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A short transient rise of cyclic AMP is observed within 1 minute after primary stimulation of neutrophils with chemotactic serum peptides containing classical anaphylatoxin (CAT). A second administration of these peptides after two minutes failed to produce a second peak of cAMP. Human serum albumin (HSA) which has chemokinetic but no chemotactic activities did not change cAMP levels. There was no significant change in cGMP levels within 1 minute following stimulation of rabbit neutrophils with chemotactic peptides or HSA.  相似文献   

Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH)-primed lymph node cell (LNC) populations were incubated with various amounts of KLH and the cellular incorporation of tritiated thymidine ([3H]TdR) or tritiated N6, O2′ dibutyryl cyclic AMP ([3H]DbcAMP) was determined. T LNC responded more vigorously than did complement receptor lymphocytes (CRL), i.e., B cells, at all KLH concentrations, during all time intervals examined, and in the presence or absence of normal rabbit serum (NRS). The depletion of adherent cells from KLH-primed LNC resulted in no significant decrease in KLH-induced incorporation of either [3H]TdR or [3H]DbcAMP in any of the LNC populations. Thus it appeared that variation among LNC populations in the incidence of macrophages did not account for the marked variation in their responses. Cultures containing equal numbers of T and CRL were induced to incorporate more [3H]TdR or [3H]DbcAMP than either population cultured separately or the sum of their individual responses. It was concluded that KLH-induced incorporation of these substances into primed, isolated LNC, was primarily manifested in the T-cell population. The synergism seen in cultures containing mixtures of T and CRL suggested that B cells are induced to incorporate [3H]TdR or [3H]DbcAMP in the presence of antigen and T-cell product(s). KLH-induced incorporation of [3H]TdR into KLH-primed LNC was inhibited by cholera enterotoxin (CT) and DbcAMP as previously reported. However, CT or DbcAMP inhibited this incorporation into T LNC to a greater extent than into CRL or unfractionated LNC.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of cholera toxin on the constrictor responses of the isolated, perfused rabbit ear artery to nerve stimulation and to norepinephrine infusion. We found that when we perfussed arteries with cholera toxin (1–9 μg/ml) for five minutes or longer, the toxin gradually inhibited the responses to intermittent stimulation of the adrenergic nerves and to brief infusion of norepinephrine. The constrictor responses began to decrease between one and two hours after we added cholera toxin, and the responses were still depressed after 24 hours. Cholera toxin inhibited both the rapid, initial phase and the slower, sustained phase of the biphasic response of the ear artery to nerve stimulation. Propranolol and indomethacin did not block the effect of cholera toxin on vasoconstriction. However, when we mixed the toxin with antitoxin or GM1 ganglioside, we prevented the inhibitory effect on vasoconstriction. Levels of adenosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) in arteries treated with cholera toxin were greater than levels of cyclic AMP in untreated arteries. The cyclic AMP content increased and the constrictor responses decreased with a similar time course after the arteries were exposed to the toxin. Thus an increase in cyclic AMP may be involved in the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle induced by cholera toxin.  相似文献   

Administration of prednisolone and cholate to rats elevated levels of cAMP (adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate) by 1.5- to 2.0-fold. Compounds such as prednisolone, hydrocortisone, cholate, and deoxycholate were found to be potent inhibitors of partially purified cAMP phosphodiesterase prepared from rat liver. Kinetic analysis showed that the prednisolone inhibition was noncompetitive with a Ki of 8.9 x 10(-4) M. These results suggest that in addition to increasing DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity in vivo, a large application of glucocorticoid may incur elevation of intracellular cAMP levels.  相似文献   

It was found in isolated rat uterus that 5 × 10?4 N theophylline inhibited spontaneous contractions which were restituted by increasing extracellular calcium 4-fold. Tissue level of cyclic 3′, 5′ AMP was not affected. On the other hand, 10?2 M theophylline elevated cyclic 3′, 5′ AMP by 170 % for at least 60 minutes. The concomitant inhibition of spontaneous uterine motility could neither be restituted by increasing calcium up to 40-fold nor by washing. It was suggested that cyclic 3′, 5′ AMP was involved in theophylline-induced uterine relaxation when the drug was administrated in high amounts able to inhibit phosphodiesterase. Small doses of theophylline (5 × 10?4 M) were supposed to initiate relaxing effects by a calcium-antagonistic intrinsic activity.  相似文献   

