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Silicote® ointment was used as a protective covering for the skin in the treatment of 107 patients with various kinds of dermatologic disease. In 83 the disease was cured or effectively controlled. It was particularly effective in conditions caused or aggravated by water-soluble or oil-soluble irritants.  相似文献   

Part I of this report deals with the topical use of cortisone in a variety of skin diseases. Fifteen patients with chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, four patients with necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, four with psoriasis, one with lichen planus and one with granuloma annulare were treated with cortisone ointment. All the patients with chronic discoid lupus erythematosus had some degree of improvement. In two patients with chronic lupus erythematosus, complete clearing of the eruption occurred. In four patients with necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum remarkable involution resulted. Patients with psoriasis, lichen planus and granuloma annulare were not benefited.Part II deals with the systemic use of cortisone. Eight patients with severe serum sickness-like penicillin reaction responded dramatically to parenterally administered cortisone. In two cases of pemphigus vulgaris and one case of Sulzberger-Garbe disease, the disease was kept in remission with cortisone administered intramuscularly as well as orally. Partial improvement resulted in a case of localized myxedema associated with malignant exophthalmus. Two patients with exfoliative dermatitis due to therapy with heavy metals responded dramatically to cortisone. No beneficial effects were noted in patients with chronic urticaria and atopic dermatitis.The systemic use of ACTH and cortisone in dermatology at present should be confined to patients with known fatal or hopelessly incapacitating diseases and to patients with extreme hypersensitivity reactions which may be protracted or life-endangering, and which can be controlled or cured with a relatively small total dosage of the agents in a short time.  相似文献   

木犀科系统研究中过氧化物同工酶的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝电泳分析了木犀科7属51种(亚种,变种及某些被归并的种)植物叶片过氧化物同工酶。研究结果表明,尽管个别种的种内酶谱有变化,但各个种都有能与其他种相区别的酶谱,各属也具有其特征酶谱,过氧化物同工酶适宜的作为木犀科分类的一个重要指标。根据酶谱认为不分亚科,各族独立为宜,酶谱支持雪柳属和连翘属分别从族及丁香族中独立出来单独建族;支持撤消丁香族,将丁香属并入木犀榄族而靠近女贞属,根据酶谱及  相似文献   

From the experimental and clinical observations published to date it appears that three new antibiotics, polymyxin, chloramphenicol and aureomycin, will prove to be highly efficacious against many of the infectious dermatoses and venereal diseases.  相似文献   

By the employment of what we are pleased to call a “basic diet,” the urinary acidity may be easily reduced to a pH of 7.00 or better.On such diets patients with chronic interstitial nephritis appear to improve, as evidenced by a decrease in blood pressure, albumin and casts in the urine and other symptoms of nephritis and arterial hypertension.  相似文献   


Preliminary studies on the effects of antabus (tetraethylthiuram disulfide) in the therapy of alcoholic patients indicate that it is very valuable in providing a “chemical foundation” for sobriety, even in those with a severe, long term drinking problem. In the first 30 patients treated, a favorable degree of control of the alcoholism has been effected in approximately 80 per cent. When taken regularly the drug maintains in the patient a very high degree of sensitivity to alcohol, quickly producing a number of very distressing bodily reactions whenever even very small amounts of spirits are ingested. Because of its potential dangers, antabus should be used only after thorough clinical and laboratory studies in properly staffed institutions. It is contraindicated in individuals with existing major psychosis or drug addiction and must be used only with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, goiter, pregnancy, epilepsy, asthma, and hepatic disease. Antabus therapy should be considered only one aspect of the total treatment program for the alcoholic patient.  相似文献   

Banthine® was used in the treatment of patients with various diseases, organic and functional, of the gastrointestinal tract. Good response was obtained in a high proportion of cases of duodenal, stomal and gastric ulcer, and of hypertrophic gastritis. In some instances, patients who did not have good response at first were relieved later when the size of doses and the dosage schedule were adjusted to fit their particular needs.Some patients “felt so well” during Banthine therapy that they departed from prescribed diet and violated injunctions against use of alcohol and tobacco, and symptoms recurred.Nine patients with history of recurrent bouts of pain from ulcer for several years took small doses of Banthine constantly, or occasionally at times of stress, as a prophylactic measure after the symptoms were relieved by therapeutic doses. None of them had recurrence while following the prophylactic regimen.In most of the cases of peptic ulcer in which the response was recorded as “poor,” it was because distressing side-effects dictated discontinuance of the drug. Several elderly male patients had severe urinary retention. Paralytic ileus developed postoperatively in one patient who was receiving Banthine. Less severe side reactions—dry mouth, blurring of vision, urinary slowing — were for the most part transient.Few patients with functional indigestion, chronic non-specific colitis or regional enteritis were relieved. Most of the patients with functional indigestion reported exacerbation of symptoms when Banthine was given. This was believed to be based on emotional reaction to the hypomotility induced by the drug.  相似文献   

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