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In this study, a new microsporidian, PX2, was isolated from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, and then compared with another isolate (PX1), and with Nosema spodopterae and N. bombycis. Sequence data showed that the rRNA gene organizations of PX1 and PX2 exhibited a typical Nosema-specific organization: 5'-LSUrRNA (large subunit ribosomal RNA)-ITS (internal transcribed spacer)-SSUrRNA-IGS (intergenic spacer)-5S-3'. Phylogenetic analysis (maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, and Bayesian analysis) of the LSUrRNA and SSUrRNA gene sequences, and the sequences of the alpha-tubulin, beta-tubulin, and RPB1 (DNA dependent RNA polymerase II largest subunit) genes found that PX1 was closer to N. bombycis and N. spodopterae than to PX2. Comparison of the identities of the rRNA domains and of the other three genes showed a high divergence in the sequences of the rRNA spacer regions (ITS and IGS). This is consistent with the hypothesis that PX2, if not PX1, might represent a new Nosema species.  相似文献   

We studied the spore morphology and molecular systematics of a novel microsporidian isolate from Phyllobrotica armata Baly collected in China. The spores were long-oval and measured 4.7 × 2.6 μm on fresh smears. Ultrastructure of the spores was characteristic for the genus Nosema: 13-14 polar filament coils, posterior vacuole, and a diplokaryon. The complete rRNA gene sequence of the isolate was 4308 bp long. The organization of the rRNA gene was 5′-LSU rRNA-ITS-SSU rRNA-IGS-5S-3′, which corresponds to that of the Nosema species. Phylogenetic analysis based on the rRNA gene sequence indicated that this isolate, designated as Nosema sp. PA, is closely related to Nosemabombycis and is correctly assigned to the “true” Nosema group.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity, mode of transmission, tissue specificity of infection and the small subunit rRNA (SSU-rRNA) gene sequences of the three new microsporidian isolates from the silkworm Bombyx mori were studied. Out of the three, NIK-2r revealed life cycle features and SSU-rRNA gene sequence similar to Nosema bombycis, suggesting that it is N. bombycis. The other two, NIK-4m and NIK-3h, differed from each other as well as from N. bombycis. NIK-4m was highly pathogenic and did not show any vertical transmission, in accordance with the apparent lack of gonadal infection, whereas NIK-3h was less pathogenic and vertical transmission was not detected but could not be excluded. Phylogenetic analysis based on SSU-rRNA gene sequence placed NIK-3h and NIK-4m in a distinct clade that included almost all the Vairimorpha species and Nosema species that infect lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, while NIK-2r was included in a clade containing almost all the Nosema isolates that infect only lepidopteran hosts. Thus, we have presented molecular evidence that one of the three isolates is in fact the type species N. bombycis, while the other two isolates are Vairimorpha spp. There was distinct separation of microsporidian isolates infecting only lepidopteran hosts and those infecting lepidopteran and non-lepidopteran hosts, reflecting possible co-evolution of hosts and microsporidian isolates.  相似文献   

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), a serious defoliator of deciduous trees, is an economically important pest when population densities are high. Outbreaking populations are, however, subject to some moderating influences in the form of entomopathogens, including several species of microsporidia. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the transmission of an unusual Nosema sp. isolated from L. dispar in Schweinfurt, Germany; this isolate infects only the silk glands and, to a lesser extent, Malpighian tubules of the larval host. The latent period ended between 8 and 15 days after oral inoculation and spores were continuously released in the feces of infected larvae until pupation. Exclusion of feces from the rearing cages resulted in a 58% decrease in horizontal transmission. The silk of only 2 of 25 infected larvae contained microsporidian spores. When larvae were exposed to silk that was artificially contaminated with Nosema sp., 5% became infected. No evidence was found for venereal or transovum (including transovarial) transmission of this parasite.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based method was developed for the specific and sensitive diagnosis of the microsporidian parasite Nosema bombi in bumble bees (Bombus spp.). Four primer pairs, amplifying ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene fragments, were tested on N. bombi and the related microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, both of which infect honey bees. Only primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 could distinguish N. bombi (323bp amplicon) from these other bee parasites. Primer pairs Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2 were then tested for their sensitivity with N. bombi spore concentrations from 10(7) down to 10 spores diluted in 100 microl of either (i) water or (ii) host bumble bee homogenate to simulate natural N. bombi infection (equivalent to the DNA from 10(6) spores down to 1 spore per PCR). Though the N. bombi-specific primer pair Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 was relatively insensitive, as few as 10 spores per extract (equivalent to 1 spore per PCR) were detectable using the N. bombi-non-specific primer pair ITS-f2/r2, which amplifies a short fragment of approximately 120 bp. Testing 99 bumble bees for N. bombi infection by light microscopy versus PCR diagnosis with the highly sensitive primer pair ITS-f2/r2 showed the latter to be more accurate. PCR diagnosis of N. bombi using a combination of two primer pairs (Nbombi-SSU-Jf1/Jr1 and ITS-f2/r2) provides increased specificity, sensitivity, and detection of all developmental stages compared with light microscopy.  相似文献   

