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Autosomal dominant brachydactyly type B (BDB) is characterized by nail aplasia with rudimentary or absent distal and middle phalanges. We describe two unrelated families with BDB. One family is English; the other family is Canadian but of English ancestry. We assigned the BDB locus in the Canadian family to an 18-cM interval on 9q, using linkage analysis (LOD score 3.5 at recombination fraction [theta] 0, for marker D9S938). Markers across this interval also cosegregated with the BDB phenotype in the English family (LOD score 2.1 at straight theta=0, for marker D9S277). Within this defined interval is a smaller (7.5-cM) region that contains 10 contiguous markers whose disease-associated haplotype is shared by the two families. This latter result suggests a common founder among families of English descent that are affected with BDB.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the timing of twinning, we have examined a closely related event, X-chromosome inactivation, in female MZ twin pairs. X-inactivation patterns in peripheral blood and buccal mucosa were compared between monochorionic MZ (MC-MZ) and dichorionic MZ (DC-MZ) twins. Overall, the MC-MZ twins displayed highly similar X-inactivation patterns, whereas DC-MZ twins frequently differed in their X-inactivation patterns, when both tissues were tested. Previous experimental data suggest that commitment to X inactivation occurs when there are 10-20 cells in the embryo. Simulation of embryo splitting after commitment to X inactivation suggests that MC-MZ twinning occurs three or four rounds of replication after X inactivation, whereas a DC-MZ twinning event occurs earlier, before or around the time of X inactivation. Finally, the overall degree of skewing in the MZ twins was not significantly different from that observed in singletons. This indicates that X inactivation does not play a direct role in the twinning process, and it further suggests that extreme unequal splitting is not a common mechanism of twin formation.  相似文献   

Although the process of X inactivation in mammalian cells silences the majority of genes on the inactivated X chromosome, some genes escape this chromosome-wide silencing. Genes that escape X inactivation present a unique opportunity to study the process of silencing and the mechanisms that protect some genes from being turned off. In this review, we will discuss evolutionary aspects of escape from X inactivation, in relation to the divergence of the sex chromosomes. Molecular characteristics, expression, and epigenetic modifications of genes that escape will be presented, including their developmental regulation and the implications of chromatin domains along the X chromosome in modeling the escape process.  相似文献   

The X factor: skewing X inactivation towards cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medema RH  Burgering BM 《Cell》2007,129(7):1253-1254

Impressive advances have been made recently in our understanding of the molecular basis of the cell-autonomous circadian feedback loop; however, much less is known about the overall organization of the circadian systems. How many clocks tick in a multicellular animal, such as an insect, and what are their roles and the relationships between them? Most attempts to locate clock-containing tissues were based on the analysis of behavioural rhythms and identified brain-located timing centres in a variety of animals. Characterization of several essential clock genes and analysis of their expression patterns revealed that molecular components of the clock are active not only in the brain, but also in many peripheral organs of Drosophila and other insects as well as in vertebrates. Subsequent experiments have shown that isolated peripheral organs can maintain self-sustained and light sensitive cycling of clock genes in vitro. This, together with earlier demonstrations that physiological output rhythms persist in isolated organs and tissues, provide strong evidence for the existence of functionally autonomous local circadian clocks in insects and other animals. Circadian systems in complex animals may include many peripheral clocks with tissue-specific functions and a varying degree of autonomy, which seems to be correlated with their sensitivity to external entraining signals.  相似文献   

To achieve a balanced gene expression dosage between males (XY) and females (XX), mammals have evolved a compensatory mechanism to randomly inactivate one of the female X chromosomes. Despite this chromosome-wide silencing, a number of genes escape X inactivation: in women about 15% of X-linked genes are bi-allelically expressed and in mice, about 3%. Expression from the inactive X allele varies from a few percent of that from the active allele to near equal expression. While most genes have a stable inactivation pattern, a subset of genes exhibit tissue-specific differences in escape from X inactivation. Escape genes appear to be protected from the repressive chromatin modifications associated with X inactivation. Differences in the identity and distribution of escape genes between species and tissues suggest a role for these genes in the evolution of sex differences in specific phenotypes. The higher expression of escape genes in females than in males implies that they may have female-specific roles and may be responsible for some of the phenotypes observed in X aneuploidy.  相似文献   

