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A. H. Roy A. D. Rosemond M. J. Paul D. S. Leigh J. B. Wallace 《Freshwater Biology》2003,48(2):329-346
SUMMARY 1. The effects of catchment urbanisation on water quality were examined for 30 streams (stratified into 15, 50 and 100 km2 ± 25% catchments) in the Etowah River basin, Georgia, U.S.A. We examined relationships between land cover (implying cover and use) in these catchments (e.g. urban, forest and agriculture) and macroinvertebrate assemblage attributes using several previously published indices to summarise macroinvertebrate response. Based on a priori predictions as to mechanisms of biotic impairment under changing land cover, additional measurements were made to assess geomorphology, hydrology and chemistry in each stream. 2. We found strong relationships between catchment land cover and stream biota. Taxon richness and other biotic indices that reflected good water quality were negatively related to urban land cover and positively related to forest land cover. Urban land cover alone explained 29–38% of the variation in some macroinvertebrate indices. Reduced water quality was detectable at c. >15% urban land cover. 3. Urban land cover correlated with a number of geomorphic variables such as stream bed sediment size (–) and total suspended solids (+) as well as a number of water chemistry variables including nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations (+), specific conductance (+) and turbidity (+). Biotic indices were better predicted by these reach scale variables than single, catchment scale land cover variables. Multiple regression models explained 69% of variation in total taxon richness and 78% of the variation in the Invertebrate Community Index (ICI) using phi variability, specific conductance and depth, and riffle phi, specific conductance and phi variability, respectively. 4. Indirect ordination analysis was used to describe assemblage and functional group changes among sites and corroborate which environmental variables were most important in driving differences in macroinvertebrate assemblages. The first axis in a non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination was highly related to environmental variables (slope, specific conductance, phi variability; adj. R2=0.83) that were also important in our multiple regression models. 5. Catchment urbanisation resulted in less diverse and more tolerant stream macroinvertebrate assemblages via increased sediment transport, reduced stream bed sediment size and increased solutes. The biotic indices that were most sensitive to environmental variation were taxon richness, EPT richness and the ICI. Our results were largely consistent over the range in basin size we tested. 相似文献
A comparison of diatom and macroinvertebrate classification of sites in the Kiewa River system, Australia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Diatoms and macroinvertebrates are both commonly used for biological assessment of stream condition. As the use of biological
assessment techniques increases, resource managers will need to make decisions on which biological tool to use for a particular
study. In a study of the Kiewa River, Victoria, Australia we assessed these two components of the biota—macroinvertebrates
and diatoms—using indices and pattern analysis, and comparing them with an a priori landscape classification. We also assessed the relationship exhibited between the biological results and environmental variables
which are usually significant in stream ecosystems. To make the data comparable we used categorical abundances for both data
sets. The pattern analyses showed complementary results, with diatoms more closely related to water quality variables, whereas
macroinvertebrates were primarily related to catchment and habitat features. An analysis of a combined data set (diatoms plus
macroinvertebrates) showed no extra information was gained. Using categorisation to create consistency between data sets was
shown to reduce the information and affect results from the diatom analyses. The results suggested that the locally derived
bioassessment models and indices provided a more accurate assessment of the sites than the overseas-derived diatom index.
