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Jeremy R. McCallum 《BBA》2007,1767(7):974-979
Electron transport, the proton gradient and ATP synthesis were determined in thylakoids that had been briefly exposed to a low concentration of trypsin during illumination. This treatment cleaves the γ subunit of the ATP synthase into two large fragments that remain associated with the enzyme. Higher rates of electron transport are required to generate a given value of the proton gradient in the trypsin-treated membranes than in control membranes, indicating that the treated membranes are proton leaky. Since venturicidin restores electron transport and the proton gradient to control levels, the proton leak is through the ATP synthase. Remarkably, the synthesis of ATP by the trypsin-treated membranes at saturating light intensities is only slightly inhibited even though the proton gradient is significantly lower in the treated thylakoids. ATP synthesis and the proton gradient were determined as a function of light intensity in control and trypsin-treated thylakoids. The trypsin-treated membranes synthesized ATP at lower values of the proton gradient than the control membranes. Cleavage of the γ subunit abrogates inhibition of the activity of the chloroplast ATP synthase by the ε subunit. Our results suggest that overcoming inhibition by the ε subunit costs energy.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the entire nuclear-encoded precursor for subunit delta of the ATP synthase from spinach thylakoid membranes was determined by cDNA sequencing. Appropriate recombinant DNAs were selected from pBR322 and lambda gt11 libraries made from polyadenylated RNA of greening spinach seedlings. The mature protein consists of 187 amino acid residues corresponding to a molecular weight of 20468. The precursor protein (257 amino acid residues; M r=27676) is probably processed between a Met-Val bond. The predicted secondary structure of the transit sequence (70 residues; 7.2 kDa) resembles that of the Rieske Fe/S polypeptide, but shows little similarity with those of stromal or luminal proteins. The comparison of the chloroplast delta amino acid sequence with the published delta sequences from respiratory ATP synthases of bacterial and mitochondrial sources and from the thylakoid ATP synthase of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus suggests substantial divergence at the genic level although structural elements appear to be remarkably conserved.  相似文献   

Using DTT-modulated thylakoid membranes we studied tight nucleotide binding and ATP content in bound nucleotides and in the reaction mixture during [14C] ADP photophosphorylation. The increasing light intensity caused an increase in the rate of [14C] ADP incorporation and a decrease in the steady-state level of tightly bound nucleotides. Within the light intensity range from 11 to 710 w m–2, ATP content in bound nucleotides was larger than that in nucleotides of the reaction mixture; the most prominent difference was observed at low degrees of ADP phosphorylation. The increasing light intensity was accompanied by a significant increase of the relative ATP content in tightly bound nucleotides. The ratio between substrates and products formed at the tight nucleotide binding site during photophosphorylation was suggested to depend on the light-induced proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane.Abbreviations AdN adenine nucleotide - Chl chlorophyll - DTT dithiothreitol - FCCP carbonylcianide p-trifluoromethoxyphenilhydrazone - Pi inorganic orthophosphate - PMS phenazine methosulfate - TLC thin-layer chromatography - Tricine N-[tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl] glycine  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequences of the chloroplast genes for the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits of wheat chloroplast ATP synthase have been determined. Open reading frames of 1512 bp, 1494 bp and 411 bp are deduced to code for polypeptides of molecular weights 55201, 53796 and 15200, identified as the alpha, beta and epsilon subunits respectively by homology with the subunits from other sources and by amino acid sequencing of the epsilon subunit. The genes for the beta and epsilon subunits overlap by 4 bp. The gene for methionine tRNA is located 118 bp downstream from the epsilon subunit gene. Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequences of the alpha and beta subunits with those from other species suggest regions of the proteins involved in adenine nucleotide binding.  相似文献   

The conserved residue Gly47 of the chloroplast ATP synthase ε subunit was substituted with Leu, Arg, Ala and Glu by site-directed mutagenesis. This process generated the mutants εG47L, εG47R, εG47A and εG47E, respectively. All the ε variants showed lower inhibitory effects on the soluble CF1(-ε) Ca^2 -ATPase compared with wild-type ε. In reduced conditions, εG47E and εG47R had a lower inhibitory effect on the oxidized CF1(-ε) Ca^2 -ATPase compared with wild-type ε. In contrast, εG47L and εG47Aincreased the Ca^2 -ATPase activity of soluble oxidized CF1(-ε). The replacement of Gly47 significantly impaired the interaction between the subunit ε and γ in an in vitro binding assay. Further study showed that all ε variants were more effective in blocking proton leakage from the thylakoid membranes. This enhanced ATP synthesis of the chloroplast and restored ATP synthesis activity of the reconstituted membranes to a level that was more efficient than that achieved by wild-type ε. These results indicate that the conserved Gly47 residue of the ε subunit is very important for maintaining the structure and function of the ε subunitand may affect the interaction between the ε subunit, β subunit of CF1 and subunit Ⅲ of CF0, therebyregulating the ATP hydrolysis and synthesis, as well as the proton translocation role of the subunit Ⅲ of CF0.  相似文献   

