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We report on the three dimensional structure of an RNA hairpin containing a 2',5'-linked tetraribonucleotide loop, namely, 5'-rGGAC(UUCG)GUCC-3' (where UUCG = U(2'p5')U(2'p5')C(2'p5')G(2'p5')). We show that the 2',5'-linked RNA loop adopts a conformation that is quite different from that previously observed for the native 3',5'-linked RNA loop. The 2',5'-RNA loop is stabilized by (a) U:G wobble base pairing, with both bases in the anti conformation, (b) extensive base stacking, and (c) sugar-base contacts, all of which contribute to the extra stability of this hairpin structure.  相似文献   

RNA interference by 2',5'-linked nucleic acid duplexes in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synthetic small interfering RNA (siRNA) mediated silencing of a specific gene is emerging as a powerful tool for gene regulation. However, their utility is limited for therapeutic applications primarily due to poor stability. The 2',5'-linked oligonucleotides are known to be more stable to nucleolytic degradation than 3',5'-linked oligonucleotides. The 2',5'-linkage is tolerated in the sense strand of the siRNA duplex. However, the 2',5'-linkage is not tolerated in the antisense strand of the siRNA duplex.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of model compounds and of 2',5'-oligoadenylates in D2O were utilized to assign the Raman bands of 2',5'-oligoadenylates. The Raman spectra of A2'pA2'pA, pA2'pA2'pA, and pppA2'pA2'pA contained features that were similar to those of adenosine, adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP), and adenosine 5'-triphosphate, respectively. When AMP and pA2'pA2'pA were titrated from pH 2 to 9, the normalized Raman intensity of their ionized (980 cm-1) and protonated (1080 cm-1) phosphate bands revealed similar pKa's for the 5'-monophosphates. The Raman spectrum of pA2'pA2'pA was altered slightly by elevations in temperature, but not in a manner supporting the postulate that 2-5A possesses intermolecular base stacking. Major differences in the Raman spectrum of 2',5'- and 3',5'-oligoadenylates were observed in the 600-1200-cm-1 portion of the spectrum that arises predominately from ribose and phosphate vibrational modes. Phosphodiester backbone modes in A3'pA3'pA and pA3'pA3'pA produced a broad band at 802 cm-1 with a shoulder at 820 cm-1, whereas all 2',5'-oligoadenylates contained a major phosphodiester band at 823 cm-1 with a shoulder at 802 cm-1. The backbone mode of pppA2'pA2'pA contained the sharpest band at 823 cm-1, suggesting that the phosphodiester backbone may be more restrained in the biologically active, 5'-triphosphorylated molecule. The Raman band assignments for 2',5'-oligoadenylates provide a foundation for using Raman spectroscopy to explore the mechanism of binding of 2',5'-oligoadenylates to proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of a 2',5'-RNA third strand backbone on the stability of triple helices with a 'pyrimidine motif' targeting the polypurine strand of duplex DNA, duplex RNA and DNA/RNA hybrids. Comparative experiments were run in parallel with DNA and the regioisomeric RNA as third strands adopting the experimental design of Roberts and Crothers. The results reveal that 2',5'-RNA is indeed able to recognize double helical DNA (DD) and DNA (purine):RNA (pyrimidine) hybrids (DR). However, when the duplex purine strand is RNA and the duplex pyrimidine strand is DNA or RNA (i.e. RD or RR), triplex formation is not observed. These results exactly parallel what is observed for DNA third strands. Based on T m data, the affinities of 2',5'-RNA and DNA third strands towards DD and DR duplexes were similar. The RNA third strand formed triplexes with all four hairpins, as previously demonstrated. In analogy to the arabinose and 2'-deoxyribose third strands, the possible C2'- endo pucker of 2',5'-linked riboses together with the lack of an alpha-2'-OH group are believed to be responsible for the selective binding of 2',5'-RNA to DD and DR duplexes, over RR and RD duplexes. These studies indicate that the use of other oligonucleotide analogues will prove extremely useful in dissecting the contributions of backbone and/or sugar puckering to the recognition of nucleic acid duplexes.  相似文献   

