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Cortinarius is the most species rich genus of mushroom forming fungi with an estimated 2000 spp. worldwide. However, species delimitation within the genus is often controversial. This is particularly true in the section Calochroi (incl. section Fulvi), where the number of accepted taxa in Europe ranges between c.60 and c.170 according to different taxonomic schools. Here, we evaluated species delimitation within this taxonomically difficult group of species and estimated their phylogenetic relationships. Species were delimited by phylogenetic inference and by comparison of ITS sequence data in combination with morphological characters. A total of 421 ITS sequences were analyzed, including data from 53 type specimens. The phylogenetic relationships of the identified species were estimated by analyzing ITS data in combination with sequence data from the two largest subunits of RNA polymerase II (RPB1 and RPB2). Seventy-nine species were identified, which are believed to constitute the bulk of the diversity of this group in Europe. The delimitation of species based on ITS sequences is more consistent with a conservative morphological species concept for most groups. ITS sequence data from 30 of the 53 types were identical to other taxa, and most of these can be readily treated as synonyms. This emphasizes the importance of critical analysis of collections before describing new taxa. The phylogenetic separation of species was, in general, unambiguous and there is considerable potential for using ITS sequence data as a barcode for the group. A high level of homoplasy and phenotypic plasticity was observed for morphological and ecological characters. Whereas most species and several minor lineages can be recognized by morphological and ecological character states, these same states are poor indicators at higher levels.  相似文献   

Genetic and some ecophysiological traits of mussels collected in the European Arctic, up to their northeastern distribution limit in the Barents Sea, were studied and compared with traits of mussels from the Mediterranean, Atlantic and Baltic. The genetic traits of these populations were analysed by isoenzyme electrophoresis on seven loci in order to assess the Mytilus complex to which populations in the Arctic region belong. Ecophysiological variables, the weight-index and glycogen were analysed to assess the physiological fitness of the populations. Three distinct groups were recognised: (1) Mytilus (edulis) galloprovincialis in the Mediterranean and Spain, (2) M. (edulis) edulis along the Atlantic coast from the Netherlands northwards into Russia, and (3) the Baltic Mytilus (edulis) trossulus. The mussels from populations in the Russian Arctic all belong to the Atlantic Mytilus (edulis) edulis group. The genetic variability and ecophysiological measures indicated that the sub-Arctic White Sea mussel populations have a relatively lower performance capacity, whereas those in the Arctic at the edge of their northern distribution showed a surprisingly strong performance. Accepted: 14 June 2000  相似文献   

Part of the "Cortinarius, Flora Photographica, vol. I" in which six new combinations and thirty infrageneric names published for taxa in the genus Cortinarius are validated, including 7 sections and 21 subsections in the subgenus Phlegmacium.  相似文献   

Abstract:Leptogium imbricatum P.M. Jørg. sp. nov. and L. intermedium (Arnold) Arnold are established as the correct names for two fairly widespread, small species: L. imbricatum has an arctic-alpine distribution. Leptogium intermedium was previously mostly named L. minutissimum (Flörke) Fr., the type of which is L. subtile (Schrader) Torss., a distinct species usually growing on rotting wood or debris. Leptogium magnussonii Degel. & P.M. Jørg, mainly from maritime rock outcrops in Norway and Sweden, is described as new. The species complexes of L. plicatile (Ach.) Leighton and L. schraderi (Bernh.) Nyl. are discussed. The differences between L. byssinum (Hoffm.) Nyl. and L. biatorinum (Nyl.) Leighton are given, and L. aquale (Arnold) P.M. Jørg. comb. nov., a taxon related to the latter, is considered to be a distinct species growing in mountain brooks in Central Europe. Leptogium rivale Tuck. is recorded as new to Europe, from Romania. Leptogium bellopratense Hy is shown to be a synonym of L. brebissonii Mont. New records for L. coralloideum (Meyen & Flotow) Vainio, L. massiliense Nyl and L. rivulare (Ach.) Mont. are given. A preliminary key to the small European species (north of the Alps) is appended. The following names have been lecto- or neotypified: Collema byssinum Hoffm., Collema pulvinatum Hoffm., Leptogium bellopratense Hy., Leptogium crenulatum Watson, Leptogium massiliense Nyl., Leptogium minutissimum var. intermedium Arnold, Leptogium minutissimum f. plumbeum Zwackh ex Arnold, Leptogium pusillum var. aquale Arnold, Leptogium rivulare var. crenatulum Nyl., Leptogium scotinum var. crenatum Nyl., Lichen byssinus Hoffm., Lichen minutissimus Flörke, Lichen schraderi Bemh., Lichen subtilis Schrader and Parmelia scotina var. lophaea Ach.  相似文献   

