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Form and function of a specific kind of biting were studied in a captive group of stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) composed of 1 adult male and 10 females. Behavior patterns were recorded with all occurrence and scan sampling techniques. Formal biting consisted of slowly gripping with teeth a part of the body of an apparently willing partner, most often the forearms, lips, or eyebrows. It may occur either following an agonistic interaction or outside the context of aggression. Such biting was directed from dominants towards subordinates, and appeared especially frequently between individuals having frequent agonistic interactions. It is concluded that this behavior represents a ritualized interaction expressing formal dominance between partners.  相似文献   

Seven adult female stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) were confronted alternately with their reflection in a mirror and with the mirror covered. The reflection elicited significantly more visual attention and social responding than the control stimulus, replicating previous findings. Mirror-image stimulation did not significantly affect the subjects' manipulation of unfamiliar objects, but it did increase bout-lengths of episodes of drinking from a bottle containing orange juice. Possible explanations for the ability of the mirror to induce social facilitation of drinking but not of object manipulation are discussed, along with possible underlying mechanisms. Mirror-induced social facilitation is further evidence that monkeys interpret their reflection as a conspecific.  相似文献   

Interest in their animate environment was studied in a captive group of 11 stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides). Subjects were shown projected photographic slides, most of which showed a single individual primate or non-primate. The measure of interest was the duration of viewing. Results showed that adult females exhibited more interest towards stumptailed macaques versus other macaques species, and towards adult females carrying infants versus adult females alone. Data concerning non-primates showed that subjects were especially interested by photographs of felids; this effect was partly due to the presence of two frontal and conspicuous eyes in felids.  相似文献   

Responses to different urine samples were studied in pigtailed (M. nemestrina) and stumptailed (M. arctoides) macaques. Both species exhibited more interest towards urine samples from their own species than neutral stimuli. Responses towards urine samples from other macaque species did not significantly differ from those towards neutral stimuli. In stumptailed macaques, no differential interest was observed between urine samples from a known (the adult male of the group) and an unknown adult male conspecific.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in long-term dominance are a basic underlying assumption of hypotheses linking dominance and reproductive success. Long-term and temporary dominance of a colony group of stumptailed macaques was studied for 20 years. There were two variously constituted groups for the first 4 years and a single group for the last 16. Stumptails displayed the matrilineal dominance organization found for several other cercopithecine species. A method was devised to standardize ranks so they could be compared over the years across groups of varying size and composition. No animal maintained the same dominance rank over the entire period of the research or over the last 16 years, but there was considerable consistency over long periods. Although occupants of the male and female alpha positions changed several times, one female was dominant for 18 of the 20 years. She was dominant in 1968, at the start of the study, and at its end in 1988 at which time her 18-year-old son was the dominant male. Variation in dominance ranks was greatest among members of mid-ranking matrilines and least for the lowest ranking. The same female or her son were the lowest ranking animals of their groups in all samples taken over the entire 20 years.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of the provision of temporary cover on the behavior of stumptailed macaques (Macaca arctoides), a single group of 26 animals was observed during 25 testing periods over 7.5 months. During each testing period, the group was observed under two conditions. In the Cover condition, two solid temporary walls 9.6 m in length, were erected within the animals' living compound. In the No-Cover condition, the wall materials were stacked against one solid exterior wall of the compound. The provision of cover significantly reduced the levels of contact aggression, proximity between animals, and locomotion, and reduced the ability of the dominant male to monopolize copulations. It did not effect other measures of affiliation. Inconsistencies between these results and those of other published studies suggest that, while cover can have a significant influence on some kinds of social behavior in some situations, generalizations about the benefits of providing cover to captive animals may be premature.  相似文献   

The sociosexual behaviors of six stable male-female pairs of stumptailed monkeys were studied in half-hour pair tests. Their performance before and after castration of the males was compared. The effects of replacement therapy with sex steroids on male-female interaction were studied. Also the effects of new females as sexual partners were investigated. Castration caused a significant decrease in sexual behavior. Individual males could display ejaculatory behavior up to about 1 year postcastration. Dihydrotestosterone propionate (75 mg/week/male) alone or in combination with estradiol benzoate (0.9 or 3 mg/week/male) was not effective in restoring sexual behavior to precastration levels in the three castrated males tested. Replacement therapy with testosterone propionate (75 or 10 mg/week/male) was effective in restoring copulatory behavior in half of the castrated males. In some males the introduction of a new female caused an increase in sexual activity, usually when sexual activity with their familiar partner was low. This occurred both in the castration condition and in the steroid treatment period, suggesting, that low activity was caused by low "motivation" and not by the inability to perform.  相似文献   

