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A food-grade cloning system for industrial strains of Lactococcus lactis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have previously reported the construction of a food-grade cloning vector for Lactococcus using the ochre suppressor, supB, as the selective marker. This vector, pFG1, causes only a slight growth inhibition in the laboratory strain MG1363 but is unstable in the industrial strains tested. As supB suppresses both amber and ochre stop codons, which are present in 82% of all known lactococcal genes, this undesirable finding may result from the accumulation of elongated mistranslated polypeptides. Here, we report the development of a new food-grade cloning vector, pFG200, which is suitable for overexpressing a variety of genes in industrial strains of Lactococcus lactis. The vector uses an amber suppressor, supD, as selectable marker and consists entirely of Lactococcus DNA, with the exception of a small polylinker region. Using suppressible pyrimidine auxotrophs, selection and maintenance are efficient in any pyrimidine-free medium including milk. Importantly, the presence of this vector in a variety of industrial strains has no significant effect on the growth rate or the rate of acidification in milk, making this an ideal system for food-grade modification of industrially relevant L. lactis strains. The usefulness of this system is demonstrated by overexpressing the pepN gene in a number of industrial backgrounds.  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop food-grade cloning and expression vectors for use in genetic modification of Lactococcus lactis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two plasmid replicons and three dominant selection markers were isolated from L. lactis and used to construct five food-grade cloning vectors. These vectors were composed of DNA only from L. lactis and contained no antibiotic resistance markers. Three of the vectors (pND632, pND648 and pND969) were based on the same plasmid replicon and carried, either alone or in combination, the three different selectable markers encoding resistance to nisin, cadmium and/or copper. The other two (pND965DJ and pND965RS) were derived from a cadmium resistance plasmid, and carried a constitutive promoter and a copper-inducible promoter, respectively, immediately upstream of a multicloning site. All vectors were stable in L. lactis LM0230 for at least 40 generations without selection pressure. The two groups of vectors were compatible in L. lactis LM0230. The vectors pND648 and pND965RS, as representatives of the two groups, were transferred successfully by electroporation into and maintained in an industrial strain of L. lactis. The usefulness of the vectors was further demonstrated by expressing a phage resistance gene (abiI) in another industrial strain of L. lactis. CONCLUSIONS: The five food-grade vectors constructed are potentially useful for industrial strains of L. lactis. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These vectors represent a new set of molecular tools useful for food-grade modifications of L. lactis.  相似文献   

A food-grade vector system was developed that allows stable integration of multiple plasmid copies in the chromosome of Lactococcus lactis. The vector consists of the plus origin of replication (Ori+) of the lactococcal plasmid pWV01, the sucrose genes of the lactic acid bacterium Pediococcus pentosaceus PPE1.0 as selectable marker, a multiple-cloning site, and a lactococcal DNA fragment of a well-characterized chromosomal region. The system includes two L. lactis strains, LL108 and LL302, which produce the pWV01 RepA protein essential for replication of the Ori+ vectors. These helper strains allow the construction and isolation of the replicating form of the integration plasmids from a homologous background. Single-cross-over integration of the plasmids in L. lactis MG1363 resulted in amplifications to a level of approximately 20 copies/chromosome after selection of the transformants on medium containing sucrose as the only fermentable sugar. The amplifications were stable under selective growth conditions. In glucose-containing medium a limited loss of integrated plasmid copies was detected at a rate of (7.5–15) × 10−2 copies per generation. One strain, MG124, was isolated that had retained 11 integrated copies after a period of 120 generations of non-selective growth. These results show that the single-cross-over integration system described here represents a simple procedure for the engineering of stable food-grade strains carrying multiple copies of a gene of interest. Received: 23 September 1997 / Received revision: 21 November 1997 / Accepted: 21 November 1997  相似文献   