Malpighiaceae ovules have a well-developed nucellus; previous observations indicate that during seed development, the endosperm does not proliferate, thus, remaining scarce. This study aimed at identifying the nutritive tissues during seed development in Malpighiaceae, focusing especially on the endosperm. We analysed the seed development of Janusia mediterranea, J. occhionii, Mascagnia cordifolia, and Tetrapterys chamaecerasifolia, which were collected and processed by traditional methods for light microscopy. Ovules are subcampylotropous, crassinucellate and unitegmic in Janusia and bitegmic in Mcordifolia and T. chamaecerasifolia. The nucellus is well developed and protrudes through the micropyle, touching the funicular obturator. During development, a pachychalaza is formed, and the integuments coalesce in bitegmic species. Through a series of nucellar cell divisions, the perisperm is formed. In Janusia species, the endosperm is not produced. In Mcordifolia and T. chamaecerasifolia, the endosperm is nuclear, but it is scarce and ephemeral. The mature seed is exalbuminous, and the perisperm is consumed, and thus, the mature embryo is total. The absence of endosperm in Janusia is newly observed for the family and indicates functional transfer for the abundant perisperm.  相似文献   

Variation at 7 isoenzyme loci was studied m 15 populations (6 from Iceland, 4 from W Norway, 4 from central Sweden at the Bothnian Gulf, and 1 from Russian Karelia) Heterozygosity within populations was found to be remarkably high compared with taxa with similar reproductive systems and phytogeographical histories Genetic distances calculated from isoenzyme data showed a close connection between the Norwegian and Swedish populations, indicating a western rather than an eastern immigration route for the isolated Swedish population Leaf shape variation displayed a large scale geographical pattern with strong differences between regions and low variation within populations  相似文献   

Fourteen dredged material marshes andfourteen natural marshes along the Texas, USA, coastare compared on the basis of 1) edge: area ratios, 2)relative exposure index values, 3) elevation profiles,4) elevation of Spartina alterniflora, 5) soilorganic carbon content, 6) soil silt-clay content, and7) belowground plant biomass. Although edge: areacomparisons cannot detect certain types of differencesin geomorphology, comparisons clearly show thatdredged material marshes, on average, have fewer pondsand flooded depressions than natural marshes. Comparisons of relative exposure index values suggestthat wave protection structures associated with somedredged material marshes may be overbuilt. Elevationprofiles illustrate the potential for structures suchas berms to lead to differences between dredgedmaterial marshes and natural marshes, but they alsoshow the high variability in elevation profiles thatexists among both dredged material and naturalmarshes. S. alternifloraelevations in dredgedmaterial marshes are not significantly different fromthose of natural marshes. Soil organic carbon andsilt-clay content of dredged material marshes are notsignificantly different from those of natural marshes. Although belowground biomass of dredged materialmarshes is significantly lower than that of naturalmarshes, regression analysis suggests that belowgroundbiomass will increase over time. Findings reportedhere suggest several points that should be consideredduring planning and design of dredged material marshesin Texas: 1) if an objective of marsh construction isto mimic natural marsh geomorphology, methods toincrease the amount of unconnected edge need to bedeveloped, 2) methods of effectively summarizinggeomorphic characteristics need further development,and 3) there is some evidence suggesting thatprotective structures may be over-built, and the needfor substantial structural protection should bebalanced against the costs of structures and risk ofsite failure during project design. Lastly, a methodfor increasing the amount of unconnected edge thatinvolves excavation of bay bottom before placement ofdredged material is suggested.  相似文献   

