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Arginine deiminase (EC from Mycoplasmaarthritidis is a dimeric enzyme. Velocity centrifugation in 6 M guanidine HCl and peptide mapping of the BrCN fragments suggest that the subunits are identical. The reaction of one out of four sulfhydryl groups with 0.3 mM 5,5′-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) has a half-life of about 30 min in 2 M guanidine HCl at 15°, pH 8. The enzyme is irreversibly inhibited by 1 mM formamidinium ion within 1 min. Inactivation by this affinity label is resolvable into two concurrent first-order reactions in the presence of guanidinium ion; the fraction of enzyme which reacts at the faster rate is about 50%. These results are interpreted as evidence for two catalytic subunits which differ in conformation.  相似文献   

The distribution of GABA-ergic structures in the intact and neuronally isolated cat cerebral cortex in area 5 was studied by the histochemical reaction for GABA-transaminase 2 and 3 weeks after isolation. The overwhelming majority of GABA-ergic fibers of the neuropil and of synaptic terminals was shown to be formed by axons of a few GABA-ergic interneurons, and only a small proportion of them belong to afferent axons of extracortical origin. GABA-ergic interneurons were subdivided into short-axonal, forming connections within an isolated area, and long-axonal, forming horizontal connections with more distant cortical neurons. GABA-ergic axons give numerous projections to bodies and proximal segments of dendrites of many pyramidal neurons not containing GABA-transaminase, and of stellate neurons, which include cells with GABA-ergic and non-GABA-ergic mediator nature. It is suggested that the influence of some GABA-ergic neurons on others is responsible for intracortical spatial regulation of inhibition.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 365–371, May–June, 1985.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the whole muscle and fast-twitch muscle units of the cat hindlimb pretibial flexors have been explored and related to normal locomotion. Tibialis anterior (TA) is parallel-fibered and functionally crosses a single joint, the ankle, whereas extensor digitorum longus (EDL) is pinnate and spans the ankle, knee, metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. The active tetanic tension of TA remains near its peak value over a range of muscle lengths associated with normal ankle movement. In contrast, the length-tension curve of EDL is sharply peaked. However, normal corollary action of the knee, ankle and metatarsophalangeal joints during stepping minimizes EDL's excursion and maintains it at or near a length optimal for peak tension development. EDL is capable of producing synchronous but sterotyped digit and ankle movements while TA provides for independent ankle flexion at all relevant joint angles. The mechanical properties of 84 TA and 98 EDL fast-twitch muscle units were studied by measuring twitch contraction time (≤45 msec), peak tetanic tension, response to repetitive stimulation, and contractile fatigue resistance during electrical stimulation of single alpha axons, functionally isolated from ventral root filaments. These mechanical properties were essentially similar for both muscles with the exception of mean peak tetanic tension which was 30% lower for TA units (14 gm-wt) than for EDL units (20 gm-wt). A high proportion of units in both muscles demonstrated fatigue resistance which is reflective of the repetitive, phasic demand upon these muscles during locomotion.  相似文献   

A broad survey of muscle unit properties in 14 muscles of the cat hind limb is presented which emphasizes some general features of unit properties in mammalian muscles. A more detailed analysis of muscle unit properties in three muscles of the posterior compartment of the lower leg is then presented using Burke's tetrapartite (FF, FI or F (Int.), FR, and S) unit classification scheme. Our data on the properties of motor units in cat tibialis posterior (TP) have been compared to those generated by Burke and colleagues on units in flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and medial gastrocnemius (MG). In all three muscles, twitch contraction time was distinctly slower for type S units and specific tension outputs were substantially greater for type FF units than for type S units. The innervation ratios of type FR units were slightly lower than for type S units but the specific tension of the FR units was closer to FF units than to type S units. The FF units controlled 70–74% of the cumulative force output of each muscles, indicating a substantial capacity for powerful rapid contractions of all three of these muscles despite their differences in “size,” action, and force generation. Distinctive features of the three muscles included differences in the unit types' force producing capabilities and in the relative representation of “nonfatigable” type FR and S units in each muscle. In particular, TP is endowed with some unusually powerful type FF units and a high percentage (42%) of type S units. In contrast, FDL has units that develop relatively little force and an unusually high representation (56%) of type FR units. The possible relationships between these muscle features and their presumed role in posture and locomotion is discussed.  相似文献   