The isomerization of phosphodiester functionality of nucleic acids from 3′,5′- to a less common 2′,5′-linkage influences the complex interplay of stereoelectronic effects that drive pseudorotational equilibrium of sugar rings and thus affect the conformational propensities for compact or more extended structures. The present study highlights the subtle balance of non-covalent forces at play in structural equilibrium of 2′,5′-linked RNA analogue, 3′-O-(2-methoxyethyl) substituted dodecamer *CG*CGAA*U*U*CG*CG, 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA, where all cytosines and uracils are methylated at C5. The NMR and UV spectroscopic studies have shown that 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA adopts both hairpin and duplex secondary structures, which are involved in a dynamic exchange that is slow on the NMR timescale and exhibits strand and salt concentration as well as pH dependence. Unusual effect of pH over a narrow physiological range is observed for imino proton resonances with exchange broadening observed at lower pH and relatively sharp lines observed at higher pH. The solution structure of 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA hairpin displays a unique and well-defined loop, which is stabilized by Watson–Crick A5·*U8 base pair and by n → π* stacking interactions of O4′ lone-pair electrons of A6 and *U8 with aromatic rings of A5 and *U7, respectively. In contrast, the stem region of 3′-MOE-2′,5′-RNA hairpin is more flexible. Our data highlight the important feature of backbone modifications that can have pronounced effects on interstrand association of nucleic acids.  相似文献   

The synthesis and hybridization properties of pyrimidine 2',5'-RNA and 2',5'-Xylose Nucleic Acid (2',5'-XNA) are described.  相似文献   

RNase L is activated by the binding of unusual 2',5'-linked oligoadenylates (2-5A) and acts as the effector enzyme of the 2-5A system, an interferon-induced anti-virus mechanism. Efforts have been made to understand the 2-5A binding mechanism, not only for scientific interests but also for the prospects that the understanding of such mechanisms lead to new remedies for viral diseases. We have recently elucidated the crystal structure of the 2-5A binding ankyrin repeat domain of human RNase L complexed with 2-5A. To determine the contributions of amino acid residues surrounding the 2-5A binding site, point mutants and a deletion mutant were designed based on the crystal structure. These mutant proteins were analyzed for their interaction with 2-5A using a steady-state fluorescence technique. In addition, full-length RNase L mutants were tested for their activation by 2-5A. The results reveal that pi-pi stacking interactions of Trp60 and Phe126, electrostatic interactions of Lys89 and Arg155, and hydrogen bonding by Glu131 make crucial contributions to 2-5A binding. It was also found that the crystal structure of the ankyrin repeat domain L.2-5A complex accurately portrays the 2-5A binding mode in full-length RNase L.  相似文献   

An interferon-induced endoribonuclease, ribonuclease L (RNase L), is implicated in both the molecular mechanism of action of interferon and the fundamental control of RNA stability in mammalian cells. RNase L is catalytically active only after binding to an unusual activator molecule containing a 5'-phosphorylated 2',5'-linked oligoadenylate (2-5A), in the N-terminal half. Here, we report the crystal structure of the N-terminal ankyrin repeat domain (ANK) of human RNase L complexed with the activator 2-5A. This is the first structural view of an ankyrin repeat structure directly interacting with a nucleic acid, rather than with a protein. The ANK domain folds into eight ankyrin repeat elements and forms an extended curved structure with a concave surface. The 2-5A molecule is accommodated at a concave site and directly interacts with ankyrin repeats 2-4. Interestingly, two structurally equivalent 2-5A binding motifs are found at repeats 2 and 4. The structural basis for 2-5A recognition by ANK is essential for designing stable 2-5As with a high likelihood of activating RNase L.  相似文献   

Conformational properties of trimeric and tetrameric 2′,5′-linked oligonucleotides, 3′-MOE-A32′,5′ (1) and 3′-MOE-A42′,5′ (2), and their 3′,5′-linked analogs, 2′-MOE-A33′,5′ (3) and 2′-MOE-A43′,5′ (4), were examined with the use of heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The temperature-dependent 3JHH, 3JHP and 3JCP coupling constants, acquired in the range of 273–343 K, gave insight into the conformation of sugar rings in terms of a two-state North ↔ South (N ↔ S) pseudorotational equilibrium and into the conformation of the sugar–phosphate backbone in the model antisense oligonucleotides 1–4. 2′,5′-linked oligomers 3′-MOE-A32′,5′ (1) and 3′-MOE-A42′,5′ (2) show preference for N-type conformers and indication of A-type conformational features, which is prerequisite for antisense hybridization. The drive of N ↔ S equilibrium in 1–4 has been rationalized with the competing gauche effects of 2′/3′-phosphodiester and 3′/2′-MOE groups, anomeric and steric effects. Furthermore, the pairwise comparisons of 3′-MOE with 3′-OH and 3′-deoxy 2′,5′-linked adenine trimers emphasized the fine tuning of N ↔ S equilibrium in 3′-MOE-A32′,5′ (1) and 3′-MOE-A42′,5′ (2) by the steric effects of 3′-MOE group and the possibility of water-mediated H-bonds with vicinal phosphodiester functionality. In full correspondence, the drive of N ↔ S equilibrium towards N by 2′-MOE in 3′,5′-linked analogs 2′-MOE-A33′,5′ (3) and 2′-MOE-A43′,5′ (4) is weaker in comparison with 3′-OH group in the corresponding ribo analogs. βt, γ+ and ε rotamers are preferred in both 2′,5′- and in 3′,5′-linked oligonucleotides 1–4.  相似文献   

