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微生物肥料及其生产应用中的问题   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
微生物肥料和微生物制剂是新世纪实行绿色农业的重要技术保障,关键是因其中含有大量的有效微生物的生命活动产生特定的肥效或其他生理功能,导致增产,微生物肥料包括根瘤菌肥,解磷菌肥、解钾菌肥、5406菌肥,植物根际促生菌,VA菌根等等,有机肥料堆制剂中含有多种降解农业有机废料的菌种,可缩短堆肥周期,提高养份利用率,由于微生物本身的特殊性,相关市场监督机制不健全,微生物肥料的生产,应用领域存在很多问题,甚至出现明显的伪科学,科研、生产、行政各有关部门应加强基础研究,提高全民科普水平,健全市场监督机制,依靠专家设计严格试验,优选可靠技术,保证良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

生物磁学在农作物生产中的应用   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
主要综述了磁场和磁化水在农作物生产上的应用研究现状,以及生物效应和作用机理研究进展,提出了今后需深入研究的有关问题。  相似文献   

化感作用在生产中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
讨论了化感理论在生产实践中的应用。应用化感理论指导建立合理的栽培、耕作制度。进行田间杂草的生物控制和防治;开发新一代无公害农药;指导森林更新和建植;培育抗化感品种等。  相似文献   

心电、头皮脑电、表面肌电等传统无创生物电检测方法可为相关疾病诊断提供电学依据。由于生物电信号是机体细胞群共同放电的混叠集合结果,上述生物电检测方法空间分辨率相对有限。近些年兴起的声电成像利用无创聚焦超声空间编码生物电流,靶向获得精确聚焦位置的电信号,可实现毫米级空间分辨率、毫秒级时间分辨率的无创生物电信号检测,有望成为精准检测生命体深层电活动的新型成像技术。本文首先简述声电成像原理与声电信号特征,进而从声电耦合机理、声电成像方法、声电脑成像及声电心脏成像等方面详细介绍声电成像的典型研究,最后围绕声电成像关键技术环节所面临的挑战,对未来研究方向进行探讨,以期为建立完善的声电成像技术体系和实现其临床转化提供依据与启发。  相似文献   

微生物肥料在盐碱土壤中的应用展望   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
随着土地资源日益短缺及人们对生态环境的关注,以天然土壤微生物为主要成分的微生物肥料应用在盐碱农业中越来越受到重视。本文综述了国内外微生物肥料的发展历史和现状,微生物肥料对盐碱土壤产生的影响,帮助植物抵抗盐胁迫的机制,以及对盐碱土壤中微生物群落产生的影响;本文也提出了两种能够有效保藏菌种的固定化方法,这两类方法能有效地解决菌种易失活问题且延长其在土壤中的作用时间;最后提出了目前微生物肥料作用于盐碱地存在的问题与展望,旨在为缓解土地资源、提高农业安全生产做出贡献。  相似文献   

组织氧合作用和光敏剂应用在疾病诊治中都有着重要的作用,因此其实时在体无损检测很有意义。光动力疗法涉及光敏剂、光和氧分子三大要素,其疗效受组织氧合作用影响。本文对光声成像(PAI)、光声寿命成像(PALI)和多光谱光声层析成像(MSOT)等光声成像技术在光动力疗法的研究和应用中的使用现状进行了综述。对相关设备系统在检测光敏剂、组织氧分压和微血管损伤等方面的应用原理和技术分别进行了介绍,并总结了这些技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

高等植物中硅元素的生理效应及其在农业生产中的应用   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
就高等植物中硅元素的含量,形态与分布,高等植物对硅的吸收与运输,施硅与植物生长发育,矿质营养状况和抗裂能力的关系,以及硅肥在农业生产上的应用作了概述。  相似文献   

物理方法在提高植物抗逆性中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了物理因素处理,主要包括磁场、电场、热激、冷激与低温以及激光处理等提高植物抗逆性的研究进展.  相似文献   

初中物理教学是自然学科中相对比较重要的学科,尤其是初中物理的知识奠定了在高中以及大学的学习基础。初中物理课程重点需要给予学生们对于物理学科的一些启蒙知识,此外还要教给学生们物理思维以及学习物理的兴趣。随着计算机技术的不断发展,信息技术在初中物理中的应用越来越深入,采用信息技术与物理教学的结合,加强了物理教学的效率,也在一定程度上提高了学生们学习的兴趣。本文重点解析,信息技术在初中物理教学中的应用。  相似文献   

从水稻肥料试验误差(离均差d)数据库中随机抽样得到的误差平均数呈以0为原点,方差为的对称高狭峰分布,且随样本容量n的增加,逐渐接近于正态分市,当n>8时,已与正态分布无显著差异。该分布在水稻推荐施肥中可用于实际产量平均数x与目标产量u_0的差异显著性检验,推断实际产量是否达到或超过目标产量,进而验证目标产量预测结果的准确性,并对目标产量加以修正。  相似文献   