Honey bee samples collected between 1995 and 2007 from 12 states were examined for the presence of Nosema infections. Our results showed that Nosema ceranae is a wide-spread infection of the European honey bee, Apis mellifera in the United States. The discovery of N. ceranae in bees collected a decade ago indicates that N. ceranae was transferred from its original host, Apis cerana to A. mellifera earlier than previously recognized. The spread of N. ceranae infection in A. mellifera warrants further epidemiological studies to identify conditions that resulted in such a widespread infection.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the genome of Nosema bombycis, the techniques of karyotyping, pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and polymerase chain reaction were applied. Nosema genomic DNA moved as 23 kb fragment on a standard agarose gel. The karyotype showed four chromosomes, the molecular karyotyping by pulsed field gel electrophoresis also showed four chromosomes. Arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with various primers showed amplification products of sizes ranging from 1.6 to 0.15 kb. Polymerase chain reaction with specific primer showed an amplification product of approximately 315 nucleotides. The DNA hybridizations are discussed. This is the first report of its kind on microsporidian Nosema bombycis. The current data can play a major role in elucidating the molecular biology of this parasite. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are believed to play little or no role in outbreaks of the jack pine budworm, Choristoneura pinuspinus Freeman (Lepidoptrera: Tortricidae), because the short duration (2–4 years) of those outbreaks may not permit significant build-up of the pathogen. We conducted the first survey of Nosema sp. (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) over the course of a recent jack pine budworm outbreak in Ontario. Between 2004 and 2010 the outbreak defoliated a cumulative total of 1.78 million ha. Microscopic examination of ∼15,000 overwintering larvae collected over 6 years in sites with densities of 3 larvae per branch or more revealed widespread occurrence of Nosema at generally high infection intensities. The pathogen was present in 69.5% of the 518 plots that were monitored. Prevalence of infection was generally low (below 40% in 84% of plots with infected larvae) but reached high levels (80–95%) locally and increased rapidly in most infestations within 1–2 years of onset. We hypothesize that the habit of early-instar larvae to feed on developing male flowers (pollen cones) after spring emergence is critical in allowing rapid build-up of Nosema by increasing efficiency of horizontal transmission (higher density of both infected larvae and egested spores). Nosema infection may contribute to the complexity of jack pine budworm outbreak patterns by affecting egg recruitment and early-instar survival at the stand level in concert with known effects of budworm-induced reductions in pollen cone production on those processes.  相似文献   

