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Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are the germ stem cells of the seminiferous epithelium in the testis. Through the process of spermatogenesis, they produce sperm while concomitantly keeping their cellular pool constant through self-renewal. SSC biology offers important applications for animal reproduction and overcoming human disease through regenerative therapies. To this end, several techniques involving SSCs have been developed and will be covered in this article. SSCs convey genetic information to the next generation, a property that can be exploited for gene targeting. Additionally, SSCs can be induced to become embryonic stem cell-like pluripotent cells in vitro. Updates on SSC transplantation techniques with related applications, such as fertility restoration and preservation of endangered species, are also covered on this article. SSC suspensions can be transplanted to the testis of an animal and this has given the basis for SSC functional assays. This procedure has proven technically demanding in large animals and men. In parallel, testis tissue xenografting, another transplantation technique, was developed and resulted in sperm production in testis explants grafted into ectopical locations in foreign species. Since SSC culture holds a pivotal role in SSC biotechnologies, current advances are overviewed. Finally, spermatogenesis in vitro, already demonstrated in mice, offers great promises to cope with reproductive issues in the farm animal industry and human clinical applications.  相似文献   

Precise identification of the male germinal stem cell population is important for their practical use in programs dedicated to the integration of exogenous genetic material in testicular tissues. In the present study, our aim was to identify germinal cell populations in the testes of pubertal and adult cockerels based on the detection of the nuclear DNA content by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and on the expression of the Dazl and Stra8 genes in single-cell suspensions of testicular tissues. Cells with a tetraploid DNA content (4c) represent a small and equal fraction of the total germinal cell population in both pubertal and adult males. In contrast, the diploid (2c) and haploid (c) subpopulations differ significantly between ages as a consequence of different degrees of sexual maturation. A specific subpopulation of testicular cells, the side-scatter subpopulation of cells, or side population (SP), was identified at the junction between the haploid and diploid cell populations. The percentage of this cell subpopulation differs significantly in pubertal and adult cockerels, accounting for 4.1% and 1.3% of the total cell population, respectively. These four testicular cell populations were also tested for the expression of Dazl and Stra8 genes known to be expressed in premeiotic cells including stem spermatogonia. Both genes were expressed in SP, whereas the expression of either Dazl or Stra8 genes was detected only in the 4c and in the 2c testicular cell subpopulations, respectively. The correlation between the cell ploidy and Dazl/Stra8 expression was the same at both male ages. We conclude that SP cells might represent a subpopulation of germinal cells enriched in stem spermatogonia, which can be of great importance for transgenesis in chicken.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells, infertility and testicular cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are responsible for the transmission of genetic information from an individual to the next generation. SSCs play critical roles in understanding the basic reproductive biology of gametes and treatments of human infertility. SSCs not only maintain normal spermatogenesis, but also sustain fertility by critically balancing both SSC self-renewal and differentiation. This self-renewal and differentiation in turn is tightly regulated by a combination of intrinsic gene expression within the SSC as well as the extrinsic gene signals from the niche. Increased SSCs self-renewal at the expense of differentiation result in germ cell tumours, on the other hand, higher differentiation at the expense of self-renewal can result in male sterility. Testicular germ cell cancers are the most frequent cancers among young men in industrialized countries. However, understanding the pathogenesis of testis cancer has been difficult because it is formed during foetal development. Recent studies suggest that SSCs can be reprogrammed to become embryonic stem (ES)-like cells to acquire pluripotency. In the present review, we summarize the recent developments in SSCs biology and role of SSC in testicular cancer. We believe that studying the biology of SSCs will not only provide better understanding of stem cell regulation in the testis, but eventually will also be a novel target for male infertility and testicular cancers.  相似文献   

精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)是维持精子发生的一类干细胞,由于与人亲缘关系的相近性,使得开展非人灵长类动物SSCs研究具有重要的理论意义和比较医学价值。本文综述了非人灵长类动物SSCs的生物学特性、鉴定方法、冷冻保存、移植及生精细胞缺失模型建立等方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