The outcomes are complicated by issues of data weighting, whereby a presence/absence diatom index may have performed better
than abundance-weighted indices due to strong dominance of one or two species at a site. Future comparisons will benefit from
an increase in the knowledge of regional diatom taxonomy and autecology. 相似文献
This study examined the inter-annual variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages in six wilderness streams in central Idaho over a 6-year period (1990–1995). Benthic macroinvertebrates and associated environmental correlates were sampled during baseflow each summer. Little environmental change, as assessed using coefficients of variation (CVs) for substrate size and embeddedness, width, depth and periphyton standing crops, occurred in the streams over the period of study. There was also little temporal change in macroinvertebrate assemblages based on the relative abundance of the 10 most abundant taxa, all shredder taxa and all plecopteran taxa. CVs for individual taxa were substantially greater than those of most community measures, with rare taxa contributing 30–50% of the variation for any one stream. Frequency distributions for taxa CVs excluding rare taxa were more normally distributed. Differences in assemblage structure among streams were attributed to stream size (shift in shredder assemblages) and temperature (shift in plecopteran taxa). These data indicate a long-term (multi-year) persistence in the macroinvertebrate composition of these pristine streams, thus supporting the premise that such streams are excellent references for use in long-term biomonitoring programs. 相似文献
A technique for assessing the composition and density of the macroinvertebrate fauna of large stones in streams 总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2
A device for quantitatively sampling the macroinvertebrates of large stones in streams is described. In comparison to the usual method for sampling the fauna of large stones, (the lifting of stones upstream of a hand net), the present method accurately samples stonedwelling animals that are good swimmers. Details are given of a reliable method to measure the surface area of stream stones using thin plastic sheeting. 相似文献
1. We monitored streams within the Gila River drainage in south‐western New Mexico, U.S.A., over a 5‐year period, to investigate the influence of ash input on water quality and stream biota following forest wildfires. 2. Nutrients [ammonium, nitrate, soluble reactive phosphate (SRP)], potassium and alkalinity were most affected by fires; all were increased in stream water following ash input. Concentrations of each returned to prefire conditions within 4 months. Ammonium and nitrate also increased in stream water as a result of atmospheric fallout (e.g. smoke) from fires outside the catchment. 3. Periphyton biomass was not affected significantly by wildfires, although there was a shift in diatom assemblage to smaller more adnate taxa. Cocconeis placentula was frequently the dominant postfire species. 4. The influence of wildfires on macroinvertebrates ranged from minimal to dramatic reductions in density depending upon the duration of ash flows and the characteristics of the ash material that entered each system. Macroinvertebrate densities returned to prefire conditions within 1 year. 5. An in‐situ ashing experiment was conducted on a first‐order stream in the Gila River drainage to monitor on‐site physiochemical and biotic responses during and after fire ash addition, for comparison with ash delivery from real wildfires on monitored streams. Physical–chemical parameters and algae and macroinvertebrates were monitored in an ashed and upstream reference reach for 13 months. Results generally substantiated findings from monitored streams. 6. Concentrations of major ions and nutrients, as well as turbidity, conductivity and pH, increased immediately in stream water below the point of ashing, while dissolved oxygen decreased. Changes in water chemistry were short‐lived (=24 h) except for SRP. The concentration of SRP in stream water was significantly higher in the ashed reach than the control reach for at least 1 month after ash input. 7. Periphyton biomass and diatom assemblages were not significantly altered in the ashing study, whereas macroinvertebrate density was measurably lower in the ashed reach for nearly a year. Macroinvertebrate drift was over 10‐fold greater in the ashed reach compared with the reference reach during ashing. Dissimilarity between macroinvertebrate communities in the reference and ashed reaches was significantly greater than variation within reaches for nearly a year. 相似文献
There are increasing concerns about the ecological effects of water abstraction and in the UK, these concerns have been hightened by the 1976, 1984 and 1988-92 droughts. This paper assesses macroinvertebrate and environmental changes induced by surface and groundwater abstractions on 22 streams throughout the UK.The approach involved comparative research to assess differences between reference and impacted sites.Using a database comprising 204 sets of biological and environmental data (89 taxa and 16 environmental variables) a preliminary ordination using principle components analysis clearly differentiated three types of sites: upland, lowland and an intermediate type. At this scale, any effects of abstractions on invertebrate communities are shown to be insignificant relative to regional controls. A simultaneous ordination of the environmental and faunal differences between pairs of sites was undertaken separately for each of the three regional groups. Differences are considered as vectors having both direction and amplitude and the analysis elucidates common patterns in the faunal and environmental data. Important changes were observed in two situations: upland streams affected by major diversions as part of hydro-power schemes in Scotland and lowland rivers impacted by groundwater abstractions.No strong patterns of change (either in amplitude or orientation) were demonstrated within any of the taxonomic groups. However, within the upland type some rheophilous taxa were shown typically to be reduced in abundance at impacted sites. Within the lowland type, a consistent pattern in the dataset is demonstrated by a group of taxa that are reduced in abundance at the impacted sites. 相似文献