Erythropoiesis, as measured by the uptake of 59Fe into plethoric mice, is stimulated by adenosine, AMP, cyclic AMP, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, but not by cytidine, its nucleotides or cyclic GMP. This stimulation is erythropoietin dependent, because it is prevented by anti-erythropoietin. Theophylline neither stimulates erythropoiesis nor potentiates the action of erythropoietin on bone marrow cells in plethoric mice. Theophylline does potentiate the production of erythropoietin in rats following a frief hypoxic exposure but does not cause a similar increase in mice.  相似文献   

The effects of indomethacin on intestine mucosal cAMP, intestinal fluid secretion, and mucosal and fluid PGE were studied in rabbits in vivo following challenge with cholera toxin. Indomethacin had no effect on cholera toxin-induced fluid secretion or cAMP accumulation. Inhibition of PGE synthesis was achieved by the administration of two but not one injection of indomethacin. These studies provide evidence against a role for PGE in mediating cholera toxin-induced secretion and point out the need to measure prostaglandin levels when using prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Prostaglandins (E1, E2 and F2) stimulated the chloride transport of the frog corneal epithelium with maximal effects at 10–5 m in the aqueus side. This stimulation does not occur in Cl-free solutions and the net36Cl flux increased proportionally to the short-circuit current. Polyphloretin phosphate (PPP) and diphloretin phosphate (DPP) inhibited the response if added within 3 min before PGE1. The maximal response to epinephrine 10–5 m and dibutyryl cyclic AMP 10–3 m was not changed by further addition of prostaglandins, but these drugs produced their full effect when administered at the peak of the response of prostaglandins. The maximal response to theophylline 10–5 m was increased by PGE1. PPP and DPP did not modify the response to epinephrine. Prostaglandin stimulation of the chloride transport was accompanied by increased light transmission through partially opaque corneas. The known release of prostaglandins in the aqueous humor can be associated to a direct action on the corneal epithelium manifested in the activation described herein.  相似文献   

The effects of indomethacin on intestine mucosal cAMP, intestinal fluid secretion, and mucosal and fluid PGE were studied in rabbits in vivo following challenge with cholera toxin. Indomethacin had no effect on cholera toxin-induced fluid secretion or cAMP accumulation. Inhibition of PGE synthesis was achieved by the administration of two but not one injection of indomethacin. These studies provide evidence against a role for PGE in mediating cholera toxin-induced secretion and point out the need to measure prostaglandin levels when using prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors in vivo.  相似文献   