In species of great conservation concern, special attention must be paid to their phylogeography, in particular the origin of animals for captive breeding and reintroduction. The endangered European mink lives now in at least three well-separated populations in northeast, southeast and west Europe. Our aim is to assess the genetic structure of these populations to identify 'distinct population segments' (DPS) and advise captive breeding programmes. First, the mtDNA control region was completely sequenced in 176 minks and 10 polecats. The analysis revealed that the western population is characterized by a single mtDNA haplotype that is closely related to those in eastern regions but nevertheless, not found there to date. The northeast European animals are much more variable (pi = 0.012, h = 0.939), with the southeast samples intermediate (pi = 0.0012, h = 0.469). Second, 155 European mink were genotyped using six microsatellites. The latter display the same trends of genetic diversity among regions as mtDNA [gene diversity and allelic richness highest in northeast Europe (H(E) = 0.539, R(S) = 3.76), lowest in west Europe (H(E) = 0.379, R(S) = 2.12)], and provide evidences that the southeast and possibly the west populations have undergone a recent bottleneck. Our results indicate that the western population derives from a few animals which recently colonized this region, possibly after a human introduction. Microsatellite data also reveal that isolation by distance occurs in the western population, causing some inbreeding because related individuals mate. As genetic data indicate that the three populations have not undergone independent evolutionary histories for long (no phylogeographical structure), they should not be considered as distinct DPS. In conclusion, the captive breeding programme should use animals from different parts of the species' present distribution area.  相似文献   

The alliance Caricion bicolori-atrofuscae comprises plant communities of more or less wet calcareous fens on shallow peat with a high base saturation, occurring in arctic as well as alpine, more seldom subalpine areas. The characteristic species are presented and compared with those from communities of the Caricion lavallianae growing in lowland and mountain sites of temperate and boreal calcareous fens.An abbreviated ecological characteristic is given and the contact communities of the different community complexes are pointed out. The regional floristic differences within the communities are shown, and the geographical distribution and regional frequency of the differentiated associations are given. The synsystematic ranks of three central European mountain to alpine associations are discussed in detail (Caricetum frigidae, Juncetum alpini, Equiseto-Typhetum minimi). They should be excluded from this alliance.Generally, the alpine phytocoenoses are more often invaded by species from neighbouring communities, presumably as an effect of competition in sites less favouring fen development in comparison to the oro-arctic and arctic sites, especially those with an oceanic to suboceanic climate.We conclude, that the observed floristic differences are mainly caused by historical processes and not by the different ecology of the sites in question. This must be taken into consideration when discussing the synsystematic delimitation and rank of the corresponding communities.Nomenclature follows: Lid (1974), Nyholm (1954–68). Acknowledgement. The authors are grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for travel grants since 1973 for their investigations in Scandinavia and Greenland.  相似文献   

