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Meiotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is initiated by double-strand breaks (DSBs). We have developed a system to compare the properties of meiotic DSBs with those created by the site-specific HO endonuclease. HO endonuclease was expressed under the control of the meiotic-specific SPO13 promoter, creating a DSB at a single site on one of yeast's 16 chromosomes. In Rad(+) strains the times of appearance of the HO-induced DSBs and of subsequent recombinants are coincident with those induced by normal meiotic DSBs. Physical monitoring of DNA showed that SPO13::HO induced gene conversions both in Rad(+) and in rad50Δ cells that cannot initiate normal meiotic DSBs. We find that the RAD50 gene is important, but not essential, for recombination even after a DSB has been created in a meiotic cell. In rad50Δ cells, some DSBs are not repaired until a broken chromosome has been packaged into a spore and is subsequently germinated. This suggests that a broken chromosome does not signal an arrest of progression through meiosis. The recombination defect in rad50Δ diploids is not, however, meiotic specific, as mitotic rad50 diploids, experiencing an HO-induced DSB, exhibit similar departures from wild-type recombination.  相似文献   

T. Langin  V. Haedens    J. L. Rossignol 《Genetics》1988,119(2):337-344
Large heterologies in gene b2 strongly increase the frequencies of reciprocal exchanges on their left border, towards the high conversion end. In a previous study, we observed that heterozygous point mutations located in the high conversion end (region F) stimulate the reciprocal exchanges instigated by the large heterology 138. We have defined some properties of this stimulation. The effect does not depend on the nature of the large heterology used. It is effective only with point mutations located on the left side of the large heterology. It does not depend on the number of heterozygosities accumulated in region F. It is not specific on the location of point mutations in region F: it decreases from region F (left end) to region E (middle part of b2). It is correlated with the mismatch correction efficiencies of the point mutations used. It is not observed in the absence of a large heterology. Point mutation heterozygosities which stimulate reciprocal exchanges also decrease the frequency of HDNA formation in gene b2. We propose a model in which reciprocal exchanges on the one hand and hybrid DNA formation on the other hand correspond to alternative processings of a common recombination intermediate.  相似文献   

Although genetic distances are often assumed to be proportional to physical distances, chromosomal regions with unusually high (hotspots) or low (coldspots) levels of meiotic recombination have been described in a number of genetic systems. In general, the DNA sequences responsible for these effects have not been determined. We report that the 5' region of the beta-lactamase (ampR) gene of the bacterial transposon Tn3 is a hotspot for meiotic recombination when inserted into the chromosomes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. When these sequences are homozygous, both crossing over and gene conversion are locally stimulated. The 5' end of the beta-lactamase gene is about 100-fold "hotter" for crossovers than an average yeast DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Bhalla N 《Current biology : CB》2010,20(23):R1014-R1016
Defects in meiosis can produce different checkpoint responses in female and male animals, suggesting that meiotic checkpoints exhibit sexual dimorphism. A recent study in Caenorhabditis elegans indicates that meiotic checkpoint activation is similar between the sexes and the primary difference lies in the downstream consequences.  相似文献   

In the institutional sense of the term "discipline" (laboratories, societies, congresses, curricula, etc.), genetics remains a discipline. In the intellectual sense of the term (consensus on a definite array of concepts, methods and theoretical purposes), it is doubtful that genetics is still a discipline. At first, molecular biology seemed to have introduced an unequivocal structural (or molecular) definition of the gene: a definite sequence of nucleotides that code for a protein. In fact, as it appears in retrospect, this was not the case. Even in 1961, when Jacob and Monod proposed their first model of genetic regulation in bacteria, there was no possibility of constructing a non equivocal concept of the gene. More recent developments in molecular genetics have made this situation worse. There is no possible definition of the gene as a general category. The reasons why biologists keep the word are pragmatic rather than theoretical: communication among scientists, economic interests and ideology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fabrics used in pollination bags may exclude pollen carried by biotic vectors, but have varying degrees of permeability to wind-borne pollen. The permeability of bags to wind-borne pollen may have important consequences in studies of pollination and reproductive biology. The permeability of four fabrics commonly used in the construction of pollination bags was examined. METHODS: Deposition of wind-borne pollen on horizontally and vertically oriented microscope slides was assessed on slides enclosed in pollination bags, as well as on control slides. KEY RESULTS: It was found that the permeability of fabrics to wind-borne pollen, as measured by deposition on both horizontally and vertically oriented slides, decreased with pore size. However, deposition on horizontal slides was always greater than on vertical slides for a given fabric; this could manifest itself as differential success of pollination of flowers in bags-dependent on flower orientation. CONCLUSIONS: Obviously, bags with mesh size smaller than most pollen grains are impermeable to pollen. However, material for such bags is very expensive. In addition, it was also observed that bags with even moderately small pore size, such as pores (approx. 200 microm) in twisted fibre cotton muslin, offered highly significant barriers to passage of wind-borne pollen. Such bags are sufficiently effective in most large-sample-size reproductive biology studies.  相似文献   

