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Because abnormalities in cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) in subjects with long-term diabetes could partly be ascribed to autonomic neuropathy and related to central chemosensitivity, CVR and the respiratory drive output during progressive hypercapnia were studied in 15 diabetic patients without (DAN-) and 30 with autonomic neuropathy (DAN+), of whom 15 had postural hypotension (PH) (DAN+PH+) and 15 did not (DAN+PH-), and in 15 control (C) subjects. During CO(2) rebreathing, changes in occlusion pressure and minute ventilation were assessed, and seven subjects in each group had simultaneous measurements of the middle cerebral artery mean blood velocity (MCAV) by transcranial Doppler. The respiratory output to CO(2) was greater in DAN+PH+ than in DAN+PH- and DAN- (P < 0.01), whereas a reduced chemosensitivity was found in DAN+PH- (P < 0.05 vs. C). MCAV increased linearly with the end-tidal PCO(2) (PET(CO(2))) in DAN+PH- but less than in C and DAN- (P < 0.01). In contrast, DAN+PH+ showed an exponential increment in MCAV with PET(CO(2)) mainly >55 Torr. Thus CVR was lower in DAN+ than in C at PET(CO(2)) <55 Torr (P < 0.01), whereas it was greater in DAN+PH+ than in DAN+PH- (P < 0.01) and DAN- (P < 0.05) at PET(CO(2)) >55 Torr. CVR and occlusion pressure during hypercapnia were correlated only in DAN+ (r = 0.91, P < 0.001). We conclude that, in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy, CVR to CO(2) is reduced or increased according to the severity of dysautonomy and intensity of stimulus and appears to modulate the hypercapnic respiratory drive.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of mechanically induced venous tone and its interaction with the endothelium and key vasoactive neurohormones are not well established. We investigated the contribution of the endothelium, l-type voltage-operated calcium channels (L-VOCCs), and PKC and Rho kinase to myogenic reactivity in mesenteric vessels exposed to increasing transmural pressure. The interaction of myogenic reactivity with norepinephrine (NE) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) was also investigated. Pressure myography was used to study isolated, cannulated, third-order rat mesenteric small veins and arteries. NE and ET-1 concentration response curves were constructed at low, intermediate, and high transmural pressures. Myogenic reactivity was not altered by nitric oxide synthase inhibition with N(ω)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA; 100 μM) or endothelium removal in both vessels. L-VOCCs blockade (nifedipine, 1 μM) completely abolished arterial tone, while only partially reducing venous tone. PKC (chelerythrine, 2.5 μM) and Rho kinase (Y27632, 3 μM) inhibitors largely abolished venous and arterial myogenic reactivity. There was no significant difference in the sensitivity of NE or ET-1-induced contractions within vessels. However, veins were more sensitive to NE and ET-1 when compared with corresponding arteries at low, intermediate, and high transmural pressures, respectively. These results suggest that 1) myogenic factors are important contributors to net venous tone in mesenteric veins; 2) PKC and Rho activation are important in myogenic reactivity in both vessels, while l-VOCCs play a limited role in the veins vs. the arteries, and the endothelium does not appear to modulate myogenic reactivity in either vessel type; and 3) mesenteric veins maintain an enhanced sensitivity to NE and ET-1 compared with the arteries when studied under conditions of changing transmural distending pressure.  相似文献   

The experimentally observed nonmonotonic dependence of the breakdown delay time on the magnetic field strength is analyzed theoretically. Calculations with allowance for both an increase in the electric field in the avalanche head because of the change in the diffusion coefficients and an apparent increase in the pressure in the presence of a magnetic field demonstrate that such a dependence is indeed possible.  相似文献   

Mouse photoreceptor cells exhibit local accumulations of osmium deposits after prolonged osmic staining at slightly elevated temperatures. Deposits were evident along the membranes of outer segment lamellae, Golgi cisternae and vesicles, nuclear envelopes, and synaptic vesicles. Other membranes within the photoreceptor cells were unreactive. No osmium reactivity was seen in other cells of the retina except for osmiophilic outer segment material which had been phagocytized by the pigment epithelium. In the outer segments, inner segments, and synaptic regions of the photoreceptor cells, the amount of osmium reactivity was increased by light stimulation and decreased following extended dark adaptation. The possible significance of the localized osmium reactivity is discussed.  相似文献   