To understand the regulatory function of the gamma and epsilon subunits of chloroplast ATP synthase in the membrane integrated complex, we constructed a chimeric FoF1 complex of thermophilic bacteria. When a part of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit was introduced into the bacterial FoF1 complex, the inverted membrane vesicles with this chimeric FoF1 did not exhibit the redox sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity, which is a common property of the chloroplast ATP synthase. However, when the whole part or the C-terminal alpha-helices region of the epsilon subunit was substituted with the corresponding region from CF1-epsilon together with the mutation of gamma, the redox regulation property emerged. In contrast, ATP synthesis activity did not become redox sensitive even if both the regulatory region of CF1-gamma and the entire epsilon subunit from CF1 were introduced. These results provide important features for the regulation of FoF1 by these subunits: (1) the interaction between gamma and epsilon is important for the redox regulation of FoF1 complex by the gamma subunit, and (2) a certain structural matching between these regulatory subunits and the catalytic core of the enzyme must be required to confer the complete redox regulation mechanism to the bacterial FoF1. In addition, a structural requirement for the redox regulation of ATP hydrolysis activity might be different from that for the ATP synthesis activity.  相似文献   

Two highly conserved amino acid residues, an arginine and a glutamine, located near the C-terminal end of the gamma subunit, form a "catch" by hydrogen bonding with residues in an anionic loop on one of the three catalytic beta subunits of the bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628]. The catch is considered to play a critical role in the binding change mechanism whereby binding of ATP to one catalytic site releases the catch and induces a partial rotation of the gamma subunit. This role is supported by the observation that mutation of the equivalent arginine and glutamine residues in the Escherichia coli F1 gamma subunit drastically reduced all ATP-dependent catalytic activities of the enzyme [Greene, M. D., and Frasch, W. D. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 5194-5198]. In this study, we show that simultaneous substitution of the equivalent residues in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit, arginine 304 and glutamine 305, with alanine decreased the level of proton-coupled ATP synthesis by more than 80%. Both the Mg2+-dependent and Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activities increased by more than 3-fold as a result of these mutations; however, the sulfite-stimulated activity decreased by more than 60%. The Mg2+-dependent, but not the Ca2+-dependent, ATPase activity of the double mutant was insensitive to inhibition by the phytotoxic inhibitor tentoxin, indicating selective loss of catalytic cooperativity in the presence of Mg2+ ions. The results indicate that the catch residues are required for efficient proton coupling and for activation of multisite catalysis when MgATP is the substrate. The catch is not, however, required for CaATP-driven multisite catalysis or, therefore, for rotation of the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

The stromal processing peptidase (SPP) of chloroplasts is a metalloendopeptidase that cleaves in vitro a broad range of precursor substrates. Here, we have investigated SPP's role in vivo. Two pea cDNA antisense constructs encoding either full-length SPP (AS4.0) or its N-terminal half (AS2.2) are introduced into Arabidopsis, which contains one gene for SPP that codes for one isoform. Our analyses show that AS4.0 produces a strong mutant phenotype, with a large percentage of the plants dying as seedling lethals. Surviving plants exhibited slower shoot and root growth, and grossly aberrant leaf morphology. Green and white sectoring, and purple pigmentation was observed. In cells where chloroplasts could be identified, they were fewer in number by at least 40%, thylakoids were not fully developed, and starch granules accumulated. The phenotype produced by AS2.2 was less severe. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to a transit peptide as a reporter, we examined import into chloroplasts in vivo. In the Arabidopsis antisense lines, GFP was located primarily in the cytosol, indicating that an early step in the import pathway was impeded. In a tobacco AS14 line expressing AS2.2, GFP was located in the cytosol, on the envelope, and in the stroma. The three patterns were observed in different cells, suggesting that the import capacity of individual cells was not the same. Our in vivo studies demonstrate that SPP is essential for chloroplast biogenesis and plant survival. SPP does not act independently in the stroma, but its activity influences earlier steps in the import pathway.  相似文献   

From a human-leukocyte cDNA library, we cloned cDNA encoding a novel protein, which has a significant homology with the b subunit of ATP synthase (proton-transporting ATPase, F1F0-ATPase; EC3.6.1.34) derived from Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. The cDNA has an open reading frame of 1314 nucleotides corresponding to 438 amino acids. The coding sequence was 37.9% identical over 57 amino acid with b subunit of ATP synthase. The 34-amino-acid region of the predicted peptide sequence displays a coiled-coil motif that could form a complex with some other protein(s). We designated this novel gene as ATP-BL because of its homology to the b subunit of ATP synthase. The ATP-BL locus was mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and radiation hybrid mapping to the q24 region of chromosome 16.  相似文献   

C M Anderson  J Gray 《FEBS letters》1991,280(2):383-386
Leader peptidase from Escherichia coli was able to process the precursor of pea cytochrome ƒ synthesised in vitro. N-Terminal sequencing established that cleavage by leader peptidase generated the same mature sequence as in pea chloroplasts. Processing by leader peptidase was much more efficient co-translationally rather than post-translationally, and the extent of post-translational processing declined with time suggesting that the cytochrome ƒ precursor folded to an uncleavable conformation. Detergent extracts of pea thylakoid membranes were unable to process the cytochrome ƒ precursor co- or post-translationally.  相似文献   

Subunit h is a component of the peripheral stalk region of ATP synthase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. It is weakly homologous to subunit F6 in the bovine enzyme, and F6 can replace the function of subunit h in a yeast strain from which the gene for subunit h has been deleted. The removal of subunit h (or F6) uncouples ATP synthesis from the proton motive force. A biotinylation signal has been introduced following the C terminus of subunit h. It becomes biotinylated in vivo, and allows avidin to be bound quantitatively to the purified enzyme complex in vitro. By electron microscopy of the ATP synthase-avidin complex in negative stain and by subsequent image analysis, the C terminus of subunit h has been located in a region of the peripheral stalk that is close to the Fo membrane domain of ATP synthase. Models of the peripheral stalk are proposed that are consistent with this location and with reconstitution experiments conducted with isolated peripheral stalk subunits.  相似文献   

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