Social grooming in 19 adult stumptailed macaques (a dominant male and 18 females) was studied by focal sampling and scanning methods. Significant individual differences were found with respect to both active and passive grooming intensity, active grooming being a more variable parameter. Individual preferences in partner choice are very strong, but among the factors examined, age was the only one influencing these preferences. Neither social rank nor kinship were significant. The proportion of active and passive contacts shows marked individual differences. Yet, there is a positive association between performed and received grooming. The “extortion hypothesis” is not supported by our results: high-ranking individuals performed on the average more, and received relatively less grooming than low-ranking ones. High grooming performance of the dominants may secure group integrity in species with a “soft” dominance style.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for vaginal swabbing and venipuncture in a gang-caged, mixed-sex group of stumptailed macaques. The design of the gang cages facilitated venipuncture and swabbing which were done without undue disturbance of the vivarium routine, without seriously stressing colony members, and without interfering with the monkeys' established social relationships.  相似文献   

Self-aggression in an adult male stumptailed monkey (Macaca arctoides) resulted in severe lower eyelid distortion, conjunctivitis and epiphora. The behavior ceased with a change in environment, but the eyelid defect, conjunctivitis and epiphora persisted, requiring corrective surgery. Surgical correction was partially successful, although the animal died due to unrelated medical problems before final correction could be accomplished.  相似文献   

This study reports the first experimental exploration of possible contagious yawning in monkeys. Twenty-two stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides) were presented with video clips of either yawns or control mouth movements by conspecifics. At a group level, monkeys yawned significantly more often during and just after the yawn tape than the control tape. Supplementary analysis revealed that the yawn tape also elicited significantly more self-directed scratching responses than the control tape, which suggests that yawning might have been caused by tension arising from viewing the yawn tape. Understanding to what extent the observed effect resembles contagious yawning as found in humans and chimpanzees requires more detailed experimentation.  相似文献   

In mammalian species, social chemosignals are important in modulating endocrine reproductive functions. In nonhuman primates, previous studies have described a high frequency of mounting behavior by females in the follicular and periovulatory phases of the menstrual cycle. Stumptailed macaque females do not signal receptivity by means of sexual swellings, as do others macaques, therefore providing a good model in which to study chemical signaling of reproductive status. We exposed anesthetized stumptailed males to vaginal secretions of either late follicular or menses phase or to saline solution to determine the endocrine changes promoting male sexual behavior. In males exposed to follicular secretions, plasma testosterone concentrations were sustained up to 120 min after exposure. Such an effect was not observed in animals exposed to menses or saline odor sources. A luteinizing hormone surge, occurring 30 minutes after exposure to late follicular phase secretion swabs, preceded this sustained testosterone effect. The fact that late follicular scents induce sustained testosterone concentrations provides support to the idea that stumptailed males draw information concerning female reproductive status from the female's vaginal odor.  相似文献   

Placenta extrachorialis was diagnosed in two of 56 placentas obtained from stumtailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) after elective cesarean section. The condition was characterized by the presence of an annular ring of necrotic tissue and fibrin at the margin of the villous chorion. Because these cases occurred in two of six known primiparous females, it was suggested that thte condition may account, at least in part, for the high incidence of pregnancy-related problems observed in primiparous stumptailed macaques.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes published reports of breeding patterns across the genusMacaca. Patterns range from strictly seasonal to non-seasonal. Data on sexual behavior and birth patterns are presented which confirm previous reports of non-seasonality forMacaca arctoides. In a captive colony, 63 births were recorded, and individuals were born during every month of the year. Heterosexual mounting activity was recorded over a two-year period and occurred during every month of that period. It is clear thatM. arctoides does not exhibit the seasonal cyclicity observed in some other macaque species.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations made on a group of 15 stumptail macaques living in a seminatural environment are used to delineate an activity profile for the species which embraces numerous locomotor, self-directed, environment-directed and social behaviors. Data indicating that certain animals direct or receive particular behaviors at markedly different rates than the rest of the group are noted. The data from 39,000 10-sec observational samples are used to construct a detailed behavioral time-budget for the group. The budget takes into account the co-occurrence rates of the most frequently observed behaviors with each other and with the other behaviors recorded. The activity profile constructed in this way is compared with the results of four other studies which estimate daily behavioral rates for the species. Environmental, social group composition and sampling-technique variables are considered for their probable effects upon the behavioral rates reported in both the present and the compared studies. A detailed comparison of data from the different studies permits the estimate of a species-typical rate for each of the behavioral patterns reported and commented upon. The estimated rates, expressed as a range of values indicating the percentage of time that an average group member dedicates to various behaviors, should be valid in a wide variety of environments.  相似文献   

The friendly and aggressive behaviors directed by females other than the mother to the troop's infants were recorded during a six-month long study of stumptail macaques living on an island. A great deal of friendly contacts were directed by the females toward the troop's infants. Juvenile females interacted with infants mainly through social play while adult females directed passive contacts (e.g., touch-hand) to them. While the adult females displayed more care contacts toward male infants the juvenile females preferred the female infants. The social position of the infant's mother in the troop and the attention it received from the males regulated the caring behavior an infant received from the females.  相似文献   

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