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oqx AB是编码Oqx AB外排泵蛋白的多重耐药基因,由2个开放阅读框oqx A和oqx B组成,其主要介导细菌对喹诺酮类药物的耐药。该基因最早是在大肠埃希菌pOLA52质粒上被发现,是质粒介导的喹诺酮耐药基因的重要成员之一。目前已经分别发现了11个oqxA和32个oqxB等位基因。oqxAB通过质粒进行水平传播,使受体菌株容易形成耐药性,增加了临床治疗的难度。该基因目前主要流行于肠杆菌科,但不能排除也存在于非肠杆菌科细菌,给人类与家畜健康造成巨大的威胁。本文综述了喹诺酮外排泵耐药基因oqxAB及其等位基因的发现、耐药机制、国内外流行特点,以期为临床和畜牧生产中合理使用喹诺酮类抗菌药物,减少oqxAB基因的流行提供资料。  相似文献   

The ars operon of the resistance plasmid R773 was found to produce moderate levels of resistance to tellurite. A MIC of 64 micrograms of TeO3(2-) per ml was found for Escherichia coli cells harboring plasmids which contained all three of the structural genes (arsA, arsB, and arsC) of the anion-translocating ATPase. MICs specified by plasmids carrying only one or two structural elements or the cloning vector alone were 2 to 4 micrograms/ml. The rate of TeO3(2-) uptake was found to be on the order of 55% less for cultures containing the resistance plasmids.  相似文献   

J Liu  H E Takiff    H Nikaido 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(13):3791-3795
The lfrA gene cloned from chromosomal DNA of quinolone-resistant Mycobacterium smegmatis mc2-552 conferred low-level resistance to fluoroquinolones when present on multicopy plasmids. Sequence analysis suggested that lfrA encodes a membrane efflux pump of the major facilitator family (H. E. Takiff, M. Cimino, M. C. Musso, T. Weisbrod, R. Martinez, M. B. Delgado, L Salazar, B. R. Bloom, and W. R. Jacbos, Jr., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:362-366, 1996). In this work, we studied the role of LfrA in the accumulation of fluoroquinolones by M. smegmatis. The steady-state accumulation level of a hydrophilic quinolone, norfloxacin, by M. smegmatis harboring a plasmid carrying the lfrA gene was about 50% of that by the parent strain but was increased to the same level as that of the parent strain by addition of a proton conductor, carbonyl cyanide m-chorophenylhydrazone. Norfloxacin efflux mediated by LfrA was competed for strongly by ciprofloxacin but not by nalidixic acid. Furthermore, we showed that portions of norfloxacin accumulated by starved cells were pumped out upon reenergization of the cells, and the rates of this efflux showed evidence of saturation at higher intracellular concentrations of the drug. These results suggest that the LfrA polypeptide catalyzes the active efflux of several quinolones.  相似文献   

ArsA is the catalytic subunit of the arsenical pump, coupling ATP hydrolysis to the efflux of arsenicals through the ArsB membrane protein. It is a paradigm for understanding the structure-function of the nucleotide binding domains (NBD) of medically important efflux pumps, such as P-glycoprotein, because it has two sequence-related, interacting NBD, for which the structure is known. On the basis of a rigorous analysis of the pre-steady-state kinetics of nucleotide binding and hydrolysis, we propose a model in which ArsA alternates between two mutually exclusive conformations as follows: the ArsA(1) conformation in which the A1 site is closed but the A2 site open; and the ArsA(2) conformation, in which the A1 and A2 sites are open and closed, respectively. Antimonite elicits its effects by sequestering ArsA in the ArsA(1) conformation, which catalyzes rapid ATP hydrolysis at the A2 site to drive ArsA between conformations that have high (nucleotide-bound ArsA) and low affinity (nucleotide-free ArsA) for Sb(III). ArsA potentially utilizes this process to sequester Sb(III) from the medium and eject it into the channel of ArsB.  相似文献   

目的探讨主动外排泵在临床分离阴沟肠杆菌多重耐药的作用。方法收集、分离及鉴定阴沟肠杆菌,采用琼脂稀释法测定多重耐药泵抑制剂氰氯苯腙(carbonyl cyanldem-chlorophenylhydrazone,CCCP)应用前后,阴沟肠杆菌对头孢他啶、阿米卡星、阿奇霉素、左氧氟沙星和四环素5种抗生素的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)的变化。结果以上述5种抗生素为底物8,3株阴沟肠杆菌中,分别有303、61、9、32和28株在10μg/mL CCCP条件下MIC值降低4倍或4倍以上,其中有19株同时对3种及以上抗生素有明显外排作用。外排泵存在于耐药株和非耐药株中,但对耐药株的影响较大。结论主动外排系统广泛存在于临床分离阴沟肠杆菌中,是引起阴沟肠杆菌多重耐药的重要机制。外排泵抑制剂CCCP可增加阴沟肠杆菌对抗菌药物的敏感性。  相似文献   