Human astrocytoma cells (EH118MG) respond to catecholamines and prostaglandins with a marked increase in the rate of formation of cyclic AMP. Treatment of EH118MG cells with cholera toxin (10 to 100 ng/ml) for 45 to 60 min caused an increase in cellular cyclic AMP content (5- to 10-fold over basal). Cholera toxin also decreased the K0.5 for isoproterenol 10- to 50-fold and decreased the K0.5 for prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)30- to 100-fold, while increasing the maximal response to PGE1 by 1.5- to 3-fold. Treatment with cholera toxin did not change the K1 values for beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists such as propranolol, alprenolol, and sotalol. Direct binding studies using [125I]iodohydroxybenzylpindolol indicated no significant changes in the number of beta-receptors or in the kinetics of the interaction of the radioligand with receptors after treatment of cells with the toxin. Competition binding studies with propranolol and sotalol revealed no toxin-induced change in Kd values for these antagonists. Treatment with cholera toxin caused only small decreases (2- to 3-fold) in the Kd values for binding of isoproterenol and norepinephrine. It is concluded that cholera toxin has little direct effect on the binding of agonists or antagonists to beta-receptors, but instead increases the efficiency of coupling of receptor and catalytic moieties of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The present study represents a first step in investigating the possible involvement of cyclic AMP in the stimulation of somite chondrogenesis elicited by extracellular matrix components produced by the embryonic notochord. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (db-cAMP) at 1.0 mM severely impairs “spontaneous” somite chondrogenesis, i.e., inhibits the formation of the small amount of cartilaginous matrix normally formed by embryonic somites in vitro in the absence of inducing tissues. This inhibition of cartilaginous matrix formation is reflected in a 30–40% reduction in sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) accumulation. 8-Bromo-cyclic AMP also severely inhibits cartilage formation and sulfated GAG accumulation by somite explants. This impairment is limited to cyclic AMP derivatives; dibutyryl cyclic GMP, 5′-AMP, and 2′,3′-AMP have no effect. The inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP derivatives is mimicked by the cyclic AMP-phosphodiesterase inhibitor, theophylline, and potentiated by the addition of both db-cAMP and theophylline. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP and/or theophylline also inhibit the stimulation of cartilaginous matrix formation and sulfated GAG accumulation normally elicited by the embryonic notochord, reducing accumulation to a level similar to that found in somite explants without notochord. The inhibition of chondrogenesis by cyclic AMP in notochord-somite explants appears to result from an inability of somites to respond and not from an effect on the inductive capacity of the notochord, since db-cAMP has no detectable effect on the synthesis of molecules (sulfated GAG and collagen) by the notochord that have been implicated in its inductive activity. Finally, db-cAMP and/or theophylline inhibit the stimulation of somite chondrogenesis normally elicited by purified Type I collagen substrates. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline reduce sulfated GAG accumulation by somites cultured on collagen to a level even below that accumulated by somites cultured in the absence of collagen, i.e., on Millipore filters.  相似文献   

In dispersed acini from rat pancreas, cholera toxin caused a significant increase in cellular cyclic AMP but little or no change in amylase secretion. The presence of a secretagogue that causes mobilization of cellular calcium (e.g., cholecystokinin, carbamylcholine, bombesin or ionophore A23187) caused a substantial increase in the effect of cholera toxin on enzyme secretion. Cholera toxin did not alter calcium transport or the changes in calcium transport caused by other secretagogues, and secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium did not alter cellular cyclic AMP or the increase in cyclic AMP caused by cholera toxin. These results indicate that in dispersed acini from rat pancreas there is post-receptor modulation of the action of cholera toxin by secretagogues that mobilize cellular calcium and that this modulation is a major determinant of the effect of the toxin on enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase inhibitor heparin cofactor II (HC) can be cleaved by polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) elastase (LE) to yield potent chemotactic activity for PMN and monocytes. In contrast to the bacterially-derived chemotaxin formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP), the HC-derived chemotaxin does not stimulate PMN degranulation or oxidative burst activity. We compared the effects of HC-derived chemotaxins to the effects of fMLP on PMN actin conformation and on the cAMP levels. Both the HC chemotaxins and fMLP rapidly induced an increase in F-actin which was similar in magnitude and time-course. However, in contrast to fMLP, HC-derived chemotaxins did not elevate cAMP levels. HC-derived chemotaxins may be useful probes of chemotactic responses, since they do not have the mixed biological activities of fMLP.  相似文献   

