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The most-probable-number of fecal coliforms in sediments was monitored at the New London dump site in Long Island Sound during the deposition of dredge spoil from the Thames River. Although the geometric mean for fecal coliforms at five stations in the river was 14,000/100 ml before dredging commenced, the deposition of this material did not increase the incidence of fecal coliforms at 17 spoil stations and 13 control stations in the disposal and surrounding areas. Fecal coliforms appear to occur only in the surface sediment material and are diluted by the subsurface material during the dredging operation. Fecal coliform analyses of bottom waters during high and low tides indicated that the flow of water from the Thames River played a major role in determining the most-probable-number of fecal coliforms in the sediments at the disposal site.  相似文献   

Aquatic sediments can be a significant reservoir of bacterial indicators of fecal contamination at levels higher than the waters above them. Several environmental factors have been identified that can enhance the role of sediments as a reservoir for enteric pathogens, including carbon and/or phosphorus availability. In order to investigate the influence of these and other environmental factors on sediment fecal bacteria populations, sediment samples were collected from a coastal watershed in southeastern North Carolina and analyzed for fecal coliform and fecal enterococcus using a modified membrane filtration technique. Measurements of sediment phosphorus, sediment carbohydrate, and environmental factors were made and relationships with bacteria concentrations were assessed. These observations were accompanied by an experimental laboratory manipulation of phosphorus and carbohydrate and their effects on sediment-associated fecal coliform and enterococcus. Field results suggested that sediment-associated indicator bacteria were not limited by sediment phosphorus or carbohydrate. Experimental results suggested that sediment-associated fecal bacteria were more frequently limited by bioavailable carbohydrate. Sediment phosphorus was limiting for fecal enterococcus only where sediment P was initially low (<31 μg P g−1). A strong positive response by sediment fecal coliform concentrations to recent (24 h) precipitation was evidence that stormwater runoff delivers fecal bacteria loadings that are only partly measurable by conventional water sampling schemes, and by driving sediment and sediment P-loading plays a significant role in enhancing aquatic sediments as reservoirs for fecal microbes.  相似文献   

Application of an analysis of correspondence to the biochemical characteristics of total and fecal coliforms isolated in the Ivory Coast permitted us to separate two small clusters of isolates different from the main clusters, which included isolates from human and animal feces. The isolates grouped in the small clusters were from water samples. An analysis of the biochemical characteristics which permitted the segregation of the "water-specific" isolates from the main clusters indicates that water-specific total coliforms were citrate positive, indole negative, and amygdaline positive. Water-specific fecal coliforms were either citrate positive, indole negative, amygdaline positive, and inositol negative or indole negative, amygdaline positive, and inositol positive. Any isolates not fitting the above patterns could be considered of fecal origin. If this observation is confirmed under temperate climates and for a greater number of isolates, these simple tests could be used to confirm the fecal origin of coliforms.  相似文献   

Application of an analysis of correspondence to the biochemical characteristics of total and fecal coliforms isolated in the Ivory Coast permitted us to separate two small clusters of isolates different from the main clusters, which included isolates from human and animal feces. The isolates grouped in the small clusters were from water samples. An analysis of the biochemical characteristics which permitted the segregation of the "water-specific" isolates from the main clusters indicates that water-specific total coliforms were citrate positive, indole negative, and amygdaline positive. Water-specific fecal coliforms were either citrate positive, indole negative, amygdaline positive, and inositol negative or indole negative, amygdaline positive, and inositol positive. Any isolates not fitting the above patterns could be considered of fecal origin. If this observation is confirmed under temperate climates and for a greater number of isolates, these simple tests could be used to confirm the fecal origin of coliforms.  相似文献   