Increased sympathetic nervous activity (SNA) elevates venomotor tone in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertension. We studied the mechanisms by which the SNA increases venomotor tone in DOCA-salt hypertension by making in situ intracellular recordings of venous smooth muscle cell (VSMC) membrane potential (E(m)) and measurement of outside diameter (OD) in mesenteric veins (MV) and mesenteric arteries (MA) of anesthetized rats. We also studied norepinephrine (NE)- and endothelin-1 (ET-1)-induced increases in MA or MV perfusion pressure (PP) in vitro. E(m) in DOCA-salt MV was depolarized compared with sham MV. Prazosin hyperpolarized VSMC E(m) in DOCA-salt but not in sham MV. NE concentration-response curves (CRCs) for OD decreases in MV from DOCA-salt rats were left-shifted with an increased maximum response (E(max)) compared with sham MV. NE CRCs for OD decreases in MA were right-shifted with reduced E(max) in DOCA-salt compared with sham rats. ET-1 CRCs were similar in DOCA-salt and sham MV but were right-shifted with reduced E(max) in DOCA-salt MA. NE CRCs for MAPP increases were left-shifted without a change in E(max) in DOCA-salt rats. NE did not change MVPP. MAPP and MVPP for ET-1 CRCs were similar in sham and DOCA-salt rats, but E(max) for MAPP was reduced in DOCA-salt rats. Hematoxylin staining revealed hypertrophy in DOCA-salt MA but not in MV. We conclude that there is increased reactivity to NE released from the sympathetic nervous system in DOCA-salt MV that causes VSMC depolarization and increased venomotor tone. In DOCA-salt rats, in vivo ET-1 reactivity is maintained in MV, but reduced in MA.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

It is important to consider the modular level when verifying sexual dimorphism in dioecious plants. Nevertheless, between-sex differences in resource translocation among modules (i.e. physiological integration) have not been tested at the whole-plant level. In this study, sexual differences in physiological integration were examined among ramets, within a genet in the dioecious sprouting shrub Lindera triloba, by a field experiment with girdling manipulation.


Female and male genets were randomly assigned to girdled or intact groups. Girdling of the main ramets was conducted in May 2009 by removing a ring of bark and cambium approx. 1 cm wide at a height of 80–100 cm. The effects of treatment and sex on ramet dynamics (mortality, recruitment and diameter growth) and inflorescence production during 1 year after girdling were examined.

Key Results

The diameter growth rate of main ramets of both sexes was lower at ground level (D0) but higher at breast height (dbh) in girdled than in intact groups. In sprouted ramets with a dbh of 0–2 cm, males in girdled groups had lower growth rates at D0 than those of intact groups, whereas no girdling effect was found for females. The main ramets in girdled groups produced more inflorescences than intact groups, irrespective of sex, but male ramets showed a greater response to the treatment than females.


In L. triloba, physiological integration exists at the whole-plant level, and sprouted ramets are dependent on assimilates translocated from main ramets, but this dependence weakens as sprouted ramets get larger. Female sprouted ramets can grow in a physiologically independent manner from the main ramet earlier than those of males. This study highlights the importance of considering modular structures and physiological integration when evaluating sexual differences in demographic patterns of clonal plants.  相似文献   

目的:探索脑内远位触液神经元在吗啡依赖和戒断形成过程中的作用。方法:化学性神经元毁损、侧脑室引入霍乱毒素亚单位B与辣根过氧化物酶复合物(CB-HRP)神经示踪、TMB-ST呈色反应,Western blot、nNOS免疫组织化学。结果:毁损大鼠中缝背核内远位触液神经元后,纳洛酮催促的戒断症状明显减弱,戒断症状评分较戒断未毁损组降低约38%(P<0.05);给予溶媒和毁损触液神经元旁侧的大鼠戒断症状与戒断组比较未见明显变化(P>0.05)。毁损组脑片触液神经元密集区局部细胞损坏明显,仅在其毁损区边缘观测到少量CB-HRP阳性细胞。未毁损组CB-HRP标记细胞位置及数量恒定,形态清晰。毁损触液神经元后,脊髓背角nNOS阳性神经元计数及nNOS蛋白表达较戒断未毁损组减少明显(P<0.05),而较正常组和依赖组增加仍显著(P<0.01)。结论:毁损大鼠中缝背核内部分远位触液神经元可减弱吗啡戒断症状和脊髓背角神经元型一氧化氮合酶的表达,提示中缝背核内部分远位触液神经元可能参与了吗啡依赖和戒断的形成,NO介导脑内触液神经元与脊髓水平对吗啡依赖和戒断的调节。  相似文献   

