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人类抑癌基因beclin 1在胃癌和直结肠癌中表达下调的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类抑癌基因beclin 1通过自噬作用调节细胞生长,但在胃癌和直结肠癌中其表达水平和调控机制仍不清楚.通过检测胃癌和直结肠肿瘤组织中beclin 1基因的表达水平,及DNA异常甲基化和杂合子缺失对其表达的影响,发现与癌旁组织相比,35%的胃癌标本和30%的直结肠癌标本中beclin 1基因表达显著下调.同时发现,beclin 1基因5’端存在一高密度CpG岛,在胃癌和直结肠癌中beclin 1的启动子区域和第二个内含子区域存在甲基化,而杂合子缺失仅在胃癌中发生.这些发现表明beclin 1基因的异常甲基化和杂合子缺失对其在胃癌和直结肠癌中的表达起调控作用.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是主要的表观遗传调节方式,在转录水平调节基因的表达,甲基化CpG结合蛋白MBD1能够结合甲基化及非甲基化的DNA,通过抑制域抑制基因的转录,在DNA甲基化和转录抑制之间起重要作用,但DNA甲基化对MBD1自身的调节作用还不清楚.本研究首先利用RT-PCR检测成年牛心脏、肾脏、肝脏、睾丸及卵巢5种组织中MBD1基因mRNA的表达;并根据牛MBD1调节区序列,针对其中的12个CpG位点设计引物,利用甲基化PCR测序分析方法,分析该调节区的DNA甲基化状态在牛5种组织中的变化.结果表明,在牛的5种组织中,MBD1基因在心脏和肾脏的表达量低于肝脏、睾丸及卵巢,且差异显著(P<0.05);DNA甲基化检测显示,心脏和肾脏MBD1调节区的甲基化比率较肝脏、睾丸及卵巢甲基化低,说明调控区DNA甲基化与MBD1基因的组织特异性表达相关.  相似文献   

DLC-1(肝癌缺失基因1)是近年来被发现的一种重要的抑癌基因,目前研究发现其在多种肿瘤的发生、发展过程中产生了重要的作用。随着基因技术及分子生物技术的飞速发展,关于DLC-1基因以及与之相关的上、下游靶基因,DLC-1基因的甲基化修饰及其相互作用的信号传导通路的研究将更深入、更彻底、更清楚。通过构建肿瘤动物实验模型,我们可以对人类各种肿瘤进行去甲基化药物治疗,分析实验结果,综合评估治疗指征,为临床上对肿瘤的治疗提供理论基础及实践指导。相信在不久的将来,针对DLC-1基因在肿瘤分子生物学研究有望成为多种肿瘤诊断、治疗的突破。  相似文献   

目的:探究DLC-1基因在MCF-7人乳腺癌细胞系中低表达的机制。方法:应用甲基化特异性PCR(MSP)检测人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7的DLC-1基因甲基化状态,不同浓度的5-氮杂-2’-脱氧胞嘧啶(5-Aza-CdR)处理人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7,RT-PCR及Real-time PCR定量检测用药前后细胞中DLC-1基因mRNA表达水平变化。结果:DLC-1基因启动子区CpG岛呈甲基化状态,经过5-Aza-CdR处理后,DLC-1基因启动子区呈去甲基化状态,并且其mRNA恢复表达。结论:抑癌基因DLC-1 CpG岛甲基化是导致该基因低表达的原因之一,5-Aza-CdR能逆转DLC-1基因甲基化状态。  相似文献   

目的:探究DLC-1基因在MCF-7人乳腺癌细胞系中低表达的机制。方法:应用甲基化特异性PCR(MSP)检测人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7的DLC-1基因甲基化状态,不同浓度的5-氮杂-2'-脱氧胞嘧啶(5-Aza-CdR)处理人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7,RT-PCR及Real-time PCR定量检测用药前后细胞中DLC-1基因mRNA表达水平变化。结果:DLC-1基因启动子区CpG岛呈甲基化状态,经过5-Aza-CdR处理后,DLC-1基因启动子区呈去甲基化状态,并且其mRNA恢复表达。结论:抑癌基因DLC-1 CpG岛甲基化是导致该基因低表达的原因之一,5-Aza-CdR能逆转DLC-1基因甲基化状态。  相似文献   