Evaluation of m-T7 agar as a fecal coliform medium.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
m-T7 agar, designed to improve recoveries of injured total coliforms, was evaluated for its effectiveness as a fecal coliform medium. The time and temperature of preincubation were found to be crucial to the optimal recovery of fetal coliforms. Isolation rates for fecal coliforms on m-T7 agar from sewage effluents were the highest when plates were preincubated at 37 degrees C for 8 h before transfer to 44.5 degrees C for 12 h. The medium was found to produce consistently higher fecal coliform counts than all the other methods tested. Recoveries were 3.1 times greater than the standard m-FC method and 1.7 times greater than the two-layer enrichment, temperature acclimation procedure. Verification rates for fecal coliforms isolated on m-T7 agar averaged 89.0%, whereas verification rates for m-FC agar averaged only 82.8%. Both media isolated similar fecal coliform populations. The advantages of a single medium, highly effective for the isolation of both total and fecal coliforms, are discussed.  相似文献   

A 24-h direct plating method for fecal coliform enumeration with a resuscitation step (preincubation for 2 h at 37 +/- 1 degrees C and transfer to 44 +/- 1 degrees C for 22 h) using fecal coliform agar (FCA) was compared with the 24-h standardized violet red bile lactose agar (VRBL) method. FCA and VRBL have equivalent specificities and sensitivities, except for lactose-positive non-fecal coliforms such as Hafnia alvei, which could form typical colonies on FCA and VRBL. Recovery of cold-stressed Escherichia coli in mashed potatoes on FCA was about 1 log unit lower than that with VRBL. When the FCA method was compared with standard VRBL for enumeration of fecal coliforms, based on counting carried out on 170 different food samples, results were not significantly different (P > 0.05). Based on 203 typical identified colonies selected as found on VRBL and FCA, the latter medium appears to allow the enumeration of more true fecal coliforms and has higher performance in certain ways (specificity, sensitivity, and negative and positive predictive values) than VRBL. Most colonies clearly identified on both media were E. coli and H. alvei, a non-fecal coliform. Therefore, the replacement of fecal coliform enumeration by E. coli enumeration to estimate food sanitary quality should be recommended.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens, a marker of domestic sewage contamination, was enumerated in sediment samples obtained from the vicinity of the 106-Mile Site 1 month and 1 year after cessation of sewage disposal at this site. C. perfringens counts in sediments collected at the disposal site and from stations 26 nautical miles (ca. 48 km) and 50 nautical miles (ca. 92 km) to the southwest of the site were, in general, more than 10-fold higher than counts from an uncontaminated reference site. C. perfringens counts at the disposal site were not significantly different between 1992 and 1993, suggesting that sewage sludge had remained in the benthic environment at this site. At stations where C. perfringens counts were elevated (i.e., stations other than the reference station), counts were generally higher in the top 1 cm and decreased down to 5 cm. In some cases, C. perfringens counts in the bottom 4 or 5 cm showed a trend of higher counts in 1993 than in 1992, suggesting bioturbation. We conclude that widespread sludge contamination of the benthic environment has persisted for at least 1 year after cessation of ocean sewage disposal at the 106-Mile Site.  相似文献   

m-T7 agar, designed to improve recoveries of injured total coliforms, was evaluated for its effectiveness as a fecal coliform medium. The time and temperature of preincubation were found to be crucial to the optimal recovery of fetal coliforms. Isolation rates for fecal coliforms on m-T7 agar from sewage effluents were the highest when plates were preincubated at 37 degrees C for 8 h before transfer to 44.5 degrees C for 12 h. The medium was found to produce consistently higher fecal coliform counts than all the other methods tested. Recoveries were 3.1 times greater than the standard m-FC method and 1.7 times greater than the two-layer enrichment, temperature acclimation procedure. Verification rates for fecal coliforms isolated on m-T7 agar averaged 89.0%, whereas verification rates for m-FC agar averaged only 82.8%. Both media isolated similar fecal coliform populations. The advantages of a single medium, highly effective for the isolation of both total and fecal coliforms, are discussed.  相似文献   