Nonsense suppressor strains of Lactococcus lactis were isolated using plasmids containing nonsense mutations or as revertants of a nonsense auxotrophic mutant. The nonsense suppressor gene was cloned from two suppressor strains and the DNA sequence determined. One suppressor is an ochre suppressor with an altered tRNAgin and the other an amber suppressor with an altered tRNAser. The nonsense suppressors allowed isolation of nonsense mutants of a lytic bacteriophage and suppressible auxotrophic mutants of L. lactis MG1363. A food-grade cloning vector based totally on DNA from Lactococcus and a synthetic polylinker with 11 unique restriction sites was constructed using the ochre suppressor as a selectable marker. Selection, following etectroporation of a suppressible purine auxotroph, can be done on purine-free medium. The pepN gene from L. lactis Wg2 was subcloned resulting in a food-grade plasmid giving a four- to fivefold increase in lysine aminopeptidase activity.  相似文献   

pUCL22 is the lactose protease plasmid of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis CNRZ270. The nucleotide sequence of its replication region Rep22 contains a non-transcribed region, the replication origin, followed by a gene encoding a putative 388-amino-acid protein named Rep22A. The promoter regions of the rep22A and pC194 cat genes share strong similarities and the pUCL22 replicon exerted trans or cis negative control on the pC194 cat gene expression in L. lactis. We suggest that Rep22A binds to its own promoter as well as to the pC194 cat promoter and thus is autoregulated. We show that pUCL22 replicates mainly by a bidirectional theta mechanism in L. lactis, and is representative of a widely distributed replicon family, members of which could be co-resident. We propose that compatibility between these closely related replicons results from minor replication protein modifications coupled with base changes in their respective binding sites, supporting the co-existence of numerous related replicons in lactococcal strains.  相似文献   

A specific fragment of the genome of Tuc2009, a temperate lactococcal bacteriophage, was shown to contain several open reading frames, whose deduced protein products exhibited similarities to proteins known to be involved in DNA replication and modification. In this way, a putative single-stranded binding protein, replisome organizer protein, topoisomerase I, and a methylase were identified. When the genetic information coding for the putative replisome organizer protein of Tuc2009, Rep2009, was supplied on a high-copy-number plasmid vector, it was shown to confer a phage-encoded resistance (Per) phenotype on its lactococcal host UC509.9. The presence of this recombinant plasmid was shown to cause a marked reduction in Tuc2009 DNA replication, suggesting that the observed phage resistance was due to titration of a factor, or factors, required for Tuc2009 DNA replication. Further experiments delineated the phage resistance-conferring region to a 160-bp fragment rich in direct repeats. Gel retardation experiments, which indicated a protein-DNA interaction between this 160-bp fragment and the Rep2009 protein, were performed. UC509.9 strains harboring plasmids with randomly mutated versions of this fragment were shown to display a variable phage resistance phenotype, depending on the position of the mutations.  相似文献   

We report the development of a nonantibiotic and nonpathogenic host-plasmid selection system based on lactococcal genes and threonine complementation. We constructed an auxotrophic Lactococcus lactis MG1363Deltathr strain which carries deletions in two genes encoding threonine biosynthetic enzymes. To achieve plasmid-borne complementation, we then constructed the minimal cloning vector, pJAG5, based on the genes encoding homoserine dehydrogenase-homoserine kinase (the hom-thrB operon) as a selective marker. Using strain MG1363Deltathr, selection and maintenance of cells carrying pJAG5 were obtained in threonine-free defined media. Compared to the commonly used selection system based on erythromycin resistance, the designed complementation system offers a competitive and stable plasmid selection system for the production of heterologous proteins in L. lactis. The potential of pJAG5 to deliver genes for expression in eukaryotes was evaluated by insertion of a mammalian expression unit encoding a modified green fluorescent protein. The successful delivery and expression of genes in human kidney fibroblasts indicated the potential of the designed nonantibiotic host-plasmid system for use in genetic immunization.  相似文献   

D Simon  A Chopin 《Biochimie》1988,70(4):559-566
Cloning vector plasmids have been constructed on the basis of the broad host range plasmid pAM beta 1 and used for the cloning of a nisin resistance determinant in Streptococcus lactis. They incorporate several desirable features for gene cloning in S. lactis and other transformable Gram-positive bacteria. They carry an easily selectable erythromycin resistance marker, are present at low (6-9) or high (45-85) copy number in S. lactis and possess a convenient polyrestriction site sequence. A significant advantage of these plasmids is their capability to carry and stably maintain very large cloned DNA fragments (up to 30 kilobases).  相似文献   