Freshwater fish diversity in Algeria with emphasis on alien species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about freshwater fish diversity in Algeria, especially after the broad national program of introduction of exotic species applied for over 20 years. This paper is an attempt to describe the current situation emphasizing the characteristics of the various introductions of non-autochthonous species, their current status and their possible impacts. The freshwater fish fauna of Algeria is composed of 48 species belonging to 15 families. Twenty-one species are autochthonous, of which, three are endemic (Haplochromis desfontainii, Aphanius saourensis, Aphanius apodus), two are endangered (H. desfontainii, Aphanius iberus), and one is critically endangered (Anguilla anguilla). Twenty-seven species were introduced, of which, 18 never became established and 9 are established. Four species are reported for the first time: Abramis brama, Aspius aspius, Carassius carassius, Perca fluviatilis. Since 1860, 303 introduction events have been recorded at almost 107 different sites in Algeria. The number of introduction events per site was between 1 and 10. Most of the introduced fish are found in Oubéïra Lake (seven species). Aquaculture development was the main reason for fish introductions (37.0%). The five most often introduced species were Cyprinus carpio (86 records), Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (65 records), Aristichthys nobilis (51 records), Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (33 records), and Ctenopharyngodon idella (18 records). Since the adverse effects of introduced fish are risky and demonstrated in several countries, the adoption of the precautionary principle is recommended when new introductions are planned. It is important, therefore, to adopt regulations and procedures which will minimize the risks arising from introductions.  相似文献   

Background: The effect of the anticipated climate change on the stability of vegetation and the factors underlying this stability are not well understood.

Aims: Our objective was to quantify long-term vegetation changes in a range of habitats in northern Europe by exploring species co-occurrences and their links to diversity and productivity gradients.

Methods: We re-sampled vegetation in 16 arctic, mountain and mire sites 20 to 90 years after the original inventories. A site-specific change in species assemblages (stability) was quantified using species co-occurrences. Using a randomisation test we tested whether the changes observed were significantly greater than those expected by chance. Relationships between patterns in vegetation stability and time between surveys, numbers of plots, or species diversity and proxies for productivity, were tested using regression analysis.

Results: At most sites the changes in species co-occurrences of vascular plants and bryophytes were greater than those expected by chance. The changes observed were found to be unrelated to gradients in productivity or diversity.

Conclusions: Changes in species co-occurrences are not strongly linked to diversity or productivity gradients in vegetation, suggesting that other gradients or site-specific factors (e.g. land use or species interactions) may be more important in controlling recent compositional shifts in vegetation in northern Europe.  相似文献   

Nagy LG  Házi J  Vágvölgyi C  Papp T 《Mycologia》2012,104(1):254-275
We inferred the phylogenetic structure and species limits within Coprinellus by using a newly generated multigene alignment of LSU, ITS and β-tubulin sequences. We sampled 154 specimens of 71 species out of ca. 80 known taxa in Coprinellus and inferred phylogenetic relationships by Bayesian MCMC and ML bootstrapping. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses revealed 17 new species, five of which are described herein. Coprinellus was split into three large clades, one comprising species with an initially continuous sheath of veil (Domestici/Micacei clade) and two consisting of primarily setulose (haired) species (eurysporoid and Core Setulosi clades). The separation of veiled species and the clade structure therein corresponds well to the morphology-based sectional classification, although the inclusion of certain setulose taxa (e.g. C. disseminatus, C. verrucispermus, C. curtus etc.) in these clades necessitates a new morphological definition for the sections. Morphological traits are discussed for all clades of Coprinellus. Species limits in the eurysporoid and Core Setulosi clades are scrutinized in detail. Future directions of species-rank research and an artificial key to the recovered setulose species of Coprinellus is presented.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Compost heaps house a species-rich fauna of arthropods. This survey reviews changes in the composition of the beetle fauna in compost heaps in the Nordic countries during the 20th century. A total of 34 alien beetle species have established in compost heaps; 12 of these are also established in natural habitats. A combination of long-distance human transport and short-distance natural spread are proposed as dominant factors, explaining the dispersal of the species. An eastern route of immigration is proposed for Baeocrara japonica , Lithocharis nigriceps , Bohemiella paradoxa , Acrotona pseudotenera and Oxytelus migrator , while a southern route of immigration is proposed for Perigona nigriceps , Acrotona parens , Falagrioma concinna , Trichiusa immigrata , Cartodere nodifer , Ahasverus advena , Oryctes nasicornis and Atheta triangulum. There is no relationship between the types of compost preferred by the different species and the dominant way of dispersal. Among the trophic guilds that species belong to, the predators are more dependent on human transport than natural dispersal. The trophic guild to which a species belongs has no effect on whether or not the species is established away from compost heaps. The generalized compost fauna and species associated with bark compost naturalize away from compost heaps more successfully than expected. It is hypothesized that the successful establishment of alien species in compost habitats results from increased frequency of introductions and warm, thermal stability in large compost heaps during the Nordic winter. The establishment of new species in compost habitats probably has a minor impact on native inhabitants.  相似文献   