Four membrane filter methods fecal coliform enumeration were evaluated and compared in six laboratories based on determination of accuracy, specificity, upper counting limit, and recovery comparability. Recovery accuracy with pure cultures ranged from 89 to 100% for m-FC, mTEC (a procedure developed for thermotolerant Escherichia coli), and m-FC2 methods (the latter incorporating a 2-h, 35 degrees C resuscitation period), but was less than 60% for the MacConkey membrane broth method. These figures dropped by approximately 40 to 55% when the cultures were subjected to temperature (10 degrees C) stress. Close to 800 colonies were verified to determine specificity. False-positive colonies occurred most frequently with the m-FC2 method (18%), whereas false-negative colonies were most common on MacConkey membrane broth (26%). In counting range experiments using a variety of samples, the highest upper counting limit was 130 colonies per filter with the mTEC procedure. Recovery comparisons were based on over 130 samples including raw surface waters, raw sewage, and chlorinated and unchlorinated sewage effluents. In general, recoveries were significantly higher with the m-FC2 and mTEC methods; however, on m-FC2, growth of nontarget background organisms was also higher in most cases. Highest recoveries from chlorinated sewage effluents were obtained by the mTEC method, and the addition of a similar resuscitation period to the m-FC procedure (m-FC2) improved fecal coliform recovery from such samples. The best overall performance for fecal coliform enumeration was obtained with the mTEC method with high recovery and low levels of background colonies, good specificity and accuracy, and a high upper counting limit. This procedure also offers the advantage of enumerating E. coli within 24 h.  相似文献   

Coliforms, fecal coliforms, and Salmonella were isolated from the Red River, Manitoba, Canada, and identified. These organisms were then examined for resistance to 12 antibiotics. Some fecal coliforms were resistant to all 12 antibiotics, and 18% of the Salmonella isolates were resistant to one or more antibiotics. A total of 52.9% of the fecal coliforms resistant to three or more antibiotics were able to transfer single or multiple resistance (R) determinants to the Salmonella recipient, and 40.7% could transfer R determinants to the Escherichia coli recipient. Of the resistant Salmonella, 57% transferred one or two determinants to the Salmonella recipient, and 39% transferred one or two determinants to the E. coli recipient. It was calculated that populations of fecal coliforms containing R factors were as high as 1,400 per 100 ml and that an accidental intake of a few milliliters of water could lead to transient or permanent colonization of the digestive tract. Consideration of data on bacteria with R factors should be made in future water quality deliberations and in discharge regulations.  相似文献   

Enumerations of colony-forming units of aerobic bacteria and fungi at Marion Island (46°54S, 37°45E) showed that the mire and bog peats investigated possessed greater numbers of microorganisms on a dry soil weight basis than did the slope fernbrake soils but that counts from both sites were similar per unit soil volume. Afjaeldmark soil of an exposed rocky ridge contained very low microbial populations. Manuring by sea-birds and seals caused an increase in levels of soil N and P and in the numbers of bacteria and fungi. Regression analyses indicated that inorganic N and soil pH explained more of the variation in bacterial and fungal counts respectively than all other soil parameters included in the regression. Variation in botanical composition between the sites was examined using multivariate analysis and the resulting pattern compared with the soil microorganism and nutrient levels. This analysis emphasized the importance of manuring influences in elevating NH4-N and bacterial levels in the soil and allowing the occurrence of a vegetation cover dominated by copriphilous species. No correlation occurred between site botanical factors and soil fungi counts.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,88(1-3):105-107
The objective of three experiments was to determine the influence of high condensed tannin (CT) grain sorghum on gastrointestinal parasite fecal egg counts (FEC). Sixteen naturally infected Boer crossbred mixed-sex goats were used. Animals that were supplemented with grain daily were removed from pasture and placed in individual pens and fed treatment diets for 21 or 14 days (Experiment 3). Goats were allowed ad libitum access to water and diets containing high or low CT cracked grain sorghum. On day 0 and every 7 days thereafter, PCV, FEC and FAMACHA® eyelid color scores (EYE; Experiment 1 only) were recorded. For Experiment 1, percentage of animals dewormed, PCV and EYE were not influenced by treatment and averaged 13.6 ± 4.5% per treatment period, 23.4 ± 0.8% and 3.2 ± 0.12, respectively, for all animals. The FEC increased after day 0 for control but not high tannin grain sorghum fed goats (treatment by day interaction, P < 0.02). As expected, EYE and PCV were negatively related (r = −0.45; P < 0.0005). For Experiment 2, there was no influence of diet on PCV or FEC, but there was an effect of day on FEC (P < 0.002) in which all goats had higher FEC on day 0 (1956 ± 219 eggs/g) than any other sampling day. For Experiment 3, there was no effect of feeding high CT grain sorghum on FEC (2992 ± 591 eggs/g) or PCV (25.1 ± 0.5%). In these studies, high CT grain sorghum did not consistently influence FEC and did not impact PCV or number of animals requiring chemical anthelmintic treatment.  相似文献   