为构建乳酸乳球菌食品级分泌表达载体,通过PCR扩增质粒pMG36e的p32启动子片段及乳酸乳球菌MG1363未知分泌蛋白(Usp45)基因的核糖体结合位点、分泌信号肽和成熟肽前11个氨基酸的编码序列(SPusp45),克隆到食品级载体pSH91中,构建食品级分泌性表达载体pSQ;克隆报告基因金黄色葡萄球菌核酸酶(NucA)成熟肽的编码序列nucA到pSQ中分泌信号后,转化乳酸乳球菌MBP71,构建了乳酸乳球菌食品级分泌性表达系统L lactis/pSQ-nucA;通过TB-D法和酶谱法检测L lactis/pSQ-nucA的表达形式、表达量并与以前构建的L lactis/pSQZ-nucA系统表达能力进行比较,结果发现L lactis/pSQ-nucA能够分泌性表达NucA,分泌性表达的NucA量大约是胞内NucA的10倍;L lactis/pSQ-nucA的表达量高于lactis/pSQZ-nucA.为进一步目的蛋白的的分泌性表达及食品级疫苗的研制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Abstract A plasmid-based food-grade vector system was developed for Lactococcus lactis by exploiting the genes for lactose metabolism. L. lactis MGS267 is a plasmid-free strain containing the entire lactose operon as a chromosomal insertion. The lacF gene was deleted from this strain by a double cross-over homologous recombination event. The lacF -deficient strain produced a Lac phenotype on indicator agar. A cloned copy of the lacF gene expressed on a plasmid was capable of complementing the lacF -deficient strain resulting in a Lac+ phenotype. This stably maintained system fits the requirements of a self-selecting vector system and has the potential to be exploited in the food industry.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that lactose-fermenting ability (Lac+) in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris AM1, SK11, and ML1 is associated with plasmid DNA, even though these strains are difficult to cure of Lac plasmids. When the Lac plasmids from these strains were introduced into L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230, they appeared to replicate in a thermosensitive manner; inheritance of the plasmid was less efficient at 32 to 40 degrees C than at 22 degrees C. The stability of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in lactococci appeared to be a combination of both host and plasmid functions. Stabilized variants were isolated by growing the cultures at 32 to 40 degrees C; these variants contained the Lac plasmids integrated into the L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230 chromosome. In addition, the presence of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in L. lactis subsp. lactis resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth response; growth of L. lactis subsp. lactis transformants was significantly inhibited at 38 to 40 degrees C, thereby resembling some L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains with respect to temperature sensitivity of growth.  相似文献   

The growing popularity of the lactic acid bacterium Lactococcus lactis has increased demand for novel high-throughput cloning methods. Here we describe a general TA-cloning methodology and demonstrate its feasibility using the plasmid pNZ8148. PCR products were directly ligated into a linear, PCR-amplified and XcmI-digested pNZ8148 derivative that was termed pNZ-T. Cloning using pNZ-T yielded a high proportion of insert-containing plasmids on transformation. Although demonstrated with L. lactis, the technique presented here is organism-independent and can be implemented in other plasmids.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that lactose-fermenting ability (Lac+) in Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris AM1, SK11, and ML1 is associated with plasmid DNA, even though these strains are difficult to cure of Lac plasmids. When the Lac plasmids from these strains were introduced into L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230, they appeared to replicate in a thermosensitive manner; inheritance of the plasmid was less efficient at 32 to 40 degrees C than at 22 degrees C. The stability of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in lactococci appeared to be a combination of both host and plasmid functions. Stabilized variants were isolated by growing the cultures at 32 to 40 degrees C; these variants contained the Lac plasmids integrated into the L. lactis subsp. lactis LM0230 chromosome. In addition, the presence of the L. lactis subsp. cremoris Lac plasmids in L. lactis subsp. lactis resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth response; growth of L. lactis subsp. lactis transformants was significantly inhibited at 38 to 40 degrees C, thereby resembling some L. lactis subsp. cremoris strains with respect to temperature sensitivity of growth.  相似文献   