Structure and Dynamics of a Benthic Invertebrate Community in an Intertidal Area of the Tagus Estuary, Western Portugal: A Six Year Data Series 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Gilda Silva José Lino Costa Pedro Raposo de Almeida Maria José Costa 《Hydrobiologia》2006,572(1):115-128
A predictive model, incorporating macroinvertebrate and environmental data, similar to that developed for Australian rivers (AUSRIVAS) and British rivers (RIVPACS) was constructed using a dataset collected from 23 reference (least altered) wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, sampled in summer and spring, 1989 and spring, 1990. Four main groups of reference wetlands were identified by UPGMA classification (using the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity measure). Distinguishing environmental variables identified by Stepwise Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis were: calcium, colour (gilvin), latitude, longitude, sodium and organic carbon. Observed to expected ratios of taxa with a >50% chance of occurrence (OE50) derived from the model for a suite of 23 test wetlands sampled in spring, 1997, were significantly correlated with pH and the depth of the sampling sites. Greater discrimination between the test wetlands was provided by the OE50 ratios than either raw richness (number of families) or a biotic index (SWAMPS). Results obtained for a subset of 11 test wetlands sampled with both a rapid bioassessment protocol (incorporating field picking of 200 invertebrates collected in 2 min sweeps from selected habitats) and a semi-quantitative protocol (incorporating laboratory picking of all invertebrates collected in sweeps along 10 m transects at randomly allocated sites) were not significantly different, indicating that the former could be used to reduce the time and costs associated with macroinvertebrate-based wetland monitoring programs. In addition to providing an objective method of assessing wetland condition, predictive modelling provides a list of taxa expected to occur under reference conditions, which can be used as a target in wetland restoration programs. The probable impediment to widespread adoption of predictive modelling for wetland bioassessment is the need to produce models tailored to specific geographic regions and specific climatic conditions. This may incur significant costs in countries, such as Australia, which span a wide range of climatic zones. 相似文献
In studies using macroinvertebrates as indicators for monitoring rivers and streams, species level identifications in comparison
with lower resolution identifications can have greater information content and result in more reliable site classifications
and better capacity to discriminate between sites, yet many such programmes identify specimens to the resolution of family
rather than species. This is often because it is cheaper to obtain family level data than species level data. Choice of appropriate
taxonomic resolution is a compromise between the cost of obtaining data at high taxonomic resolutions and the loss of information
at lower resolutions. Optimum taxonomic resolution should be determined by the information required to address programme objectives.
Costs saved in identifying macroinvertebrates to family level may not be justified if family level data can not give the answers
required and expending the extra cost to obtain species level data may not be warranted if cheaper family level data retains
sufficient information to meet objectives. We investigated the influence of taxonomic resolution and sample quantification
(abundance vs. presence/absence) on the representation of aquatic macroinvertebrate species assemblage patterns and species
richness estimates. The study was conducted in a physically harsh dryland river system (Condamine-Balonne River system, located
in south-western Queensland, Australia), characterised by low macroinvertebrate diversity. Our 29 study sites covered a wide
geographic range and a diversity of lotic conditions and this was reflected by differences between sites in macroinvertebrate
assemblage composition and richness. The usefulness of expending the extra cost necessary to identify macroinvertebrates to
species was quantified via the benefits this higher resolution data offered in its capacity to discriminate between sites
and give accurate estimates of site species richness. We found that very little information (<6%) was lost by identifying
taxa to family (or genus), as opposed to species, and that quantifying the abundance of taxa provided greater resolution for
pattern interpretation than simply noting their presence/absence. Species richness was very well represented by genus, family
and order richness, so that each of these could be used as surrogates of species richness if, for example, surveying to identify
diversity hot-spots. It is suggested that sharing of common ecological responses among species within higher taxonomic units