Manure-borne bacteria can be transported in runoff as free cells, cells attached to soil particles, and cells attached to manure particles. The objectives of this work were to compare the attachment of fecal coliforms (FC) to different soils and soil fractions and to assess the effect of bovine manure on FC attachment to soil and soil fractions. Three sand fractions of different sizes, the silt fraction, and the clay fraction of loam and sandy clay loam soils were separated and used along with soil samples in batch attachment experiments with water-FC suspensions and water-manure-FC suspensions. In the absence of manure colloids, bacterial attachment to soil, silt, and clay particles was much higher than the attachment to sand particles having no organic coating. The attachment to the coated sand particles was similar to the attachment to silt and clay. Manure colloids in suspensions decreased bacterial attachment to soils, clay and silt fractions, and coated sand fractions, but did not decrease the attachment to sand fractions without the coating. The low attachment of bacteria to silt and clay particles in the presence of manure colloids may cause predominantly free-cell transport of manure-borne FC in runoff.  相似文献   

The fecal coliform populations found in the raw sewages and final sewage effluents of mechanical treatment plants, a long-term retention lagoon, shorter-term retention lagoons, a remote northern Canada river, and a heavily urbanized prairie river were examined for antibiotic resistance and the possession of R factors. It was determined that there was a decrease in the percentage of multiresistant fecal coliform populations in the mechanical sewage treatment plants and shorter-term retention lagoons; however, there was an increase in populations from the long-term retention lagoon. The percentage of the populations possessing transmissible R factors was constant in the mechanical treatment and shorter-term retention facilities; however, the ability to transmit was lost in 50% of the infective population of the long-term retention facility. A striking contrast was found between the populations of the remote northern Slave River and those of the urbanized Red River. Of the fecal coliforms in the Slave River, 7.1% were multiresistant, and only 0.79% possessed transmissible R factors. The Red River fecal coliform populations were 52.9% multiresistant, and 18.77% of the total population possessed transmissible R factors. The influence of urbanization and the type of sewage treatment have been shown to affect the selection and survival of multiresistant fecal coliforms and R+ fecal coliforms. Determination of other factors influencing the development and the survival of these populations is needed for rational wastewater management and water quality consideration.  相似文献   