The replication region of the 7.8 kilobase (kb) citrate plasmid pSL2 from Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis Bu2 was identified. Deletion derivatives of pSL2 were introduced into plasmid-free strain Bu2-60 and tested for their ability to replicate autonomously. The region necessary for replication was identified by comparison of the pSL2 derivatives, cloned and sequenced. No homologies were detected by comparing the putative Rep protein of pSL2 with replicons of other plasmids of Gram-positive bacteria. A part of an IS-element flanking the replication region was found.  相似文献   

The replication region of the lactococcal plasmid pCI2000 was subcloned and analyzed. The nucleotide sequence of one 5.6-kb EcoRI fragment which was capable of supporting replication when cloned on a replication probe vector revealed the presence of seven putative open reading frames (ORFs). One ORF exhibited significant homology to several replication proteins from plasmids considered to replicate via a theta mode. Deletion analysis showed that this ORF, designated repA, is indeed required for replication. The results also suggest that the origin of replication is located outside repA. Upstream and divergently transcribed from repA, an ORF that showed significant (48 to 64%) homology to a number of proteins that are required for faithful segregation of chromosomal or plasmid DNA of gram-negative bacteria was identified. Gene interruption and transcomplementation experiments showed that this ORF, designated parA, is required for stable inheritance of pCI2000 and is active in trans. This is the first example of such a partitioning mechanism for plasmids in gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

Four shuttle vectors (pMIG 1, 2, 2H and 3) have been constructed based on the broad host-range plasmid pCK1. All the pMIG vectors possess a multiple cloning site containing 12 or more unique restriction enzyme sites, and are stably maintained at either high or low copy number in Lactococcus lactis and in Escherichia coli. By cloning the E. coli pUC replicon into one of these vectors a plasmid was constructed which can replicate to high copy number in recA strains of E. coli. The broad host-range of the pCK1 replicon may enable these cloning vectors to be used in a number of Gram-positive bacteria. One of these vectors was used to optimize an electroporation procedure for transformation of a commonly used plasmid-cured strain MGI363 of L. lactis which routinely yielded 1 times 107 to 5 times 107 transformants μg-1 supercoiled DNA using stored, snap-frozen cells. This transformation efficiency was obtained by growing the cells in medium containing the cell wall weakening agent glycine, to an upper limit of 2·5% w.v. Although growth of L. lactis strain MGI363 was inhibited by the use of 0·5 mol 1-1 sucrose as an osmotic stabilizer, the presence of sucrose in the electroporation buffer was critical for high transformation efficiency. Other variables which were tested for their effect on the efficiency of transformation were cell concentration, DNA concentration, pulse time and field strength. These results provide a model procedure which can be followed to optimize conditions for the genetic transformation of various strains of L. lactis.  相似文献   

While plasmids from lactic acid bacteria possess many traits that are of industrial value, their exploitation is often frustrated by an inability to conduct food-grade engineering of native plasmids or to readily screen for their transfer. Here we describe a system that uses a RepA(+) temperature-sensitive helper plasmid and a RepA(-) cloning vector to overcome these problems while maintaining the food-grade status of the native plasmid. This strategy was used to precisely delete ltnA1 alone, or in conjunction with ltnA2 (encoding the structural proteins of the lantibiotic lacticin 3147), from the native 60.2-kb plasmid pMRC01 and to select for the transfer of pMRC01 between Lactococcus lactis strains.  相似文献   

Integration and excision of plasmid DNA in Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
F Hayes  J Law  C Daly  G F Fitzgerald 《Plasmid》1990,24(2):81-89
The capacity of the 75-kb lactose-proteinase plasmid pCI301 from Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis UC317 to recombine with the lactococcal chromosome was examined. Low-frequency integration of pCI301 sequences was detected following protoplast transformation of strain MG136Sm with total plasmid DNA from strain UC317. Excision of integrated sequences was subsequently observed at a low level. Excised sequences were rescued through recombination with and mobilization by the conjugative enterococcal plasmid pAMB1. Transconjugants harboring novel recombinant pCI301::pAMB1 plasmids, both pAMB1 and a pCI301 derivative, and pAMB1 only were isolated. The latter represents a class of transconjugant in which an elevated level of reintegration of pCI301 DNA in the recipient chromosome has occurred.  相似文献   

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