运用RT-PCR检测候选抑瘤基因DNAJC10在鼻咽癌组织中的表达,运用甲基化特异性PCR(MSPCR)技术、LOH和测序等技术分别检测DNAJC10基因在鼻咽癌组织中的甲基化状况、LOH和启动子突变情况.结果表明,DNAJC10基因在肿瘤组织中较对照慢性鼻咽炎组织表达明显下调(P<0.05).DNAJC10在鼻咽癌中不表现高甲基化,其LOH的缺失率为6.25%,突变率为66.7%.因此,DNAJC10基因的表达下调主要是其遗传改变(LOH和突变)所致.  相似文献   

乳腺癌易感基因1(BRCA1)是具有遗传倾向的乳腺癌和卵巢癌的易感基因,且是一种抑癌基因.BRCA1基因的突变与家族性乳腺癌及它在细胞周期的调节,DNA损伤修复,基因的转录调控和诱导细胞凋亡方面起着重要作用.BRCA1基因的突变与家族性乳腺癌及卵巢癌的发生密切相关,对BRCA1分子功能的研究,将有利于阐明肿瘤发生的机理关.BRCA1的启动子甲基化与散发性乳腺癌有关.本文拟对BRCA1的结构,功能以及它的甲基化,突变,杂合性丢失对乳腺癌的影响作一综述.  相似文献   

为评估微囊藻毒素-LR (MC-LR)对鱼类自噬的影响, 根据转录组测序结果得到的EST序列, 采用RACE技术获得了草鱼(Ctenopharygodon idella)自噬基因Beclin1 (CiBeclin1)的cDNA全长序列。该基因序列全长1590 bp, 包括1344 bp的开放阅读框, 编码447个氨基酸, 分子量为51.2 kD, 理论等电点为4.88。CiBeclin1包含1个BH3和1个ECD结构域。CiBeclin1氨基酸序列与其他物种的相似性为88%—98%, 构建的进化树显示CiBeclin1与稀有鲫(Gobiocypris rarus)的Beclin1亲缘关系最近。实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)检测结果表明, CiBeclin1在肝、肾、脾等10种不同组织中均广泛表达, 但在肝脏组织中的相对表达量最丰富, 显著高于相对表达量最低的头肾组织(P<0.05)。在不同剂量(25和100 μg MC-LR/kg BW) MC-LR胁迫24h、48h、72h和96h后, 草鱼肝脏中CiBeclin1表达量均显著低于对照组的表达水平, 研究结果表明, MC-LR能抑制草鱼CiBeclin1的表达, 但MC-LR是否在该剂量下诱导了草鱼的自噬还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

DLC-1基因与乳腺癌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肝癌缺失基因1(DLC-1)是一种肿瘤阻抑基因,位于人类染色体8p21.3-p22,在多种肿瘤中呈低表达或缺失,其与乳腺癌的发生、发展及侵袭转移关系密切。本文就DLC-1基因的结构及生物学功能、在乳腺癌中失活的机制和在乳腺癌中的表达及其意义作一综述。  相似文献   

表观遗传学分子机制,其中包括DNA甲基化,通过细胞分裂逐代遗传,在基因转录调控中发挥着重要作用.尽管DNA甲基化是正常哺乳动物胚胎形成所必需的,但在致癌作用中却经常观察到DNA的低-和高-甲基化现象.DNA甲基化在癌症的发生和发展中起着重要作用,它使得许多抑癌基因转录沉默,最终导致癌基因的无限增殖化.许多肿瘤抑制基因启动子区异常甲基化与乳腺癌的形成密切相关,比如ER,p16,APC,RASSFlA,BRCAl等.DNA甲基化是可逆的过程,通过DNA去甲基化制剂,可以使基因恢复正常表达功能.因此,DNA去甲基化制剂在乳腺癌的治疗中具有重要临床意义.  相似文献   