Bicyclic nucleoside analogues, 3'-O,4'-C-methyleneuridine and -5-methyluridine, were successfully incorporated into oligonucleotides via connection with 2',5'-phosphodiester linkage, and hybridization behavior and nuclease stability of the modified oligonucleotides were investigated.  相似文献   

The incorporation of alternative functional components into nucleic acids can provide insight into what molecular features are necessary for an informational macromolecule to be successful. It can also provide a means to improve particular physical characteristics of nucleic acids for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, or probe mechanisms. By testing the fitness of nucleic acid-like molecules derived by structural permutations of RNA, it may also prove possible to trace a path from simple prebiotic precursors to biotic molecules. This article describes the applications of 2',5'-phosphodiester linked, zwitterionic, and base-permuted nucleic acid derivatives.  相似文献   

Kinetic analysis of hydrolytic stability of 2',5'- and 3',5'-linked dinucleoside monophosphate (N(2)'pN and N(3)'pN) was successfully performed in aqueous solution at 175-240 degrees C using a new real-time monitoring method for rapid hydrothermal reactions. The half-lives of NpN were in the range 2-8 s at 240 degrees C and apparent activation energy decreases in the order U(2)'pU>A(2)'pA>G(2)'pG>U(3)pU approximately C(3)'pC>A(3)pA. The stability of phosphodiester bond was dependent on the types of base moiety and phosphodiester linkages, but no systematic correlation was found between the structure and stability. The interconversion of 2',5'-adenylyladenosine monophosphate (A(2)'pA) and 3',5'-adenylyladenosine monophosphate (A(3)'pA) was enhanced in the presence of D- or L-histidine. The rate constants of degradation of NpN were dissected into the rate constants of hydrolysis and interconversion between N(2)'pN and N(3)'pN using a computer program SIMFIT. Kinetic analysis supports the mechanism that imidazolium ion and imidazole catalyze interconversion and hydrolysis even under hydrothermal environments. The activation parameters for the hydrolysis and interconversion of NpN were systematically determined for the first time from the temperature dependence of the rate constants, where both DeltaH(app)( not equal ) and DeltaS(app)( not equal ) for 2',5'-linked NpN are larger than those for 3',5'-linked NpN. These parameters support the pseudorotation mechanism through pentacoordinate intermediate from 2',5'- and 3',5'-linked NpN, where the average value of DeltaH( not equal ) (pseudorotation) was estimated to be 30+/-18 kJ mol(-1) at 175-240 degrees C.  相似文献   

2',5'-Linked oligo-3'-deoxyribonucleotides bind selectively to complementary RNA but not to DNA. These oligonucleotides (ODNs) do not recognize double-stranded DNA by Hoogsteen triplex formation and the complexes formed by these ODNs with RNA are not substrates for Escherichia coli RNase H. Substitution of the 2',5'-phosphodiester backbone by phosphorothioate linkages gives 2',5'-linked oligo-3'-deoxynucleoside phosphorothioate ODNs that exhibit significantly less non-specific binding to cellular proteins or thrombin. Incorporation of a stretch of seven contiguous 3',5'-linked oligo-2'-deoxynucleoside phosphorothioate linkages in the center of 2',5'-linked ODNs (as a putative RNase H recognition site) afford chimeric antisense ODNs that retain the ability to inhibit steroid 5alpha-reductase (5alphaR) expression in cell culture.  相似文献   

A summary delineating the large scale synthetic studies to prepare labeled precursors of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4 and -2',3',4',5',5'-2H5 from D-glucose is presented. The recycling of deuterium-labeled by-products has been devised to give a high overall yield of the intermediates and an expedient protocol has been elaborated for the conversion of 3-O-benzyl-alpha,beta-D-allofuranose-3,4-d2 6 to 1-O-methyl-3-O-benzyl-2-O-t-butyldimethylsilyl-alpha,beta-D-ribofuranose-3,4,5,5'-d4 16 (precursor of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4) or to 1-O-methyl-3,5-di-O-benzyl-alpha,beta-D-ribofuranose-3,4,5,5'-d4 18 (precursor of ribonucleosides-3',4',5',5'-2H4).  相似文献   