The importance of the mtrCDE-encoded efflux pump in conferring chromosomally mediated penicillin resistance on certain strains of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was determined by using genetic derivatives of penicillin-sensitive strain FA19 bearing defined mutations (mtrR, penA, and penB) donated by a clinical isolate (FA6140) expressing high-level resistance to penicillin and antimicrobial hydrophobic agents (HAs). When introduced into strain FA19 by transformation, a single base pair deletion in the mtrR promoter sequence from strain FA6140 was sufficient to provide high-level resistance to HAs (e.g., erythromycin and Triton X-100) but only a twofold increase in resistance to penicillin. When subsequent mutations in penA and porIB were introduced from strain FA6140 into strain WV30 (FA19 mtrR) by transformation, resistance to penicillin increased incrementally up to a MIC of 1.0 micro g/ml. Insertional inactivation of the gene (mtrD) encoding the membrane transporter component of the Mtr efflux pump in these transformant strains and in strain FA6140 decreased the MIC of penicillin by 16-fold. Genetic analyses revealed that mtrR mutations, such as the single base pair deletion in its promoter, are needed for phenotypic expression of penicillin and tetracycline resistance afforded by the penB mutation. As penB represents amino acid substitutions within the third loop of the outer membrane PorIB protein that modulate entry of penicillin and tetracycline, the results presented herein suggest that PorIB and the MtrC-MtrD-MtrE efflux pump act synergistically to confer resistance to these antibiotics.  相似文献   

肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)是重要的条件致病菌,近年来肺炎克雷伯菌感染在医院内感染中所占的比率持续上升,耐药率也不断攀升,这给临床治疗带来极大的困难。肺炎克雷伯菌发生耐药的重要机制之一就是其细胞膜上存在的外排泵系统,它们将渗入细菌体内的药物不断泵出,导致菌体内的药物浓度过低,不足以发挥抗菌作用。本文主要针对外排泵介导肺炎克雷伯菌的耐药现状,外排泵的分子结构和基因调节,外排泵抑制剂以及传统中药在耐药菌治疗方面的应用等做系统性梳理,以期为临床治疗耐药肺炎克雷伯菌提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) in bacteria has been associated with efflux pumps that export structurally unrelated compounds and decrease cytoplasmic drug accumulation. To investigate MDR in mycobacteria, we studied the Mycobacterium smegmatis mutant mc(2)11, which is resistant to doxorubicin, tetracycline, rhodamine, ethidium bromide and the hydrophilic fluoroquinolones. A genomic library constructed from this mutant was used to select clones conferring resistance to doxorubicin. Surprisingly, the clone selected encodes the efflux pump LfrA, which has been reported to confer resistance to hydrophilic fluoroquinolones, ethidium bromide, rhodamine, and acriflavine. To define the contribution of LfrA to the innate mycobacterial drug resistance and to the MDR phenotype in mc(2)11, the lfrA gene was disrupted in both the mc(2)11 mutant and the mc(2)155 wild-type parent. LfrA disruption of the wild-type strain decreased resistance to ethidium bromide and acriflavine, and increased accumulation of ethidium bromide. However, disruption of lfrA gene results only in a 2-fold decrease in minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for ciprofloxacin, doxorubicin, rhodamine, and accumulation of [(14)C]ciprofloxacin was unchanged. LfrA disruption of the MDR strain mc(2)11 produced a similar phenotype. Thus, LfrA contributes significantly to the intrinsic MICs of M. smegmatis for ethidium bromide and acriflavine, but not for ciprofloxacin, doxorubicin or rhodamine.  相似文献   

