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Circadian clocks are fundamental machinery in organisms ranging from archaea to humans. Disruption of the circadian system is associated with premature aging in mice, but the molecular basis underlying this phenomenon is still unclear. In this study, we found that telomerase activity exhibits endogenous circadian rhythmicity in humans and mice. Human and mouse TERT mRNA expression oscillates with circadian rhythms and are under the control of CLOCK–BMAL1 heterodimers. CLOCK deficiency in mice causes loss of rhythmic telomerase activities, TERT mRNA oscillation, and shortened telomere length. Physicians with regular work schedules have circadian oscillation of telomerase activity while emergency physicians working in shifts lose the circadian rhythms of telomerase activity. These findings identify the circadian rhythm as a mechanism underlying telomere and telomerase activity control that serve as interconnections between circadian systems and aging.  相似文献   

Telomerase, which is required to maintain telomeres, has attracted considerable attention as a target for anticancer therapy. In this study, we investigated the inhibition of HeLa cell telomerase activity and cell cycle progression by triethylene tetraamine (TETA), using a modified telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) assay, and flow cytometry. TETA inhibited telomerase activity in HeLa cell extracts, with an IC50 of about 7.8 microM. Coupled with this inhibition, TETA also increased the proportion of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle in a dose-dependent manner. These findings demonstrate that TETA is a potent inhibitor of telomerase in micromolar concentrations, and inhibits the proliferation of HeLa cells by arresting them in G1.  相似文献   

We have constructed a 27-kDa hTERT C-terminal polypeptide (hTERTC27) devoid of domains required for telomerase activity and demonstrated that it is capable of nuclear translocation/telomere-end targeting. Here we showed that expression of a low level of hTERTC27 renders hTERT positive HeLa cells sensitive to H(2)O(2)-induced oxidative stress and subsequent cell senescence. The senescence-associated gene, the cyclin/cdk inhibitor p21(Waf1), was up-regulated. This occurs without changing the expression of endogenous hTERT, causing significant telomere shortening or inhibiting telomerase activity. Results from this study suggest for the first time that in addition to telomerase activity, the C-terminus of hTERT also plays a role in hTERT-mediated cellular resistance to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants lacking telomerase are able to elongate their telomeres through processes involving homologous recombination. In this study, we investigated telomeric recombination in several mutants that normally maintain very short telomeres due to the presence of a partially functional telomerase. The abnormal colony morphology present in some mutants was correlated with especially short average telomere length and with a requirement for RAD52 for indefinite growth. Better-growing derivatives of some of the mutants were occasionally observed and were found to have substantially elongated telomeres. These telomeres were composed of alternating patterns of mutationally tagged telomeric repeats and wild-type repeats, an outcome consistent with amplification occurring via recombination rather than telomerase. Our results suggest that recombination at telomeres can produce two distinct outcomes in the mutants we studied. In occasional cells, recombination generates substantially longer telomeres, apparently through the roll-and-spread mechanism. However, in most cells, recombination appears limited to helping to maintain very short telomeres. The latter outcome likely represents a simplified form of recombinational telomere maintenance that is independent of the generation and copying of telomeric circles.  相似文献   

人类造血细胞的端粒—端粒酶的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴来香  张洹 《生命科学》2001,13(3):119-121
端粒和端粒酶是近年来生命科学的研究热点之一,端粒酶与肿瘤密切相关,作为特殊的肿瘤标记,已成为抗肿瘤治疗的新靶点。由于造血干细胞的特性,对正常及恶性造血细胞进行端粒-端粒酶的研究可为进一步探讨正常造血细胞的增殖、分化、成熟和凋亡的调控机制,以及恶性血液肿瘤的发病机理提供理论依据,为临床诊断和抗癌治疗提供新的思路和策略。  相似文献   