Valorization of knowledge has been defined as a major challenge in the context of genomics as an emerging strategic research field. Valorization is a Dutch science-policy concept for what is elsewhere called science impact or the third mission of universities. This article describes the institutionalization of valorization policy in the Dutch genomics research system as a specific manifestation of a changing social contract between science and society, which mainly targets economic value creation and the stimulation of entrepreneurship. A societal debate has emerged in which this focus on economic aspects has been strongly criticized as one-sided. In response, policy-makers are willing to adopt a broader definition of valorization. On the basis of an analysis of valorization policies and practices in Dutch medical genomics, this article draws attention to two myths in this valorization debate.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a membrane-bound, 170 kDa, protein tyrosine kinase that plays an important role in tumorigenesis. The EGFR gene, which is composed of over 168 kb of sequence, including a 123-kb first intron, is frequently amplified and rearranged in malignant gliomas leading to the expression of oncogenic deletion (DM) and tandem duplication (TDM) mutants. The most common DM in gliomas is EGFRvIII, which arises from recombination between introns 1 and 7 with deletion of exons 2 through 7 and intervening introns. In addition, some human gliomas express 180- to 190-kDa TDM, which are constitutively active and highly oncogenic. Both DM and TDM arise by recombination of introns that contain sequences with homology to the recombination signal sequence (RSS) heptamers and nonamers present in the V(D)J region of the immunoglobin and T lymphocyte antigen receptor genes. V(D)J RSS have also been identified in certain proto-oncogenes like bcl-2 that are involved in translocations associated with the development of human lymphomas and in other genes such as hypoxanthine-guainine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) in which deletion mutations and intron rearrangements are a common phenomenon. Together with the expression of recombination associated gene (RAG) and nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) proteins in gliomas, these observation suggest that aberrant activity of the V(D)J recombinase may be involved in the activation of proto-oncogenes in both liquid and solid tumors.  相似文献   

Genetic recombination is a basic cellular process required for altering genome structure. The RecA protein of Escherichia coli has a central role in homologous recombination, and a eukaryotic protein with similar properties has been discovered in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Unexpectedly, this RecA-like protein has additional biochemical activities, and its function may not be restricted to recombination.  相似文献   

Louis EJ  Borts RH 《Current biology : CB》2003,13(24):R953-R955
Proper chromosome segregation in meiosis requires the right number and distribution of crossovers. Recent work in budding yeast has revealed a meiosis-specific role for RecQ helicase in limiting crossovers, distinct from its known somatic role in maintaining genome stability.  相似文献   

Lifespan increases observed in the United States and elsewhere throughout the developed world, have been attributed in part to improvements in medical care access and technology and to healthier lifestyles. To differentiate the relative contributions of these two factors, we have compared lifespan in the Old Order Amish (OOA), a population with historically low use of medical care, with that of Caucasian participants from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), focusing on individuals who have reached at least age 30 years.Analyses were based on 2,108 OOA individuals from the Lancaster County, PA community born between 1890 and 1921 and 5,079 FHS participants born approximately the same time. Vital status was ascertained on 96.9% of the OOA cohort through 2011 and through systematic follow-up of the FHS cohort. The lifespan part of the study included an enlargement of the Anabaptist Genealogy Database to 539,822 individuals, which will be of use in other studies of the Amish. Mortality comparisons revealed that OOA men experienced better longevity (p<0.001) and OOA women comparable longevity than their FHS counterparts.We further documented all OOA hospital discharges in Lancaster County, PA during 2002–2004 and compared OOA discharge rates to Caucasian national rates obtained from the National Hospital Discharge Survey for the same time period. Both OOA men and women experienced markedly lower rates of hospital discharges than their non-Amish counterparts, despite the increased lifespan.We speculate that lifestyle factors may predispose the OOA to greater longevity and perhaps to lesser hospital use. Identifying these factors, which might include behaviors such as lesser tobacco use, greater physical activity, and/or enhanced community assimilation, and assessing their transferability to non-Amish communities may produce significant gains to the public health.  相似文献   