The microsporidian polar tube: a highly specialised invasion organelle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All of the members of the Microsporidia possess a unique, highly specialised structure, the polar tube. This article reviews the available data on the organisation, structure and function of this invasion organelle. It was over 100 years ago that Thelohan accurately described the microsporidian polar tube and the triggering of its discharge. In the spore, the polar tube is connected at the anterior end, and then coils around the sporoplasm. Upon appropriate environmental stimulation the polar tube rapidly discharges out of the spore pierces a cell membrane and serves as a conduit for sporoplasm passage into the new host cell. The mechanism of germination of spores, however, remains to be definitively determined. In addition, further studies on the characterisation of the early events in the rupture of the anterior attachment complex, eversion of the polar tube as well as the mechanism of host cell attachment and penetration are needed in order to clarify the function and assembly of this structure. The application of immunological and molecular techniques has resulted in the identification of three polar tube proteins referred to as PTP1, PTP2 and PTP3. The interactions of these identified proteins in the formation and function of the polar tube remain to be determined. Data suggest that PTP1 is an O-mannosylated glycoprotein, a post-translational modification that may be important for its function. With the availability of the Encephalitozoon cuniculi genome it is now possible to apply proteomic techniques to the characterisation of the components of the microsporidian spore and invasion organelle.  相似文献   

The outcome of mixed infection by three species of microsporidia in the genera Endoreticulatus, Nosema, and Vairimorpha, isolated from different populations of Lymantria dispar in Bulgaria, was evaluated in the laboratory. All possible combinations of two species were administered either simultaneously or sequentially to larvae, and mortality, duration of development, and larval weight at 20 days post-infection (simultaneous inoculation) or 23 days post-infection (sequential inoculation) were chosen as the outcome variables. Larvae were also dissected and the presence of each species of microsporidia and the tissues infected were recorded for each treatment. Effects of infection were dependent on both host sex and the type of exposure. Infected larvae were more likely to die than uninfected larvae, but there were no differences in mortality between single and mixed infections. Addition of Endoreticulatus to infections of Nosema or Vairimorpha significantly increased duration of development to the fourth ecdysis; this effect was additive. Addition of Nosema or Vairimorpha to an existing infection had no such effect. When Nosema was administered simultaneously with Endoreticulatus or Vairimorpha, infected larvae weighed more than larvae that had single infections with either pathogen. Nosema was displaced from the silk glands by Vairimorpha and Nosema suppressed octospore formation by Vairimorpha in fat body. The histological evidence combined with the data on larval weight supports the hypothesis that competition occurred in mixed infections.  相似文献   

In three field seasons, 2003-2005, bumble bees were collected in southern Sweden and eastern Denmark in search of microsporidian parasites. Of the 16 bumble bee species studied, microsporidia were found in Bombus hortorum, Bombus hypnorum, Bombus lapidarius, Bombus lucorum, Bombus pascuorum, Bombus pratorum, Bombus ruderarius, Bombus subterraneus and Bombus terrestris. Only one microsporidian species, Nosema bombi, was recorded. A microsporidium found in B. pratorum differed cytologically from microsporidia of the other host species. In the most frequently infected host, B. terrestris, the prevalence was 20.6%. Totally 1049 specimens were dissected. The light microscopic and ultrastructural cytology and pathology of N. bombi is described with focus on the variation recorded. Variation was especially prominent in the shape, size and coupling of spores, and in the length and arrangement of the polar filament. In four host species microsporidian infection was restricted to peripheral fat cells.  相似文献   

Forty-three isolates of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana were screened for virulence against second-instar larvae of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) (DBM), European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) (ECB), corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) (CEW), and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (FAW); 30 of these isolates were tested against beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua) (BAW). Highly virulent isolates were also tested against black cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) (BCW), and the most virulent isolate was also assayed against imported cabbage worm (Pieris rapae) (ICW) and cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) (CL). All lepidopteran species tested were susceptible to B. bassiana. Corn earworm and beet armyworm were most susceptible to fungal infection, and fall armyworm was least susceptible. Limited testing suggested low susceptibility of black cutworm and cabbage looper. B. bassiana isolate 1200 exhibited virulence against all pest species greater than or equal to commercial strain GHA of B. bassiana currently registered in the USA as BotaniGard®. In assays in which larvae were topically sprayed and maintained on the treated substrate for 24 h at 100% relative humidity, 6-day (25 °C) median lethal concentrations (LC50s) of this isolate against CEW, BAW, DBM, FAW, ICW, ECB, CL, and BCW were 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 98, 125, and 273 conidia/mm2, respectively. The respective LC50s of commercial strain GHA against these pest species were 9, 67, 97, 1213, 29, 1668, 541, and 3504 conidia/mm2. Use of LC50 versus median lethal concentration ratios (comparing LC50s of each isolate to a “standard” strain) generated similar rankings of isolate virulence. Results from parametric ANOVAs of log LC50 values followed by Tukey HSD multiple comparisons tests and those from Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analyses followed by sequential Bonferroni tests for means comparisons were nearly identical.  相似文献   