Cyclin L1 (CCNL1) and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP1) are candidate genes involved in several types of cancer. However, the expression of CCNL1 and the relationship between CCNL1 and TIMP1 in breast cancer cells is unknown. Using patients’ breast cancer tissues, the expression of CCNL1 and TIMP1 was measured by cDNA microarray and further confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and western blotting. Overexpression or repression of CCNL1 and TIMP1, individually or together, was performed in breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells by transient transformation methods to investigate their role in breast cancer cell growth. Simultaneously, mRNA and protein expression levels of CCNL1 and TIMP1 were also measured. CCNL1 and TIMP1 expression was significantly elevated in breast cancer tissues compared with that in peri-breast cancer tissues of patients by cDNA microarray and these results were further confirmed by real-time RT-PCR and western blotting. Interestingly, in vitro experiments showed a stimulatory effect of TIMP1 and an inhibitory effect of CCNL1 on growth of MDA-MB-231 cells. Co-expression or co-repression of these two genes did not affect cell growth. Overexpression of CCNL1 and TIMP1 individually induced overexpression of each other. These data demonstrate that there is a fine balance between CCNL1 and TIMP1, which may contribute to breast cancer development.  相似文献   

EGR1 (early growth response 1) is dysregulated in many cancers and exhibits both tumor suppressor and promoter activities, making it an appealing target for cancer therapy. Here, we used a systematic multiomics analysis to review the expression of EGR1 and its role in regulating clinical outcomes in breast cancer (BC). EGR1 expression, its promoter methylation, and protein expression pattern were assessed using various publicly available tools. COSMIC-based somatic mutations and cBioPortal-based copy number alterations were analyzed, and the prognostic roles of EGR1 in BC were determined using Prognoscan and Kaplan-Meier Plotter. We also used bc-GenEx-Miner to investigate the EGR1 co-expression profile. EGR1 was more often downregulated in BC tissues than in normal breast tissue, and its knockdown was positively correlated with poor survival. Low EGR1 expression levels were also associated with increased risk of ER+, PR+, and HER2-BCs. High positive correlations were observed among EGR1, DUSP1, FOS, FOSB, CYR61, and JUN mRNA expression in BC tissue. This systematic review suggested that EGR1 expression may serve as a prognostic marker for BC patients and that clinicopathological parameters influence its prognostic utility. In addition to EGR1, DUSP1, FOS, FOSB, CYR61, and JUN can jointly be considered prognostic indicators for BC.  相似文献   

Cancer cells have broken circadian clocks when compared to their normal tissue counterparts. Moreover, it has been shown in breast cancer that disruption of common circadian oscillations is associated with a more negative prognosis. Numerous studies, focused on canonical circadian genes in breast cancer cell lines, have suggested that there are no mRNA circadian-like oscillations. Nevertheless, cancer cell lines have not been extensively characterized and it is unknown to what extent the circadian oscillations are disrupted. We have chosen representative non-cancerous and cancerous breast cell lines (MCF-10A, MCF-7, ZR-75-30, MDA-MB-231 and HCC-1954) in order to determine the degree to which the circadian clock is damaged. We used serum shock to synchronize the circadian clocks in culture. Our aim was to initially observe the time course of gene expression using cDNA microarrays in the non-cancerous MCF-10A and the cancerous MCF-7 cells for screening and then to characterize specific genes in other cell lines. We used a cosine function to select highly correlated profiles. Some of the identified genes were validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and further evaluated in the other breast cancer cell lines. Interestingly, we observed that breast cancer and non-cancerous cultured cells are able to generate specific circadian expression profiles in response to the serum shock. The rhythmic genes, suggested via microarray and measured in each particular subtype, suggest that each breast cancer cell type responds differently to the circadian synchronization. Future results could identify circadian-like genes that are altered in breast cancer and non-cancerous cells, which can be used to propose novel treatments. Breast cell lines are potential models for in vitro studies of circadian clocks and clock-controlled pathways.  相似文献   