The fragile X mental retardation syndrome is caused by large methylated expansions of a CGG repeat in the FMR1 gene leading to the loss of expression of FMRP, an RNA-binding protein. FMRP is proposed to act as a regulator of mRNA transport or translation that plays a role in synaptic maturation and function. To study the physiological function of the FMR1 protein, mouse and Drosophila models have been developed. The loss-of-function mouse model shows slightly enlarged testes, a subtle behavioral phenotype, and discrete anomalies of dendrite spines similar to those observed in brains of patients. Studies in Drosophila indicate that FXMR plays an important role in synaptogenesis and axonal arborization, which may underlie the observed deficits in flight ability and circadian behavior of FXR mutant flies. The relevance of these studies to our understanding of fragile X syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding fragile X syndrome: insights from retarded flies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gao FB 《Neuron》2002,34(6):859-862
Fragile X syndrome, the most common form of inherited mental retardation, is caused by loss-of-function mutations in the fragile X mental retardation 1 (fmr1) gene. FMR1 is an RNA binding protein that is highly expressed in neurons of the central nervous system. Recent studies in Drosophila indicate that FMR1 plays an important role in synaptogenesis and axonal arborization, which may underlie the observed deficits in flight ability and circadian behavior of fmr1 mutant flies. The relevance of these studies to our understanding of fragile X syndrome is discussed.  相似文献   

The process of mammalian X chromosome inactivation results in the inactivation of most, but not all, genes along one or the other of the two X chromosomes in females. On the human X chromosome, several genes have been described that "escape" inactivation and continue to be expressed from both homologues. All such previously mapped genes are located in the distal third of the short arm of the X chromosome, giving rise to the hypothesis of a region of the chromosome that remains noninactivated during development. The A1S9T gene, an X-linked locus that complements a mouse temperature-sensitive defect in DNA synthesis, escapes inactivation and has now been localized, in human-mouse somatic cell hybrids, to the proximal short arm, in Xp11.1 to Xp11.3. Thus, A1S9T lies in a region of the chromosome that is separate from the other genes known to escape inactivation and is located between other genes known to be subject to X inactivation. This finding both rules out models based on a single chromosomal region that escapes inactivation and suggests that X inactivation proceeds by a mechanism that allows considerable autonomy between different genes or regions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

The pattern of X chromosome inactivation in X autosome translocation carries in a herd of Limousin-Jersey crossbred cattle was studied using the reverse banding technique consisting of 5-bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and acridine orange staining and autoradiography on cultures of solid tissues and blood samples exposed to tritiated thymidine. The late-replicating X chromosome was noted to be the normal X in strikingly high proportions of cells in cultures of different tissues from all translocation carriers. It is suggested that the predominance of cells in which the normal X is inactivated may be the result of a post-inactivation selection process. Such a selection process during the prenatal life favouring cells in which the genes of the normal X chromosome remain unexpressed in translocation carrier females may be the mechanism that helps these conceptuses escape the adverse effects of functional aneuploidy. Based on the observation that the translocation carriers of this line of cattle are exclusively females and that there is a higher than expected rate of pregnancy loss, it is also postulated that the altered X chromosome may be lethal to all male conceptuses and to some of their female counterparts.  相似文献   

The silent X chromosome in mammalian females is a classic example of facultative heterochromatin, the term highlighting the compacted and inactive nature of the chromosome. However, it is now clear that the heterochromatin of the inactive X is not homogeneous--as indeed, not all genes on the inactive X are silenced. We summarize known features and events of X inactivation in different mouse and human model systems, and highlight the heterogeneity of chromatin along the inactive X. Characterizing this heterogeneity is likely to provide insight into the cis-acting sequences involved in X chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

A subset of X-linked genes escapes silencing by X inactivation and is expressed from both X chromosomes in mammalian females. Species-specific differences in the identity of these genes have recently been discovered, suggesting a role in the evolution of sex differences. Chromatin analyses have aimed to discover how genes remain expressed within a repressive environment.  相似文献   

The mammalian family X DNA polymerases (DNA polymerases beta, lambda, mu, and TdT) contribute to base excision repair and double-strand break repair by virtue of their ability to fill short gaps in DNA. Structural information now exists for all four of these enzymes, making this the first mammalian polymerase family whose structural portrait is complete. Here we consider how distinctive structural features of these enzymes contribute to their biological functions in vivo.  相似文献   

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