The ionic strength dependence of the reaction rate between protein and dichloride anion radical has been investigated by flash photolysis of aqueous chloride-containing lysozyme, ribonuclease A, or insulin. The rate constant for the reaction of lysozyme or ribonuclease A with dichloride anion radicals decreases with increasing ionic strength, while it increases for insulin. The dependence was found to obey an equation derived from the theory of Debye and Hückel or the equation of Wherland and Gray for lysozyme within experimental errors. For ribonuclease A, however, it deviates largely from these equations. In the case of insulin a moderate deviation was observed. The different behavior in the ionic strength dependence is discussed in terms of the electric charge distribution in the protein molecules.  相似文献   

Treatment of the transformed glucocorticoid receptor with hydrogen peroxide promotes the formation of disulfide bonds and inhibits the ability of the receptor to bind to DNA (Tienrungroj, W., Meshinchi, S., Sanchez, E. R., Pratt, S. E., Grippo, J. F., Holmgren, A., and Pratt, W. B. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6992-7000). It has not been determined whether the inhibition of DNA binding activity is due to disulfide bonds formed within the DNA binding domain or between the DNA binding domain and another region of the receptor. In this paper, we examined the ability of hydrogen peroxide to inactivate the DNA binding activity of the mouse glucocorticoid receptor. We show that inhibition of DNA binding activity caused by hydrogen peroxide can be accounted for entirely by the formation of disulfide bonds between cysteine residues lying within the 15-kDa tryptic fragment containing the DNA binding domain of the receptor. Reversal of the peroxide-induced inactivation of DNA binding activity requires both zinc and a thiol-disulfide exchange reagent, such as dithiothreitol. Peroxide also eliminates recognition of the intact receptor and the 15-kDa tryptic fragment by the BuGR monoclonal antibody, and the reactivity of the BuGR epitope is restored by reduction without a requirement for zinc. Pretreatment of the receptor with methyl methanethiosulfonate inhibits much of the peroxide-mediated inactivation of the BuGR epitope but pretreatment with N-ethylmaleimide does not. Similarly, DNA binding activity of the receptor is inhibited by methyl methanethiosulfonate but not by N-ethylmaleimide. These results are consistent with the proposal that peroxide promotes the formation of disulfide bonds between thiols that lie spatially close to one another in the 15-kDa tryptic fragment, resulting in rapid elimination of zinc. Restoration of the zinc finger structure restores DNA-binding activity but restoration of the BuGR epitope requires only reduction without restoration of the zinc fingers.  相似文献   

The study of the electrical properties of DNA has aroused increasing interest since the last decade. So far, controversial arguments have been put forward to explain the electrical charge transport through DNA. Our experiments on DNA bundles manipulated with silicon-based actuated tweezers demonstrate undoubtedly that humidity is the main factor affecting the electrical conduction in DNA. We explain the quasi-Ohmic behavior of DNA and the exponential dependence of its conductivity with relative humidity from the adsorption of water on the DNA backbone. We propose a quantitative model that is consistent with previous studies on DNA and other materials, like porous silicon, subjected to different humidity conditions.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) of alamethicin embedded in vesicular membranes from outside, and its change, upon imposing Donnan potentials across the membrane, was measured. The changes in CD suggested a decrease in a helicity and increase in beta structure with the membrane potential positive inside and vice versa when the potential was positive on the outer side of the vesicles from where the alamethicin was inserted into the membrane. The Donnan potential was created by entrapping the polyacrylate (PA-) in the vesicles and changing the salt concentration outside or by adding different concentrations of PA- or polyethyleneimide (PEI+) at the outside of vesicles with 2 x 10(-5) M salt inside. The effect of the potential on the CD spectra and thus the alamethicin conformation is independent on the type of the polyelectrolyte employed for the Donnan potential generation.  相似文献   