A short review of the role of cyclic nucleotides and prostaglandins (PGs) in normal and pathological functions of the heart is given. Possible interrelationships of these two regulatory systems have been studied by using spontaneously beating rat atria preparations. Addition of noradrenaline (NA) to the incubate (1 . 10(-6) M) caused an increase in amplitude and frequency which was preceded and parallelled by an elevation of the tissue cAMP level. A transient increase in cGMP and PGE values was also seen. Propranolol (5 . 10(-6) M) abolished the increase in amplitude and frequency as well as in cAMP and PGE concentrations. Indomethacin (1 . 10(-5) M) inhibited the formation of PGE. The increase in cGMP was blocked by phenoxybenzamine. Interchange between beta- and alpha-receptors according as the temperature is lowered has been described earlier. Hypothermia (20 degrees C) had a positive inotropic effect on the atria and increased the tissue cAMP concentration. Loading of the atria caused an increase in cAMP without any effects on cGMP or PGs. Slight hypoxia did not change the cAMP or PG levels, but elevated the cGMP values. Arrhythmias induced by hypo- or hyperpotassemia did not modify the biochemical parameters measured. PGF2alpha (1. 10(-5) M) normalized the atrial rhythm and increased the amplitude without changing cyclic nucleotide or PG levels. PGE1 (1 . 10(-4) M) increased the amplitude of normorhythmic atria and the tissue concentration of cAMP. PGE2 was the only PG tested which stimulated the heart adenylate cyclase in vitro. There seems to be close but complicated relationships between cyclic nucleotides and PGs in the heart.  相似文献   

Histamine at concentrations of 1 x 10(-5) M to 5 x 10(-5) M consistently increased neutrophil movement as measured in Boyden chambers. This effect was entirely caused by stimulation of chemokinesis (stimulated random migration) and true chemotaxis was inhibited by these concentrations. This inhibition of chemotaxis could be abolished by pretreatment with metiamide, an H-2 receptor antagonist, and levamisole, but not by diphenylhydramine, an H-1 receptor antagonist. Metiamide at similar concentrations produced a mild stimulation of chemokinesis but has no effect on true chemotaxis. The histamine effects on neutrophil motility were associated with increased levels of intracellular cAMP wehreas cAMP levels were unaffected. Agents known to elevate intracellular cAMP levels produced effects on neutrophil motility similar to those of histamine. It is suggested that histamine exerts a 2-fold effect on neutrophil motility mediated via an H-2 receptor site and associated with elevated levels of cAMP.  相似文献   

The preincubation of rabbit neutrophils with the chemotactic factor F-Met-Leu-Phe and the subsequent addition of cytochalasin B has previously been shown to induce a time, concentration and calcium dependent loss of secretory responsiveness in neutrophils. This has been termed desensitization. The results reported here first confirm that lysosomal enzyme release from neutrophils will still occur in the absence of extracellular calcium. In addition, a time dependent decrease in the magnitude of the cytochalasin B induced influxes of 45Ca and 22Na was found upon preincubation with F-Met-Leu-Phe. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+, this decrease in ionic responsiveness reaches a maximum by five minutes preincubation with F-Met-Leu-Phe. In the absence of added extracellular Ca2+ an initial and rapid (less than 1 minute) loss of ionic responsiveness is followed by partial recovery as the length of the preincubation with the chemotactic factor is increased from one to five minutes. These changes in ionic responses correspond exactly to the changes in secretory behavior of the neutrophils. Desensitization can thus be explained on the same ionic basis as that underlying the secretory response of the neutrophils. In addition, these results provide information about the sequence of events involved in the cytochalasin B and chemotactic factor induced release of lysosomal enzymes in neutrophils.  相似文献   

The effects of several glucocorticosteroids on cyclic GMP accumulation, guanylate cyclase activity, calcium influx, lysosomal enzyme secretion, and phagocytosis were studied in human neutrophils. Contact between neutrophils and serum-treated zymosan particles, in the presence of calcium at pH 7.4, triggered these cellular events within five minutes. Each of these neutrophil functions was markedly inhibited by methylprednisolone sodium succinate, triamcinolone acetonide hemisuccinate and paramethasone acetate but was unaffected by two mineralo-corticosteroids. Human neutrophil soluble guanylate cyclase activity was not changed by the glucocorticoids. Inhibition of phagocytosis by, and lysosomal enzyme secretion from, neutrophils by glucocorticosteroids may be the result of a reduction in cyclic GMP accumulation within these cells. The data suggest that glucocorticosteroids inhibit cyclic GMP accumulation in neutrophils by reducing the influx of extracellular calcium into the cells, thereby limiting the availability of intracellular calcium for metabolic processes associated with the accumulation of cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

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