Cervical cancer cells express high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 and E7 proteins, and repression of HPV gene expression causes the cells to cease proliferation and undergo senescence. However, it is not known whether both HPV proteins are required to maintain the proliferative state of cervical cancer cells, or whether mutations that accumulate during carcinogenesis eliminate the need for one or the other of them. To address these questions, we used the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein to repress the expression of either the E6 protein or the E7 protein encoded by integrated HPV18 DNA in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells. Repression of the E7 protein activated the Rb pathway but not the p53 pathway and triggered senescence, whereas repression of the E6 protein activated the p53 pathway but not the Rb pathway and triggered both senescence and apoptosis. Telomerase activity, cyclin-dependent kinase activity, and expression of c-myc were markedly inhibited by repression of either E6 or E7. These results demonstrate that continuous expression of both the E6 and the E7 protein is required for optimal proliferation of cervical carcinoma cells and that the two viral proteins exert distinct effects on cell survival and proliferation. Therefore, strategies that inhibit the expression or activity of either viral protein are likely to inhibit the growth of HPV-associated cancers.  相似文献   

Telomerase is an excellent target molecule for cancer therapy, though any effective agents have never been developed in human subjects. We designed a variety of hammerhead ribozymes against human telomerase RNA (hTR) and hTERT mRNA and studied their possibility as a tool for cancer therapy. To search promising target site of hTR, the catalytic actiuity of 3 kinds of hammerhead ribozymes was studied in cell-free system. They showed equivalent catalytic activity, but only 36-ribozyme, which was designed to cleave the template region of hTR, revealed telomerase inhibitory activity in an endometrial carcinoma cell line. Among hTERT-mRNA-targeted ribozymes, the ribozyme to cleave 13 nucleotides downstream from the 5'-end of hTERT mRNA (13-ribozyme) exhibited the strongest telomerase-inhibitory activity, and the ribozyme to cleave 59 nucleotides upstream from the poly(A) tail showed clear activity. Stable transfection studies confirmed that the 36-ribozyme as well as the 13-ribozyme suppressed telomerase. These observations suggest that the template region of hTR and 5'end of hTERT mRNA are promising target sites for ribozymes to reduce telomerase activity.  相似文献   

Cervical cancer cells express high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) E6 and E7 proteins. When both HPV oncogenes are repressed in HeLa cervical carcinoma cells, the dormant p53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor pathways are activated, and the cells undergo senescence in the absence of apoptosis. When the E6 gene is repressed in cells that continue to express an E7 gene, the p53 pathway, but not the Rb pathway, is activated, and both senescence and apoptosis are triggered. To determine the role of p53 signaling in senescence or apoptosis after repression of HPV oncogenes, we introduced a dominant-negative allele of p53 into HeLa cells. Dominant-negative p53 prevented senescence and apoptosis when E6 alone was repressed but did not inhibit senescence when both E6 and E7 were repressed. To determine whether reduced telomerase activity was involved in senescence or apoptosis after E6 repression, we generated HeLa cells stably expressing an exogenous hTERT gene, which encodes the catalytic subunit of telomerase. Although these cells contained markedly elevated telomerase activity and elongated telomeres, hTERT expression did not prevent senescence and apoptosis when E6 alone was repressed. These results demonstrate that when the Rb tumor suppressor pathway is inactivated by the E7 protein, E6 repression activates p53 signaling, which in turn is required for growth inhibition, senescence, and apoptosis. Thus, sustained inactivation of the p53 pathway by the E6 protein is required for maintenance of the proliferative phenotype of HeLa cervical carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Short telomeres have been shown to be preferentially elongated in both yeast and mouse models. We examined this in human cells, by utilising cells with large allelic telomere length differentials and observing the relative rates of elongation following the expression of hTERT. We observed that short telomeres are gradually elongated in the first 26 PDs of growth, whereas the longer telomeres displayed limited elongation in this period. Telomeres coalesced at similar lengths irrespective of their length prior to the expression of hTERT. These data indicate that short telomeres are marked for gradual elongation to a cell strain specific length threshold.  相似文献   

Replicative senescence is accompanied by a telomere-specific DNA damage response (DDR). We found that DDR+ telomeres occur spontaneously in early-passage normal human cells and increase in number with increasing cumulative cell divisions. DDR+ telomeres at replicative senescence retain TRF2 and RAP1 proteins, are not associated with end-to-end fusions and mostly result from strand-independent, postreplicative dysfunction. On the basis of the calculated number of DDR+ telomeres in G1-phase cells just before senescence and after bypassing senescence by inactivation of wild-type p53 function, we conclude that the accrual of five telomeres in G1 that are DDR+ but nonfusogenic is associated with p53-dependent senescence.  相似文献   