The red cell Na/K pump is known to continue to extrude Na when both Na and K are removed from the external medium. Because this ouabain-sensitive flux occurs in the absence of an exchangeable cation, it is referred to as uncoupled Na efflux. This flux is also known to be inhibited by 5 mM Nao but to a lesser extent than that inhibitable by ouabain. Uncoupled Na efflux via the Na/K pump therefore can be divided into a Nao-sensitive and Nao-insensitive component. We used DIDS-treated, SO4-equilibrated human red blood cells suspended in HEPES-buffered (pHo 7.4) MgSO4 or (Tris)2SO4, in which we measured 22Na efflux, 35SO4 efflux, and changes in the membrane potential with the fluorescent dye, diS-C3 (5). A principal finding is that uncoupled Na efflux occurs electroneurally, in contrast to the pump's normal electrogenic operation when exchanging Nai for Ko. This electroneutral uncoupled efflux of Na was found to be balanced by an efflux of cellular anions. (We were unable to detect any ouabain-sensitive uptake of protons, measured in an unbuffered medium at pH 7.4 with a Radiometer pH-STAT.) The Nao-sensitive efflux of Nai was found to be 1.95 +/- 0.10 times the Nao-sensitive efflux of (SO4)i, indicating that the stoichiometry of this cotransport is two Na+ per SO4=, accounting for 60-80% of the electroneutral Na efflux. The remainder portion, that is, the ouabain-sensitive Nao-insensitive component, has been identified as PO4-coupled Na transport and is the subject of a separate paper. That uncoupled Na efflux occurs as a cotransport with anions is supported by the result, obtained with resealed ghosts, that when internal and external SO4 was substituted by the impermeant anion, tartrate i,o, the efflux of Na was inhibited 60-80%. This inhibition could be relieved by the inclusion, before DIDS treatment, of 5 mM Cli,o. Addition of 10 mM Ko to tartrate i,o ghosts, with or without Cli,o, resulted in full activation of Na/K exchange and the pump's electrogenicity. Although it can be concluded that Na efflux in the uncoupled mode occurs by means of a cotransport with cellular anions, the molecular basis for this change in the internal charge structure of the pump and its change in ion selectivity is at present unknown.  相似文献   

We characterized the effects of classical erythromycin resistance mutations in ribosomal proteins L4 and L22 of the large ribosomal subunit on the kinetics of erythromycin binding. Our data are consistent with a mechanism in which the macrolide erythromycin enters and exits the ribosome through the nascent peptide exit tunnel, and suggest that these mutations both impair passive transport through the tunnel and distort the erythromycin‐binding site. The growth‐inhibitory action of erythromycin was characterized for bacterial populations with wild‐type and L22‐mutated ribosomes in drug efflux pump deficient and proficient backgrounds. The L22 mutation conferred reduced erythromycin susceptibility in the drug efflux pump proficient, but not deficient, background. This ‘masking’ of drug resistance by pump deficiency was reproduced by modelling with input data from our biochemical experiments. We discuss the general principles behind the phenomenon of drug resistance ‘masking’, and highlight its potential importance for slowing down the evolution of drug resistance among pathogens.  相似文献   

Bacterial efflux pumps have emerged as antibiotic resistance determinants and confers multi-drug resistance to a broad range of antimicrobials as well as non-antibiotic substances. A study about translocation of antibiotic molecules through the efflux transporter, will contribute in determining substrate specificity. In the present study, we have explored RND family efflux pump extensively found in Acinetobacter baumannii i.e. AdeABC. Besides, another well studied RND efflux pump, AcrAB-TolC together with a non-RND efflux pump, NorM was investigated for comparative analysis. We employed a series of computational techniques ranging from molecular docking to binding free energy estimation and molecular dynamics simulations to determine the binding affinity for different classes of drugs, namely aminoglycosides, polymyxins, β-lactams, tetracyclines, glycylcyclines, quinolones and metronidazole with AdeB, AcrB, and NorM efflux proteins. Our results revealed that class polymyxins has the highest binding affinity with the RND efflux pumps i.e. AcrAB-TolC and AdeABC as well as non-RND efflux pump, NorM. The experimental validation study demonstrated bigger zone of inhibition in presence of efflux pump inhibitor than polymyxin alone thus unveiling its specificity toward efflux pump. The reported experimental data comprising of minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotics toward these efflux pumps also support our finding based on in silico approach. To recapitulate the outcome, polymyxins shows maximum specificity toward RND as well as non-RND efflux pump and may unlatch the way to rationally develop new potential antibacterial agents as well as efflux pump inhibitors in order to combat resistance.  相似文献   

Z Tynecka  Z Gos    J Zajac 《Journal of bacteriology》1981,147(2):313-319
Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus strain 17810R to Cd2+ appears to be due to a plasmid-coded Cd2+ efflux system. Complete efflux of Cd2+ after transfer of preloaded cells into Cd2+-free medium occurred in the resistant strain 17810R, but not in the plasmidless derivative strain 17810S. Net efflux was blocked by 2,4-dinitrophenol, N,N,-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), and incubation at 4 degrees C. The inhibition of Cd2+ efflux by DCCD paralleled a stimulation of net uptake in the resistant cells by this agent. Cd2+ efflux by the resistant strain was accompanied by a reversal of inhibition of respiration, whereas in the sensitive strain, inhibition of respiration was not reversed after transfer to Cd2+-free medium. Net Cd2+ uptake by strain 17810R was inhibited by p-chloromercuribenzoate. In Cd2+ contrast, Cd2+ uptake by the plasmidless strain 17810S was affected neither by p-chloromercuribenzoate nor by DCCD when added alone, but was blocked by a combination of these two agents. Valinomycin had no effect on the reduced Cd2+ uptake by the resistant strain, whereas nigericin stimulated uptake to values comparable to those of the untreated sensitive cells. With sensitive cells, valinomycin reduced Cd2+ uptake by about 50%, whereas nigericin was without effect. A possible mechanism of Cd2+ movements in both strains is discussed.  相似文献   