Thoss  V.  Shevtsova  A.  Nilsson  M.-C. 《Plant and Soil》2004,265(1-2):355-365
Low soil organic matter content and limited soil water holding are the major natural constraint of dryland cropping on sandy soils in the Quebec boreal regions. We conducted a 3-yr (1994–1996) study in a boreal sandy soil, Ferro-Humic Podzol (Spodosols), to determine the potential of Sphagnum peat for improving soil organic matter (SOM), water holding capacity, bulk density (BD), plant leaf nutrient status, and potato and barley yields. The cropping was a rotation of 2-yr potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Superior) and 1-yr barley (Hordeum vulgare L. Chapais). The treatments consisted of Sphagnum peat at rates of 0, 29, 48, and 68 Mg ha–1 3-yr–1 on a dry weight basis, and granular N-P-K fertilizers (12-7.5-7) at rates of 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 Mg ha–1 yr–1, respectively, arranged in a split-block design. The peat-amended soils were higher in water content (SWC), SOM and total porosity but lower in BD and N than neighboring non-peat soils (P < 0.05). Effects of peat and fertilizer treatments and their interaction were significant on potato leaf N, Ca, Mg, and P, tuber yield, dry weight, harvested N and tuber specific gravity (P < 0.05), depending on year. Potato tuber yield and N increased simultaneously up to 30% (compared to the control), and were significantly correlated with SWC, SOM, BD, and NO3-N (–0.52 r 0.80). In the 3rd year, the linear effect of peat treatments was significant on barley grain yield. In 1995 there was a decline of 4.5–7.3% of SOM of the previous year level. It is suggested that Sphagnum peat at a rate of 48 Mg ha–1 had the potential for improving sandy soil productivity. A longer-term investigation of soil water, N, SOM pool and crop yield changes is necessary to better understand the physical, chemical and biological processes of peat in cropping systems and to maximize the benefits of peat applications.  相似文献   

The findings from our laboratory indicated that pharmacological manipulations of GABA system modified morphine analgesia, tolerance and physical dependence. Elevating brain levels of GABA by slowing its destruction with aminooxyacetic acid not only antagonized the analgesic action of morphine in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice, but also enhanced the development of tolerance and physical dependence. On the other hand, blockade of postsynaptic sites of GABA receptors by bicuculline resulted in an inhibition of tolerance and dependence development. Administration of 2,4-diaminobutyric acid, an inhibitor of GABA uptake in the neurons, antagonized morphine analgesia in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice. However, it did not modify naloxone precipitated withdrawal jumping. On the contrary, β-alanine, an inhibitor of the GABA uptake process in glial cells, potentiated naloxone precipitated withdrawal jumping in morphine dependent mice, but it had no effect on morphine antinociception in both non-tolerant and tolerant mice.  相似文献   

We present data on the ionic strength dependence of the dissociation field effect (2nd Wien effect) of the protolytic reaction of 2,6-dinitrophenol in aqueous solution, monitored through optical absorption changes in high electric fields. The results are in very good agreement with the Onsager-Liu theory. We then investigate the field strength dependence of the acid-alkaline transition, i.e., the hydrolysis reaction of the water coordinated to the heme iron, in metmyoglobin and methemoglobin. The true field effect of the reaction is determined from measurements in buffers which exhibit no field effect. We conclude that negative charges on the protein influence the field effect in methemoglobin but not in metmyoglobin. The Onsager-Liu theory is applied to estimate the number of charges involved.  相似文献   

  • 1 The spatial distributions of two tephritid flies (Urophora stylata (Fabricius) and Terellia serratulae L.) attacking thistle flower heads and the levels of parasitism from their associated parasitoid guilds were studied over a 7-year period.
  • 2 Using these data it is possible to seek both temporal, density dependent relationships between average levels of parasitism and host density per generation, and also any spatial patterns of parasitism contributing to stability that may be operating within the same field system.
  • 3 Parasitism by the two most important generalist parasitoids of T.serratulae is a direct function of average T.serratulae density per year. There is little evidence of any stabilizing heterogeneity arising from the spatial distribution of parasitism within generations.
  • 4 Temporal density dependence of Urophora stylata cannot be confirmed from the 7 years of study but there is evidence of spatial heterogeneity which may have an important effect on the dynamics of the host population.

Here we present time-resolved in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations and real-time manipulation of nematic ordered cellulose and ultradrawn polyethylene films. Drawn films of these two polymers exhibited a unique response to the low-dose electron beam. Electron beam damage was minimal based on retention of an organized electron diffraction pattern. Increased electron dosage appeared to melt the polymer with subsequent movement and attraction toward preferred electron concentrations within the beam. This discovery allowed the preferential, directed manipulation of polymer chain aggregates in two dimensions. These findings provide a basis for a new technique to manipulate and simultaneously observe dynamic assembly at the molecular level of structures using TEM.  相似文献   

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