Tomkiel JE 《Genetica》2000,109(1-2):95-103
In male Drosophila melanogaster, anomalies in sex chromosome pairing at meiosis often lead to complete or partial sperm dysfunction. This observation has led to the suggestion that defects in either the efficiency or configuration of chromosome pairing at metaphase trigger a checkpoint mechanism that leads to the elimination of meiotic products. Here, we discuss this model in consideration of recent observations on the conservation of metaphase checkpoint components in male meiosis, and on the phenotype of new alleles of the male-specific meiotic mutant teflon. Based on these observations, we propose an alternative hypothesis for the cause of sperm dysfunction in cases of chromosomal sterility and drive. We suggest that disruption of the prophase compartmentalization of sex chromatin, rather than abnormal pairing at metaphase, may be the causative defect. Such disruption may occur as a result of perturbations in sex chromosome pairing, or by translocations involving autosomal and sex chromatin. We discuss how this hypothesis may account for previously described examples chromosomal causes of meiotic drive and sterility in Drosophila. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



This qualitative study explores Nigerian health care professionals’ concepts of good dying/a good death and how telemedicine technologies and services would fit the current Nigerian palliative care practice.

Materials and Methods

Supported by the Centre for Palliative Care Nigeria (CPCN) and the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Nigeria, the authors organized three focus groups with Nigerian health care professionals interested in palliative care, unstructured interviews with key role players for palliative care and representatives of telecom companies, and field visits to primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare clinics that provided palliative care. Data analysis consisted of open coding, constant comparison, diagramming of categorizations and relations, and extensive member checks.


The focus group participants classified good dying into 2 domains: a feeling of completion of the individual life and dying within the community. Reported barriers to palliative care provision were socio-economic consequences of being seriously ill, taboos on dying and being ill, restricted access to adequate medical–technical care, equation of religion with medicine, and the faulty implementation of palliative care policy by government. The addition of telemedicine to Nigeria’s palliative care practice appears problematic, due to irregular bandwidth, poor network coverage, and unstable power supply obstructing interactivity and access to information. However, a tele-education ‘lite’ scenario seemed viable in Nigeria, wherein low-tech educational networks are central that build on non-synchronous online communication.


Nigerian health care professionals’ concepts on good dying/a good death and barriers and opportunities for palliative care provision were, for the greater part, similar to prior findings from other studies in Africa. Information for and education of patient, family, and community are essential to further improve palliative care in Africa. Telemedicine can only help if low-tech solutions are applied that work around network coverage problems by focusing on non-synchronous online communication.  相似文献   

Topoisomerases are enzymes with crucial functions in DNA metabolism. They are ubiquitously present in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and modify the steady-state level of DNA supercoiling. Biochemical analyses indicate that Topoisomerase 3α (TOP3α) functions together with a RecQ DNA helicase and a third partner, RMI1/BLAP75, in the resolution step of homologous recombination in a process called Holliday Junction dissolution in eukaryotes. Apart from that, little is known about the role of TOP3α in higher eukaryotes, as knockout mutants show early lethality or strong developmental defects. Using a hypomorphic insertion mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana (top3α-2), which is viable but completely sterile, we were able to define three different functions of the protein in mitosis and meiosis. The top3α-2 line exhibits fragmented chromosomes during mitosis and sensitivity to camptothecin, suggesting an important role in chromosome segregation partly overlapping with that of type IB topoisomerases. Furthermore, AtTOP3α, together with AtRECQ4A and AtRMI1, is involved in the suppression of crossover recombination in somatic cells as well as DNA repair in both mammals and A. thaliana. Surprisingly, AtTOP3α is also essential for meiosis. The phenotype of chromosome fragmentation, bridges, and telophase I arrest can be suppressed by AtSPO11 and AtRAD51 mutations, indicating that the protein is required for the resolution of recombination intermediates. As Atrmi1 mutants have a similar meiotic phenotype to Attop3α mutants, both proteins seem to be involved in a mechanism safeguarding the entangling of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The requirement of AtTOP3α and AtRMI1 in a late step of meiotic recombination strongly hints at the possibility that the dissolution of double Holliday Junctions via a hemicatenane intermediate is indeed an indispensable step of meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

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