摘要 目的 以小鼠睾丸支持细胞(Sertoli)为饲养层,小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞(STO) 饲养层做对照,研究它对小鼠精原干细胞增殖的影响。方法 用无血清StemPro-34 SFM培养基培养2~5日龄小鼠精原干细胞,分别用相差显微镜观察,免疫组化法研究Sertoli饲养层对精原干细胞生物学行为的影响。结果 发现精原干细胞在Sertoli及STO两种饲养层上的一周内的生物学行为非常相似,但培养1周后,Sertoli细胞作饲养层的培养体系中保留的精原干细胞要比对照组明显增多,约有30%的精原干细胞能存活下来并能维持存活到60d以上。结论 Sertoli细胞作饲养层明显促进精原干细胞的更新增殖。  相似文献   

精原干细胞是动物体内的一种成体干细胞,在睾丸微环境中可以像胚胎干细胞一样具有增殖、分化潜能。近年来借助于各种细胞学技术,人们对精原干细胞在不同睾丸微环境中的分化和发育状况进行了深入研究,睾丸内不同种类细胞间的相互作用以及特定微环境对干细胞转分化的影响,已成为本领域的热点核心内容。将从精原干细胞生命历程的角度讨论该过程中所取得的研究成果和存在的问题。  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) reside in undifferentiated type-A spermatogonia and contribute to continuous spermatogenesis by maintaining the balance between self-renewal and differentiation, thereby meeting the biological demand in the testis. Spermatogonia have to date been characterized principally through their morphology, but we herein report the detailed characterization of undifferentiated spermatogonia in mouse testes based on their gene expression profiles in combination with topological features. The detection of the germ cell-specific proteins Nanos2 and Nanos3 as markers of spermatogonia has enabled the clear dissection of complex populations of these cells as Nanos2 was recently shown to be involved in the maintenance of stem cells. Nanos2 is found to be almost exclusively expressed in As to Apr cells, whereas Nanos3 is detectable in most undifferentiated spermatogonia (As to Aal) and differentiating A1 spermatogonia. In our present study, we find that As and Apr can be basically classified into three categories: (1) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3Ngn3, (2) GFRα1+Nanos2+Nanos3+Ngn3, and (3) GFRα1Nanos2 ± Nanos3+Ngn3+. We propose that the first of these groups is most likely to include the stem cell population and that Nanos3 may function in transit amplifying cells.  相似文献   

精原干细胞是精子发生的前提和基础,精原干细胞的存在为男性保存和恢复生育能力提供了可能.精原干细胞和睾丸组织移植技术已经被用来研究生精细胞的增殖与分化,这项技术对恢复无精子症或睾丸肿瘤患者的生育能力等有着重要的应用前景.综述了睾丸组织块和精原干细胞的移植技术的发展、现状及在医学领域的应用前景.  相似文献   

精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)具有高度的自我更新能力和分化潜能。精原干细胞移植技术作为精原干细胞研究的重要手段,已成为一种新兴的动物繁殖技术,能够提高雄性动物的生殖能力。该技术是从适龄雄性供体动物中采集精原干细胞,注射入受体动物的生精小管中使其产生精子。通过对精原干细胞的体外培养、遗传修饰及移植等操作,可以为探讨精子的发生机制、重建不育个体的精子发生、生产转基因动物提供新的途径;同时为提高优良品种家畜的生产效率、保护野生动物资源及不育症的治疗提供了一种新的方法;在医学、生物学及动物科学方面有着广泛地应用。通过对培养体系的不断完善,筛选、移植方法的不断改进,可获得更高的移植成功率。本文将从利用精原干细胞法生产转基因动物的优势,精原干细胞的形态特性和增殖分化特性,精原干细胞的移植技术和影响移植效率的关键因素,精原干细胞的体外培养,以及相关操作技术的应用与前景展望等方面做一概述。  相似文献   