沼液部分替代化肥在日光温室秋番茄上的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索沼液和化肥协同促生的效果,以3种常见禽畜粪便(鸭粪、猪粪、牛粪)作为发酵原料的沼液为母液,以氮磷钾镁肥作为化学肥料辅助,平衡不同稀释比例之间的养分差异,研究沼液配施对番茄生长发育的影响. 结果表明: 沼液部分替代化肥可以显著改善土壤速效氮、磷、钾的肥力状况,依发酵原料和稀释比例不同,沼液对土壤水溶性钙、镁和有效铁、锰、铜、锌有不同程度的活化作用. 与完全施用化肥相比,沼液配施化肥可显著促进番茄生长,且随生育期的延长,沼液的促生作用愈发凸显,最终增产幅度达55.9%~232.8%,化肥用量减少18.2%~85.0%;番茄果实品质显著改善,番茄红素、Vc、总糖含量均显著提高,果实酸度显著降低,NO2-降幅达35.6%~90.3%,而口感得分比化肥处理高出7.0%~20.3%.相关分析发现,番茄产量和品质呈非线性关系,口感与糖酸比呈显著正相关,番茄果实口感受肥料种类的影响亦显著. 总之,沼液配施化肥用于番茄生产可以实现高产、优质、环保、培肥和资源高效利用的目的.  相似文献   

范黎 《微生物学通报》2013,40(2):380-380
农作物秸秆是农作物生产中一种富含氮、磷、钾、钙、镁和有机质等有效成分的可再生资源,我国每年的农作物秸秆废弃物产量巨大,因此,如何有效地"转废为宝",实现对农作物秸秆废弃物的再利用一直是我国学者关注的问题.秸秆堆腐还田技术是有机废弃物再利用的理想途径之一,其作用原理是利用微生物的分解作用,促使农作物秸秆发酵腐熟后成为优良的绿色有机肥.农作物秸秆属于高纤维素含量废弃物,且纤维素的结构复杂、降解困难,如何加速纤维素的分解是实现农作物秸秆堆肥物料快速分解、达到腐熟的关键问题.已有研究表明,在堆肥中接种高温或耐高温降解菌可促进有机物降解,提高堆肥高温期温度,延长高温期,加快堆肥腐熟.  相似文献   

氮肥对棉田主要害虫种群密度及棉花产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过2年的田间研究,分析了3种不同施氮水平对棉花主要害虫棉玲虫、棉蚜种群动态、棉花蕾铃脱落及棉花产量的影响。结果表明,增施氮肥的棉田棉铃虫和棉蚜数量比对照田要高,但它们之间的差异没有达到显著的水平。不同年份对棉铃虫种群密度有显著影响,但对棉蚜种群没有显著影响。蕾花期施肥可减轻棉铃虫为害造成的花蕾脱落和自然脱落,增加有效铃数和产量,但增加量没有达到显著水平。  相似文献   



We investigated the response of the perennial grass Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench to combined effects of fertilization (N, P) and drought events. We hypothesized that N fertilization increases, and drought decreases productivity, but that N addition strengthens negative effects caused by drought.


Within a full-factorial 2-year greenhouse experiment we measured biomass productivity and allocation, tissue nutrient concentrations and nitrogen allocation patterns using 15N as a tracer.


N fertilization caused a strong increase in productivity, but effects of drought were almost insignificant. However, we found strongly interrelated, non-additive effects of fertilization and drought, expressed by a strong increase of necrotic tissue. Dead aboveground biomass showed the highest values for N and 15N.


Accelerated productivity of aboveground tissue under N fertilization resulted in increased evaporative demands and thus higher drought susceptibility. In addition 15N allocation patterns showed that fertilization-drought treatments disenabled plants’ control of their N allocation. Molinia was unable to withdraw leaf N during the dieback of aboveground tissue. Due to the lack of an adaptive strategy to the combined effects of fertilization and drought, increasing summer drought may weaken the competitive performance of species with traits comparable to those of Molinia in N-fertilized environments.  相似文献   

An experiment, in which fertilizer was used for accelerating growth for studies on production processes, is described. In this Australian heathland—a community common on soils very deficient in phosphorus and other nutrients—responses to fertilizer consisted in increases in leaf area index and standing biomass above ground. Fertilizer had no effect on growth below ground. These results were derived in the second growing season after treatment; no statistically significant effect could be shown in the non-growing periods up to two years after treatment. Discussion is centred on the limitations to be expected of such natural communities used as experimental material on which fertilizer has been imposed as a major treatment.  相似文献   