During thermal inactivation, the addition of as low as M urea resulted in the reduction of delta G identical to barrier of the inactivation of carp myosin Ca2+-ATPase, whereas that of rabbit myosin remained unaffected. In the absence of urea, a four-hour incubation of carp myosin was accompanied by the release of light chains at 30 degrees C, a value 10 degrees C lower than that for rabbit myosin. Electron micrographs revealed that carp myosin forms artificial thick filaments, which were uniform in size and may differ in a few details from those of rabbit. Not only that helical content of carp myosin was about 4% less than those of rabbit myosin, but it showed more sensitivity to thermal and urea denaturation; and its reversibility upon subsequent cooling or removal of urea was rather poor. The loss in helicity of myosins by urea was a concentration- and temperature-dependent biphasic reaction, with the most obvious effect observed on carp myosin. That carp myosin has increased tendency of unfolding in urea solutions was confirmed by viscosity data and the exposure of thiols also. Even in the absence of urea more SH groups of carp myosin were incorporated by DTNB, and more epsilon-amino groups reacted with NQS. Carp myosin remained in solution till the modification of about 52 surface myosin remained in solution till the modification of about 52 surface amino groups, whereas no precipitation effect was noted in case of rabbit myosin. Neither amino-acid composition nor some parameters derived from it, such as average hydrophobicity polarity index and number of polar side chains, revealed any difference pertinent to the relative stability of the two myosins. On the contrary, the contractile efficiency of carp myosin in the near physiological range was high and thus inversely related with the thermostability. This relationship along with the above evidence has been regarded to demonstrate the adaptability of carp myosin through a loose molecular conformation, which has probably been achieved by the addition of weak interactions in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

A procedure was described for preparing intact mitochondria from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves. These mitochondria oxidized succinate, malate, pyruvate, α-ketoglutarate, and NADH with good respiratory control and ADP/O ratios comparable to those observed with mitochondria from other plant tissues. Glycine was oxidized by the preparations. This oxidation linked to the mitochondrial electron transport chain, was coupled to three phosphorylation sites and was sensitive to electron transport and phosphorylation inhibitors.  相似文献   

The myosin of rabbit red muscles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The mechanical properties of two extraocular muscles (superior oblique and superior rectus muscles) of the frog were studied and compared with those of a frog's skeletal muscle (iliofibularis muscle) which contains the same types of muscle fibres as the oculorotatory muscles. The extraocular muscles are very fast twitching muscles. They exhibit a smaller contraction time, a smaller half-relaxation time, a higher fusion frequency, and a lower twitch-tetanus ratio than the skeletal muscles. The maximum isometric tetanic tension produced per unit cross-sectional area is lower in the extraocular muscles than in skeletal muscles. However, the extraocular muscles show a higher fatigue resistance than the skeletal muscles. With respect to the dynamic properties there are some differences between the various oculorotatory muscles of the frog. The superior rectus muscle exhibits a faster time-course of the contraction, a higher fusion frequency, and a higher fatigability than the superior oblique muscle. An increase of the extracellular K+-concentration evokes sustained contractures not only in the extraocular muscles but also in the iliofibularis muscle; between these muscles there are no striking differences in the mechanical threshold of the whole muscle preparation. The mechanical threshold depends on the Ca++-concentration of the bathing solution and it is found in a range between 12.5 and 17.5 mM K+ in a normal Ringer solution containing 1.8 mM Ca++. The static-mechanical properties of the extraocular muscles of the frog and the dependence of the active developed tension on the muscle extension are very similar to those which are known to exist in the extraocular muscles of other vertebrates. In tetanic activated frog's oculorotatory muscles a linear relationship exists between length and tension. A variation of the stimulation frequency does not change the slope of this curve but causes parallel shifts of the curve. The peculiar properties of the extraocular muscles of the frog are discussed with respect to the muscle fibre types in these muscles and to the diameter of the muscle fibres.  相似文献   

The pharmacological properties of the superior oblique and the superior rectus muscles of the frog's eye were investigated in comparison with those of a skeletal muscle (iliofibularis muscle) of the same animal. Acetylcholine causes sustained contractures of the extraocular muscles; this effect is increased by physostigmine and decreased or abolished by d-tubocurarine. Also the applications of succinylcholine, choline or caffeine are able to evoke contractures. There are no striking differences in pharmacological properties between extraocular and skeletal muscles of the frog. The time-course of the contractures and the sensitivity of the muscle preparations to the drugs which evoke contractures are identical in extraocular and iliofibularis muscles. In comparison with skeletal muscles there is no higher sensitivity of the extraocular muscles against curare-like drugs. The existence of adrenergic receptors could not be found neither in extraocular nor in skeletal muscles of the frog. It is concluded that in frogs no pharmacological differences exist between the muscle fibre types which compose the extraocular and the skeletal muscles.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Polymorphism of native myosin and myosin heavy chain (MHC) of fish skeletal muscles was analysed by pyrophosphate and SDS-gel electrophoreses.
  • 2.2. Depending on the species, three or four myosin isoforms were detected in the white muscle, one or two isoforms in the pure red muscle, and four isomyosins were found in the red muscle composed of red and pink (intermediate) fibres.
  • 3.3. It is suggested that all main types of fish muscle fibre (red, intermediate and white) differ in myosin isoform content.
  • 4.4. Myosin heavy chain of the red muscle is a distinct protein from that of the white muscle. However, structural differences between these proteins vary among species.