精原干细胞移植为研究精子发生、雄性生殖能力及新型转基因技术奠定了基础.尽管已利用小鼠建立了较成熟的移植技术体系,白消安受体制备法和曲细精管及睾丸网移植法已得到广泛应用,但白消安可导致动物较高的死亡率,局部射线照射和无内源性精子发生受体动物的制备费用较昂贵,热处理受体制备法应用范围较窄且效果不稳定;三种移植方法均对操作有较高的技术要求,曲细精管、睾丸输出管移植需要显微注射装置,而睾丸网移植需要超声仪的辅助.而且,移植效果在不同实验间、物种间差异较大,移植效率有待提高,对移植排斥反应的认识也有待进一步深入.对睾丸结构和精原干细胞生物学特性的深入研究,将有助于建立更简单高效的受体制备和移植的方法.  相似文献   

For the reason that adult Sertoli cell specific connexin 43 knockout (SCCx43KO) mice show arrested spermatogenesis at spermatogonial level or Sertoli cell only tubules and significantly reduced germ cell (GC) numbers, the aims of the present study were (1) to characterize the remaining GC population and (2) to elucidate possible mechanisms of their fading. Apoptosis was analyzed in both, KO and wild type (WT) male littermates during postnatal development and in adulthood using TUNEL. Although GC numbers were significantly reduced in KO at 2 and 8 days postpartum (dpp) when compared to WT, no differences were found concerning apoptotic incidence between genotypes. From 10 dpp, the substantial GC deficiency became more obvious. However, significantly higher apoptotic GC numbers were seen in WT during this period, possibly related to the first wave of spermatogenesis, a known phenomenon in normal pubertal testes associated with increased apoptosis. Characterization of residual spermatogonia in postnatal to adult KO and WT mice was performed by immunohistochemical reaction against VASA (marker of GCs in general), Lin28 and Fox01 (markers for undifferentiated spermatogonia) and Stra8 (marker for differentiating spermatogonia and early spermatocytes). During puberty, the GC component in SCCx43KO mice consisted likely of undifferentiated spermatogonia, few differentiating spermatogonia and very few early spermatocytes, which seemed to be rapidly cleared by apoptosis. In adult KOs, spermatogenesis was arrested at the level of undifferentiated spermatogonia. Overall, our data indicate that Cx43 gap junctions in SCs influence male GC development and differentiation rather than their survival.  相似文献   

目的 通过对4周龄昆明白小鼠腹腔内单次注射白消安来制作精原干细胞移植受体鼠模型。方法 将实验动物分为4组,A、B、C组注射白消安的剂量分别是30 mg/kg4、0 mg/kg5、0 mg/kg体重,D组为对照组。注射后每天记录小鼠的存活情况,注射白消安后的20 d3、0 d4、0 d称量睾丸重量、测定血常规、制作并观察睾丸组织学切片、统计曲细精管的中空率。结果 A、B、C、D组的死亡率分别是25.00%3、1.58%、80.00%、0.00%,注射白消安后30 d各组小鼠曲细精管中空率分别是45.25%、75.25%、1.50%、0.00%,白细胞、红细胞、血小板数量等血常规指标均恢复正常。结论 腹腔内单次注射30 mg/kg或40 mg/kg剂量的白消安,死亡率较低(25.00%、31.58%),30 d后曲细精管中空率较高(45.25%7、5.25%)、血常规指标恢复正常,适合做精原干细胞移植受体。  相似文献   

In whole mounts of seminiferous tubules of C3H/101 F1 hybrid mice, spermatogonia were counted in various stages of the epithelial cycle. Furthermore, the total number of Sertoli cells per testis was estimated using the disector method. Subsequently, estimates were made of the total numbers of the different spermatogonial cell populations per testis.

