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Nested clade analyses (NCA) and likelihood mapping were applied to DNA sequence data of the ribosomal ITS1 and mitochondrial COI region from two non-marine ostracod species. The aim was to test whether Pleistocene glaciations may have shaped genetic and geographic patterns. According to the results from both types of analyses, evidence was lacking for any kind of geographic grouping of European (and one African) population from the putatively ancient asexual ostracod, Darwinula stevensoni. This counters the possibility that a recent selective sweep could have caused the low intraspecific, genetic diversity observed in this species. One of the most cited hypotheses to explain geographic parthenogenesis invokes faster, postglacial colonization by asexual lineages. However, no evidence for northern ‘range expansion’ of asexual haplotypes was found for Eucypris virens, a species with geographic parthenogenesis. Rather, the outcome of the NCA reveals that phylogeographic relationships are characterized by ‘restricted dispersal with isolation by (geographic) distance’. This result suggests that either no faster, postglacial range expansion of asexuals occurred in E. virens or, that patterns of subsequent colonization became ‘overwritten’ by more recent dispersal events. Likelihood mapping provides evidence for the second scenario because genetic instead of geographic clustering was statistically supported. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Individuals of free-living organisms are often infected simultaneously by a community of parasites. If the co-infecting parasites interact, then this can add significantly to the diversity of host genotypexparasite genotype interactions. However, interactions between parasite species are usually not examined considering potential variation in interactions between different strain combinations of co-infecting parasites. Here, we examined the importance of interactions between strains of fish eye flukes Diplostomum spathaceum and Diplostomum gasterostei on their infectivity in naive fish hosts. We assessed the infection success of strains of both species in single-strain exposures and in co-exposures with a random strain of the other species. Parasite infection success did not consistently increase or decrease in the co-exposure treatment, but depended on the combinations of co-infecting parasite strains. This disrupted the relative infectivity of D. spathaceum strains observed in single-strain exposures. The infection success of D. gasterostei strains was independent of exposure type. These results suggest that interactions among parasite species may be strain specific and potentially promote maintenance of genetic polymorphism in parasite populations.  相似文献   

The European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) is endangered and in decline. Populations are increasingly fragmented, and only a coordinated conservation effort at the European level may guarantee its long-term survival. To obtain a general population genetic picture on a larger geographic scale, we screened 117 individuals from seven local populations in Hungary, Romania, and Austria for allelic variation at eleven microsatellite loci. We found a high (23.4%) proportion of private alleles, and a moderate to somewhat elevated level (15.27%) of partitioning of genetic diversity among populations, compared to that found in many other terrestrial mammals. Genetic variability was significantly higher than in earlier studied Czech populations that are considered genetically depleted, but significantly lower than in undisturbed populations of S. suslicus and S. brunneus, that are similar to the European ground squirrel in their ecological requirements, reproductive biology, and social organization. Genetic diversity was also lower than in most presumably “undisturbed” populations of other Sciurid species. This, together with the observed level and pattern of genetic differentiation among populations, such as no significant increase of genetic differentiation with geographic distance and similar variance of genetic differentiation between populations independent of geographic distance, indicated the prevalence of relatively strong drift effects for all populations. A Bayesian STRUCTURE analysis and a factorial correspondence analysis concordantly revealed a fairly complex genetic composition of local populations, but no major geographic trend in the pattern of the genetic composition. Overall, the results suggest disintegration of local colonies that might earlier have been more connected genetically. The STRUCTURE analysis also suggested anthropogenic translocations among single Hungarian populations. Our data on genetic diversity and its distribution do not object to such conservation measures. Translocation of individuals particularly from nearby populations may increase the chances of survival of small and isolated populations and counteract inbreeding at low densities.  相似文献   

Many plant communities show strong fine‐scale spatiotemporal dynamics due to frequent natality and mortality events. This process is often non‐random, implying that the community can be broken into groups within which species mutually replace each other in time and are distinct from the other such groups. We examined whether such groups fill separate niches and are functionally complementary in a species‐rich mountain grassland. We used cluster analysis of fine‐scale spatial data time series to discern which species were more likely to replace each other in space. Next, a four‐year removal experiment (removing one group in each experimental treatment, or similar amount of biomass across all groups) was used to determine whether simultaneous occurrence of all these groups would maintain a greater total biomass than if an entire group were eliminated. The results do not support the hypothesis that the simultaneous presence of groups of species that replace each other in space is necessary for the community to attain its maximum biomass. However, the experiment showed strong differences among the replacement groups in their capacity for opportunistic behaviour: some groups responded quickly to space made available by removal while others did not. Furthermore, there were strong differences between groups composed primarily of grasses and groups composed primarily of dicots. In spite of the large differences among these groups, they are not functionally complementary. We therefore conclude that replacement processes in this grassland community more closely resemble a neutral process with sets of species differing in the speed at which they fill empty spaces.  相似文献   