is the most plausible mechanism for the results. Based on a cost/benefit analysis, family level abundance data is recommended
as the best resolution for resolving patterns in macroinvertebrate assemblages in this system. The relevance of these findings
are discussed in the context of other low diversity, harsh, dryland river systems. 相似文献
1. We studied chironomid communities of four rivers in south‐eastern Finland, differing in their water quality, during summer 2004 using the Chironomid Pupal Exuvial Technique, CPET. The aims of the study were to (i) test the adequacy of the generic‐level identification in the CPET method, (ii) define the emergence patterns of chironomid taxa classified as intolerant to organic pollution, (iii) assess the tolerance levels of intolerant chironomids and (iv) identify taxa most indicative of good water quality. 2. Procrustean rotation analysis indicated very strong concordance between the ordinations using either species or genus‐level data, suggesting that generic‐level identification of chironomids is adequate for biomonitoring based on CPET. However, when only a few taxa occur in great numbers, it may be advisable to identify these to the species level, especially if these taxa are important indicators of the impact in question. 3. The detection of a particular species may require accurate timing of sampling, whereas a species‐rich genus might be detected throughout a season. Given that the emergence of chironomid species may vary from year‐to‐year and between sampling sites, community differences detected at the species level may be related to between‐site variation in species’ emergence patterns rather than true differences in species composition. 4. Indicator species analysis (IndVal) showed that the distribution and abundance of intolerant chironomid taxa differed strongly among the studied rivers. Some of the intolerant taxa were restricted to unimpacted conditions, whereas others occurred mainly in impacted rivers. Thus, the indicator status of some genera (e.g. Eukiefferiella, Parametriocnemus, Stempellinella and Tvetenia) needs reassessment. 相似文献
Peter B. Vila 《Hydrobiologia》1989,171(3):201-214
Although Cladocera are collected often in large rivers, their importance in streams has been under-estimated. This paper summarizes the results of a preliminary study of the benthic Cladocera in the streams of three watersheds in South Central Indiana. Seventeen sites were sampled with respect to species of benthic Cladocera present, their relative abundance, population size, and population dynamics.Cladocera were present in all streams and sites in the three watersheds. Nineteen species were collected: 13 species from the family Chydoridae, 3 Daphniidae, 2 Macrothricidae, and 1 Bosminidae. Just four species — Alona circumfimbriata, Chydorus brevilabris, Pleuroxus denticulatus, and Macrothrix laticornis — made up 68–96% of the numbers at all sites.Density of Cladocera ranged from 3–5200 m–2 and they reproduced and maintained populations in the streams sampled. Numbers were generally high in October and early November and decreased to near zero in late December and January. The most important factor appearing to affect population sizes was discharge. Numbers at almost all sites decreased significantly after a rainfall increased discharge.A Principal Components and clustering analysis grouped sites with similar physical parameters in a continuum of low to high order. Sites with low numbers of Cladocera were generally shallow, narrow, and had a loose unconsolidated substrate. Sites with high population numbers were generally deep, wide, and had a stable substrate that accumulated detritus. 相似文献
We examined how community composition of benthic invertebrates was related to current velocities and other environmental variables within the Sacramento River in California, USA. Invertebrates were collected in 1998 and 1999 from 10 sites over a gradient of 187 river kilometers. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that current velocity was the most important variable explaining community composition. Other predicator variables that influenced community composition included periphyton biomass, altitude, and disturbance. Because of the importance of velocity in structuring benthic communities in this system, alterations of flow caused by changes in river regulation structures should be carefully considered. 相似文献
Long-term seasonal variation in the biological traits of benthic-macroinvertebrates in two Mediterranean-climate streams in California, U.S.A. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1. We investigated the seasonal variation of biological traits and the influence of interannual rainfall variability on this pattern. Using long‐term survey data (6–19 years) from an intermittent and a perennial stream in the Mediterranean‐climate region of northern California, we examined 16 fuzzy‐coded biological traits (e.g. maximum size, life cycle duration, and mode of respiration). 2. Seasonal habitat variability is higher in the intermittent stream than in the perennial stream. During the winter and spring wet‐season both streams flood; however, during the summer dry‐season, the intermittent stream forms isolated pools in (occasionally drying completely). 3. Seasonal habitat variability influenced both taxonomic and biological trait composition. Distinct taxonomic communities were present in each season, particularly in the intermittent stream. The intermittent stream also exhibited more seasonal variation in biological traits than the perennial stream. 4. Despite statistically significant seasonal variation, trait composition was relatively stable among seasons in comparison with taxonomic composition and abundance. Taxonomic composition varied considerably between seasons, because of high seasonal and interannual replacement of taxa resulting from seasonal habitat changes. 5. The seasonality of taxonomic composition and abundance was sensitive to interannual rainfall variability. In dry years, the taxonomic composition of communities was more similar between seasons than in wet years, while trait composition was relatively insensitive to rainfall variability. 6. Despite high seasonal variation in abundance and taxonomic composition, biological traits of aquatic macroinvertebrates varied less and exhibited seasonal stability, which may be a result of the unpredictability and harshness of stream environments. 相似文献