目的研究泛素羧基末端水解酶L1(UCH-L1)与磷酸化p38(p-p38)在乳腺癌组织、细胞系中的表达情况、两种蛋白的表达与临床病理特征的关系以及UCH-L1与乳腺癌侵袭转移的关系。方法用免疫组织化学方法检测乳腺癌组织中UCH-L1与p-p38蛋白的表达情况,用Western Blot方法检测乳腺癌组织以及细胞系中UCH-L1与p-p38蛋白的表达情况。应用UCH-L1特异性抑制剂作用于乳腺癌高侵袭高转移细胞系MDA-MB-435s后,用Western Blot观察UCH-L1与p-p38蛋白表达改变的情况,用Transwell实验检测MDA-MB-435s细胞侵袭潜能的改变。结果 UCH-L1和p-p38蛋白在乳腺浸润性导管癌中的表达高于其在癌旁正常乳腺组织中的表达(P=0.012,P=0.001),二者呈正相关(r=0.397,P=0.000),并与乳腺癌的TNM分期(P=0.017,P=0.010)、淋巴结转移情况(P=0.033,P=0.021)相关。乳腺上皮细胞系MCF-10A、乳腺癌低侵袭低转移细胞系MCF-7和乳腺癌高侵袭高转移细胞系MDA-MB-435s中两种蛋白表达水平呈递增趋势(P均<0.05)。UCH-L1特异性抑制剂可以浓度依赖性地下调MDA-MB-435s细胞系中p-p38蛋白的表达水平(P均<0.05),并能抑制乳腺癌细胞的侵袭转移潜能。结论 UCH-L1、p-p38过表达与乳腺癌的TMN分期、淋巴结转移有关。UCH-L1可能通过上调p-p38介导乳腺癌转移。  相似文献   

Breast cancer ranked second among most frequent cancer in the world playing a significant role in mortality rate. Having prior knowledge on differentially expressed genes in breast cell carcinoma elucidated important indications to understand the molecular mechanism underneath breast carcinogenesis. In this study we have investigated the distinguished CSN1S1 expression in human breast cancer. We have analyzed CSN1S1 mRNA expression between cancer and normal tissues using TCGA datasets. Moreover, analysis including promoter methylation, mutations, prognosis, co-expression, gene ontology, and pathways of CSN1S1 were performed by the TCGA Wanderer, UCSC Xena, cBioPortal, PrognoScan, UALCAN, and Enricher server. We have observed low mRNA expression and high promoter methylation of CSN1S1 in cancer tissues compared to normal tissues. Furthermore, we have also identified low mRNA expression in clinicopathological patients, as well as 9 deleterious mutations with highly co-expressed protein MRC1, and significantly related signaling pathways. We have found a positive correlation between the lower expression of CSN1S1 and patients surviving with breast cancer. Here we have concluded that CSN1S1 acts as a biomarker for the surveillance and prognosis of breast cancer, and also works as a novel therapeutic target at the molecular and pathway levels.  相似文献   

DLC1是1998年在对原发性肝癌进行研究时首次分离和报道的,它不仅在肝癌中表达缺失,而且在人类多种恶性肿瘤中也表达低下或缺失,是近年来研究较热门的肿瘤抑制基因。乳腺癌是女性常见的恶性肿瘤,极大影响女性身心健康,在乳腺癌等恶性肿瘤中,DLC1具有抑制癌细胞增殖、迁移并诱导凋亡的作用。  相似文献   

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