Four membrane filter methods for the enumeration of fecal coliforms were compared for accuracy, specificity, and recovery. Water samples were taken several times from 13 marine, 1 estuarine, and 4 freshwater sites around Puerto Rico, from pristine waters and waters receiving treated and untreated sewage and effluent from a tuna cannery and a rum distillery. Differences of 1 to 3 orders of magnitude in the levels of fecal coliforms were observed in some samples by different recovery techniques. Marine water samples gave poorer results, in terms of specificity, selectivity, and comparability, than freshwater samples for all four fecal coliform methods used. The method using Difco m-FC agar with a resuscitation step gave the best overall results; however, even this method gave higher false-positive error, higher undetected-target error, lower selectivity, and higher recovery of nontarget organisms than the method using MacConkey membrane broth, the worst method for temperate waters. All methods tested were unacceptable for the enumeration of fecal coliforms in tropical fresh and marine waters. Thus, considering the high densities of fecal coliforms observed at most sites in Puerto Rico by all these methods, it would seem that these density estimates are, in many cases, grossly overestimating the degree of recent fecal contamination. Since Escherichia coli appears to be a normal inhabitant of tropical waters, fecal contamination may be indicated when none is present. Using fecal coliforms as an indicator is grossly inadequate for the detection of recent human fecal contamination and associated pathogens in both marine and fresh tropical waters.  相似文献   

Survival of fecal microorganisms in marine and freshwater sediments.   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The survival of culturable fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, and Clostridium perfringens spores in freshwater and marine sediments from sites near sewage outfalls was studied. In laboratory studies, the inhibition of protozoan predators with cycloheximide allowed the fecal coliforms to grow in the sediment whereas the presence of predators resulted in a net die-off. C. perfringens spores did not appear either to be affected by predators or to die off throughout the duration of the experiments (28 days). Studies using in situ membrane diffusion chambers showed that, with the exception of C. perfringens, die-off of the test organisms to 10% of their initial numbers occurred in both marine and freshwater sediments within 85 days. The usual exponential decay model could not be applied to the sediment survival data, with the exception of the data for fecal streptococci. It was concluded that application of the usual decay model to the fecal coliform data was confounded by the complex relationship between growth and predation. The survival of seeded Escherichia coli in marine sediment was studied by using an enumeration method which detected viable but nonculturable bacteria. Throughout the duration of the experiment (68 days), the same proportion of E. coli organisms remained culturable, suggesting that sediment provides a favorable, nonstarvation environment for the bacteria.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not presumptive tubes which take 48 h to become positive need to be transferred to EC medium during the fecal coliform multitube most-probable-number procedure, 572 seawater and shellfish samples were considered. When the 24-hour positive tubes alone were transferred to EC, it appeared that incorrect dilution data would be rare.  相似文献   

Introduction. This study evaluated the impact of the presence of a dump on respiratory health in adults older than 50 years of age, living in its area of influence. Materials and methods. A cohort study was conducted with 313 adults older than 50 years of age living near the Navarro Dump (Cali, Colombia) and compared with 359 adults in an unexposed area. Each was examined monthly during a 6 month period to compare the incidence of respiratory symptoms and alterations in peak expiratory flow. Results. Exposure to the Navarro Dump was associated with occurrence of respiratory symptoms (odds ratio=1.25, 95% C.I. 1.01-1.56), in particular with mild respiratory symptoms (odds ratio=1.28, 95% C.I. 0.98-1.66). This result was obtained after adjusting for age, sex, education level, humidity, health insurance, comorbidity, smoking and previous occupational exposure. A higher recurrence of symptoms was found in adults in the area of exposure (correlation coefficient=0.29, 95% C.I. 0.23-0.33, p<0.001) and a significant reduction in the lung function defined by peak expiratory flow; the average decrease was15.2 L/min (95% C.I. -30.2 to +0.22). Conclusion. Independent of potential confounding factors, the respiratory health of adults exposed to the Navarro Dump was affected and exhibited an increased occurrence and recurrence of mild respiratory symptoms as well as decreased lung function.  相似文献   

A 24-h most-probable-number technique using A-1 medium for detecting fecal coliforms in chlorinated wastewaters was evaluated. The A-1 medium technique, using 3 h of preincubation at 35 degrees C, gave results statistically equivalent to those obtained with the American Public Health Association Standard Methods two-step most-probable-number technique.  相似文献   

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