A new microsporidium was isolated from Ocinara lida Moore (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), a pest of Ficus microcarpa L. f. in Taiwan. The microsporidium produces systemic infections in O. lida larvae; the midgut epithelium, Malpighian tubules, and midgut muscle tissues were the target tissues for this isolate, and atrophied fat body tissues were found in heavily infected larvae. Two types of spores were observed, diplokaroytic spores with 11-13 coils of polar tube, and monokaryotic spores with 12 coils of the polar tube that developed within a sporophorous vesicle to form octospores. Electron-dense granules were abundant in the episporontal space of the sporophorous vesicles, and were similar to those of Vairimorpha invictae isolated from Solenopsis invicta, but different from granules or inclusions of other Vairimorpha species. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence, this isolate is unique within the Vairimorpha complex. Morphological and genetic characters showed this isolate to be a new species. It is placed in the genus Vairimorpha and is described as Vairimorpha ocinarae n. sp.  相似文献   

Various instars of Choristoneura occidentalis were fed with a range of doses of Nosema fumiferanae and reared at 20, 24 and 28 degrees C to determine the influence of temperature and dose on the time to spore egestion and the number of spores egested in the frass. When larvae were fed in the third stadium, as few as 10(2) spores per larva initiated infection, and both onset of spore egestion and the number of spores egested were affected by a complex relationship between temperature and inoculation dose. Onset of spore egestion varied from 11 to 15 days postinoculation. At 20 degrees C, the onset was delayed and spore production decreased with increasing inoculation dose whereas at higher temperatures spores were first egested at the lowest dose and spore production increased with dose. When larvae were fed spores in the fifth and sixth stadium, no spores were egested because pupation occurred before completion of the incubation period. To assess the effect of temperature on horizontal transmission, Choristoneura fumiferana larvae fed with 10(4) N. fumiferanae spores per larva were reared with uninfected larvae at 15, 20 and 25 degrees C. At 15 degrees C, we observed the highest degree of horizontal transmission, defined by the largest change in N. fumiferanae prevalence, even though the density of spores available for horizontal transmission was the lowest. Infected adults eclosed later than uninfected adults and the time to eclosion was also dependent on sex and temperature. We relate our experimental findings to consequences for horizontal and vertical transmission of N. fumiferanae in spruce budworm populations.  相似文献   

A new microsporidian species is described from the predatory mite Metaseiulus (formerly Typhlodromus or Galendromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt) (Acari, Phytoseiidae). The ultrastructure of this new species is presented together with the first molecular characterization for a microsporidium of mites. All stages of this new microsporidium are haplokaryotic and develop in direct contact with the host-cell cytoplasm. Sporogony is disporoblastic and spores are formed in eggs, immature stages, and adults of M. occidentalis. There are two morphological classes of spores, one with a short polar filament (3-5 coils) that measured 2.53 x 1.68 microm and one with a longer polar filament (8-9 coils) that measured 3.14 x 1.77 microm. Horizontal transmission of this new species occurs by cannibalism of eggs and other stages and perhaps involves the spores with the long polar filament. Spores with the short polar filament may play a role in autoinfection and vertical (transovarial) transmission that is highly efficient in transferring the microsporidium from adults to progeny. Analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA indicated that this species from M. occidentalis is most closely related to the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade of microsporidia. A conflict between the morphological and molecular data is discussed. The species is compared to previously described microsporidia of arachnids resulting in creation of Oligosporidium occidentalis n. sp. in the family Unikaryonidae.  相似文献   