Robert McLean Mark W. Oswood John G. Irons III William H. McDowell 《Biogeochemistry》1999,47(3):239-267
Understanding interactions between permanently frozen soils and stream chemistry is important in predicting the effects of management, natural disturbance and changing permafrost distribution on stream ecosystems and nutrient budgets in subarctic watersheds. Chemical measurements of groundwater, soil water and stream water were made in two watersheds in the taiga of interior Alaska. One watershed (HiP) had extensive permafrost and the other (LoP) had limited permafrost. Soil water collected within the rooting zone (0.3--0.5 m) in both watersheds was high in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) but low in dissolved minerals (dominantly Ca, Mg and Na) and conductivity. The reverse was true for groundwater from springs and wells. Permafrost in the HiP basin prevented deep percolation of water and generated stormflows rich in DOC. The presence of permafrost in HiP resulted in higher fluxes of DOC, DON and DIN into stream water from upland soils. 相似文献
Short-term changes in water quality from 7 summer stormflows and long-term changes in substrates and macroinvertebrate communities resulting from urban runoff from the city of Provo, Utah, were examined from 1999–2002 in the lower Provo River. Stormflows resulted in increased total suspended solids and concentrations of dissolved copper, lead and zinc, and decreased conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The degree of change was generally in proportion to the magnitude of the storm. However, changes were temporary with water quality parameters returning to pre-storm levels within 12 hours. River substrates showed a trend of increased compaction and decreased debris dam area downstream through the urban corridor. Macroinvertebrate communities showed trends of decreased abundance and total species diversity with increasing urbanization. Compared to non-urban reaches, communities in urban reaches had few `sensitive' species and were dominated by tolerant species, particularly snails and leeches. Comparisons with previous studies show that changes in macroinvertebrate community composition in the urban reaches reflected shifts in land use during the past 15–25 years and corresponded to expected threshold levels of impact for amount of impervious surface cover. 相似文献
1. Fish and invertebrate assemblage data collected from 670 stream sites in Minnesota (U.S.A.) were used to calculate concordance across three nested spatial scales (statewide, ecoregion and catchment). Predictive taxa richness models, calibrated using the same data, were used to evaluate whether concordant communities exhibited similar trends in human‐induced taxa loss across all three scales. Finally, we evaluated the strength of the relationship between selected environmental variables and the composition of both assemblages at all three spatial scales. 2. Significant concordance between fish and invertebrate communities occurred at the statewide scale as well as in six of seven ecoregions and 17 of the 21 major catchments. However, concordance was not consistently indicative of significant relationships between rates of fish and invertebrate taxa loss at those same scales. 3. Fish and invertebrate communities were largely associated with different environmental variables, although the composition of both communities was strongly correlated with stream size across all three scales. 4. Predictive taxa‐loss models for fish assemblages were less sensitive and precise than models for invertebrate assemblages, likely because of the relatively low number of common fish taxa in our data set. Both models, however, distinguished reference from non‐reference sites. 5. The importance of concordance, geographic context and scale are discussed in relation to the design and interpretation of stream integrity indicators. In particular, our findings suggest that community concordance should not be viewed as a substitute for an evaluation of how assemblages respond to environmental stressors. 相似文献