According to the fossil record, 99.9% of all species that have ever lived on Earth have disappeared. However, only about 4% died out during the five mass extinction events, whereas it seems that the majority of species vanished without any signs of significant earthbound or extraterrestrial physical threats. Clearly, biological extinction mechanisms are by far the most important, but they are subject to serious limitations concerning the worldwide disappearance of species. In view of that, species-inherent mechanisms, which could lead to the worldwide destabilization of a population, might be worth reconsideration. Telomeres, the protective caps of chromosome ends, and the enzyme telomerase have been well preserved in plants and animals during evolution. In the absence of telomerase activity, telomeric DNA has been shown to shorten every time a cell divides. The concept of a mitotic clock based on the gradual erosion of telomeres is now generally accepted and has been confirmed in numerous plants and animals. Chromosomal rearrangements are the hallmarks of two completely different biological phenomena, cancer and speciation. In premalignant cells, gradual telomere erosion beyond a critical threshold is a well-known inducer of chromosomal instability. The species clock hypothesis, as presented here, is based on the idea of a tiny loss of mean telomere length per generation. This mechanism would not rapidly endanger the survival of a particular species. Yet, after many thousands of generations, critically short telomeres could lead to the weakening and even the extinction of old species and would simultaneously create the unstable chromosomal environment that might result in the origination of new species.  相似文献   

Character displacement (CD) is the evolutionary process which leads to the divergence in trait expression of closely related species in regions where species co-occur, compared to allopatric populations. In Europe CD has been investigated in males of Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo and has been related to species recognition. If species recognition is relevant for males, also females should benefit from CD. The most obvious differences between females of these two species are wing profile and colour. We sampled females from allopatric and from sympatric populations with different relative abundances of these species. Wing shape and pigmentation were evaluated for each damselfly. CD was found in wing profile but not in wing transparency. The relative abundance of species significantly affected CD, but with a different pattern in each species. The prediction that wing shape become more different from the allopatric state when the species was relatively rare, but more similar to the allopatric state when the species was common was evident only for C. splendens. Wing shape changes might increase differences in flying patterns making males more effective to discriminate between heterospecific females. So, CD we observed may be the result of a selection directed to reduce interspecific reproductive interference.  相似文献   

Whether evolutionary change can occur by genetic assimilation, or more generally by genetic accommodation, remains controversial. Here we examine some of the experimental evidence for both phenomena. Several experiments in Drosophila suggest that assimilation is possible, and a new paper shows that a color polyphenism in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, can evolve by genetic accommodation. We argue that genetic accommodation, including assimilation, is a plausible mechanism in evolution; however, more work is required to test how this mechanism acts and how often it is involved in evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The paper provides the first estimate of the role of abiotic and anthropogenic variables driving both alien plant species richness and composition covering the whole region of the European Alps. To establish and spread in a new area, alien plants must be able to tolerate the prevailing climatic conditions. We therefore tested the hypothesis that climatic requirements modified by bioclimatic origin and elevational distribution influence the distribution of alien plants in the Alps. Despite most alien plant species showing a relatively restricted distribution in the Alps, some regions, however, were already more strongly invaded. Most of these species were adapted to warmer conditions, probably constrained by climatic factors. Environmental heterogeneity was the most important predictor of alien plant species richness, followed by anthropogenic disturbance. Due to the political/artificial delineation of the administrative districts in the Alps (i.e., ignoring ecological conditions) we did not find a direct influence of climatic constraints on alien distribution. Anyway, northern Holarctic alien species showed a broader climatic tolerance and the capability to grow across a wide environmental range. Our results also reveal a strong influence of human pressure on warmer tropical species, despite their low adaptability to anthropogenic habitats. To this aim, managers would profit from early warnings to prevent future invasions. Considering bioclimatic origin, our study can aid in identifying potentially invasive species in a more regional setting.  相似文献   

Interactions between diverse groups of organisms influence the functioning and diversity of ecosystems. Salient examples of such relationships are those among hypogeous fungi, trees and mycophagous mammals. To investigate the role of small mammals in transporting fungal spores within and outside forests as well as the influence of seasons, habitats and species on small mammal mycophagy, we set up a study in the Pieniny Mts, Western Carpathians (Southern Poland). The droppings of small mammals were collected during live trapping in July and September 2016 and 2017, to analyze richness, composition and frequency of fungal spores present in faeces. The yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis, the bank vole Myodes glareolus and the common vole Microtus arvalis were the most frequently trapped. Spores of 27 fungal taxa from 16 genera were retrieved from nearly 70% of faecal samples of rodents and shrews, with up to 9 spore taxa recorded per sample. Spore diversity in samples was higher in September than in July, although seasonal variation was year and animal dependent. The highest mean number of fungal taxa per sample was recorded for the bank vole and the yellow-necked mouse, with the former species showing a higher degree of mycophagy. The two rodents differed in the average frequencies of consumed fungi in samples, which could result from some degree of specialization in the choice of particular fungal species, as shown by the laboratory-based experiment. Within particular animal species, differences in the fungal diet were found between seasons. The spores of hypogeous fungi were transported from forests to meadows mostly by the yellow-necked mouse and, to a lesser extent, by the common vole. However, both, the diversity and the number of transported spores diminished with distance from the forest edge.  相似文献   