《Microbiological research》2014,169(4):255-261
Recently, the relationship between apoptosis and cancer has been emphasized and the induction of apoptosis is recognized as one of the key mechanisms of anti-cancer agents. Marine-derived fungi are valuable sources of structurally diverse bioactive anticancer agents. In the present study, a marine-derived fungus, Microsporum sp. was cultured and an anthraquinone derivative, physcion (11.8 mg) was isolated from the culture broth extract (1710 mg). Physcion has shown cytotoxic effect on human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells and its apoptosis induction in HeLa cells was investigated by the expressions of p53, p21, Bax, Bcl-2, caspase-9, and caspase-3 proteins. The Western blot analysis has revealed that physcion could significantly induce cell apoptosis through down-regulating of Bcl-2 expression, up-regulating of Bax expression, and activating the caspase-3 pathway. Furthermore, physcion induced the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in HeLa cells. Collectively, these results suggest that physcion could be a potential candidate in the field of anticancer drug discovery against human cervical cancer.  相似文献   

A deoxyribonuclease activity has been identified in the nuclei of the human cervical carcinoma HeLa. This activity has the novel property of existing as a single strand specific endo- and exodeoxyribonuclease activity. These activities are ionic strength sensitive, with retardation of activity occurring at 50 mM NaCl and above, with the Mn++ ion preferred over the Mg++ ion as activating cation. This activity extensively damages DNA via its single strand nicking and gaping activity. The method used to solubilize this activity as well as the enzyme's characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that some immortalized human cells maintain their telomeres in the absence of significant levels of telomerase activity by a mechanism referred to as alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). Cells utilizing ALT have telomeres of very heterogeneous length, ranging from very short to very long. Here we report the effect of telomerase expression in the ALT cell line GM847. Expression of exogenous hTERT in GM847 (GM847/hTERT) cells resulted in lengthening of the shortest telomeres; this is the first evidence that expression of hTERT in ALT cells can induce telomerase that is active at the telomere. However, rapid fluctuation in telomere length still occurred in the GM847/hTERT cells after more than 100 population doublings. Very long telomeres and ALT-associated promyelocytic leukemia (PML) bodies continued to be generated, indicating that telomerase activity induced by exogenous hTERT did not abolish the ALT mechanism. In contrast, when the GM847 cell line was fused with two different telomerase-positive tumor cell lines, the ALT phenotype was repressed in each case. These hybrid cells were telomerase positive, and the telomeres decreased in length, very rapidly at first and then at the rate seen in telomerase-negative normal cells. Additionally, ALT-associated PML bodies disappeared. After the telomeres had shortened sufficiently, they were maintained at a stable length by telomerase. Together these data indicate that the telomerase-positive cells contain a factor that represses the ALT mechanism but that this factor is unlikely to be telomerase. Further, the transfection data indicate that ALT and telomerase can coexist in the same cells.  相似文献   

We have measured telomere length and telomerase activity throughout the life span of clones of human B lymphocytes transformed by Epstein-Barr virus. Shortening of telomeres occurred at similar rates in all populations and persisted until chromosomes had little telomeric DNA remaining. At this stage, some of the clones entered a proliferative crisis and died. Only clones in which telomeres were stabilized, apparently by activation of telomerase, continued to proliferate indefinitely, i.e., became immortal. Since loss of telomeres impairs chromosome function, and may thus affect cell survival, we propose that telomerase activity is required for immortality. We have now detected this enzyme in a variety of immortal human cells transformed by different viruses, indicating that telomerase activation may be a common step in immortalization.  相似文献   