Glycogen phosphorylase isolated from bovine skeletal muscles was found to be homogeneous during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme phosphorylation by phosphorylase kinase is accompanied by the incorporation of one mole of labeled phosphate per protein dimer; therefore the enzyme is represented by a partly phosphorylated form. The presence of a phosphate group prevents the removal of the protein-bound pyridoxal phosphate. The partly phosphorylated bovine phosphorylase possesses a low affinity for AMP and is inactive in the presence of IMP. Bovine phosphorylase a obtained from the partly phosphorylated enzyme has a molecular mass corresponding to a dimer. Both forms of bovine phosphorylase exhibit high cooperativity towards the substrate. The mechanism of phosphorylase a activation by AMP and IMP is identical: the nucleotides increase the enzyme affinity for the substrate as well as the maximal rate of the enzymatic reaction. Study of the enzyme inhibition by caffeine revealed the cooperativity of caffeine-binding centers. The equilibrium between the active and inactive enzyme conformations in the presence of caffeine is markedly shifted towards the inactive (T) form of glycogen phosphorylase.  相似文献   

The myosin heavy chain (MHC) andmyosin light chain (MLC) isoforms in skeletal muscle of Ranapipiens have been well characterized. We measured theforce-velocity (F-V) properties of single intact fast-twitchfibers from R. pipiens that contained MHC types 1 or 2 (MHC1or MHC2) or coexpressed MHC1 and MHC2 isoforms. Velocities weremeasured between two surface markers that spanned most of the fiberlength. MHC and MLC isoform content was quantified after mechanicsanalysis by SDS-PAGE. Maximal shortening velocity(Vmax) and velocity at half-maximal tension(VP 50) increased with percentage of MHC1(%MHC1). Maximal specific tension (Po/CSA, wherePo is isometric tension and CSA is fiber cross-sectional area) and maximal mechanical power (Wmax) alsoincreased with %MHC1. MHC concentration was not significantlycorrelated with %MHC1, indicating that the influence of %MHC1 onPo/CSA and Wmax was due to intrinsicdifferences between MHC isoforms and not to concentration. TheMLC3-to-MLC1 ratio was not significantly correlated withVmax, VP 50,Po/CSA, or Wmax. These data demonstrate the powerful relationship between MHC isoforms and F-V properties of the two most common R. pipiensfiber types.


The authors studied the effect of the blood perfusion rate and of noradrenaline (NA) on the oxygen consumption of the isolated hind limb and on the partly - and vascularly completely - isolated cranial gracilis muscle of cold-acclimated rats. Oxygen consumption of the limb was stimulated by a raised perfusion rate together with growth of the oxygen extraction coefficient and by NA, which also raised oxygen consumption when the perfusion rate was constant. Oxygen consumption of the partly isolated muscle was likewise stimulated by a raised perfusion rate, but without a simultaneous increase in the oxygen extraction coefficient. In the vascularly completely isolated muscle, a raised perfusion rate had only a transient stimulant effect on oxygen consumption. In the partly and the completely isolated muscle, NA raised the arteriovenous difference in the blood oxygen content and organ resistance independently of each other. The calorigenic effect of NA, which was determined by the ratio of the two effects, did not exceed 34% above the resting level. The conclusions that the thermogenesis of resting muscle can be controlled by the blood flow on the basis of a mechanism other than the limitation of oxygen or substrates supply, and that NA acts independently of oxygen extraction from the blood and of the blood flow, show the blood flow to be a mechanism at organ level, which participates in the control of nonshivering thermogenesis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure isometric force-length properties of cat soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris muscle-tendon units, and to relate these properties to the functional demands of these muscles during everyday locomotor activities. Isometric force-length properties were determined using an in situ preparation, where forces were measured using buckle-type tendon transducers, and muscle-tendon unit lengths were quantified through ankle and knee joint configurations. Functional demands of the muscles were assessed using direct muscle force measurements in freely moving animals. Force-length properties and functional demands were determined for soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles simultaneously in each animal. The results suggest that isometric force-length properties of cat soleus, gastrocnemius and plantaris muscles, as well as the region of the force-length relation that is used during everyday locomotor tasks, match the functional demands.  相似文献   

Contractility of tracheal smooth muscle strips and spiral strips of fourth to fifth generation bronchi was studied in organ baths. The relationship among contractility, airway smooth muscle myosin, and smooth muscle thickness was also examined. The trachea was divided into three segments, each consisting of 12-14 rings. Smooth muscle strips from each of the three regions (top, middle, and bottom of the trachea) and from fourth to fifth generation bronchi were studied. Acetylcholine (ACh) sensitivity (-log EC50) was 8.1, 7.1, 7.9, and 6.1 for the top, middle, and bottom of the trachea and the bronchi, respectively. At P = 0.01, the EC50 ACh value of the top of the trachea differed from the EC50 value of the bronchi. Maximal tension (Tmax) generated in bronchi (3.2 g) was lower (P less than 0.01) than in the top (10.4 g), middle (7.1 g), and bottom of the trachea (5.1 g). Differences between trachea and bronchi disappeared when Tmax was corrected for smooth muscle myosin content. Thickness of smooth muscle in bronchi was less (P less than 0.01) than in the three regions of trachea. Tmax was significantly correlated with airway smooth muscle thickness (r = 0.56; P less than 0.05). These results suggest that in mongrel dogs sensitivity to ACh shows a gradient from the top of the trachea to the bronchi and that Tmax is greater in the trachea than in the bronchi and is significantly correlated with thickness of smooth muscle.  相似文献   

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