A molecular mechanism of aluminium-induced Alzheimer's disease?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An abundance of research has continued to link aluminium (Al) with Alzheimer's disease (AD) (Strong et al., J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 48 (1996) 599; Savory et al., J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 48 (1996) 615). Animals loaded with Al develop both symptoms and brain lesions that are similar to those found in AD. However, these animal models of Al intoxication are not representative of human exposure to Al. They have not addressed the significance of a truly chronic exposure to Al. If Al is a cause of AD it is effective at the level of our everyday exposure to the metal and AD will be one possible outcome of the life-long presence of a low, though burgeoning, brain Al burden. Individual susceptibility to AD will be as much to do with differences in brain physiology as with changes in our everyday exposure to the metal. There will be a chemical response and indeed biochemical/physiological response in the brain to Al. The question is whether brain Al homeostasis could impact upon brain function. In reviewing the recent literature covering the neurotoxicity of Al and, in particular, of the known and probable mechanisms involved in brain Al homeostasis I have identified a mechanism through which a truly chronic exposure to Al would bring about subtle and persistent changes in neurotransmission which, in time, could instigate the cascade of events known collectively as AD. This mechanism involves the potentiation of the activities of neurotransmitters by the action of Al-ATP at adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) receptors in the brain.  相似文献   

The variability level of the ISSR (inter-simple sequences repeat) primer (GACA)4 was examined in the three Lepidoptera families Pyralidae, Sphingidae and Pieridae. Our study shows that the tetra-repeat (GACA)n is evidently present in sufficient numbers in these butterflies to provide informative DNA fingerprints. The variability is mostly rather high, but within a comparable range to other ISSR studies. Although less polymorphisms may be encountered in some butterfly families, this study indicates that high variability of this marker may be a common characteristic of Lepidoptera genomes. An appeal for a minimal level of standardization of ISSR-PCR data analysis is formulated to enable an exact comparison between the groups of organisms studied with this fingerprint technique.  相似文献   

Population genetic and biological distance studies of Late Woodland and Mississippian populations from west-central Illinois have provided insight into a number of prehistoric demographic processes at the regional level. However, a formal analysis of diachronic interregional gene flow has not been attempted within a population genetics framework. In this study, cranial measurements of 489 individuals from 13 skeletal samples across the central and lower Illinois valleys are analyzed to address two central issues. First, the potential impact of Cahokia's decline and associated demographic events on the population structure of west-central Illinois Mississippians is examined. Second, the Mississippian and Late Woodland interregional migration patterns are compared to determine if geographic and/or cultural boundaries affected local population structure. Following Relethford and Blangero ([1990] Hum Biol 62:5-25), R matrix methods are utilized to calculate observed and expected phenotypic variances, minimum genetic distances, and F(ST) values in order to detect patterns of differential external gene flow over time. The results indicate that Late Woodland peoples had a larger sphere of biological interaction than Mississippians. In the Mississippian period, culturally imposed barriers paralleled geographic boundaries between regions such that the geographic distribution of biological variation closely adheres to a classic isolation-by-distance model. Further, intraregional population movement was a more significant contributor to Mississippian population structure than interregional gene flow, even during periods of sociopolitical strife. Small-scale intraregional shuffling is consistent with other recent studies of prehistoric Mississippian biocultural and geographic landscapes in the southeast United States.  相似文献   

M T J Hague  E J Routman 《Heredity》2016,116(1):92-98
Genetic diversity is a fundamental requirement for evolution and adaptation. Nonetheless, the forces that maintain patterns of genetic variation in wild populations are not completely understood. Neutral theory posits that genetic diversity will increase with a larger effective population size and the decreasing effects of drift. However, the lack of compelling evidence for a relationship between genetic diversity and population size in comparative studies has generated some skepticism over the degree that neutral sequence evolution drives overall patterns of diversity. The goal of this study was to measure genetic diversity among sympatric populations of related lizard species that differ in population size and other ecological factors. By sampling related species from a single geographic location, we aimed to reduce nuisance variance in genetic diversity owing to species differences, for example, in mutation rates or historical biogeography. We compared populations of zebra-tailed lizards and western banded geckos, which are abundant and short-lived, to chuckwallas and desert iguanas, which are less common and long-lived. We assessed population genetic diversity at three protein-coding loci for each species. Our results were consistent with the predictions of neutral theory, as the abundant species almost always had higher levels of haplotype diversity than the less common species. Higher population genetic diversity in the abundant species is likely due to a combination of demographic factors, including larger local population sizes (and presumably effective population sizes), faster generation times and high rates of gene flow with other populations.  相似文献   