Yamagiwa Y  Meng F  Patel T 《Life sciences》2006,78(21):2494-2502
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cellular senescence results in irreversible growth arrest. In malignant cells, senescence is prevented by maintenance of chromosomal length by telomerase activity. Telomerase activity is increased in malignant, but not in normal cholangiocytes. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is an autocrine promoter of cholangiocarcinoma growth. Our aims were to assess the relationship between IL-6 activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways and senescence in malignant cholangiocytes. METHODS: Cell senescence and telomerase activity was assessed in Mz-ChA-1 malignant human cholangiocytes. The effect of inhibitors of p38 MAPK and telomerase activity on cell proliferation was assessed, and the interaction between these inhibitors was quantitated by median effects analysis. RESULTS: Mz-ChA-1 cells rapidly underwent senescence during repeated passaging. IL-6 increased telomerase activity and decreased cellular senescence during repeated passaging. However, basal telomerase activity was increased by inhibition of p38 MAPK. Inhibition of telomerase activity decreased IL-6 induced proliferation and had a synergistic effect with p38 MAPK inhibitors. Thus, IL-6 increases telomerase activity independent of p38 MAPK signaling and maintenance of telomerase activity promotes cholangiocarcinoma growth. CONCLUSION: Enhanced telomerase activity in response to IL-6 stimulation can prevent cellular senescence and thereby contribute to cholangiocarcinoma growth. Inhibition of telomerase activity may therefore be therapeutically useful in biliary tract malignancies.  相似文献   

In this work, the effects of a pair of positional isomer of ganoderic acids (GAs), namely ganoderic acid Mf (GA-Mf) and ganoderic acid S (GA-S) purified from the fermented mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum, on induction of cell apoptosis and the apoptotic pathway in HeLa cells were investigated. The results demonstrate that both isomers decreased cell population growth on various human carcinoma cell lines by MTT assay, while GA-Mf had better selectivity between normal and cancer cells. The flow cytometry analysis indicated that treatment of HeLa cells with GA-S caused cell cycle arrest in the S phase, while GA-Mf caused cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. Compared with GA-S, GA-Mf had more potent increase in the number of early and late apoptotic cells. Treatment of HeLa cells with each isomer decreased the mitochondria membrane potential and caused the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria into the cytosol. In addition, stimulation of caspase-3 and caspase-9 activity was observed. The Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was also increased in GA-treated HeLa cells. The results demonstrated that both isomers GA-Mf and GA-S induced apoptosis of human HeLa cells through a mitochondria mediated pathway, but they had the different cell cycle arrest specificity. The findings will be helpful to the development of useful cancer chemopreventive compounds from G. lucidum.  相似文献   

Several lines of experimental data have highlighted a key role of Amadori-glycated phosphatidylethanolamine (Amadori-PE) in the development of diabetic complications. Recent epidemiological studies suggest that diabetes mellitus could be a risk factor for some cancers. A characteristic of cancer cells is their immortal phenotype, and the enzyme telomerase contributes to the infinite replicative potential of cancer cells. The purpose of this study was to obtain new information about the effect of Amadori-PE on the regulation of telomerase in PANC-1 human pancreatic carcinoma cells. Amadori-PE enhanced cellular telomerase in a time- and dose-dependent manner by up-regulating hTERT expression through induction of c-myc. These results provide experimental evidence for a novel role of Amadori-PE in linking diabetes and cancer.  相似文献   

Recently, the relationship between apoptosis and cancer has been emphasized and the induction of apoptosis is recognized as one of the key mechanisms of anti-cancer agents. Marine-derived fungi are valuable sources of structurally diverse bioactive compounds with anticancer activity. In the present study, a marine-derived fungus, Microsporum sp. was cultured and a prenylated indole alkaloid, neoechinulin A was isolated from the culture broth extract. Neoechinulin A has shown cytotoxic effect on human cervical carcinoma HeLa cells and its apoptosis induction in HeLa cells was investigated by the expressions of p53, p21, Bax, Bcl-2, Caspase 9, and Caspase 3 proteins. Western blot analysis has revealed that neoechinulin A could induce cell apoptosis through down-regulating of Bcl-2 expression, up-regulating of Bax expression, and activating the caspase-3 pathway. Collectively, these results suggest that neoechinulin A could be a potential candidate in the field of anticancer drug discovery against human cervical cancer.  相似文献   

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