2',5'-Oligoadenylate and 2',5'-oligoadenylate phosphodiesterase activity were detected in the human plasma and serum by sensitive radioimmuno assays. The phosphodiesterase in the serum degraded 20 nM of added 2',5'-oligoadenylate in less than 1 hr. Addition of EDTA in the blood sample inhibited the phosphodiesterase activity completely and allowed the measurement of low levels of 2',5'-oligoadenylate. The concentration in the plasma from healty people was in the range of 0.03 to 0.3 nM.  相似文献   

Experimental results on 2′5′-linked subunit systems of nucleic acids are interpreted to substantiate the view that the 2′5′-linked polynucleotides cannot form double-stranded helical structures. In order to look into this aspect of the 2′5′-linked units, as well as to make a detailed comparison between the conformational characteristics of 3′5′- and 2′5′-linked systems, we carried out an exhaustive theoretical study on A2′p5′A. The method was to compute the various terms of energy contributions to a conformational state and then to minimize the total energy, permitting all the relevant dihedral angles to adjust themselves. Four hundred thirty two probable starting conformations were considered for this treatment, but we found only 10 of them to come under low-energy states, i.e., within 5 kcal/mol energy difference with reference to the global minimum energy state. The characteristic properties of these 10 conformations were compared in detail with those previously obtained on the corresponding 3′5′-linked subunit, as well as such units with other base sequences. As a further step, a model-building study was undertaken. Using the backbone-course, base-stacking, and hydrogen-bonding possibilities of the 10 low-energy conformations of the dimer A2′p5′A, double-stranded helical structures were scrutinized for the 2′5′-linked polynucleotide. Of a few reasonable forms, a right-handed duplex structure satisfied our requirements. We describe this new duplex, making comparisons with the standard A- and B-form states of DNA. The available experimental and theoretical results on 2′5′-linked systems are also analyzed.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotide analogs with 5'-linked anthraquinone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K Mori  C Subasinghe  J S Cohen 《FEBS letters》1989,249(2):213-218
We report here the synthesis of novel 5'-linked oligodeoxynucleotides, both normal phosphodiester and phosphorothioate analogs, in which a covalently attached group at the 5'-terminus is an anthraquinone. These compounds represent a new class of antisense compounds in which the base sequence of the oligodeoxynucleotide serves to deliver a nuclease-resistant reactive drug-like molecule to a cellular target nucleic acid (mRNA or DNA).  相似文献   

RNA molecules with internal 2′,5′-branches are intermediates in RNA splicing, and branched RNAs have recently been proposed as retrotransposition intermediates. A broadly applicable in vitro synthetic route to branched RNA that does not require self-splicing introns or spliceosomes would substantially improve our ability to study biochemical processes that involve branched RNA. We recently described 7S11, a deoxyribozyme that was identified by in vitro selection and has general RNA branch-forming ability. However, an important restriction for 7S11 is that the branch-site RNA nucleotide must be a purine (A or G), because a pyrimidine (U or C) is not tolerated. Here, we describe the compact 6CE8 deoxyribozyme (selected using a 20 nt random region) that synthesizes 2′,5′-branched RNA with any nucleotide at the branch site. The Mn2+-dependent branch-forming ligation reaction is between an internal branch-site 2′-hydroxyl nucleophile on one RNA substrate with a 5′-triphosphate on another RNA substrate. The preference for the branch-site nucleotide is U > C A > G, although all four nucleotides are tolerated with useful ligation rates. Nearly all other nucleotides elsewhere in both RNA substrates allow ligation activity, except that the sequence requirement for the RNA strand with the 5′-triphosphate is 5′-pppGA, with 5′-pppGAR (R = purine) preferred. These characteristics permit 6CE8 to prepare branched RNAs of immediate practical interest, such as the proposed branched intermediate of Ty1 retrotransposition. Because this branched RNA has two strands with identical sequence that emerge from the branch site, we developed strategies to control which of the two strands bind with the deoxyribozyme during the branch-forming reaction. The ability to synthesize the proposed branched RNA of Ty1 retrotransposition will allow us to explore this important biochemical pathway in greater detail.  相似文献   

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