Strains of insect-pathogenic fungi with high virulence toward certain pest insects have great potential for commercial biological control applications. Identifying such strains has been a central theme in using fungi for biological control. This theme is supported by a persistent paradigm in insect pathology which suggests that the host insect is the predominant influence on the population genetics of insect-pathogenic fungi. In this study, a population genetics analysis of the insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae from forested and agricultural habitats in Ontario, Canada, showed a nonrandom association of alleles between two distinct, reproductively isolated groups (index of multilocus association = 1.2). Analyses of the mitochondrial DNA showed no differences between the groups. The two groups were associated with different habitat types, and associations with insect hosts were not found. The group from forested areas showed an ability for cold-active growth (i.e., 8 degrees C), while the group from the agricultural area showed an ability for growth at high temperatures (i.e., 37 degrees C) and resilience to UV exposure. These results represent a significant paradigm shift; habitat selection, not host insect selection, drives the population structure of these insect-pathogenic deuteromycetous fungi. With each group we observed recombining population structures as well as clonally reproducing lineages. We discuss whether these groups may represent cryptic species. Worldwide, M. anisopliae may be an assembly of cryptic species, each adapted to certain environmental conditions. The association of fungal genotypes with habitat but not with host insects has implications on the criteria for utility of this, and perhaps other, fungal biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

Invasive exotic plants often grow fast, reproduce rapidly and display considerable phenotypic plasticity in their invasive range, which may be essential characteristics for successful invasion. However, it remains unclear whether these characteristics are already present in native populations (pre-adaptation hypothesis) or evolve after introduction (genetic shift hypothesis).To test these hypotheses we compared means and phenotypic plasticity of vegetative and reproductive traits between populations of Impatiens glandulifera collected from either the invasive (Norway) or native range (India). Seeds were sown and the resulting plants were exposed to different experimental environments in a glasshouse. We also tested whether trait means and reaction norms harbored genetic variation, as this may promote fitness in the novel environment.We did not find evidence that invasive populations of I. glandulifera grew more vigorously or produced more seeds than native populations. Phenotypic plasticity did not differ between the native and invasive range, except for the number of nodes which was more plastic in the invasive range. Genetic variation in the slope of reaction norms was absent, suggesting that the lack of change in phenotypic plasticity between native and invasive populations resulted from low genetic variation in phenotypic plasticity initially harbored by this species. Post-introduction evolution of traits thus probably did not boost the invasiveness of I. glandulifera. Instead, the species seems to be pre-adapted for invasion.We suggest that differences in habitat between the native and invasive range, more specifically the higher nutrient availability observed in the new environment, are the main factor driving the invasion of this species. Indeed, plants in the more nutrient-rich invasive range had greater seed mass, likely conferring a competitive advantage, while seed mass also responded strongly to nutrients in the glasshouse. Interactions between habitat productivity and herbivore defense may explain the lack of more vigorous growth in the new range.  相似文献   

Recent studies of captive and wild-living apes in Africa have uncovered evidence of numerous new Plasmodium species, one of which was identified as the immediate precursor of human Plasmodium falciparum. These findings raise the question whether wild apes could be a recurrent source of Plasmodium infections in humans. This question is not new, but was the subject of intense investigation by researchers in the first half of the last century. Re-examination of their work in the context of recent molecular findings provides a new framework to understand the diversity of Plasmodium species and to assess the risk of future cross-species transmissions to humans in the context of proposed malaria eradication programs.  相似文献   

Species may be able to respond to changing environments by a combination of adaptation and migration. We study how adaptation affects range shifts when it involves multiple quantitative traits evolving in response to local selection pressures and gene flow. All traits develop clines shifting in space, some of which may be in a direction opposite to univariate predictions, and the species tracks its environmental optimum with a constant lag. We provide analytical expressions for the local density and average trait values. A species can sustain faster environmental shifts, develop a wider range and greater local adaptation when spatial environmental variation is low (generating low migration load) and multitrait adaptive potential is high. These conditions are favoured when nonlinear (stabilising) selection is weak in the phenotypic direction of the change in optimum, and genetic variation is high in the phenotypic direction of the selection gradient.  相似文献   

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