Species-specific identification of ascaridoid nematodes at any developmental stage is a prerequisite for detailed investigation of the life cycles, systematics and epidemiology of this important group, and is also crucial for the diagnosis of associated infections. The morphological identification of some species and/or their larval stages can, however, present considerable difficulty. Recently, PCR-based methods, using genetic markers in the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA, have been shown to provide reliable alternatives to more traditional methods for the specific identification of nematodes. This article provides an account of recent research on the development of PCR-based methods (utilizing ITS sequences) for the specific identification of ascaridoid nematodes of zoonotic potential, for the diagnosis of infections, and for the analysis of genetic variation within and among individual nematodes and their populations. Prospects for using these diagnostic and analytical tools to investigate epidemiological and population genetic questions relating to ascaridoid parasites are also discussed.  相似文献   

We provide a comprehensive overview of the status of fish assemblages in eight Italian subalpine lakes using multiple data sources: historical records, standardised sampling and fishery catch statistics. Thirty-four fish species were recorded, twenty of which are native, seven introduced historically and another seven introduced recently. The number of fish species in individual lakes has increased by between 25 and 65% from 1855 to the present, with the increase being higher in the larger lakes. Non-native species contributed between 4.0 and 71.5% to standardised catches by numbers and between 4.8 and 65.1% by biomass. Roach Rutilus rutilus and pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus dominated electrofishing and benthic catches by number, while open-water catches were dominated by the coregonids European whitefish Coregonus lavaretus and gangfish Coregonus macrophthalmus. In terms of biomass, electrofishing catches were dominated by crucian carp Carassius carassius, largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides and wels catfish Silurus glanis, benthic catches were dominated by roach, European whitefish and crucian carp, and open-water catches by coregonids. Commercial fisheries are important ecosystem services provided by subalpine lakes, with their harvests now dominated by non-native species. To deliver effective biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision, the prioritisation of targets and interventions of management of non-native species is needed.  相似文献   

In clinical microbiology laboratories, the identification of Actinomyces-like bacteria can be very laborious and problematic. In the present study, we focused on reactivity patterns of 4 commercial test kits, RapID ANA II, RapID 32A, RapID CB Plus, and BBL Crystal ANR ID, that could be used for rapid preliminary identification of Actinomyces isolates belonging to newly described Actinomyces and closely related species. Out of the 54 strains tested, 25 strains (46%) were correctly identified to the genus/group level by BBL Crystal ANR ID system, 16 strains (30%) by RapID 32 A, 11 strains (20%) by RapID CB Plus, and 7 strains (13%) by RapID ANA II. The main problems with these kits were due to occasional weak enzymatic and sugar fermentation reactions. In conclusion, chromogenic substrate sensitivity and specificity need to be enhanced in order to improve the reliability of the test results of these kits, and the present database updated in order to more precisely identify newly described Actinomyces and closely related species.  相似文献   

The rhizomorphic European species of Antrodia, belonging to the traditionally called Antrodia radiculosa group, are investigated. On the basis of morphological and molecular analysis, the genus Fibroporia is supported. Specimens from Central Europe previously ascribed to Antrodia radiculosa constitute a species of their own, and are herein described as Fibroporia bohemica. Moreover, a new combination, Fibroporia citrina, is proposed.  相似文献   

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