指出了目前胱氨酸制备中存在难点,并提出了解决办法,即自动化技术的应用。  相似文献   

养分专家系统推荐施肥在萝卜上的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过布置两季萝卜田间试验,研究了基于产量反应和农学效率推荐施肥方法建立的养分专家系统在萝卜上的应用效果,为方便快捷地进行萝卜科学施肥管理提供理论和技术支撑。试验设置7个处理,分别为农民习惯施肥处理(FP)、基于养分专家系统的推荐施肥处理(TE)、当地测土推荐施肥处理(TS)、TE基础上有机肥替代30%化肥氮处理(TE+OM)以及与TE处理对应的减氮处理(TE-N)、减磷处理(TE-P)和减钾处理(TE-K),比较了不同施肥管理措施对萝卜产量、养分吸收量、肥料利用率和施肥效益的影响。结果表明: 基于产量反应和农学效率的专家推荐施肥方法确定的萝卜上半年N、P2O5、K2O施用量分别为200、132和215 kg·hm-2;下半年分别为171、204和251 kg·hm-2。专家推荐施肥调整了氮、磷、钾肥的施用量,与FP处理相比,两季萝卜经济产量分别显著提高了14.8%和18.4%,施肥效益分别提高了20115和14905元·hm-2;与TS处理相比,两季萝卜经济产量分别显著提高了9.8%和16.8%,施肥效益分别提高了9076和9987元·hm-2。专家系统推荐施肥提高了萝卜的农学效率和养分回收率,促进了养分的高效利用。同时,萝卜生产中合理比例的有机肥替代化肥可在一定程度上促进植株养分向根部转移。综合考虑,专家推荐施肥在萝卜上的应用具有可行性,该方法在萝卜实际生产中充分利用了土壤的基础养分供应,考虑了养分的平衡与可持续性,合理调控了氮磷钾养分供应量,促进了萝卜生产的高产高效和可持续发展。  相似文献   

长期不同养分投入对土壤养分和水稻生产持续性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以中国科学院桃源农业生态试验站15a长期田间定位试验为研究对象,分析了不同养分投入对稻田土壤养分和水稻产量可持续性的影响.结果表明,化肥与系统内循环的有机物料循环的肥力效力和产量效应基本一致,有机物料循环更有利于土壤有机质和氮素的积累;在不同养分投入下,土壤耕层有机质和全氮均呈上升趋势,年均增长率分别为1.5%~5.8%和2.5%~9.4%;与试验前相比,不同养分投入耕层磷素变动幅度在-18.3%到30%之间,钾素养分有所亏缺,下降幅度在8.1%~22.6%之间;通过可持续性指数的分析得出,土壤N素养分的可持续性对化肥的依赖性较大,而P、K养分的可持续性则对有机肥的依赖性更高.稻田生态系统具有良好的自维持能力,系统内有机物循环有利于提高稻谷产量的稳定性和可持续性.  相似文献   

Two naturalized dandelions,Taraxacum officinale andTaraxacum laevigatum, were grown in mixed stands at various plant densities and mixing ratios with various levels of fertilizer supply until seeds were produced. The effect of fertilizer supply on the competitive relationship for seed production between the species was analyzed. In pure stands, the simultaneous effects of plant density and fertilizer supply on mean plant weight were formulated for each species. By introducing the density conversion factor, the results of plant weight growth in mixed stands were formulated successfully.T. laevigatum produced more seeds thanT. officinale at the same plant weight. The relationship between mean plant weight and mean number of mature seeds produced per plant was also formulated for each species. Ratio diagrams were predicted with these formulas. The density conversion factors showed thatT. officinale was always dominant overT. laevigatum for plant weight growth within a generation. The ratio diagrams showed thatT. officinale became dominant overT. laevigatum for seed production with repeating generations at higher levels of fertilizer supply, but that the species with a larger ratio of plant density became dominant over the other species at lower levels of fertilizer supply.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between the nutrient contents in vine leaves and grape yield on the one hand and the nutrient contents in the soil on the other are described on the basis of results from pot and field experiments conducted over several years. The soils were analysed by means of conventional methods as well as by electro-ultrafiltration (EUF). The following results were obtained: The application of high K and P fertilizer amounts in pot experiments increased the availability of Mg, Mn and Fe. A marked rise in the Mg, Mn and Fe contents was observed in the vine leaves. The exchange processes due to fertilizer addition were well indicated by the EUF method, whereas the results obtained by extraction with ammonium lactate (AL) and CaCl2 were unsatisfactory. Close and highly significant correlations were found between the EUF-P, EUF-K and EUF-Mg contents on the one hand and the P, K and Mg contents in vine leaves on the other. A close correlation also exists (r=0.91***) between grape yield and EUF-K contents. Grape yield increases with increasing EUF-K values up to 25 mg/100 g/30 min at 20°C in pot experiments (30 cm rooting depth) and only up to 12 mg/100 g/30 min at 20°C in field experiments. The soil in this field experiment had, however, EUF-K values of 12 mg/100 g in the topsoil as well as in the subsoil. When assessing the limit values, it is therefore important to consider the depth of the horizon in which the nutrients are present. After addition of very high amounts of P fertilizer the P contents in vine leaves markedly decrease after one year, as there is a decline in the availability of phosphates. The EUF-P values measured immediately after the application of high doses of P fertilizer can only characterize the P supply status of a soil for a period of one or two years. The P availability after application of different forms of phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate, hyperphosphate) is well indicated by means of EUF, but not by means of the AL method. When assessing the required K and Mg values in the soil (whatever the method) the vine variety has also to be taken into account, whereas the utilization of soil phosphates depends less on the varietal differences.  相似文献   

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