Antheraea mylitta, a sericigenous insect of economical importance is often infected with an intracellular parasite of the genus Nosema. This pathogen is known to cause fatal pebrine disease and is considered as an important factor that strongly influences the development of the host. Larvae developed from the eggs laid by a female infected with Nosema sp. showed extended development period. The increment in the larval weight declined significantly in infected larvae in comparison to uninfected ones. Food consumption, digestion, relative consumption rate (RCR), efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD), and relative growth rate (RGR) values declined significantly, but at the same time a significant increase in approximate digestibility (AD) was also observed. Silk production declined in infected larvae. Silk gland weight and shell weight also significantly declined following infection over uninfected larvae. The reproductive potential in adults declined significantly (P<0.001) with decrease in ovary weight (31.6%), fecundity (54.1%), and fertility (34.9%). Egg chorionation was also affected in adults, which developed from infected larvae. The maternal infection level in one generation (10.4 x 10(6) spores/female) decreased significantly in the next generation (8.0 x 10(6) spores/female).  相似文献   

A new microsporidian parasite Nosema chrysorrhoeae n. sp., isolated in Bulgaria from the browntail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.), is described. Its life cycle includes two sequential developmental cycles that are similar to the general developmental cycles of the Nosema-like microsporidia and are indistinguishable from those of two Nosema spp. from Lymantria dispar. The primary cycle takes place in the midgut tissues and produces binucleate primary spores. The secondary developmental cycle takes place exclusively in the silk glands and produces binucleate environmental spores. N. chrysorrhoeae is specific to the browntail moth. Phylogenetic analysis based on the ssu rRNA gene sequence places N. chrysorrhoeae in the Nosema/Vairimorpha clade, with the microsporidia from lymantriid and hymenopteran hosts. Partial sequences of the lsu rRNA gene and ITS of related species Nosema kovacevici (Purrini K., Weiser J., 1975. Natürliche Feinde des Goldafters, Euproctis chrysorrhoea L., im Gebiet von Kosovo, FSR Jugoslawien. Anzeiger fuer Sch?dlingskunde, Pflanzen-Umweltschutz, 48, 11-12), Nosema serbica Weiser, 1963 and Nosema sp. from Lymantria monacha was obtained and compared with N. chrysorrhoeae. The molecular data indicate the necessity of future taxonomic reevaluation of the genera Nosema and Vairimorpha.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is an emerging microsporidian parasite of European honey bees, Apis mellifera, but its distribution is not well known. Six Nosema-positive samples (determined from light microscopy of spores) of adult worker bees from Canada (two each from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island) and two from USA (Minnesota) were tested to determine Nosema species using previously-developed PCR primers of the 16S rRNA gene. We detected for the first time N. ceranae in Canada and central USA. One haplotype of N. ceranae was identified; its virulence may differ from that of other haplotypes.  相似文献   

Nosema ceranae is a microsporidian intracellular parasite of honey bees, Apis mellifera. Previously Nosema apis was thought to be the only cause of nosemosis, but it has recently been proposed that N. ceranae is displacing N. apis. The rapid spread of N. ceranae could be due to additional transmission mechanisms, as well as higher infectivity. We analyzed drones for N. ceranae infections using duplex qPCR with species specific primers and probes. We found that both immature and mature drones are infected with N. ceranae at low levels. This is the first report detecting N. ceranae in immature bees. Our data suggest that because drones are known to drift from their parent hives to other hives, they could provide a means for disease spread within and between apiaries.  相似文献   

A microsporidium from the Ficus pest, Ocinara lida, in Taiwan is characterized. The taxonomic position of this species was preliminarily determined by sequencing small subunit rRNA gene (SSUrRNA). Analysis of the SSUrRNA sequence indicated that this isolate from O. lida is a member of the genus Endoreticulatus and belongs to the genetic grouping containing other lepidopteran Endoreticulatus species we have analyzed phylogenetically. The taxonomic position of this isolate was also confirmed by the ultrastructural characteristics of this isolate. The congruence between SSUrRNA sequence analysis and ultrastructural characteristics shows that this isolate is more closely related to Endoreticulatus bombycis than to Endoreticulatus schubergi Zw?lfer.  相似文献   

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