The results of the cell counts indicate that the undifferentiated spermatogonia are actively proliferating from stage XI until stage IV. Three divisions of the undifferentiated spermatogonia are needed to obtain the number of A1 plus undifferentiated spermatogonia produced each epithelial cycle. Around stage VIII almost two-thirds of the Apr and all of the Aal spermatogonia differentiate into A1 spermatogonia. It was estimated that there are 2.5 × 106 differentiating spermatogonia and 3.3 × 105 undifferentiated spermatogonia per testis. There are about 35,000 stem cells per testis, constituting about 0.03% of all germ cells in the testis. It is concluded that the undifferentiated spermatogonia, including the stem cells, actively proliferate during about 50% of the epithelial cycle.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are essential for long-term spermatogenesis and are the subject of considerable clinical interest, as ‘SSC therapy’ has the potential to cure some forms of male infertility. Recently, we have learned more about SSCs and spermatogenesis in general from a plethora of studies that performed single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) analysis on dissociated cells from human, macaque, and/or mice testes. Here, we discuss what scRNAseq analysis has revealed about SSC precursor cells, the initial generation of SSCs during perinatal development, and their heterogeneity once established. scRNAseq studies have also uncovered unexpected heterogeneity of the larger class of cells that includes SSCs — undifferentiated spermatogonia. This raises the controversial possibility that multiple SSC subsets exist, which has implications for mechanisms underlying spermatogenesis and future SSC therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor,GDNF)是TGF-β超家族的一个相关成员。哺乳动物睾丸曲细精管内支持细胞分泌的GDNF,能促进精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)的自我更新与增殖。SSCs去分化诱导产生的多能干细胞已被广泛应用于再生医学领域,且SSCs在制作转基因动物、男性不育治疗和体外实施精子发生过程等方面,具有极大的应用价值。所以,GDNF引发SSCs自我更新的作用机理非常值得探索。通过对GDNF引发SSCs自我更新的信号通路进行系统梳理,我们发现了如下的作用过程:GDNF与GFR-α1特异性结合,活化Ret蛋白酪氨酸激酶,随后激活Ras/ERK1/2、PI3K-Akt和SFK信号通路,促进SSCs的自我更新;同时,在该过程中还存在信号通路间的交联对话现象。  相似文献   

In vitro differentiation of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) promotes the understanding of the mechanism of spermatogenesis. The purpose of this study was to isolate spermatogonial stem cell-like cells from murine testicular tissue, which then were induced into haploid germ cells by retinoic acid (RA). The spermatogonial stem cell-like cells were purified and enriched by a two-step plating method based on different adherence velocities of SSCs and somatic cells. Cell colonies were present after culture in M1-medium for 3 days. Through alkaline phosphatase, RT-PCR and indirect immunofluorescence cell analysis, cell colonies were shown to be SSCs. Subsequently, cell colonies of SSCs were cultured in M2-medium containing RA for 2 days. Then the cell colonies of SSCs were again cultured in M1-medium for 6–8 days, RT-PCR and indirect immunofluorescence cell analysis were chosen to detect haploid male germ cells. It could be demonstrated that 10−7 mol l−1 of RA effectively induced the SSCs into haploid male germ cells in vitro.  相似文献   



Adenovirus (ADV) reactivation can cause significant morbidity and mortality in children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Antiviral drugs can control viremia, but viral clearance requires recovery of cell-mediated immunity.


This study was an open-label phase 1/2 study to investigate the feasibility of generating donor-derived ADV-specific T cells (Cytovir ADV, Cell Medica) and to assess the safety of pre-emptive administration of ADV-specific T cells in high-risk pediatric patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) to treat adenoviremia. Primary safety endpoints included graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), and secondary endpoints determined antiviral responses and use of antiviral drugs.


Between January 2013 and May 2016, 92 donors were enrolled for the production of ADV T cells at three centers in the United Kingdom (UK), and 83 products were generated from 72 mobilized peripheral blood harvests and 20 steady-state whole blood donations. Eight children received Cytovir ADV T cells after standard therapy and all resolved ADV viremia between 15 and 127 days later. ADV-specific T cells were detectable using enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISpot) in the peripheral blood of all patients analyzed. Serious adverse events included Grade II GvHD, Astrovirus encephalitis and pancreatitis.


The study demonstrates the safety and feasibility of pre-emptively manufacturing peptide pulsed ADV-specific cells for high-risk pediatric patients after transplantation and provides early evidence of clinical efficacy.  相似文献   

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