration of Amaranthaceae pollen with the aim to know if it can serve as an indicator of the maximum pollen concentrations. Observations of the male floral phenology of Atriplex halimus were performed over the course of three years in the central Iberian Peninsula (Spain) and the aerobiological pollen data of Amaranthaceae were obtained using a Hirst-type volumetric trap. The results demonstrated that the flowering period of Atriplex halimus closely coincided with the peak pollen levels. Besides, the prevailing movements of air masses in relation to the distribution and abundance of the halo-nitrophilous scrub during the flowering period of Atriplex halimus were studied using a back-trajectory analysis. The results showed that distinct predominant wind patterns led to differences in the quantity of pollen recorded during the pollen season and in the behaviour of the evolution of airborne pollen concentrations.  相似文献   

Quantification of airborne pollen is an important tool in scientific research and patient care in allergy. The currently available method relies on microscopic examination of pollen slides, performed by qualified researchers. Although highly reliable, the method is labor intensive and requires extensive training of the researchers involved. In an approach to develop alternative detection methods, we performed a feasibility study on the automated recognition of the allergenic relevant pollen, grass, birch, and mugwort, by utilizing digital image analysis and pattern recognition tools. Of a total of 254 pollen samples (including 79 of grass, 79 of birch and 96 of mugwort), 97.2% were recognized correctly. This encouraging result provides a promising prospect for future developments.  相似文献   

Affecting almost twenty percent of thepopulation in industrialized countries,allergic diseases such as asthma and seasonalrhinitis result from the development ofimmediate hypersensitivity to otherwiseinnocuous components of the environment. Pollen, the male gametophyte of flowering plantspecies, is one of the most predominant sourcesof environmental allergens, and a significantcause of allergic diseases. This reviewdiscusses the nature of pollen proteins asallergens, their effect on the human immunesystem and their mode of environmentaltransmission, including effects of theinteraction between pollen aeroallergens andair pollution. The influence of cross-reactivepollen allergens to the incidence of foodsensitivities is also discussed. Floweringplant species that possess allergenic pollen,identified with allergens cloned from thesespecies, are also discussed.  相似文献   

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