1. Evaluations of stream geomorphic condition may increase our understanding of the composite effects of human‐induced habitat change on fish communities. Using systematic sampling of 44 reaches spread across 26 rivers in Vermont from 2002 through 2004, we tested the hypothesis that stream reaches in reference geomorphic condition would support fish assemblages that differed in diversity and productivity from fish communities found in reaches of poorer geomorphic condition. 2. At each study reach, we sampled the fish community, identified the morphological unit according to common stream classification systems and then evaluated the extent of deviation from reference geomorphic condition using a regionally adapted geomorphic assessment methodology. 3. We used principal component analysis (PCA) and linear regression to build exploratory models linking stream geomorphic condition to fish community characteristics. 4. Our results suggest that geomorphic condition significantly influences fish community diversity, productivity and condition. Geomorphic condition was a significant factor in all of our fish community models. In conjunction with additional reach characteristics, geomorphic condition explained up to 31% of the total variance observed in models for species diversity of fish communities, 44% of the variance in assemblage biomass and 45% of the variance in a regional index of biotic integrity. 5. Our work builds on single‐species evidence that geomorphic characteristics represent important local‐scale fish‐habitat variables, showing that stream geomorphic condition is a dominant factor affecting entire fish communities. Our results enhance our understanding of the hierarchy of factors that influences fish community diversity and organisation and support the use of geomorphic condition assessments in stream management. 相似文献
Buffagni Andrea Crosa Giuseppe A. Harper David M. Kemp Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats. 相似文献
Stuart E. Bunn 《Hydrobiologia》1988,162(3):211-223
The long-term processing of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) leaves was examined in a small forest stream to determine the role played by macroinvertebrates and the influence of soluble polyphenols in the leaves. The widely used exponential model of litter processing was inadequate in describing the fate of jarrah leaves. Decomposition occurred in three distinct phases and was best described by a quadratic model. After a substantial and rapid loss due to leaching, processing was virtually inhibited during summer and autumn, with no associated increase in the organic nitrogen content. Macroinvertebrates played a significant role in the latter part of the year, processing approximately 25% of the initial leaf mass.High levels of soluble polyphenols in the leaves had an inhibitory effect on the microbial colonization of jarrah leaves, as indicated by the organic nitrogen content. However, pre-leaching of these compounds had no effect on the rate of decomposition nor on the leaf bag fauna. Polyphenols released into the stream during summer, when flows are low, may reach high concentrations and contribute to the slow processing at this time. Leaf litter processing in a nearby sedimented stream was compared with that in the undisturbed stream. Sediment disrupted litter processing, virtually eliminating the contribution made by invertebrates. Smothered leaf bags became anoxic, restricting microbial activity and reducing leaf quality. The low processing rate of leaves in the sedimented stream was attributed to differences in the leaf bag fauna. Leaf bags in the sedimented stream had more animals but shredders were poorly represented and predators were the most abundant feeding group. The low density of shredders was more likely to be a result of the reduced availability of detritus rather than selective predation. Whatever the reason, invertebrates in the sedimented stream were denied access to an important source of energy. Inorganic sediment can have a profound effect on stream function by interfering with the shredder-CPOM pathway. 相似文献
1. Recent increases in fire frequency in North America have focused interest on potential effects on adjacent ecosystems, including streams. Headwaters could be particularly affected because of their high connectivity to riparian and downstream aquatic ecosystems through aquatic invertebrate drift and emergence. 2. Headwater streams from replicated burned and control catchments were sampled in 2 years following an intense forest fire in northeastern Washington (U.S.A.). We compared differences in benthic, drift and emergent macroinvertebrate density, biomass and community composition between five burned and five unburned catchments (14–135 ha). 3. There were significantly higher macroinvertebrate densities in burned than control sites for all sample types. Macroinvertebrate biomass was greater at burned sites only from emergence samples; in benthic and drift samples there was no significant difference between burn and control sites. 4. For all sample types, diversity was lower in the burned catchments, and the macroinvertebrate community was dominated by chironomid midges. 5. Compared to the effects of fire in less disturbed ecosystems, this study illustrated that forest fire in a managed forest may have greater effects on headwater macroinvertebrate communities, influencing prey flow to adjacent terrestrial and downstream aquatic habitats for at least the first 2 years post‐fire. 相似文献
George K. Rogers 《Brittonia》2000,52(3):218-233
The genusAgave (Agavaceae) is revised taxonomically for the Lesser Antilles. All 12 previously recognized species are placed into synonymy underAgave karatto Miller. A neotype is selected for the nameAgave karatto, and lectotypes are designated forA. barbadensis Trel.,A. medioxima Trel.,A. obducta Trel.,A. vangrolae Trel., andA. ventum-versa Trel. Specimens are cited for most of the Lesser Antillean islands. That the Caribbean agaves are similar to the MexicanAgave nayaritensis Gentry is supported. The hypothesis that the pattern of partial sterility, clonality, and minimal morphological differentiation of the Lesser Antillean agaves is related to prehistoric human activity is developed based on similar patterns among mainland agaves and historical information. Uses for the archaeological “Barbados shell tool” may have included decorticating agave leaves for fiber extraction. 相似文献