Thiolactomycin (TLM) and cerulenin are antibiotics that block Escherichia coli growth by inhibiting fatty acid biosynthesis at the beta-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein synthase I step. Both TLM and cerulenin trigger the accumulation of intracellular malonyl-coenzyme A coincident with growth inhibition, and the overexpression of synthase I protein confers resistance to both antibiotics. Strain CDM5 was derived as a TLM-resistant mutant but remained sensitive to cerulenin. TLM neither induced malonyl-coenzyme A accumulation nor blocked fatty acid production in vivo; however, the fatty acid synthase activity in extracts from strain CDM5 was sensitive to TLM inhibition. The TLM resistance gene in strain CDM5 was mapped to 57.5 min of the chromosome and was an allele of the emrB gene. Disruption of the emrB gene converted strain CDM5 to a TLM-sensitive strain, and the overexpression of the emrAB operon conferred TLM resistance to sensitive strains. Thus, activation of the emr efflux pump is the mechanism for TLM resistance in strain CDM5.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid efflux mediated by p-glycoprotein   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large body of evidence suggests that an increase in the brain beta-amyloid (Abeta) burden contributes to the etiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Much is now known about the intracellular processes regulating the production of Abeta, however, less is known regarding its secretion from cells. We now report that p-glycoprotein (p-gp), an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, is an Abeta efflux pump. Pharmacological blockade of p-gp rapidly decrease extracellular levels of Abeta secretion. In vitro binding studies showed that addition of synthetic human Abeta1-40 and Abeta1-42 peptides to hamster mdr1-enriched vesicles labeled with the fluorophore MIANS resulted in saturable quenching, suggesting that both peptides interact directly with the transporter. Finally, we were able to directly measure transport of Abeta peptides across the plasma membranes of p-gp enriched vesicles, and showed that this phenomenon was both ATP- and p-gp-dependent. Taken together, our study suggests a novel mechanism of Abeta detachment from cellular membranes, and represents an obvious route towards identification of such a mechanism in the brain.  相似文献   

S Brer  G Ji  A Brer    S Silver 《Journal of bacteriology》1993,175(11):3480-3485
The arsenic resistance operon of Staphylococcus aureus plasmid pI258 determined lowered net cellular uptake of 73As by an active efflux mechanism. Arsenite was exported from the cells; intracellular arsenate was first reduced to arsenite and then transported out of the cells. Resistant cells showed lower accumulation of 73As originating from both arsenate and arsenite. Active efflux from cells loaded with arsenite required the presence of the plasmid-determined arsB gene. Efflux of arsenic originating as arsenate required the presence of the arsC gene and occurred more rapidly with the addition of arsB. Inhibitor studies with S. aureus loaded with arsenite showed that arsenite efflux was energy dependent and appeared to be driven by the membrane potential. With cells loaded with 73AsO4(3-), a requirement for ATP for energy was observed, leading to the conclusion that ATP was required for arsenate reduction. When the staphylococcal arsenic resistance determinant was cloned into Escherichia coli, lowered accumulation of arsenate and arsenite and 73As efflux from cells loaded with arsenate were also found. Cloning of the E. coli plasmid R773 arsA gene (the determinant of the arsenite-dependent ATPase) in trans to the S. aureus gene arsB resulted in increased resistance to arsenite.  相似文献   

Multiple antibiotic resistance in bacteria was at first thought to be caused exclusively by the combination of several resistance genes, each coding for resistance to a single drug. More recently, it became clear that such phenotypes are often achieved by the activity of drug efflux pumps. Some of these efflux pumps exhibit an extremely wide specificity covering practically all antibiotics, chemotherapeutic agents, detergents, dyes, and other inhibitors, the exception perhaps being very hydrophilic compounds. Such efflux pumps work with exceptional efficiency in Gram-negative bacteria through their synergistic interaction with the outer membrane barrier. It is disturbing that the antibacterial agents of the most advanced type, which are unaffected by common resistance mechanisms, are precisely the compounds whose use appears to select for multidrug-resistant mutants that overproduce these efflux pumps of wide specificity.  相似文献   

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